Forums / In game politics / Gladiators Recruiting Era 47

Gladiators Recruiting Era 47
13:22:56 May 5th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Gladiators reunited again for a great next era under a new sexy flag.


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 3
Created: 5/3/2010 11:40:41 PM
Leader: Mr. Heimdall


We are still accepting new members.

Team-work, discipline, diplomacy and war strategies are the key points that make us a strong KD.

You can be a Gladiator if you have honor, experience (minimum 2 eras) and you are willing to listen and learn.

Interested players complete the following information

1. Why do you want to be a Gladiator;
2. What experience do you have;
3. What race you play best, and what race you planning to play this era;
4. What KD did you play last 3 eras?
5. Have you ever moved from one KD to another before the era finished / If Yes, then why?

For Diplomacy related issues, please contact Mr. Heimdall


14:09:26 May 5th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

Very sexy kingdom indeed! i wish I wasn't already in it so I can join it!

16:14:01 May 5th 10 - Sir Some Fcked Dude:


14:24:34 May 7th 10 - Lady Boy:

this banner is best

15:38:33 May 7th 10 - Mr. Skull:

Goodluck on your Recruitment

16:32:43 May 7th 10 - Mr. Doomhammer:

Bump for Gladiators :)

03:33:28 May 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

A little hard to see on the map... :/  And gl Glad!

03:39:12 May 8th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

That doesnt really matter Arthur, what does is how good it looks when we click on our cities or how scared the enemy gets when they see the image on our armies that are heading for their core : D

03:41:10 May 8th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Haha, well you can do it any way you like.  I do love the picture.  Still ours is the best ;)

05:49:20 May 8th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

thanks for good wishes people!!

15:21:59 May 8th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

Yeah, BoWs banner is prob one of the best in VU history! 

And yeah. Join the Gladiators everybody! We rock!

17:39:21 May 8th 10 - Sir Raistlin Darkmagi:

i would like to see the mortal kombat symbol come to vu sometime. Was thinking of using it for Seventh Sanctum but jds banner is nice on its own. :) Perhaps in the future glads might look into it :).

Good luck guys!

22:26:10 May 9th 10 - Mr. Skull:


14:05:29 May 10th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

Thanks for the bumping guys :P

19:31:11 May 13th 10 - Mr. Skull:

No Problem Bump Bump Bump my Thread

20:35:03 May 13th 10 - Mr. Abhishek VI The Drug Addict:

Can i join you?

21:39:54 May 13th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Send an application to Heimdall to join

21:41:51 May 13th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

GL Glad 'n Co :)

15:54:05 May 14th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

Drug addict under gladiator banner... now that's a sight for sore eyes!

02:13:11 May 17th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

If you want a nice era on Mantrax, join Gladiators! If you want to spend the bigger part of your era dead or on the run, join another kingdom on Mantrax!

11:32:31 May 29th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

we are still recruiting - so if you looking for a good second chance, join us (plenty of farming land in Mantrax)

14:14:38 May 29th 10 - Mr. Ignis Calibus:

no more people :)

14:16:49 May 29th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

Here is an insentive to join, the no. 1 army on Mantrax


Army Info
Commander: Sir Erythnul The Gladiator Kingdom Banner
Kingdom: Gladiators
Size: Group of Armies (Around 500,000)
Status: Kicking BOW's Butt


22:11:38 May 29th 10 - Mr. Ignis Calibus:

lol :) is easy to make number 1 army

03:07:34 May 30th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"Status: Kicking BOW's Butt"

I actually laughed at that.  And yes Erythnul you have a lot of troops.

03:16:00 May 30th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

thankyou, and we have more than 3 players now as well


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 13
Created: 5/3/2010 11:40:41 PM
Leader: Mr. Heimdall

Compare kingdom


We are still accepting new members.

Team-work, discipline, diplomacy and war strategies are the key points that make us a strong KD.

You can be a Gladiator if you have honor, experience (minimum 2 eras) and you are willing to listen and learn.

Interested players complete the following information

1. Why do you want to be a Gladiator;
2. What experience do you have;
3. What race you play best, and what race you planning to play this era;
4. What KD did you play last 3 eras?
5. Have you ever moved from one KD to another before the era finished / If Yes, then why?

For Diplomacy related issues, please contact Mr. Heimdall


03:18:13 May 30th 10 - Mr. Douchebag:

Im problaly to stoned but, wtf is your banner suposed to be?

Kinda sucky banner if u ask me. :D

04:32:46 May 30th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

A gladiator standing over a fallen victim.

19:27:46 May 30th 10 - Duke Iahill of Dol Aoth:

( i agree  ,the old gladiators  one  was  way better

20:15:47 May 30th 10 - Sir Erythnul The Gladiator:

14:07:34 May 30th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:
"Status: Kicking BOW's Butt"

I actually laughed at that.  And yes Erythnul you have a lot of troops.

Must admit i did as well - if i could find you guys i'd try to :-) .

All farmers Arthur i just want to settle in a quiet spot and farm , unfortunately i hear BOW have the best pastures to do that. :-)

Everyone knows HOH army list is a false gauge  i can name at least 5 armies in there that are below mine but are more then double in strength  ( 4 happen to be Gladiators) and Ignis's troll army looks mighty impressive .

21:20:24 May 30th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yeah I know, yet it does mean something.  If it's #1 on the HoH it's at least better than anything we've got ;)  And you just try and find us!

22:02:55 May 30th 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

I found some of you

00:12:25 May 31st 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

This is how you catch fish Ery? you tell them you bite is soft and free to all?

01:17:46 May 31st 10 - Lady Cao The Bloodletter:

Ignis's troll army has been trained with spoils from members he booted from his own kingdom.  unimpressive.

06:15:19 May 31st 10 - Sir Teirdel:

I could tell u where bow is hiding. Though with our current stances towards each other id rather not.

07:34:42 May 31st 10 - Sir Ophiucus:

i know where they are and we are currently moving troops in to kill them

09:12:41 May 31st 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Haha, I feel so loved.  Come and get me coppers!

09:36:35 May 31st 10 - Lady Cao The Bloodletter:

haaha  we are the G-men.  lol

19:24:52 May 31st 10 - Sir Teirdel:

Signed a cf with bow. :( well i was hoping to have the 3 way war but this seems okay.

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