Forums / In game politics / Gladiators recruiting

Gladiators recruiting
13:19:11 Dec 7th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 6
Created: 12/5/2009 11:56:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Gladiatorul



Mr. Sackett
Mr. Gladiatorul

We are looking for warriors who are not afraid of dieing (in the game). If you want to be a Gladiator send a message to Mr. Sackett.

For diplomacy / relations please contact Mr. Gladiatorul

All members of Hillbily Mafia please apply to me.

18:11:05 Dec 7th 09 - Mr. Samual:

If this is the real Mr. Gladiatorul than this is a great kingdom from what ive heard...

18:16:22 Dec 7th 09 - Mr. Loner:

We are looking for warriors who are not afraid of dieing (in the game).

And how do you expect people to join you if you say you die all the time?

18:16:33 Dec 7th 09 - Sir Brown Bear:

good luck

18:24:00 Dec 7th 09 - Ms. Niques:

@ Loner, LOL!

Good luck Glad. Finally establsihing your KD. I hope it's lucky enough than you being alone last 2 eras ago at Fant.

22:07:57 Dec 7th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

thanks guys

Loner, this is what we need - it doesn't mean that we are dieing.

22:22:07 Dec 7th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Mr. Loner


12:16:22 Dec 7th 09 We are looking for warriors who are not afraid of dieing (in the game).

And how do you expect people to join you if you say you die all the time?

There is a difference btwn dying alot and being afraid to die :P  He's not sayin' he'll die alot, just saying it will be a challenge, so you MIGHT die instead of easy street in donut kd :)

Good luck Glad

23:12:10 Dec 7th 09 - Master of Death:

Good Luck Glad

10:49:08 Dec 8th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

go glad <3

23:28:10 Dec 8th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Thanks people, although I can't identify who you are; you are welcome to join us if you wish

23:11:38 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

GL glad, i see you took in hillbilly's lol not sure why if you need warriors :S

23:15:31 Dec 12th 09 - Lady Cheryl Cole:

am i invited into your kd? i could show you that trick where you cast invis on your town :D

06:54:08 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@Elldorian - thanks; we are mainly looking for loyal people (fight the whole era under the same KD) be them newbies or experienced; this is my definition for 'warrior';

12:42:34 Dec 13th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

Well , he has broken NAP's , swapped KD's 3 times , and is a newbie. I would call him a warrior. But he is extremely good at recruiting :P ( from 6 to 21 men in a day )

12:53:52 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

who is he?

12:54:45 Dec 13th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:


13:00:18 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Well, I don't know about it - I just started late era; he seems to be a honest, intelligent man - if that happened maybe was because he is new to the game;  although, that didn't happen while he was a Gladiator and will not happen again while he is a Gladiator;

13:02:47 Dec 13th 09 - Lady Cheryl Cole:

you made a guy you just met a vice?

17:44:56 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

If i recall wasnt sackett leader of hillbilly? I will be one of the first to say sackett does indeed actually do a great job of recruiting. Hillbilly's numbers swelled when he was in power. Though most of them were newer players, however i have no room to speak since Berserk is the same.

21:44:21 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Cheryl Cole - Targaryen is right; Sackett is one of Gladiators' leader - so its the other way around

23:23:17 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

btw Glats to be fair, it seems Bear machines are mopped up for the most part so we are just wrapping up some old wars. Best prepare yourself though if my hunch is correct Mr. Gray has alreay been doing so. Havent seen his armies much lol.

23:35:12 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Targaryen - this forum is for recruitment purposes; if you want to scare us feel free to post in Midgard Walls;

23:39:41 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

Lol no its not meant to scare. I am trying to be fair by letting you know ;/. hurts that you think id be that low. I have no intention of hurting your recruiting though i admit i didnt think of where i was posting and i apologize and will switch threads. Though i am just giving you a heads up.

02:02:55 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Sackett:

Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth


05:42:34 Dec 13th 09 Well , he has broken NAP's , swapped KD's 3 times , and is a newbie. I would call him a warrior. But he is extremely good at recruiting :P ( from 6 to 21 men in a day )

  Sir Whatever of Dol Aoth  has gotten his feelings hurt because this newbie and the Hillbilly Mafia  eliminated his kingdom. There was no NAP between our kingdoms ,we only spoke of making one. Through the whole time of our negotiations I got nothing but bullying and lies from him to the point we could not trust him.  With no trust ,well ,his cities looked good.

  As for the accusations of kingdom swapping. I started this era in Zeta, right next to No Pulse and when Fate ran away we were next on the menu so I decided to merge with KBW [ at thier invitation ] to hopefully live longer. We had 8 members then I believe. We didnt live very long anyway but were the last ones removed out of the KBW's in Zeta.
  We respawned in Talents  ,as the Hillbilly Mafia again ,with 6 players and for some reason everyone began asking to join our little kingdom. Players in both Talents and Midguard applied. I felt I was in over my head but figured to learn as best I could and try to finish the era.
   In this time I had the good fortune to meet Gladiatorul. I could tell that he was a very good player so I asked him if he would be a vice . He wanted to start a kingdom of his own instead so we decided to change our name and place him as our leader. It was a win for all of us and should make us better for next era.

 Now ,if I made any wrong actions in any of those decisions this era, then it was an honest mistake. I place the honor of my kingdom in the highest position.


02:15:12 Dec 14th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Dun worry about Kath and just enjoy the game ^_^

Glad is a good player, u'll learn a lot from him

13:27:58 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Lady Miley Cyrus what was your previous user name?

13:38:56 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

good luck glad :)

00:38:08 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

thanks Tyrgalon

00:40:20 Dec 17th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Gingerbread Man, Falcon Fan, Karma, mmm, a couple of others, but Alzheimer is kicking in :'(

00:44:38 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Ah I remember you (Karma) competing for stone market; maybe you want to join us...

00:48:43 Dec 17th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

hehe, yuh, we were for awhile, I think I got bored and stopped StGing after awhile that era lol

I would but I already have a home for next era ;(

01:05:28 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

ok - not a problem - good luck

12:18:47 Dec 17th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

I'm Randum glad, do you remembur meee :)

12:40:20 Dec 17th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

sure man - how can I forget you

02:08:26 Dec 18th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:



Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 14
Created: 12/5/2009 11:56:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Gladiatorul


Gladiators fight for their lives. They never give up as they are not afraid of death. You can be one of them- join us. We are targeting 25-30 players for the next era and we have a few more slots for inexperienced players.

For diplomacy / relations please contact Mr. Gladiatorul


02:35:34 Dec 25th 09 - Mr. Sackett:

  If you are looking for a kingdom that works together and treats each member as family then look no further.
           One for all........All for one.....

We work with the new and honor the wisdom of the experienced.

Come and fight along side us as we seek glory on the field of battle.

01:12:34 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Rebirth members welcome to send applications

06:33:26 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

hey Glad


what other kingdoms have you made or been a leader of in the past? I think i have fought you or fought along side you before this past era.

or maybe its all in my head.

06:38:19 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

I was in AoA, Retribution and MAD; I think I fought you under AoA in Zetmania

07:00:52 Dec 27th 09 - Sir Uther Pendragon:

You may have very well done that and i was in AoA for an era before the last time it fell through.

22:18:07 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Yeh, if I remember well, I won that world (also AoA was the winning KD);

13:00:03 Jan 1st 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 16
Created: 12/5/2009 11:56:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Gladiatorul


We are still accepting new members. You can be a Gladiator if you have honor, experience and you are willing to listen and learn.

Interested players message Mr. Sackett with the following information

1. Why do you want to be a Gladiator;
2. What experience do you have;
3. What race you play best, and what race you planning to play this era;
4. Have you ever moved from one KD to another before the era finished / If Yes, then why?

For diplomacy / relations please contact Mr. Gladiatorul


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