Forums / In game politics / Gladiators recruiting again

Gladiators recruiting again
10:49:13 Jan 30th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 15
Created: 12/5/2009 11:56:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Gladiatorul


We are still accepting new members.

Team-work, discipline, diplomacy and war strategies are the key points that make us a strong KD.

You can be a Gladiator if you have honor, experience (minimum 2 eras) and you are willing to listen and learn.

Interested players complete the following information

1. Why do you want to be a Gladiator;
2. What experience do you have;
3. What race you play best, and what race you planning to play this era;
4. Have you ever moved from one KD to another before the era finished / If Yes, then why?

07:53:09 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Kreed:

I wish your Kingdom best of luck in the remainder of this era

22:06:11 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Thanks Kreed, I can't complain this era - hope next will be good, too.

GL to your KD, too.

23:13:49 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Mhm Gladiatorul, you have some decent members, none have failed to impress me so far. Wish i  fought you this era but didnt get the chance ;/. O well best o luck and know you have a friend that spams gaia on lower worlds before he realizes he through 20mil down the drain. *smacks head*

00:03:24 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Thanks, we indeed have a bunch of very strong Gladiators and a few more to join our ranks.

14:55:45 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Major Pain:

  The Gladiators have come a long way this era and we hope to improve for next era. If you are looking for a kingdom where there is a team atmosphere and where kingdom members, friends and foes are all given the honor they deserve, then this kingdom would be a good choice for you.
  We are currently looking for players with experience so come try us out and lets see what we can accomplish together.

16:08:00 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Ok so im going to be a dick...

The Gladiators whine about tiny things and their breath smells like washed up geese dung.

(i just thought i'd return the favor for the criticism on my recruitment page)

Though  if you didnt notice mine can be taken as a joke because im a friend and i dont strike friends down (xcept BL) lolz

either way you guys have done a good job this era. We've pretty much been blokced in facing Talents and Mant this era and it took us awhile to realize that there was a lot to do on Mant sooo for the most part i have been observing you guys and i really do like what i see.

good kingdom

but their breath still smells like geese poo'

20:14:10 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Acerf:

:O not true uther!!! >.<

lol thats such a mean thing to say ^_^

and yeah ill add my 3 cents, as this is my first era in Gladiators, Gladiatorul keeps the whole Kingdom well organized, he really cares and watches over every member to utilize our abilities as a Kingdom the most,

I very much recommend joining this Kingdom if you are looking for one.

22:35:35 Feb 4th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



23:05:30 Feb 4th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Uther, we killed your killer in Talents (Jocker's army), and thus your path is easy now - you mean with us.

Thanks Acerf,  easy to win with strong players such yourself.

Comming back to the topic - we are still recruting...

00:08:59 Feb 5th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yeah i was about to ambush them and kill them myself its just i moved too early before and lost quite a bit of men

08:22:46 Feb 11th 10 - Mr. Roderian:

I will let these letters and battle report speak for themselves??

You (2/8/2010 4:51:17 PM)
Mr. Fallon,

I noticed that you had sent this army towards my city earlier and not being certain of your future intentions, I made certain to have troops trained as replacements for the ones I was going to send out. So I would once again ask you to move your forces against someone else, as I simply wish to be left alone to survive this era and have no intentions of moving against any of your cities.

Mr. Fallon (2/8/2010 5:26:24 PM) GOOD BAD
I am under order to remove you from the city. It is not a personal vendetta, simply the consequences of war. You have been a formidable opponent. If you want to save your city, I ask you to take the banner of Gladiator. We would welcome a player of wit and strength, so long as he is worthy of our trust. We only have room for the loyal and honorable. What say you?
You (2/9/2010 1:58:31 PM)
Mr. Fallon,

I am honored by your words and to have been given an opportunity to join your kingdom. If you would, would you tell me of your kingdom and the manner in which it works? How is it organized and what are the members like?

Mr. Fallon (2/9/2010 5:02:47 PM) GOOD BAD
For general info got to "kingdoms" tab, then "list kingdoms". Click on "Gladiators".
Members range from nubes to very experienced, young boys to old men :P
We try to keep the language clean.
Most of the experienced players are very helpful with questions or strategies. They do take the game quite seriously.
Mr. Fallon (2/9/2010 7:17:28 PM) GOOD BAD
There is no more time, you must decide. For the end is nigh...
You (2/9/2010 11:00:05 PM)
I agree. The kingdom sounds good. Thank you for giving me a chance to join you.
You (2/10/2010 9:33:59 AM)
I am very excited to be joining. It is going to be great to be able to finally unless the 70K advies I have stored up on someone. In fact, I already have a target and am heading that way.
Mr. Fallon (2/10/2010 6:38:02 PM) GOOD BAD
you need to apply to Gladiatorul using Kingdom tab. It is only way to join. Also once you have joined, go to diplomacy forum. We may have NAP or CF with your target.

00:04:31 Albatross lead by Mr. Fallon attacked and plundered Dragoria Depths. They took 44843981 gold, 15158464 stone, 0 tree, 8687930 food, 35017 slaves and 4880 peasants. We lost 12500 Farmers, 50000 Slingers, 3704 Pony riders, 12758 Illusionists and 17251 Adventurers and 4880 peasants in the battle.

You (2/11/2010 1:05:46 AM)
What the h#!! was that for??? I thought we were in agreement that I was going to join your kingdom.

So are of all Gladiators liars like this??

08:33:46 Feb 11th 10 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

In fairness he told you the end is nigh or to join them.

You agreed nearly 48hrs ago you would join, yet I assume they had no application, hence the attack.
Looks like you were stalling tbh, unless if course you applied and they rejected.

In which case they would be in the wrong. But if you were simply agreeing to join to buy urself time with no intention of joining, then they did what they had to.

09:40:17 Feb 11th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Roderian, you had enough time to apply; you are our enemy currently but you could have changed your current status if you joined us, as Fallon proposed you - none of us promised you a CF or NAP or something  else;

Fallon was very nice, asking me to accept you as you look a nice guy and giving you all the info needed - you failed to apply in time - its time to die.

18:58:23 Feb 11th 10 - Mr. Roderian:

I was waiting for an invitation to join because I wasn't aware that the only way to join a kingdom was to apply.  As for applying, I tried to do as Mr. Fallon told me and I got the message screen below, something I then messaged him about it. But instead of him writing me back, it appears his "answer" was plundering my city.  Especially since he has still not written me back and I had to hear from Mr. Major what was really going on.  Plus, had I had no intentions of joining, then why would have told Mr. Fallon that I was moving troops out of my "only" city to go attack.  I mean he watched me 1/4 of troops out of my city, all advies and mus to go attack a city which Mr. Joebob told me had to be taken so Gladiator could get passage.  A city that I then took, opened the gates on and am now allowing other Gladiators to pass through.


A kingdom is a team/guild/squad that works together. Each kingdom has a private chat and a private forum.
You can send troops to defend allied cities, see everything they see on the map, cast utility scrolls (magic) and you can walk over their cities.

You can not join a kingdom when there is less then ten days left of the era. Wait until the era has ended.

22:52:32 Feb 11th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Yes glad, Roderian joined last era. The simple fact was i had to run him through the tutorial on how to join the kd is all. So he is not to be blamed entirely. Plus alot of new members dont scroll all the way down the kd page for some reason ;/, so most dont see kd list. Personally their should be an easier way to apply to kingdoms but what do i know.


Though the last 10 days he cannot apply ;/.


@Gladitorul,   On the side note he is a good and loyal player as well. When we needed armies he was there to provide them and when we needed trust and loyalty he was willing to give it without question. if what he says is true i recomend reconciling with him because if you want loyal members hes one of the few.


@Rod, Bud how activer were you? Also he gave you instructions so i see little problems besides horrid placement of tab. Glad is a good kd, you know as well as i. Hell we fought them till the end of the era ;p. If you are no longer in berserk i urge you to join them. Seems they have some structure. Dont worry about this era its practically over and hopefully there will be some decent changes next. I recomend applying for them or one of the newer kds popping up. Seems like new generations are emerging while the old die.

22:57:09 Feb 11th 10 - Lady Katie Holmes:

< 10 days left you cannot join anyways until era end :)

17:00:36 Feb 12th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



06:58:52 Feb 13th 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

can always join next era if you can figure out how.

06:23:04 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Gladiators
Members: 15
Created: 12/5/2009 11:56:01 PM
Leader: Mr. Gladiatorul


We are still accepting new members.

Team-work, discipline, diplomacy and war strategies are the key points that make us a strong KD.

You can be a Gladiator if you have honor, experience (minimum 2 eras) and you are willing to listen and learn.

Interested players complete the following information

1. Why do you want to be a Gladiator;
2. What experience do you have;
3. What race you play best, and what race you planning to play this era;
4. Have you ever moved from one KD to another before the era finished / If Yes, then why?

For diplomacy / relations please contact Mr. Acerf

Ex - HIV members - if you need a home for the next era, feel free to apply with the required information

06:56:11 Feb 18th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

way to capitalize on our friends breaking up. Just a little info, most of them are taking a break.

15:22:18 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Acerf:


16:20:43 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

good luck Glads

21:44:56 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Thanks Shazsaro - same to you

19:10:42 Feb 21st 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Good Luck to you and your KD Glad!

I hope we can play on the same side again next era. So we won't worry about those eyes that already looking at us as dead meat next era... LOL! :P

21:33:48 Feb 21st 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

thanks Ryan, same wishes to you and your KD; you are worried too much, though, for the number and skills you have in your KD - I am sure you will do well with or without our assistance; let's see the dices first

21:39:35 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

is there space for 1 more noob?

21:57:16 Feb 21st 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

There always is in Feds


22:16:57 Feb 21st 10 - Mr. Acerf:

lol uther, recruit in your own thread >.<


ice prince shazsaro apply with all the info required first :)

23:24:42 Feb 21st 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

ok sent =P

02:42:00 Feb 22nd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

hahahaha my bad Acerf

I knew he'd join you guys. Just dont let him too far off the chain.
Ice boy is cracy O_o

02:43:02 Feb 22nd 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:


I aint crazy?

Wait why u telling me crazy?

What kind of crazy?

02:48:29 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

the kind of crazy that belonged in RR but Glad is a great choice too :P

03:16:58 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Acerf:

heh it's all good. in times of war everyone gets a little crazy :D

and as far as i know, Gladiators are still recruiting, interested players please fill out teh information on our KD page and include it in the application,

thx, and good luck this era~~!!!

03:22:31 Feb 22nd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

I liked that Crazy kingdom a lot...

Now they gut turned into a small groups of Ravage Psychopaths


03:26:25 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

hehe thanks Uther 

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