Forums / In game politics / Glads not playing the next era

Glads not playing the next era
09:22:17 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Glad The Bloody:

... sadly indeed, now when we think we have a strong team (at least the strongest so far).

Thank you all Glads serving the KD and all friends and enemies we had.

Most Glads are looking for new KDs so, leaders, feel free to invite then.

10:11:37 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Satanclausas:

Lulz are disbanding as well, so many homeless, lol. Any ideas where to go.

10:14:49 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Erythnul The Deciever:

A big loss not only to VU but to all the gladiators that have had the pleasure to play alongside you.
When you decide to return message me and i will be honored to play alongside you once again .   

10:23:48 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Sage Salamon:

yeah alot of people disbanding this era... but i didnt expect Glads to.. sad.. i was expecting you guys to come out as a top kingdom in the near future :S ... good luck and best of wishes to all of yall... feel free to drop me a message if ur interested in Holy (ofc nobody can join kingdoms until era ends since that rule zeta has in place but... :P)

~~ Divine Sage Salamon of Holy ~~

11:34:00 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Samual:

Sorry to hear that your kingdom is disbanding glad.. : (

If any of the members are looking for a kingdom to join Legion of Roma will be under a new name and banner (I hope to reveal the name this evening), and we are recruiting. We hope to be on Mantrax next era and are aiming for around 15 members (with 20 at most). Our kingdom is aiming for world domination and we believe we can do it so if you feel like joining just PM me and we can talk further. 

11:35:05 Aug 5th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

Yeah it is quite sad , i really think Glads had potential in a few eras. we have done pretty well...but yeah not exactly sure what i will do....more kingdoms refuse to have me than have me lol...and i have been with zond for a long time too and he is going....i thought i finally found a home :(

11:45:46 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Legend:

It was a great. With alot of great guys. Ashame that Glad leaves and disaband the KD. 

12:06:48 Aug 5th 10 - Ms. Morganna:

I was inactive half era but for time being I played Glads earned my respect. Wish you all the best.

12:10:32 Aug 5th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

BOW will be back

Go to BOW.  :)

12:22:17 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Legend:

A KD announce that they dissaband and immediatley there 3 KD's posting to join them :P

12:32:44 Aug 5th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

People wanted to know where to go.  Seems reasonable to give them options.  :P

12:40:13 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Owh god Evil... Where's my cookie with milk? 

It's just sad that such a great KD dies because of inactivity.

14:22:07 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Slurpalicious:

Good luck Glad. Sad to see another one go.

14:42:37 Aug 5th 10 - Lord Braveheart:

To bad to see you guys leaving :( I think you guys did pretty well this era so I expected you would stay for atleast another era. If there are some members left of gladiators who are looking for a kingdom they can send a message to me. The kingdom of Music is still looking for a few good and active players to make our kingdom stronger. So if someone is interested let me know.


Braveheart (Music)

15:25:46 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

Sad to hear this.

Anyway, MAD is open for any members who like to be in a regular average Fantasia kingdom. :)

15:30:20 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:


16:31:05 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vencrow:

If you wanna become a bigger retard. join AoA, and learn from the master Vuggy himself.

16:54:23 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Too bad you guys are disbanding

Was looking foward to find an fighting ally out there or an worthy opponent, though I still have more then enough with Fate and Fear out there ^^.

I hope you come back as kingdom again,

good bye

16:54:29 Aug 5th 10 - General Zondervan:

I suggest looking into BOW or Relentless, Seems they will be very good next era. watch out everyone!

But even though we have had rough relations this era, been a pleasure fighting with and against you, as well as our massive flame messages.

But at the end of the day, its just a game :)

Take care.

17:20:26 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Petite Penois:

Glad disbands and returns every bloody era. Give in already. Do us a favour and quit. For good.

19:39:54 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Heimdall:

This is the first time we disband during my time in the kingdom Penois. What happened before that I cannot account for but I assure you that we are a tightly woven gang of killing machines.

Sadly we're all grown up now and apparently there are things out there competing for our attention. It takes time and effort to run a kingdom and I applaud Glad for the time and effort he put in to the kingdom. He is the Gladiators.

19:54:30 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Xxpumpxx:

Relentless is indeed recruiting :D it has been fun working with you guys this era from LULZ and i hope we still can finish strong!

20:48:22 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Percy:

I can remember when Glad first started the kingdom Gladiators. The original players were Glad, me, Joebob, and Haggardahorrible. It is very saddening to watch it break up after so many eras of being played. If anyone wants to join my kingdom they can. Its small and weak but hope to get better.

And by the way, Gladiators has never been disbanded before. Glad may of disbanded other kingdoms, but the name Gladiators has never once been done away with until now. Good luck all Gladiators members!

21:10:13 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Samual:

08:22:17 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Glad The Bloody:

... sadly indeed, now when we think we have a strong team (at least the strongest so far).

Thank you all Glads serving the KD and all friends and enemies we had. 

Most Glads are looking for new KDs so, leaders, feel free to invite then.

11:22:17 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Legend:

A KD announce that they dissaband and immediatley there 3 KD's posting to join them :P

That's why I posted : )

Otherwise I wouldn't due to common respect : )

21:52:40 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:

BoW will be on a lower world next era.  Those in Glads looking for a less intense/less whiney/only fighting era could join us.  But Music, MAD, and Relentless are all fine kingdoms.

This is indeed truly sad :(  I've fought Glads many times, always they are good.  (especially OOP).  I've found that most in Glads are great, honorable fighters, and also nice people ;)

22:53:13 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:

Only the very best glads and lulz player are invited to join BF :)

23:09:10 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

If you wanna become a bigger retard. join AoA, and learn from the master Vuggy himself.

Sworn testimony from yet another happy client. 

01:22:51 Aug 6th 10 - Princess Aisha:

  • 23:53:13 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Horus VIII:
  • Only the very best glads and lulz player are invited to join BF :)

How do you define best players?

04:39:20 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vencrow:

'Sworn testimony from yet another happy client. '

I am the master and you are the slave.

05:37:49 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy The Annoying Bastard:

Then why am I the one getting paid?

06:24:17 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Tasty After Dinner Mint:

For what its worth, Glads had my utmost respect and I thought of them as pound for pound one of the best kingdoms around. That was until they CFed there only war and joined the gangbang. Sorry guys but that was just bullshit.

Still sad to see a kingdom with such potential disband. Goodluck to all you guys wherever you end up..

06:32:48 Aug 6th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

well we were warring lulz and RR and i to probably would of preferred it to continue(though would of probably lost) but then we decided to fight the biggest kingdoms and so warred fear, fate and Doa. so not sure how we joined a gangbang when we fought both sides at war with each other...but sadly the distance killed us and made us less effective anyhow.

06:54:56 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Butters:

I really am curious on who decided to do the CF, ever since it happened, I've been a wondering what made you'll decide to pile on...  I was really surprised Glad would be willing to do it as he usually prefers not to live a fight unfinished. 

Still a lot of respect for some of the peeps in Glads, just really curious how it went down

07:25:15 Aug 6th 10 - Emperor Palpy Has New Toy Deathstar:

well i think the decision was for us to really challenge ourselves by taking on the best in the game-so it is a compliment.

08:01:28 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav:


FEAR and FATE were slaughtering DOA.  They would've taken all of DOA cities and become a completely unstoppable force.  Obviously we CFed to make it more of an even fight.  Even with LULZ (not luzl, idk why Glad keeps calling us that) and Glad and RR against Fear/Fate we are still not making much progress in the north, and we're losing in the south.  Wth don't Fear and Fate shut up about a "gangbang", when it's going their way?!  It's not even really a gangbang.  We're fighting on Fear/Fate turf.  Everyone one of our players (Lulz, RR, Glad) had to build a second/third/fourth armory WAY away from their previous ones, OR send their armies for hundreds of ticks all the way to fight on the front.  (For me it was my 4th and 5th/6th armory for this front).


08:03:31 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Musquito:

RoC will be back next age, and we look forward for members, who are willing to fight and enjoy good fellowship.

On what world we will be on, well for now only Zeta and the other Gods know.

09:03:00 Aug 6th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

It will be sad to see Glads go.  I have fought with and against many Glad members and been an allies as well as enemy of Glads.  You are a good kingdom on the way to becoming a great kingdom. 

(not in leadership but I'm sure Karac wont mind me saying this) While we would love to have a number of you in BOW; has the kingdom though about staying together under one or more of your vices and continuing under the plans Glad set up.

09:03:55 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Biffy Clyroheran:

Well as a vice of gladiators I think i can offer a view on this... We warred OOP against both Myth and GOTF (one north and one south) and won both wars but as we were justing finishing off RR and LULz came in to aid/feed off the remaining GOTF cities. we lost ground as we had not secured our new territory. Then we warred for the next few weeks with neither KD gaining much ground. At this time it came to light the threat that was growing from the east, so we discussed taking a break to farm for the first time all era and try and re-group then take on one/or both of the big boys. Not long after the CF offer we did indeed start to lose ground against RR/LULz and they took a strategic blocker. a decision was therefore taken to enter into a CF. I will be honest in saying that this was absolutely not what anyone wanted to do but it made political sense in the long term.

since then we have wasted a lot of troops, gained and lost a few cities and generally just 'bothered' FEARs front line. they have held us at arms reach quite easily.

A very strong first half to the era but a weak finish, largely down to an inactive council (including me) and the kd lacking direction. I therefore fully agree with Glad's decision.



09:10:26 Aug 6th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Roheran stop being inactive.  Come back with zeal :P

09:26:02 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Glad The Bloody:

Doc, the main problem is the inactivity of our leaders (including myself). Out of 5 leaders, suddenly, 4 became very inactive and one semi inactive - I didn't want to spoil our banner - we may come back in 1-2 years

09:31:44 Aug 6th 10 - Dr. Evil Smevil:

Was good to play with you Glad.

09:36:51 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Glad The Bloody:

thanks, it was fun - you are a good diplomat (Karac should pay you well) - i may still play though - but quite inactive

14:12:33 Aug 6th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

It had been an honor fighting you guys for 2 era's straight in the past.  I'm sad to watch you fold your banner and put it away for the time being.  I hoped to see it rise to the top.  Good luck to all of you guys.......

oh ya before I forget AISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME TO DOA!!!!!!!!!!

14:20:24 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Butters:

Arthur, read my post, never said gangbang :)

As I said, I wasn't mad they joined, was just curious as I know it's not normally Glad's style.  Since we had not heard from him for a bit, I was actually kind of guessing the right answer (he had to go inactive, so wanted to leave his kd in a good spot).  Stop trying to put words in my mouth, thanks tho :)

14:26:09 Aug 6th 10 - Mr. Reit Finder of The Grail:

HF glad players and GL.

14:42:44 Aug 6th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Imissshmeh:

13:12:33 Aug 6th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

oh ya before I forget AISHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME TO GOTF!!!!!!!!!!


14:57:08 Aug 6th 10 - Ms. Bluishlight:

hi there Glad!

i'm so sorry to hear that your KD will be disbanding. but i do hope to see you sometime soon. ;-)

good luck to the rest of you!


15:14:03 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Musquito:

Aisha.... don't go to GotF. Too many of them are worthless lazy farmers....


16:50:07 Aug 6th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Imissshmeh:

Too late Musquito she's already been here, and no farming's not really our thing...

17:40:03 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Musquito:

Bad for you then as GotF fighting skills isn't anything to "write home" for either........


Well fun aside: I do not include former Rebirth members in this general point of view - the more of those who joins GotF, the stronger GotF will be.

And Aisha knows the drill. Just remember, that her pen is just as sharp as her sword........

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