Forums / In game politics / Glory most Dishounorable KD

Glory most Dishounorable KD
17:38:49 Mar 25th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

In all the era's I've played, glory is by far the MOST dishounourable KD I have come across.
Pesto requests a CF, we give him terms which he agrees, then continues to allow his players to break them.
Next era my friend...I am going to MAKE you quite this game.

17:45:16 Mar 25th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

You can't trust something that looks like this!

17:45:27 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

first of all its quit not quite

and secondly your a tool, you attack NAPPED kingdoms a KD breaking a CF is still bad but a KD attacking a KD that is NAPPED is even worst, so you are a hypocrite.

18:57:12 Mar 25th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

So are you Griffith...its a fool, not a tool :)

19:09:54 Mar 25th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Get your facts right. We had one NAP last era and that was with FF. We had a CF with Mayhem, and an agreement with your Kd to fight was not a NAP. The attack you refer to was me killing one of your scouts prepping on a city for 3 days.
Since we had no NAP, MAP or crap...your scout meant jack to me, and was in a place he was not meant to be..end of.

21:39:08 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

You are a liar PRIMATE, you know I never brak Naps, and I try to get the KD in honor.

You (3/25/2009 5:57:10 PM)

Mr. Telemachos [Glory] (3/25/2009 6:19:06 PM) GOOD BAD
because he is irritating me by closing his gates if i wanna go back.


SO if you don't know the history, shut up men.
The worst thing is that you knew that, because I told you. So you are only a SPAAAAAAAMMMER
ANd for what I've read here , you are the dishonorable here. So shut up, and resolve your own problems baby

21:43:37 Mar 25th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

LMAO  I would like to thank...Me... for being so Uber that you had to Peace Out just to worry about me :-)

21:44:26 Mar 25th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Ok from what I understand here you now blaimed Telemachos, one of your own members and you even dare to call yourself honourable?!
(plz correct me if I'm wrong :D )

22:11:52 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

YOu didn't read why telemachos atacked ?
he shoudn't have done that, but he had his reason. Thats not dishonorable at all

22:29:26 Mar 25th 09 - General Ezatious:

In my experience Pesto AKA Daryl has been very dishonourable. I wouldnt trust his word ever again. Just be wary of him

23:11:02 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

wtf are you saying ez?
I never played agaisnt you 1 time in lgc a few eras ago....

23:23:28 Mar 25th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Pesto....if you are going to quote me, then have the balls to do the whole quote.

You (3/24/2009 9:20:34 AM)
your players are breaking the terms of the CF you asked for???
Mr. Pesto [Glory] (3/24/2009 11:56:37 AM) GOOD BAD
only dropckic with the city stralty
He aid he did it before reading messages.

YOu can take them back without problemes. I'lll never break a NAP/CF don't worry about that.

Telemachos killed a small army of one of your players because had been atacking his city and he was angry, but I'll tell him no to do it nevermore
You (3/24/2009 2:29:41 PM)
well...that "small" army was all troops.
And telemachos seems to be ignoring you
Mr. Pesto [Glory] (3/24/2009 3:25:13 PM) GOOD BAD
no, he is now going against Elemental, that is an enemy
Who seems that is ignoring me is dropckick...If continnues like this I'll have to take decisions....
You (3/25/2009 10:26:31 AM)
* 00:21:33: Mcmax[DE] bought 1380802 stone for 1259291 gold from you on the market.
* 07:48:06: Lol lead by Mr. Telemachos attacked and plundered Hell Fires. They took 611939 gold, 1168197 stone, 0 tree, 0 food, 237 slaves and 94 peasants. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 94 peasants in the battle.
* 07:48:06: Our Angels Defence failed to defend Hell Fires. Lol lead by Mr. Telemachos attacked and plundered Hell Fires. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 203 of our soldiers got injured.
* 09:01:04: Mr. Telemachos attempted to cast a spell upon us.
* 09:01:33: Mr. Telemachos attempted to cast a spell upon us.
* 09:01:37: Mr. Telemachos attempted to cast a spell upon us.
* 09:01:39: Fire rains from the sky in Hell Fires and kills 759 peasants. 0 lumbermills also burned down.
* 10:03:35: Lol lead by Mr. Telemachos attacked and took over Hell Fires. Our peasants managed to escape with all the resources to Death West. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 0 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle.
* 10:03:35: Our Angels Defence failed to defend Hell Fires. Lol lead by Mr. Telemachos attacked and took over Hell Fires. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 0 Magicians, 220 Catapults and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
* 10:03:35: All troops in Angels Defence have died!
Mr. Pesto [Glory] (3/25/2009 10:58:40 AM) GOOD BAD
tak it back...
I'll ask him explainations
PM him, to see what he says you
Mr. Pesto [Glory] (3/25/2009 11:28:26 AM) GOOD BAD
You (3/25/2009 5:57:10 PM)

Mr. Telemachos [Glory] (3/25/2009 6:19:06 PM) GOOD BAD
because he is irritating me by closing his gates if i wanna go back.
You (3/25/2009 11:38:13 AM)
Sprout took Hell Fires and must have closed the gates.
I had to go take it back. Next thing i know im being attacked.
Only needed to pm to say gates are closed, please open.
he plundered 3 times then RoF'd then took???
Thats not getting gates opened.
Mr. Pesto [Glory] (3/25/2009 2:31:30 PM) GOOD BAD

go hell,
You (3/25/2009 4:21:13 PM)
you are responsible for your kingdom, as I have been with mine.
If you cant control your players, then you are not a leader.

I did not request the CF, you did.
The terms were simple, and your members broke them.
In this game, your word counts for everything. You break it, you pay the price.
It has been 2 of your players that have stolen from our members who have acted in good faith.

Learn to rule, or dont be a ruler.

23:24:01 Mar 25th 09 - General Ezatious:

Exactly. And i hold a grudge :)

Seems your honour has not changed since then either.

Pesto here broke a NAP in place between DB and LGC because h got face on that i took a city before him. boo hoo

23:29:26 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

"Pesto here broke a NAP in place between DB and LGC because h got face on that i took a city before him. boo hoo"

loool, i had never been in ..... any other invention plz?

23:31:26 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

If you say to a player of your kd not to atack, and he atacks because he says that another ruler was anoying him, would you consider YOURSELF unhonorable?yes¿?what can you do at respect?

23:40:12 Mar 25th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Kick I have done to players in my KD who think they are bigger than the KD.

00:25:35 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Killerking:

Yes Pesto is dishonourable and a hypocrite ;)

00:48:05 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

I also love you killerking, your flames are the best compliments:)

00:53:31 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

Praetorian Wyzer


3/25/2009 9:43:37 PMLMAO  I would like to thank...Me... for being so Uber that you had to Peace Out just to worry about me :-)

and we are only figthing you in arma, thats true

01:03:34 Mar 26th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

And I am glad it's done, I have YUMmier things to work on!

01:51:47 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Killerking:

I love you too *hugs*

08:39:38 Mar 26th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

I'm wondering..has Telemachos been kicked or punished in some other way?

16:58:23 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

he has been advertised. But i won't kick him last day of the era....(unless he continues taking citys of DIE)

17:15:46 Mar 26th 09 - Divine Sepelchure Grail:

he has been advertised............

01:54:49 Mar 27th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Current date: 3/26/2009 6:53:34 PM (VU Day 1261, 19 days left)

  • Hatehim owned by Mr. Telemachos[Glory] are preparing an attack on Firefight

01:55:18 Mar 27th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

must i say more

02:41:59 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

i thougth that that  was just a mistake , but I've seen he continues doing the same...
I had to kick him....

02:48:25 Mar 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Damn now I can't Keelz him as he is below 50% of my PoWeR!!!!!!

03:01:24 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

but he must have atacked you before

03:01:55 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Pesto:

we had beeen at war long time, easily you have figthed before

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