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Gods Power
23:23:56 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

The powerful kingdom in Valhalla, we have a map with Paranoia and USA. We are here to take out those legionarres, they will fall to my power if they like it or not, and if anyone wants to join them be my guest, and fall like them, I have more than 10K troops waiting in Isaac Arms so if you join them you will die

23:25:51 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

I wont call on my neigbors for this war even thought there more powerful then me, by least then half I hold this kingdom with power, and will gain glory and honor by taking the legionarres out by myself

23:27:12 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xviii:

you gonna take a kd wid 10k troops :P ?

23:41:06 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

yes its possible if you only have knights like I do, Im a well skilled player played in many eras including GvE, which I was the one who took care of defence then took up offence after we began to loss, so they will go down, it happens in Fantasia, but never before in Valhalla 

23:45:28 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

The step by step sequence of events an msgs, even if I loss which I wont will post all battles, and map of the area now and then, Its time to prove to them whom is powerful

23:45:42 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

You (4/30/2007 5:30:37 PM)
I see you grown, but soon time for me to take you out, see if you joined you would reck more benefits, but you choose them
Mr. Polydeuces [LeGN] (4/30/2007 5:38:15 PM) GOOD BAD
i will destroy you myself if you want to proove yourself come get me not these newbs
You (4/30/2007 5:41:57 PM)
they dont speak like new players
Mr. Polydeuces [LeGN] (4/30/2007 5:42:43 PM) GOOD BAD
they are mouthy and think they know what they are doing...come straight for me if you can.

23:46:11 Apr 30th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

Mr. Polydeuces [LeGN] (4/30/2007 5:41:09 PM) GOOD BAD
leave them out of this and come get me.
You (4/30/2007 5:42:57 PM)
I will hold on Im coming, I must eleminate the threat
Mr. Polydeuces [LeGN] (4/30/2007 5:44:21 PM) GOOD BAD
burn them all and come for me
You (4/30/2007 5:45:57 PM)
I will

00:25:25 May 1st 07 - Mr. Razios:

You will never get an R-P point talking trash like that. And break them down but leave some left for me. Issac, coul you let me borrow a member for until the end of this era? I need one more or my kingdom's deleted. (yes I will grovel)

00:36:20 May 1st 07 - Mr. Polydeuces:

razios is going to attack me? after what happened on mantrax?

01:02:28 May 1st 07 - Mr. Polydeuces:


Casting Eye in the sky from Polydeuces lifeguards upon Surprise with 95% chance of success... and Successful!
Through the eye we can see this information about The Surprise from Mr. Isaac[GP]:
Surprise from Mr. Isaac

You lost 4 Runemasters.

01:07:51 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:


They surrendered. Mr. Isaac. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 794 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 251 enemy troops.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Surprise (your army)
Swordsmen 1976 159 322
Archers 288 23 47
Knights 75 6 12
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 0 0 0

01:08:28 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

I cant I need a member or I will be deleted

01:11:09 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

you a powerful leader I had a 95% chance of success

01:12:52 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

no troops , man you suck, I thought you would be a real challenge

01:13:35 May 1st 07 - Mr. Polydeuces:

all mages myboy all mages lol

01:19:25 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

Im coming with more dont worry Im coming, In 10 ticks Im coming with a 10 army from roma

01:20:04 May 1st 07 - Mr. Polydeuces:


03:02:16 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

We are now recruiting more people so if you want to join, come on in, you will not be involved in the war only if you want to

03:42:54 May 1st 07 - Mr. Atreides:

    No offense or anything...but this is pathetic.......

03:45:17 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

it the battle of the super powers, or in this case a wanna be

03:46:15 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

If this was fantasia these battles would be better but what do you expect from a starter world

18:46:26 May 1st 07 - Ms. Natalia:

your a bit of a new player bully aren't you?

19:05:31 May 1st 07 - Mr. Hell ON Earth:

lol my brother talking all wreckless...i'm glad i'm not like you..and i want my damn name back..thanks to zeta so low class player stole it...grrrrr.....



20:00:36 May 1st 07 - Duke Sobek:

Mr. Isaac


4/30/2007 11:41:06 PMyes its possible if you only have knights like I do, Im a well skilled player played in many eras including GvE, which I was the one who took care of defence then took up offence after we began to loss, so they will go down, it happens in Fantasia, but never before in Valhalla

You morron ... if you are such a well skilled player ... then you should know that shutting your mouth and just sending those armies would be the better tactic?

20:33:06 May 1st 07 - Mr. Kassius Xviii:

plus wernt GvE just like 4 eras ago ...not too long

21:12:12 May 1st 07 - Mr. Isaac:

My account been deleted because zeta mistaken me and my bro as a muilti, and besides its better to laugh in someones face while others are watching

21:34:59 May 1st 07 - Mr. Kassius Xviii:


02:28:43 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Isaac:


They surrendered. Mr. Isaac. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 2238 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Witch (your army)
Swordsmen 2381 202 761
Archers 356 30 114
Knights 52 4 16
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 0 0 0

- close -

03:08:38 May 2nd 07 - Ms. Bored:

You should consider not telling him what you have in your army.

05:07:24 May 2nd 07 - Mr. Isaac:

He cant stop me I under staand if this was fantasia, but this is not

01:42:56 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Elegost:

Yeah it would be wise to not tell us cause, now we know you have weak soldiers.

04:17:26 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Isaac:

I dont have weak soldiers, Im only attacking with them

14:40:00 May 3rd 07 - Mr. Nova:

Sad, big armies of lv1's running around. *Cries*

BTW, I agree with Sobek.

02:56:33 May 4th 07 - Ms. Erica Brahmins:

Eh eh... Weak armies! Weak armies. XP lol

02:13:05 May 5th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

I had lvl 8 if you wanted to know

13:53:57 Sep 14th 09 - Sir Himanil VIII:

This was like on the 34th page, sometime near VU's beginnings I guess. And LOL 10k troops. Game must've sucked then.

14:03:47 Sep 14th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

vu beggining was like 10 years back or something like that.....
10k troops thats a joke... people were walking with millions.... you could have had income unlimited income lol. farm as much as you want

23:19:02 Sep 15th 09 - Ms. Seloc:

Wow this is going back far. "Sobek" :P Mielo is better.

00:31:45 Sep 16th 09 - Lord Boston:

Ohhhh, unlimited city size. I think my biggest was around 500k but it was small compared to others.

00:33:13 Sep 16th 09 - Prince Mielo:

It was my hide name in abydos :p ...

07:11:15 Sep 16th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

^*Points and gasps* Itsa Mielo!

10:49:23 Sep 16th 09 - Sir Penguinus Prime:

MIELO .... ITS ALIVE!!!!!!!!

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