Forums / In game politics / Good vs Evil round 4

Good vs Evil round 4
06:29:07 Mar 6th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

You know the drill.

  1. Marquess Hartmut

06:49:21 Mar 6th 15 - Rora (Ms. Crystaal):


  1. Marquess Hartmut
  2. Crystal

08:59:51 Mar 6th 15 - Mr. Valhallas Clown:

  1. Marquess Hartmut
  2. Crystal
  3. Pure

10:12:50 Mar 6th 15 - Mr. Vonn Darkmoor:

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor

12:16:29 Mar 6th 15 - Bran (Mr. Brans Law):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor

13:33:27 Mar 6th 15 - Mr. Trolling Troll:

This time we should get teams organized and people switched before arma.

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed

16:48:32 Mar 6th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed
8. Binh

22:28:35 Mar 6th 15 - Woodeh (Mr. Harlequin):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 

22:59:42 Mar 6th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Dong):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers

I would also suggest maybe we have team captains take turns picking thier own team. 

23:44:36 Mar 6th 15 - Chief Cheesywotsit:

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit

01:07:27 Mar 7th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Goodfried):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo

03:31:01 Mar 7th 15 - Ms. Examine:

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe

15:08:30 Mar 7th 15 - Mr. Unisomethingorother:

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe

20:20:44 Mar 7th 15 - Kevin (Mr. Iamevilstoplaughing):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing

20:41:35 Mar 7th 15 - Duke Chade The Stud Muffin:

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade

10:35:51 Mar 8th 15 - Mr. Dopy:

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade

12:28:09 Mar 8th 15 - Random (Mr. Reallynotrandom):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade
17. Random

14:49:55 Mar 8th 15 - Jdzelhorst (Mr. Raven Black):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade
17. Random
18. Mandred Black

21:39:51 Mar 9th 15 - Mr. Trolling Troll:

I want to scratch my name off. I'm going to take a break from the game.

00:56:58 Mar 10th 15 - Teirdel (Saint Tyrael of Justice):

I am on phone but someone add me please.

01:08:36 Mar 10th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Goodfried):

How long till new era?

01:18:38 Mar 10th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Teirdel
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade
17. Random
18. Mandred Black

I'm on a phone too fyi

01:33:29 Mar 10th 15 - Mr. Kreed The White:

Stephen Ben, I'd say a couple of days. Evil has a handful or so players left. Teams should probable get organized ASAP.

12:18:25 Mar 10th 15 - Bran (Mr. Brans Law):

this era was pretty even - just swap a few names over, we dont need entirely new teams

14:01:57 Mar 10th 15 - Mr. Valhallas Clown:

It does allow for a small change of different people though

18:43:01 Mar 10th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

Evil needs better leadership for one

18:44:15 Mar 10th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

I second the motion, we should just move a few names around else it's just gonna become one huge problem for some people who always end up confused. Btw, who is gonna make the list or should I?

01:41:43 Mar 11th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

You do it iceballs, I trust and value your oppinion .....and most of us are too lazy. Use activity as your guide, not just talent and good looks so that we can have good leaders on each side as that can make or break a team

07:07:49 Mar 11th 15 - Prince Ranginui:

1. Marquess Hartmut
2. Crystal
3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Teirdel
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade
17. Random
18. Mandred Black
19. Maui

15:35:54 Mar 11th 15 - Mr. Conniving Angel:

To be fair Good Leadership was pretty shit all era as well, we sent like 3 MM which were just your basic "Get armies ready or we will die" messages. I thought the era was pretty even.

15:51:39 Mar 11th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

Well that doesn't really make me feel better, I blame binh for that one. .... Are you in the good Skype Chan? Last era they wouldn't shut up

16:02:09 Mar 11th 15 - Mr. Conniving Angel:

last era was different to this era, we only really had 4/5 active users in our skype chan and I let a lot more of side topics slide (If you remember last era on skype I'd get pissy if people spoke about other worlds, this era I  didnt gaf) Binh and I did a lot less when it came to organizing and giving advice this era(I didnt even real most of the skype chan).

16:42:03 Mar 11th 15 - Mr. Trolling Troll:

We lost 4-5 players before our 1st waypoints and MM began to appear.

That being said I think teams were pretty even. Binh managed to pick off 3-4 of our players within days of oop. All of which are pretty/very active players and that put us in a hole. We lost 2 of our mages oop and Osiris who was aiming for late game AM was forced to convert, which took additional time. Looking back our elfs should have retreated further inside our core instead of placing cities as our line of 1st defense.

We did have leadership problems early on, but Sick Dwarf assumed the role nicely. Unfortunately by the time she did, it was a little too late.

16:52:49 Mar 11th 15 - Mr. Ishamael:

I guess I'll play next era :D no copy paste on phone it's too much effort

20:05:45 Mar 11th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

Yeah, I didn't wanna place my starter city near the front, it was just where I landed and was hoping I'd get enough defense, but chade was too quick for me.

20:48:20 Mar 11th 15 - Ms. Sick Dwarf:

I didn't really even feel like I took leadership that's just kind of what I've done as a vice the last eras of gve and nobody had issue with it.  I know a lot of our leadership either had real life issues and got killed oop and had far less incentive to continue and other worlds to focus on.

21:41:49 Mar 11th 15 - Duke Chade The Stud Muffin:

19:05:45 Mar 11th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

... but chade was too quick for me.


Sorry, love :((( next time i will try to make it last longer...but we, the developers are like rabbits, ya know

02:12:36 Mar 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

Mmhmmm always an excuse, "it felt too good, it's been so long, your just so Hott" we will never complete our adult film with that kind performance.

Ms. Dwarf, I think you did well and should be full frontal leader

02:14:42 Mar 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

We gonna make teams already? Or we just gonna sit here with each other's thumbs in each other's bums?

02:16:01 Mar 12th 15 - Bran (Mr. Bran):

lets continue with thumbs in bums for a little while longer

09:53:10 Mar 12th 15 - Mr. Pure The Twat:

I quite enjoy the thumbs in the arses.

14:40:16 Mar 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

Okay, np, I don't disagree, maybe we can switch receivers, but after we are spent? I mean things are gonna get raw soon if we don't take a break. 

01:37:09 Mar 13th 15 - Mr. Lizards Soul:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke

10:26:58 Mar 13th 15 - Bran (Mr. Brans Law):

he mustve stole it from Boondock Saints

15:39:07 Mar 13th 15 - Duke Chade The Stud Muffin:

01:12:36 Mar 12th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

Mmhmmm always an excuse, "it felt too good, it's been so long, your just so Hott" we will never complete our adult film with that kind performance.

It's a "nerd" thing mate...we are fast to "fix" bugs... :(

16:46:09 Mar 13th 15 - Mr. Valhallas Clown:

and then create 10 more in the code!

23:33:44 Mar 13th 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Shyers):

I don't get it, It sure sucks to be one of the cool kids, always getting laid, Invited to cool parties, getting outta trouble for free. I never get let in on those witty jokes you nerds always talk about. 

03:23:14 Mar 14th 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Orcish Horus):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade
17. Random
18. Mandred Black
19. ishamail
20. horuspanic (back full time monday)

03:33:17 Mar 14th 15 - Teirdel (Saint Tyrael The Fallen):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure
4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
7. Kreed
8. Binh
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
15. Chade
17. Random
18. Mandred Black
19. ishamail
20. horuspanic (back full time monday)

21. Teirdel ( idk how I got removed)

05:11:35 Mar 14th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Care Blair):

1. Marquess Hartmut

2. Crystal

3, Pure

4. Von Darkmoor
5 unixes
9. Woody 
10. Ssssssshyers
11. Cheesywotsit
12. Neyo
20. horuspanic (back full time monday)
21. Teirdel ( idk how I got removed)

7. Kreed
8. Binh
17. Random
18. Mandred Black
13. Zoe
14. Iamevilstoplaughing
19. ishamail
15. Chade

I would count Binh as 100 people but there are not enough people. So this era he counts as 2.

Tried to balance the best with newer players. Not on Skype anymore so don't know if leadership will be an issue for either side. I am impatient and got bored of waiting for shyers to pick teams

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