Forums / In game politics / Good vs Evil round 6

Good vs Evil round 6
05:11:26 May 11th 15 - Mr. Barny:

Round 5 isn't over, but things will go more smoothly if we start the Round 6 signups early and draft up the teams before the current round ends. Let's use this thread to sign up for round 6 and discuss GvE.

We can begin with signups.

1. Barny

11:25:22 May 11th 15 - Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy:

1. Barny
2. Pure

11:33:31 May 11th 15 - The Real Josh (Archangel Avacyn):

  1. Barny
  2. Pure
  3. Slade 

11:59:54 May 11th 15 - Duke Chade The Mothership:

  1. Barny
  2. Pure
  3. Slade 
  4. Chade

12:07:06 May 11th 15 - shyers (Mr. Knightinshyersarmor):

  1. Barny
  2. Pure
  3. Slade 
  4. Chade
  5. Shyers

14:40:52 May 11th 15 - Binh (Mr. Meep Meep Meep):

  1. Barny
  2. Pure
  3. Slade 
  4. Chade
  5. Shyers
  6. Binh

14:52:52 May 11th 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

  1. Barny
  2. Pure
  3. Slade 
  4. Chade
  5. Shyers
  6. Binh
  7. Horus

16:55:32 May 11th 15 - Mr. Bling:


21:45:35 May 11th 15 - Mr. Von Darkmoor:

  1. Barny
  2. Pure
  3. Slade 
  4. Chade
  5. Shyers
  6. Binh
  7. Horus
  8. Bling
  9. Von Darkmoor

16:02:23 May 12th 15 - Mr. Loverr:

When do we start and is it any good?

16:21:51 May 12th 15 - HorusPanic (Lord Horus):

Loverr, have to wait for the current round to finish, but I don't know how far away we are from that.. maybe a week or two.

Yes its a fun map, the last bastion of VU where everyone that is still around wants to get involved

17:33:59 May 12th 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

  • Barny
  • Pure
  • Slade 
  • Chade
  • Shyers
  • Binh
  • Horus
  • Bling
  • Von Darkmoor
  • Todd L. Fondler

  • 08:13:21 May 13th 15 - Mr. Learner:

  • Barny
  • Pure
  • Slade 
  • Chade
  • Shyers
  • Binh
  • Horus
  • Bling
  • Von Darkmoor
  • Todd L. Fondler
  • Learner

  • 08:21:14 May 13th 15 - Mr. Nefarious:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    09:41:19 May 13th 15 - Prince Iceworks The Killer:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    17:07:03 May 13th 15 - Stormy (Lady Lagerthe):

    Can't copy paste atm but me. Stormy. aka Chade's bitch.

    17:16:28 May 13th 15 - Ms. Iceworks Return:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    17:43:00 May 13th 15 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Pennywise The Clown):

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    01:08:08 May 14th 15 - Hentai Again:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    08:13:27 May 14th 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Unemployed):

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    08:16:31 May 14th 15 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Pennywise The Clown):

    Ali = Aligreat?

    08:17:06 May 14th 15 - Mr. Nieven:

    I'm new to the game as a whole and got thrown into the middle of round 5, I think, but I'll sign up for the next one just to keep things familiar while I try to figure all this out. Which team wants the new guy :P

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    08:18:14 May 14th 15 - Mr. Nieven:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    10:43:36 May 14th 15 - Chief Cheesywotsit:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler

    17:39:58 May 20th 15 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Zugzwang):

    I do not know who is going to assign the "teams" for this round of G v E, and how it is done (I read some of the older G v E threads and it seems to be assigned based on activity and "player impact"), but anyway, for the person who is going to do the "assigning" for this round of G v E, please note that I will be flying to Taiwan tomorrow for a holiday until the 27th. I will be doing a lot of hikes through national parks so I will not have (reliable) internet connection. If the next round of G v E is going to start around this time, please pencil me in for "low activity, low impact".

    In any event, I am not going to be as active in this game as I used to be and I just want to be a simple, minor cog in the team machine (no leadership or high responsibility roles for me please :D); hopefully, I will be led by a capable leader that I TRUST and RESPECT *hint* *hint* :D, so ultimately, please consider me as a "mid-activity", "mid-impact" player at best :)

    (Of course, I know there are certain folks who consider me as a "non-impact, worthless" player anyway and that I shouldn't be so presumptuous and arrogant to post any terms or conditions on this matter, what more with me having been out of the game for quite a while, but hey, I think I have to give a heads up at least :P)

    *me has best interest of my future team at heart... whichever team wants to accept a nobody loser like me.... *sob**

    18:12:16 May 20th 15 - Mr. Bling:

    Dont worry TBL... no fecker is evil enough to be part of evil so its me vs the good twats again -_-

    23:28:41 May 20th 15 - Binh (Mr. Binh The Warrior):

    Yes let's get this team sorted first before we end the era.

    23:52:59 May 20th 15 - Mr. Pimp:

    Still a few more weeks of this era to go. You have all fallen into my trap and now I will spring the event of events that will crush good twats once and for all!!! mwahaha *bling bursts into tears at evil farmers

    23:53:58 May 20th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

    Weeks? Days.

    00:35:30 May 21st 15 - Mr. Bling:

    Balance the kd's this time.
    Start with the players who are dedicated mages, make them kd leaders and vices, then do the rest, so both kd's have a balance on mages.
    Leave the farmers off the list, and let them join as and when they apply. Neither kd needs them. Fighters and active players u can randomize, but randomizing the entire list wont work.

    04:26:10 May 21st 15 - Lady Iceworks Return:

    why dont we vote for 2 leaders... and have them pick the players? like once everyone registers... then we'll see who choose first... then each leader will take turns to choose their players... 

    05:14:09 May 21st 15 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Zugzwang):

    I wouldn't worry too much about it, Terence. I think Barny and a couple of others have somehow or rather got things sorted out for next round. At least, that's what I read in the G v E Round 5 thread anyway.

    If I am allowed to have a small opinion on how teams are sorted out though, judging from the "impact", "activity" and "leadership" terminology being bandied about in the past few threads, I would say that Binh, Barny, Aligreat and Pure need to be allocated fairly. No disrespect to the fair folks of Evil (and I know that most of you are high level, "impact" players at your best), but when I read that Binh, Pure and Ali were on the same team, I kinda expected Round 5 to be a walkover round for Good. As it turned out to be :P :S


    I wonder..... does anybody play dedicated mage anymore nowadays other than Kobu? I know there are players who can play any role, any race, any time-frame competently, and some are even able to "multi-role" very effectively. I myself personally prefer to play a "plug-in-the-gap" role - I identify my kingdom's greatest need prior to era start and play that role then. But this kind of planning and decision-making cannot be done without the kingdom setups being determined sufficiently in advanced prior to round start. A sudden round start like this G v E Round 5 (if I am comprehending it correctly) pretty much left folks and teams disorganized. Resulting in a very unbalanced round ultimately :P

    11:07:24 May 21st 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Unemployed):

    As anyone who has played with or against me over the past 2 eras will tell you. I am more Alimeh than Aligreat these days. Activity is inconsistent and erratic so my impact is not on a par with the likes of Binh/Pure. 

    Just ask cheesey, I've been chasing his scout around for a few days now.

    11:48:26 May 21st 15 - Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy:

    Sorry for the long Barny style post, I havent even proof read it as I couldn't be fucked.

    Ali said he was going to be quite inactive and logs only from his phone. Also he didnt do too much for the outcome of the war despite what stats say. He killed evils rebuilding core which had 1 player (To my knowledge) that could actually throw together a force that should have been able to compete.

    Last era we weren't prepared for era end (Evil didnt tell anyone that they were casting arma and we were a tiny bit surprised when they did as a small group of us still had our armies alive. a loss was inevitable though) So that was the biggest issue. As you would have read it was simple sorted into an odds and evens. I spoke to a few people about how to balance the odds/evens with only a handful of transfers. The problem is many people didnt put their names down. I still think the teams looked pretty even just evil had no organisation and we/I took advantage of it. And frankly if it wasn't for bling I would have done a shit load more damage oop (Well done sir).

    We didn't actually have too many people that attacked, Aussie and Hartmut were my relief halfers that attacked on day 5 or 6 followed by Hanky (who started  pretty late) woodeh later attacked I think around day 9 or 10.  Skeeter was attacking from just out of oop kept getting bounced by Stewie but it kept him tied up so he helped me. Archi core dropped oop but was quite inactive during protection so he died really quickly and with Binh he got 2 nice plunders on cheesy and maged early era until about day 11 or something. Slade maged from oop and shyers joined him around day 6. And really they were all that did the work. Chade (And binh)  came in with the game finishing army which has killed their biggest armies (Organised). I had people ready to fight oop core drops (one of which actully landed in our core but stupid Zoe told him to wreck his city, people like Binh and I would have killed to have that sort of pes growth as a halfer oop in a core drop)

    I think one of the biggest problems was bran was their only dedicated active mage. When I took him out evil really started to crumble. I was able to kill cheesy with naz and gaia and  severely cripple 3 or so other evil players to the point they were near useless for the rest of the era and then pretty much hurt everyone besides stormy, von darkmoor and bling. because I was able to naz raid their core untouched with as many naz as I liked.

    Pretty much a tl;dr evil lost not so much because of quality or activity of players. More because of a lack of organisation vs good who I had organised the fuck out of (No way was I going to lose 2 GvE eras in a row!). Before era I had told people I wanted them to attack on these days etc etc.  We also set up the only blocker points oop incase we failed our oop plans. Ideally we need two of the games best strategists/leaders on either side.

    I did find it incredible hard to organise as people just wouldn't listen. So thats one of the bigger problems we will always be faced with in GvE. I know some people don't like the idea of ranking people in groups but I think it needs to be done. So I believe a few of us need to get in a skype channel together and discuss this. GvE is dieing however as many of us are growing bored with it and I think I actually told a few people this current era would be my last GvE era (I have since changed my mind).

    12:00:38 May 21st 15 - Mr. Barny:

    Can I start working on the teams for next round? I think it's important that we get the teams sorted before the next round begins. I'll still need a better sense for who is playing round 6 but I can start looking at potential rosters for next round and seeing what Binh, Pure, and a few other people think.

    I assume Slade/Shyers/Eddy did a lot of the magic for Good in round 5. Shyers and Eddy have been doing magic pretty consistently from round to round so I'll keep that in mind.

    I need to confirm that Pure can still lead one of the kingdoms, but we need an agreeable leader for the other kingdom. I still have some medical stuff going on (inflamed tendon in hand/wrist) but there are a lot of suitable replacements. I think Bling and Danny are interested, Marquess Hartmut didn't volunteer but would be a good candidate, and Ryan would also make a good candidate as he was a very good vice this era.

    The biggest balancing issue going into round 6 will be making sure that both teams have stable leadership. Evil's leadership last round wasn't that great aside from a few active and communicative vices like Ryan so we need to make sure that that changes next round.

    12:00:39 May 21st 15 - Mr. Barny:

    Edit for accidental double-post

    13:54:44 May 21st 15 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Zugzwang):

    Have some free time at the airport, so thought I would say a few words:


    It has always been a monumental effort organising a high-level kingdom. Every time I played on Fantasia as a key leader (Superheroes / Godlike Nubs, Fate, Fear, Buffet, Beothuk), I have had to spend hours and hours making sure the kingdom machinery runs smoothly. Getting people to drop, getting people to play their role, making sure no one effs up and builds a city with no defence or GTs, diplomacy, long term strategy, short term strategy, very short term tactics, etc. There were times I even had to micromanage folks, because the slightest mistake could have been very costly.

    I have always said that running a kingdom at the highest level is like running a small company. And in a game where we can't fire people, we have to spend time massaging a lot of egos instead :D

    In some of those old days, I would spend 5 hours a day at work, 6 hours a day at sleep, and almost 8 hours a day on VU. And the older timers can remember the old style Armageddon, where merges moved at scout speed and there's no prep time.

    Not something I can do today.


    Man, you don't even have to ask. Anyone who takes the effort to organise the folks around so that a balanced, fair and enjoyable round can be played does not need to ask the rest of us dependents for permission. Before I forget, please allow me to say, on my own behalf, that your efforts are very much appreciated.

    Where kingdom leadership is concerned, I would suggest not only looking for the king of each kingdom, but a good core of 2 to 3 vices that the king can rely on. Leadership has always been a team effort, just like in any other organization. So a total of 6 to 8 decent "leaders" (including the two kings) would spread the burden around and keep folks in both kingdoms organised and motivated (and win or lose in good grace :D).

    If need be, I can be one of the vices, but keep me as a last choice option in case there are other folks who would like the opportunity to demonstrate their leadership credos :)

    OK, departure time. Good luck with the organising, folks :D

    14:21:56 May 21st 15 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic):

    i volunteer as a vice, but rather not get involved in making teams or being the figurehead leader

    i plan on playing dedicated mage too

    14:46:13 May 21st 15 - Ms. Pillsbury Doughboy:

    @tbl I knew it was going to be time consuming task but compared to the old days you actually had more people capable of listening and you can fire (kick) them if they weren't co operating. Pretty easy to pick some other scum up back then.  In gve you can't kick them unfortunately (atleast I refuse to some people want to kick) 

    17:23:54 May 21st 15 - Mr. Pimp:

    Don't want to lead, Ryan and Bran are good for those.
    I just want it balanced to the point that each team has a core of 5 to 10 players who the leaders of the kd are made aware as being their key players. The reason I ask for this is because Bran had the same issues in that he requested blockers to be placed, and that was ignored because players figured someone else would do it, or just were active or bothered.
    I'd prefer those who cant be arsed... stares evilly at Osi... take your names off the list, so we know who can be arsed and we can play accordingly.

    18:06:42 May 21st 15 - Mr. Bundle of Sticks:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler
    Bundle of Sticks

    22:31:18 May 21st 15 - Mr. Bling:

    Do we have a guesstimate on when the new era is going to start??

    23:31:24 May 21st 15 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXVIII):

    After they kill me, Stormy and Bundle. That's what Pure told me.

    23:51:16 May 21st 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

    Don't forget the scouts or those in op!

    00:23:54 May 22nd 15 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXVIII):

    So it is really gonna have a wipe out? This really stinks. As this going, I might not be able to play next round since I've got limited time.

    18:24:52 May 22nd 15 - Mr. Trolloc:

    I guess I can come back and play next era after having this one off. Still use my phone a lot to play during the day tho. 

    Also not copying and pasting the player list by phone :D (Osiris)

    20:06:11 May 22nd 15 - Prince Ofthe Dragons:

    Von Darkmoor
    Todd L. Fondler
    Bundle of Sticks

    20:07:49 May 22nd 15 - Prince Ofthe Dragons:

    We should really get together guys and discuss teams. We will be casting arma soon. I wont to be atleast discussing it before we cast.

    20:31:26 May 22nd 15 - Stephen Ben (Mr. Unemployed):

    Barny, what info you need before you name draft 1 of the teams?

    00:19:20 May 23rd 15 - shyers (Grandmaster Doctor Shyers):

    I've beeeeen ready to cast.

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