Forums / In game politics / Grats too LGC ^_^

Grats too LGC ^_^
10:59:18 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Revengee:

Grats too       LGC on winning the era

Grats too       Bill Thomas Killman for the era win too

Era of Killman ?!

Grats too all LGC except for Ez!

13:12:11 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Era of Bill? :P

Congrats to LGC from Music Well done. :)

13:39:07 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Fordiuz:

Is it over already?

13:42:19 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Revengee:

I like this race :O

Carnage take the lead !

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 36077
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 35894

14:33:30 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Wilberforce:

Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 211
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 210


Its very close.

Grats bill.

Also grats to Ocool for doing well, would of been nice for him to win but alas...

15:33:16 Jul 4th 08 - Duke Argyle:

Congratulations BTK :D well done ;D

16:31:00 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

try again sir

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Lord Marche as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

this will not change in the next 4 ticks... im making a last minute come back

16:42:37 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

I'm not sure you understand. Winning by 1% when you have 50% more people than them isn't really that glorious, actually it's most pathetic. That chart might have some meaning if you had the same numbers.

16:43:13 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

lol @ caradoc

Legacy dominate the HOH with 5/10, even sheolic has more up there than carnage.

The kingdoms are more or less equal and yet your KD is much larger. So yes, congrats to legacy, they have more quality per quantity, which you obviously do not.


Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 6879
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 6813

Congrats also to BTK. The era obviously belongs to legacy, most Carnage people are grown up enough to accept it.

Im stilll hoping somebody in legacy hasnt logged out in the past 3 RL days and will just log out and back in again before the end to really make Caradoc notice this.

16:53:08 Jul 4th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Gratz to LGC and BTK.

Caradoc --> My respect for you lessens every time I see you post.

16:56:36 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

Oh I forgot, Congratz to Legacy and BTK, good era.

17:44:35 Jul 4th 08 - Grumpy old Hedgie:

Gratz LGC :)
Was hoping for Grag to take this one but oh well, wh0ring is a fickle business, especially late era ;)

gj in any case.

Wilberforce: 0cool couldnt take an era if he payed for it. He is simply inept.

18:22:54 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

you'll find my respest on the battle feild *beep*.

carnage will never except LGC having "almost won the era". you know what? almost doesnt count. *beep* (american sprinter) almost broke the wr in the 100m dash but you know what? he didnt because of the wind aid. but he almost broke it, it doesnt mean he has it. anywas this proves carange is not a farming kingdom as if we were we would have won the era by atleast 10%. and for the billionth time not even 50% of are member are active so dont give carnage that *beep* of you have soooo many people because we dont kick our dead weight

18:26:19 Jul 4th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

surely I'll find your respest on the battlefield...

And about every kingdom has dead weight. So don't complain about it because it goes for everyone.

18:30:45 Jul 4th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

Caradoc, you need to realise that all these people here flaming Carnage and comparing Carnages score to LGC arent members of LGC. So there isn't any need for you to get up tight about it or for you to make bad comments about LGC.

Frankly, I doubt anybody cares about the end scores. They're just trying to wind you up, and they're winning at it.

18:33:34 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Feanor:

Always fun to see how people spin the results.  When will you guys learn that this is a game, and the winner is the one with the highest score.  It is like watching the olymics and declaring the fourth place finsher the winner because he came in fourth with less help then the gold medelest.  Personly, I would like to see a more accurate scoring system, but this is the one we have, and the winner is the one who utilizes it the best whether by farming, warring *beep*ming members, whatever.  And FYI, those who know me know that I consistently take this position, not just when Carnage is the winner.

18:35:35 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Wilberforce:

Raist, whys that then?

Is he not in HoH - was he not at the top for a point in time.

Would he not have been stronger if it was for the bug?

I'm not flaming back, i'm genuinely interested.


Like i said gj LGC.

18:46:01 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Kingdoms in Fantasia
HavocCarnage36Lord Marche100
LGCLegacy23Mr. Roxbury98

last tick even *beep*load of BT's couldnt change the tide now

18:47:41 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

lol caradoc carnage really won the era right ;) hahahahahahahha

18:56:46 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Wilberforce:

Sweet jesus, LGC went up 1. Carnage went up 5.


Havoc Carnage 36 Lord Marche 216
LGC Legacy 23 Mr. Roxbury 211

19:07:00 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

I have to say Swifty here doing damage control is pretty hilarious.

Carnage had all era pretty much a farmfest and they still weren't able to win, not only that they only have 1 guy in the top 10. Carnage please disband, you're an embarrassment to VU.

19:12:39 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

thats right, we did win the era as a kingdom. i think its funny how you all flame carnage but no of you have played in carange and will never know what it feels like. we won fair and square : ) maybe if some of you played in carnage (wont happen because you'll *beep*S) you would understand the position we are always in

19:15:00 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

>position we are always in

Position? You mean the one where you're bent over and taking it up the ass from Legacy? Have fun with that.

19:16:49 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

caradoc Carnage is the least respected of the top kds. the sheer fact that with 36 members you only just outscore a 26 man kd is sad. why would i ever want to join you

19:22:00 Jul 4th 08 - Ms. Penis From Venus:

I'm not damage controlling Cobra. I'm just trying to explain to the guy that the people who are flaming Carnage and comparing them to LGC aren't in LGC, and are the people Carnage fought this round. So for him to get angsty at us isn't particularily fair.

19:23:18 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

ok dumb ass lets play a stupid little game that everyone in the forums decided to play against carnage. ok we out scored a 26 man kingdom. you dont realize that was not the only kingdom we out scored. we outscored
ROC Royal Order of Claidhmore 30 Sir Kev of Claidhmore 2
we out scored
Preds Predators 33 Sir Darkmarsbar 51

out scored

DB Dark Blood 25 Sir Oya 1

out scored

WoL Wolves of Lithuania 22 Duke Vytautas Didysis 3

out scored

HVC Havoc 27 Mr. Whoop 0

ok so they are not ALL in fantasia but we still out scored them. my point, we still outscored every kingdom in the game, not just LGC. the preds had the same amount of time to build up as us and yet they still cant win IN A LOWER WORLD with almost as many people! they hardly have half our scoreand only 3 less memeber but when you take out people that didnt play, we are even

19:26:05 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

wow you outscored a bunch of newb kds and some dead ones! gooooo team!

19:28:13 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

who did you outscore?

19:30:47 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

your kd many many times in the past and probably in the future as well

19:32:04 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

idk like to see you try and beat the kingdom that im in next era. you wont live oop if your near me.

lets see what your score comes up as in 28 minutes

19:39:11 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

0 because im not playing :) beat your kd? lol the kd i ran beat most kds in the game at some point so im really not going to be scared of some newb kd your making or any kd you join

19:44:25 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

you will be. your the *beep* here m8. iv been playing for quite some time you will just epically phial

19:45:37 Jul 4th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Caradoc III, 6:22:28PM

 think its funny how you all flame carnage but no of you have played in carange and will never know what it feels like.



Would the feeling be close to.. Retarded..?

19:47:30 Jul 4th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Caradoc III


7/4/2008 7:44:25 PM
you will be. your the *beep* here m8. iv been playing for quite some time you will just epically phial
If you'd know who you're talking to you'd feel so tiny now... You've played "quite some time"? Well most of the people that posted here have played 3 times as long as you... (gawd this is fun)

19:50:12 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Kev of Claidhmore:

wow... I can't believe ROC even got a mention here!  Positive Love, Negative Love.... it's all love ;)   Congrats to Legacy and Bill... seems like ppl are always saying Fant is not what it once was and how it sucks but... the stories of the wars and conflicts from that World are always epic and phenomenal..... Good Job all and Good Luck next era.

19:52:00 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

im caradoc the III yes thats right, thats doesnt mean its how long iv been playing. i changed my name when i first came back to the game to descise (idk how to spell that) myself then i decided i like caradoc better so i keep the name going now

19:54:41 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

so we should just take your word for it that your an uber scary vet?

19:55:11 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Binh The Reborn:

lol congratz :)

19:56:45 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

nope not uber :) just a vet

20:02:51 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

many people lay false claim to the name vet. but i guess we will never know who you are

20:11:42 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

all's id like to say is i ended with a production of 400k due to my end era madness, - food income as a halfer, and oly 60k tree per turn. i wont give out my tactics : ) i finished 15 so you might want to take my word for it

20:11:46 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. New Person:

Hey Caradoc my KD outscored every KD but 3, and those three KDs had twice more time to build.

Carnage 208%   17 players more then us
LGC  203%   4 more players then us
Preds 107%    14 more players then us
We recruited two people from an already beaten KD. You're 208% of us, had more time to build, and have almost double our players. So are we better then you?

So does that mean we're the 4th best KD in VU even though we're on Starta and have way less players then 2/3 top KDs. I don't think so, face it LGC whooped you.

Good job LGC, now go and fight the whole world like the good ole times and break away from Carnage.

20:12:31 Jul 4th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

not because you finished 15th you own the world now...

(I don't think razing buildings when high on resources and than mass-training at low troop cost is nothing we don't know already..)

20:14:30 Jul 4th 08 - The Gragnar:

congrats to bout a rousing rendition of On Wisconsin from him

gbye all

20:16:47 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. New Person:

LGC lowest player=
92.Mr. ComLegacyTroll200481

Carnage lowest player=
106.Mr. FestessCarnageOrc32674

Carnage had two people who where either dead or did not restart, Stormy and Bumblebee. All other Carnage members restarted and played.

20:17:45 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

>Would the feeling be close to.. Retarded..?

Ouch! That had to hurt! +1 for Lew

20:19:39 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

@ lew thats not what i did... mass-training, razing??? thats what *beep*s do. now their is a new tactict. i may have done better if i mass trained but a new era is on the rise. and im not saying i own the world because of it, i just said that to show that i am some kind of vet, i said i WASNT uber.

20:21:28 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

wow not sure i could manage 15th when my kd side won the war..

20:22:44 Jul 4th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Congrats LGC

wtg Zach :)

20:25:11 Jul 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

it was his freaky earing it gives good luck

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