Forums / In game politics / Gratz Fear

Gratz Fear
18:19:50 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Ninja:

Congrats to Fear and lord sky for winning the era. It was a close race for the winning player but sadly kaizen came up short :[

18:20:28 Jun 25th 10 - Wolflord Karac:

Thank you, and yes congrats Sky, great job :)

18:25:07 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. The Binh Loser:

Thank you Ninja. If it is any consolation, most of us were expecting Kaizen to win due to his land difference. Need to note that science levels add alot of networth now.

Thank you to everyone who made this an era. To friends, foes, and all players - it was a pleasure (albeit a very stressful and tense one at times) playing this round with you.

Congrats to Sky for his win.

Thanks to Fate, Relentless and Black Flag for their alliance and friendship.

Congrats to Kaizen for a great round.

To my enemies, good fighting, and let's meet on the battlefield again next era.

Best regards.

18:25:30 Jun 25th 10 - Warlord Kaizen:

Ya sci levels screwed me over lol, My advents just didnt find too many. Congrats you guys had a great era

18:26:02 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Daiske:

where the score board!

18:28:18 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Ninja:

play, then go to highscores

18:41:59 Jun 25th 10 - Endless Destruction:

congrats Sky

18:50:46 Jun 25th 10 - Lord Ohmlyone:

congrats Fear and Sky....It was a great battle this era

18:57:29 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Secret Agent Onslaught:

gj, wd F.E.A.R. and Sky.

19:00:19 Jun 25th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

Good job guys,

19:10:10 Jun 25th 10 - Sir Feanor The Silmaril Defender:

Fear and Sky,

A dominating, wire to wire win.  Great job.

Best regards


19:46:39 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Tangletongue The Titan:

awesome! Gratz sky and my fellow fearites! Wel done to kaizen too impressive play. At least the whorer got nowher that made me smile

20:01:31 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Kreed:

Congrats on a good era FEAR and Lord Sky. I'm already getting pumped for next era

23:38:48 Jun 25th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Congrats on the era win Sky!

@ Kaizen, i know my Adventurers could never get any bloody xp.. even though i did fight enough.

Fcked up the era end pump big time. but still. surprisingly ended as 4th, so im happy. Best era so far.. 10 era break, and got 3rd on Mantrax last era.. now 4th on Fantasia.   Next up; Era of Venomz?  ^^
*ends dream*

00:54:46 Jun 26th 10 - Sir Feanor The Silmaril Defender:

I know this thread is to congratulate Sky and Fear, but I can't help adding grats to my former king, Venomz, as well.  Much like Sky, he got where he did the hard way, by fighting for it not farming.  And it is always good to see a long time Vet come back to the game with a vengence.  Here is to hopeing some other lurking vets get inspired and come back to the game.

01:06:12 Jun 26th 10 - Ice Prince Aureola:

o.O So Wenomz was leader of Carnage? interesting...


Wenomz you gave me a great fight, damn you took my cities the hard way and FEAR the easy one. lol.Hope to meet you next era at the battllefield again. for a re-match.


01:12:14 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Xpumpx:

Congrats on the big KD win and player win! very fun age and you guys and girls played well.

01:18:34 Jun 26th 10 - Sir Sandgroper:

Congrats guys :)

01:38:52 Jun 26th 10 - Dreadlord Jay Renfro:

Omg dont call Venomz a vet, that's just insulting to the rest of VU :D


Grats Sky, well deserved if not entirely sure victory there.

03:03:46 Jun 26th 10 - Lord Canucks:

grats fear and sky

07:20:30 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

<3 Sky ;)  Era of Sky has a ring to it, no?  And good job FEAR.

08:24:14 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Well done Fear, you nailed it again...

09:10:23 Jun 26th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Congratulation Sky on the era win

10:51:58 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Pink Giraffe:

Congratz :-)

12:35:24 Jun 26th 10 - Mr. Ois:

venomz isnt an old vet he is a nooooob!

04:50:21 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

It's always fun having ya guys as friends and not foes :P

05:33:00 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Venomz:

Even when im not a vet. i pwned y'all !

13:49:57 Jun 27th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Platinum Dildo:

Well done to Sky and Fea..

21:34:27 Jun 27th 10 - Lord Deno The Ruby Ninja:

Congratulations Sky and Fear. It is allways much harder to repeat a success than it is to win the first time. What it is now ? 2 times player era winner and 2 or 3 times kd era winner. Thats pretty solid, and with a new leadership as well. 

It is good to see some consistant game play from my old friends even after i left. Good luck to you all next era. 

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