Forums / In game politics / Guild of the Fallen Recruiting

Guild of the Fallen Recruiting
00:05:42 Feb 3rd 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Guild of the Fallen

Kingdom Banner

Name: Guild of the Fallen
Members: 22
Created: 11/22/2009 8:28:05 PM
Leader: Toaster Struddle


Some former Brothers and Sisters of the Guild are welcome to rejoin in the search for honorable glory!!!

This KD might be desicribed using four words:


FOR RELATIONS CONTACT: STRUDDLE if he doesnt respond in 24 hours contact one of the vices. All requests sent to vices before sent to Struddle will be completely ignored. (yay for third person hehe.)

We are a KD created in the early stages of era 35 in Zetamania. After recent kingdom cleansing we are ready to recruit new and experienced players coming from different places. Send your application stating the following:

1. How many eras have you played?
2. Which kingdoms have u been in before?
3. Why do u want to join us?
4. Time spent online per day ( give approximate result using the X/24 scale, where X is hours per day)
5. Proffered race

To new players:
We are ready to recruit you, and if you have desire to learn how to play - you WILL learn!!! But beware being online and listening to the leadership is essential as we are not forgiving too many mistakes.


00:09:06 Feb 3rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Best of luck to you guys! Really mean it! First era i attempted to join cause i liked your banner >_> werent recruiting then, but be sure to come and chat with me. I have a nack for finding newer players (much to my disbenefit.)

12:12:39 Feb 3rd 10 - Duke Random:


06:58:44 Feb 11th 10 - Toaster Struddle:


07:19:35 Feb 14th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

bump Bump

14:13:45 Feb 17th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

Hey is it possible for me to join? :)

15:36:59 Feb 17th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

nah I hijacked your kingdom its mine foreverzzzzzzzz >:D

15:39:19 Feb 17th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

dont forget that i have an evil spy in "your" kingdom ]:) muhahahaha

Gokken will help me regain control with his evilnezzz :)

23:51:34 Feb 17th 10 - General Gokken:

I will? hmm i dont know whats worse.. you or struddle.

I think i will take over the kingdom myself instead :P

23:58:31 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:


01:03:44 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny II:

Don't forget about me Chade, Toster Strudel is good, i wonder if Toster Struddle is any different.  ;)

07:53:50 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Shadow:

good luck to you guys. and good to see you back Chade.

15:48:17 Feb 18th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

Thanks Shadow :)
i would really love to have you back some day ;)

@ Skinny - dont worry bro, i got your back :D

20:00:00 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Pointbreak:

I am looking for a New Kingdom For Next Era so who ever wants me Pm me.

23:02:04 Feb 19th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

With the new Hobbit changes will Struddle come back as the killer Hobbit on Ponys next era?

04:16:08 Feb 20th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

Hey guys,

I would like to ask all former members to come back to the Guild :) some of them said that they will come back when they see me back, so...I am back now :P
Some of the former members which i would really love to see back are:
- Jay
- Roheran
- Mr. Dead (he has changed his name many times, and i would love for him to msg me so i can see his nickname nowadays :P)
- Darkfaith
- Silvanus (yeah, i know that we have separated badly, but i am sure that we both learned our lesson, and it will be good to have you back :P)
- Shadow
- Kaze
- Koss (same as Silvanus :) I am sure that things we have been through have some reflect upon us )

and i really apologize for the rest of you who have been in the Guild and your name was not mentioned. You are welcomed too :)

And all the rest of you guys, if you choose to come to gotf, you will see that it is not such a bad kingdom :)

04:23:13 Feb 20th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

lol good luck GOTF

04:41:16 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Great luck GoTF!

05:36:55 Feb 20th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Yes I will be changing my race back to halfers and you will see me riding those loveable ponies that I used so long ago =P

06:36:02 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

Thank you all for your well wishes.  Luck to you as well

06:48:25 Feb 20th 10 - Mr. Abhishek IV:

Good luck guyz! I have once been in GOTF (I think Era 42).

22:09:49 Feb 20th 10 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Whoops, meant to post in this thread, not the "Recruitment Center" one.

My statements still stand.

If you are a new player and looking to learn, then I would highly recommend Guild of the Fallen Kingdom to you. 

If you are a more seasoned player, and need a KD with many solid players, with solid reputations, and an impeccable reputation to boot, then I also recommend GotF.

Good luck GotF, and see you around next era.

22:11:40 Feb 20th 10 - Dr. Darkwing Duck:

Gooo  Struddle!!!!

23:35:47 Feb 20th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Thanks Wyzer and Abhishek, and DD what about me? :(

01:39:08 Feb 21st 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

@ Wyzer - your words are honoring us! Thank you!

18:32:48 Feb 22nd 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

ppl from Valhalla and Nirvana - join us :P

19:40:28 Feb 22nd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Valhalla is sadly a ghost town


20:42:12 Feb 22nd 10 - Toaster Struddle:

I'm here so I make Valhalla awesome.

21:19:20 Feb 22nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

It'll be a gaia town by the time i'm done with it! Grr! :p

21:53:09 Feb 22nd 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Theres a lot of ex-Rebirth in GotF

22:00:29 Feb 22nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Where? I can't find them :(.

22:03:42 Feb 22nd 10 - Sir Loin:

welcome back chade, and thank you for the mention but i am sitting the next few eras out. gl


22:04:03 Feb 22nd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

wow nice fcking banner!

22:05:26 Feb 22nd 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

Ok sorry

Goooo Shmeh

22:08:17 Feb 22nd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Took a while but too right! :p

23:12:12 Feb 22nd 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

Sir Loin


21:03:42 Feb 22nd 10

welcome back chade, and thank you for the mention but i am sitting the next few eras out. gl


thanks Roh :)

and here i was thinking that you went to some bad kingdom, but now that i see, it's all good :P you picked the best kingdom...after gotf, ofc =D

23:20:06 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

i liked your old banner better :(

23:30:59 Feb 22nd 10 - Toaster Struddle:

Well our old one looks a lot like gladiators and we were looking to change it anywho and I wanted green so we went with that tis was my pick deal with it muahhahahaha :P

01:52:48 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

toaster at least make it more nazghul like! it looked sweet. plus you came first.

05:32:30 Feb 23rd 10 - Toaster Struddle:

we had been discussing changing it and also a nazgul theme would most likely not be used.  Also our banner stands out on the battlefield and I like it a lot.

05:49:25 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Well if it satisfies you then go for it :). just saying i lked other better. Gl this era as well guys.

00:54:11 Feb 24th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

we did discuss it and i think that a new banner should mark my return :) and therefore a new style and new aim :P
looks sexy

00:57:15 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

This one is sexier, will take a while though for me to think of it as GoTF.  and since we're warring the Gladiators it will look like we're warring you.

03:49:33 Feb 24th 10 - Guildmaster Chade:

see arthur likes it...there is nothing wrong with it :P

07:49:15 Feb 24th 10 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

Hey Arthur =D *waves*

08:19:06 Feb 24th 10 - Clan Elder Mcfarin:


I think it's appropriate for me to show up on this thread, though I prefer recruitment by PM.
Anyways - if you are interested in the guild, I am the one officially responsible for recruitment, so you can PM me anytime.
Of course, any other leader will answer your questions just as well.

Guild of the Fallen
Recruitment and Training.

08:19:38 Feb 24th 10 - Mr. Kreed:

i am a big fan of the new banner. i use to confuse the old one with the Gladiators all the time

08:20:47 Feb 24th 10 - Dr. Strange Love:

I agree this is a much better banner.  Like the shade of green too.

15:43:04 Feb 24th 10 - Duke Bongs:

Nice new banner guys :)

15:48:33 Feb 24th 10 - Toaster Struddle:

thanks bongs

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