Forums / In game politics / GvE 10

GvE 10
19:15:01 Oct 7th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Obvious):

  1. Mr. Josef Kramer has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 21 men and women.
  2. Mr. Sumimoto has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 4 men and women.

Things are heating up.

12:05:56 Oct 9th 15 - Konspyre (Captain Obvious):

i declare war on all of Evil.

Come at me bro.
Also everyone else while we're at it.

21:59:10 Oct 15th 15 - Mr. Friedhelm Hentschel:

How do I get to GvE?

11:52:04 Oct 16th 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

The easy way is:

You get a cat in your lap, and put your pinky in your mouth.

14:41:18 Oct 16th 15 - Zephyr (Marquess Hartmut):

Easy, just join a political party in the usa, prolly the democrats I hear those guys are fun.

21:31:39 Oct 16th 15 - Teirdel (Saint Tyrael of Roc):

Is gve dead? From what I can see there is only evil?

22:32:04 Oct 21st 15 - Mr. Josef Kramer:

I'm gonna go ahead and call out Kobuskan and everyone else in Evil who have not responded to my request for negotiations. Bearing in mind that this is a war-game, I can't see what the point is in farming your butts off, then attacking people who have just gotten out of protections. Personally I don't think this would be very fun, but apparently they get a real kick out of it. Also, GvE is supposed to be a training world correct? How can people train if the second they get out of protection they've got 3 different orc corps steamrolling their cities. Honestly, if you're a vet, and you've been playing this game for 5+ eras, play on mantrax or fanta, but don't ruin it for new(er) players. 

21:56:23 Oct 22nd 15 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Eros The Halfling Eater):

Vets have played at least 50+ era not 5 I would say lol

21:57:33 Oct 22nd 15 - Bran (Mr. Aragorn II):

surely he meant 5+ years, rather than eras

12:14:01 Oct 23rd 15 - Kobuskan (Sir Kobuskan):

GvE was never ment to be a new players world.

But yes, because lack of enemies we had to do something, rather had a stronger opponent

21:12:20 Oct 31st 15 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Dragonlord Crown Royal):

How about we turn it into a ffa world

21:25:03 Oct 31st 15 - Mr. Sladd:

Ffa would be fun, no kids, no alliances just mayhem!

22:18:05 Oct 31st 15 - Quirinus (Mr. Quirinus IV):

yea, except people would still form alliances and naps

22:48:20 Oct 31st 15 - Mr. Todd L Fondler:

Sure but only one person can win in the end.

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