Forums / In game politics / HALFLING VICTORY

18:06:28 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Evans:

1. Mr. Lenard Phi Factor Halfling 26918612
2. Mr. Ixo The Storm Wizard Carnage Dwarf 11614442
3. Mr. Aloysius Phi Factor Dwarf 10487694
4. Lord Carnage Carnage Dwarf 9677942
5. Dark Lord Osiris Freedom Fighter Dwarf 9341238
6. Mr. Gothrim Phi Factor Dwarf 9275765
7. Sir Dionysus Carnage Dwarf 8969863
8. Mr. Kibayaki Sena Phi Factor Dwarf 8761035
9. Mr. Jinchuuriki Phi Factor Dwarf 8736917
10. Sir Iamthekingofallbugs Carnage Dwarf 8731650


Good days!!

18:08:11 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Human is under valued! needs a x10 boost to score!

18:08:23 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Ulsfar:


18:08:37 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

he cheated  0.0

18:08:56 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

nah dwarf jsut needs .10 multiplied to their score ;)

18:09:13 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Evans:

halflings are great on scoreboards and it finally makes a change to have a non dwarf :P

18:14:20 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

it looks like orc are more powerful than trolls, what happened to the trolls?? they were big a few eras back

18:17:14 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Evans:

orcs overpowered....dwarf too good economy....elf underpowered... halfling fun (not strong).....troll. lost amongst the rest

18:25:38 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

orcs overpowered?!

Oh and um.. I'm sure that Lenard could probably manage to win an era as Orc or Troll... Most likely second..

18:27:30 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Lol @ orc overpowered. I doubt anyone had more than my 30m OP raw, if so speak up.

18:37:49 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

awwwwwww, i was about to mk a thread for that!

18:48:53 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

i have 21-22m OP raw :) with lvl 10 military!

but not even 1/5 of your score -_-....

18:59:37 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Around 15 million if I add all my nazguls together..

19:07:08 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius X:

lol that halfing must feel alone in the top 20 hes surrounded by a load of angry dwarfs looking to bang him...his fault for slippin and landing on number one

19:07:24 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

in one army i have 7 mil raw! *curses dang troll disadvantages*

lenard did not cheat but got his score fair and square so all of you people who cant comapre (including kmy self with less than 1/10 of his score) can all staret crying! *cries*

troll needs to be tweeked a bit too or atleast have the scis come down a bit! they are way to expensive!

19:09:32 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

who said lenard cheated..? *looks left and right*

i have the 2nd best offensive army with 21-22m OP on the entire fantasia?? *SELF APPLAUD and eagerly await someone else to say otherwise*

19:11:02 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

Mr. Revenge


12/7/2007 1:08:37 PM
he cheated  0.0


jsut saw it was from revenge though so it doesnt mean much anyway but ya i know a lot are thinking it i would be if i didnt paly by his side all era long

19:12:25 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

With 8 score per tier 5 units, its quite possible. But that would mean dwarf caver spaaaaam are even more effective.....?!!!! Me want 30-40 score per cata!

19:16:37 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

well he did have about 19 times more advents than i ahd zerks =P

so ya very believable =P

19:23:17 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

maybe mr. inactive had more?

19:25:49 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

The market is even different on mantrax. So you cannot even compare.

If i used my strategy on mantrax market, I would've had at least 2x more firepower.

20:47:41 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Carnage:

not really, there's like 1/3rd of the amount of stone that's in fantasia :)

@guys complaining for trolls:
Trolls are rather well balanced compared to other races... just a bit harder to play

22:14:14 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Troll is terrible, so is orc. Human is decent with STG, but you have to land drop and such....relies on abuse of increasing troop cost. Almost equivalent to feeding in that respect. What would your OP have been without land dropping Sun?


22:17:57 Dec 7th 07 - Sir Iamthekingofallbugs:

30M OP >.<

22:18:25 Dec 7th 07 - Sir Iamthekingofallbugs:

You trained 15M slingers?

22:18:59 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

no 3.75m advents

22:40:05 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Sun:

Mr. Lenard


12/7/2007 4:14:14 PM

Troll is terrible, so is orc. Human is decent with STG, but you have to land drop and such....relies on abuse of increasing troop cost. Almost equivalent to feeding in that respect. What would your OP have been without land dropping Sun?



I did not even land drop this era, simply stayed at a very low size between 2-2.6x base cost. I would've had 2x more otherwise with consistent landdrop, which would've easily overcome your total OP. :)

And i obtained 21.4m op without land dropping and absolutely no self-income, everything through stg. 40m+ is pretty scary if i landdropped ? ^^

22:51:21 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Well it shows that troop costs shouldn't increase, it's a huge flaw in that being smaller makes STG better

02:40:26 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Sun:

i did get a lot more stones though, b/c i had absolutely no income myself and 0 lvl in mining science. so my sole income is through stg, which was more effective than other humans.

03:32:43 Dec 8th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

nice army sun, but you scored the same as everyone else in the conquest department! (ie, zero!)

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