Forums / In game politics / HIV Disband

HIV Disband
18:16:15 Feb 17th 10 - Sir Binh The Elven War:

I hearby pronounce that HIV will disband next era. (Sad face)

18:19:07 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Falvion:


I mean...

18:23:07 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

something fishy is going on

18:32:36 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

i agree with penguin :)

18:39:31 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

and  i have to say VU world will suck without HIV :(...

i blame all this on Deno :)

19:19:23 Feb 17th 10 - Pirate Candybeard:

I must say this is bad news.

Despite that one flamewar with you guys, you were still my favorite to win the era (when it comes down to FATE, MAD and HIV). So myeah, suppose not.

You were a great kingdom, and deserved an era-win. Yet luck decided to not give you one... You won this era in my mind though!

19:42:16 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Yuh Saiyan. No kd can survive me in it for more than 2 eras. Jus look at boom :-(

19:48:53 Feb 17th 10 - Endless Spankings The Naughty:

come to think of it, TZU disbanded after you joined them in warbook Deno ;) 

19:50:27 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

lol you got my joke good hehehe

werent you wth KoA before they disbanded and then joined us in boom? i see most of you in HIV now :)

so what is the plan.. have 1 main kgdm then another sister kgdm that support each other? there was a rumor floating around about you guys doing something like that, ... good luck though....


19:51:58 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

lol are we creating a really bad profile for you Deno... no body is gonna accept you now in their kgdm

20:26:38 Feb 17th 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Nah jules. Tzu dispanded when i left them :-P totally different thing :-)

20:41:10 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

I blame Binh for washing dishes and playing pokemon more :P

20:45:16 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

i still blame Deno, cause he most likely talked him into doing it... :)


20:52:30 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

nah , this time deno is clean :P you will know soon :D its all Binh and his pokemons fault!

21:06:22 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

O.o tell us now.

21:10:21 Feb 17th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

HIV people would be more than welcome in Thw White Fang next era! (when i make it duh)

21:15:58 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Kaze:

that sucks, you guys were one of the only KD's i had fun warring and also fighting alongside with, good luck with everything

22:23:42 Feb 17th 10 - Princess Aisha:

This is all my fault ^^
Kingdoms disband when I join :P

Goodbye to HiV, it was an awesome Kingdom, and I am proud to have been a part of it, only for one era but still :)
Thank you guys for enjoyable era in HiV :)

We shall see what the future brings :)

22:59:38 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

and you Aisha it is your fault too hehe...


23:47:22 Feb 17th 10 - Mr. Dalak The Dodgy Gynaecologist:

Damn, thats not good news at all. You guys have been fantastic allies and friends for the time you have been around. We'll never forget the era we got gang banged and you had the class to not see us easy food and just add us to your point tally. Good luck with whatever you guys have schemed up for next era.  ;)

23:49:15 Feb 17th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Smells like fish tastes like chicken

00:56:27 Feb 18th 10 - Lord Adelbert:

Everything that has a beginning must come to an end.


Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy


00:49:15 Feb 18th 10
Smells like fish tastes like chicken

Donīt eat it.. :p

00:58:59 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Hmm all the kds seem to be dying. Hopefully fate or mad is next ;p.

01:05:22 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Skinnyvinny II:

it is too bad a strong KD like this has to disband.

01:10:07 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

Well it was rebirth first, dom is still here but split and now HIV. Fate seems pretty organized and AoA is suppose to be returning next era so im sure Mad might thin a bit. Cant forget about no pulse last era as well they tech disbanded.

02:10:51 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Oh no this is a bummer, who are we going to attack now? 

:{(  <======= There's your sad face Bihn

02:35:22 Feb 18th 10 - Death Lord Draven The Pitbull:

This is a sad day to see a fine kingdom decide to disband , I wish you the best in the future wherever you decide to go.

02:48:52 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Anonymous:

Being my first full era back in a year i didn't get to know much about HIV.

overall from what i seen HIV is a good KD, lots of great players and fun to war. Its to bad you guys are disbanding :(

Good luck to everyone in HIV, hope you all find good homes next era.

03:00:03 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

well played HIV, even though not winning; good luck to HIV players with their new KDs

03:33:46 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Horus IV:

<cough> we would take a HIV player <cough>

03:38:58 Feb 18th 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

Sad to hear it... :(

Mr. Teirdel


07:58:59 Feb 18th 10
Hmm all the kds seem to be dying. Hopefully fate or mad is next ;p.

MAD will never disband. We will be longest running KD here in VU.

04:46:38 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

A thats a bummer :(. Lol jk Bluelight best win era.

04:55:25 Feb 18th 10 - Sir Ajax:

join me! :)

06:12:23 Feb 18th 10 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

This is so sad...

I really respected all of your members and your kingdom Binh... whats your plan now? What do you plan on doing?

Best of luck to all of you, and if any of you start out other kingdoms then Feds will be happy to give a helping hand anywhere its needed.

07:20:04 Feb 18th 10 - Ms. Bluelight:

yeah! it's sad to hear a good KD is disbanding.

i know that we are fighting against each other in the battle field. and at times we have to flame each other in the forum. but it doesn't mean that i hate you. i hope you guys rebuild HIV soon. i respect you all. very honorable KD.

best of luck to what ever plans you have. ^^

07:58:33 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Insomniac:

It was all Rad (bandit)

10:06:37 Feb 18th 10 - Mr. Black Waltz:

Actually it was me, but that's supposed to be a secret.

01:10:01 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Kronos:

Well HiV, terrorists are known to carry diseases so why not join Anti federation?! you'll fit right in


Kingdom Banner

Name: AntiFederation
Members: 9
Created: 1/31/2010 11:30:02 PM
Leader: Sir Burninglegion

07:44:34 Feb 19th 10 - Swedish chef Brashen:

Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy


18:23:07 Feb 17th 10 something fishy is going on

thats just wishful thinking since u are a penguin and like fish

08:22:43 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Vapor The Bloodthirsty:

Anti Federation what a dumb kingdom.

08:30:10 Feb 19th 10 - Sir Kool:

who are these HIV characters? never heard of them? lol

13:48:42 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Smac Ballsack:

what's a kool?

14:09:00 Feb 19th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

Whats a mielo?

14:19:44 Feb 19th 10 - Princess Aisha:

mielo is honey :P

14:30:22 Feb 19th 10 - Clown Penguin The Chilly Willy:

the honey Pedobear loves?

15:56:52 Feb 19th 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

Mr. Smac Ballsack


04:48:42 Feb 19th 10
what's a kool?

No idea .. 

21:47:00 Feb 19th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Hey HIV people woud be more than welcome in TWF, we will be needing some expirienced and good ppl.

21:50:22 Feb 19th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

probably the lamest people in vu! ;)

21:51:05 Feb 19th 10 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Stirlin dont say that, just because they eated you ?

19:50:07 Feb 21st 10 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

RVL merged with Binh's new KD?

I think it's time for MAD to hide... LOL!

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