Forums / In game politics / Halfers

21:07:48 May 19th 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

Has anyone else noticed there are a lot of halfings this era

21:12:02 May 19th 10 - Dr. Evil:

Oh yeah.

21:18:06 May 19th 10 - Mr. Fionn Mac Cumhaill:

Not all are Halflings :)

21:22:58 May 19th 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

But who i can see are mostly halfers lol is it because last era the top players were halfers? lol

22:01:56 May 19th 10 - Mr. Ois:

its because he didnt change halfers much and they are a very good race for many things like point scoring

22:13:52 May 19th 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

true well im glad Zeta is finally not changing everyrace each era

22:57:57 May 19th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

They are strong race overall. Great economy and a decent military until the end of the era. After that they are really just fodder. To kill a good troll etc you have to literally spend 3x the income to beat them. Though your halfer so its possible.

I also think dwarves are balanced as well. Slow start but once they get going im sure theyll run some people over real quick.

23:08:14 May 19th 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

is it me or is it just since a lot of ppl are halfer the food market is really low on mantrex its like .32 that sucks for me trying to make gold off food lol

23:18:45 May 19th 10 - Mr. Path:

"They are strong race overall. Great economy and a decent military until the end of the era. After that they are really just fodder."

: /   hrrrrmmmm.....

I don't disagree with that statement, but I think I would have omiited the last sentence because after the round is over, no race is really better than any other.

23:28:04 May 19th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

I know i couldve fancified it a bit. Though if you look late era at the numbers required to do damage i think we can to some extent agree with it. Also elves magic science i still want to see lowered. Though regardless i still remember the op Arch magi a few eras back. kinda miss them with the way things are going. I want to see an elf pull of dragon spell this era. Though i bet a halfer will do it first.

23:38:19 May 19th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

"is it me or is it just since a lot of ppl are halfer the food market is really low on mantrex its like .32 that sucks for me trying to make gold off food lol"

Which is why no sane halfer goes with food, or at least early in the era.  Smart ones go tree, if anything.

23:56:57 May 19th 10 - Lord Deno The Ruby Ninja:

They arent that great. There is a diminishing return on income, but not on upkeep. That means that the upkeep is going to catchup on the income eventually. With this eras updates that is going to happen realy fast. So i hope the kds who went halfling heavy is going to enjoy their oop wars. 

01:45:58 May 20th 10 - Sir Teirdel:

;p indeed. Thankfully we seem to have more humans and Trolls than anything. Lol now that i look, im only halfer in my entire kd..

06:54:30 May 21st 10 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

Its cause Halfers are easy to "Bitch Slap" back in time.

23:26:51 May 21st 10 - Mr. Liu Bei of Shu:


lol true dat

00:09:33 May 22nd 10 - Mr. Ignis Calibus:

also all of the food in the market in mantrax arent sold by halflings

00:10:42 May 22nd 10 - Mr. Shaggy Dope:

haha really?

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