Forums / In game politics / Hats Off to Carnage

Hats Off to Carnage
22:49:33 May 1st 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Congratz to Architect and all the Carnage guys, it's not everyday you actually manage to hit everybody's expectations in a single era. They managed to prove to everybody that they indeed are as bad as everybody knew they were, which is a feat in itself since levels were very low indeed.

So a round of applause for them, they deserve it.

22:52:16 May 1st 08 - The Architect:

Haha, who is this and why is it "Architect and all the Carnage guys".  They are just as much a part of Carnage as I am, in fact more I'd say, why do I get all the mention?  And we have a female thank you very much, we're not all guys.

22:53:31 May 1st 08 - The Architect:

Oh wait, this is because I said Binh did a good job isn't it.  I'm sorry for congratulating him on being an amazing fighter this era.  I promise I'll never do it again...

22:56:29 May 1st 08 - Dreadlord Actively Inactive:

/me wonders what lazers comment has to do with DB



22:56:52 May 1st 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

archi u suck..

22:58:19 May 1st 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Wow ... not only is Architect retarded, but he's dumb as a lamp post. I have to admit I didn't expect that reply. I'm confused.

23:13:19 May 1st 08 - The Architect:

Haha, I love all the love that's floating around here.  Your whole point of making this thread is to pull me into a flame war so you can try to beat us down further than we already have been.  I've accepted my defeat, and I'm ready to move on.  I avoided your prods and you're mad because you've got nothing to go on but you want to keep the argument going any way possible.  Well, I've got nothing to argue about.  I'm happy in my place.  Call me what you want, I know it's not true, and thats all that really matters.

23:19:47 May 1st 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

You're happy with your place? Somehow I doubt that, because you're place is at the bottom of the food chain, I think you meant we're happy with your place. Where's the uber c0cky Architect of eras past? The one that was the sh1t, but actually he was only sh1t.

23:21:22 May 1st 08 - The Architect:

I'm sorry, I can't read past your *beep*'s.  If you use a bit more appropriate language I'm sure we could hold a real conversation.

00:28:00 May 2nd 08 - Duke Greater Penor:

Making this kind of post puts you furthest down on the food chain and makes you really pathetic.

No one likes a bad winner.

My respect for Sheol dropped, but I guess that doesn't mean anything to you as we lost this era, and everyone that loses are worthless piece of sheit.

But hey, kudos to you for being so very good, perhaps you'll be so good next era that we might actually see you on the map without having to spend 5 minutes looking up in which kingdom you are in.

02:50:51 May 2nd 08 - Duke Epymon The Reincarnate:

Author Message
Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer


5/1/2008 5:49:33 PM
Congratz to Architect and all the Carnage guys, it's not everyday you actually manage to hit everybody's expectations in a single era. They managed to prove to everybody that they indeed are as bad as everybody knew they were, which is a feat in itself since levels were very low indeed.

So a round of applause for them, they deserve it.

*Epyon claps

04:46:15 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Dalakticon:

Its always 'good' to see a negative post that degrades another kingdom or indiviual especially for no apparent reason. Usually the original poster is trying to make himself feel better about certain inadequacies that he or she possesses. In this case it could be an abnormally small penis or a severe lack of real life success. Either way it is still sad to see.

05:01:12 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Spade:

poor cobra.... lack of real life success? :(

06:44:35 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

"But hey, kudos to you for being so very good, perhaps you'll be so good next era that we might actually see you on the map without having to spend 5 minutes looking up in which kingdom you are in."

Great try at a flame, but you totally failed.

"My respect for Sheol dropped, but I guess that doesn't mean anything to you as we lost this era, and everyone that loses are worthless piece of sheit."

Actually no, but you did get half of it right. You are worthless pieces of  'sheit', but that has nothing to do with losing this era.

"Its always 'good' to see a negative post that degrades another kingdom or indiviual especially for no apparent reason. Usually the original poster is trying to make himself feel better about certain inadequacies that he or she possesses. In this case it could be an abnormally small penis or a severe lack of real life success. Either way it is still sad to see."

And it's also good to see trolls like you posting in forums trying to make themselves look mature when actually they are pimpled faced 14 year olds that still fap to Playboy.

"poor cobra.... lack of real life success? :("

Poor Spade ... who are you? Is there a reason every nubtard and their grandmother thinks they know me enough to try to flame me? Keep on trying guys, perhaps you'll get above the level of pond scum one of these days.

08:02:43 May 2nd 08 - The Architect:

Haha, so this is Cobra.  My instincts were right to stay out of this fest of sorts with you.  As per your question.  That Architect is still here, alive and kicking, he's just found better ways to solve problems than to bicker in the forums about benign issues and succumb to the mischievous prods of those who only wish to push his buttons. =)

I am still wondering though, why did you specifically name me?  I mean, there are now others in Carnage who enjoy public fights of werdz and lojiks meant to ophend.  Why didn't you call them out?

08:23:20 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Teacher:

hahhahahaha shame carnage i hung around vu just to c this era happen to them ;) congratz

*does one antoganizing clap*....feeling patronized yet?

10:20:15 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Whoops:

ohhh :( not another flame war...

10:34:11 May 2nd 08 - Duke Argyle:

ofcourse it's hard for carnage to shine as much as they should, hence togglo left and is playing in another kingdom (A)

10:49:03 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Bird Boy:

Argyle shush!! u big wienner

10:54:55 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

*wonders who the real troll is*

11:29:14 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Dalakticon:

Lol.. He calls me a troll and you only have to click on a few threads to find his 'pearls of wisdom' which in reality is little more than pointless name calling and insulting inane drivel. The funniest part is after posting all his highly intellectual, mature little tidbits he calls into question MY maturity. Mate, flogging over Playboy is human but flogging over your own reflection, which is probably what you do, means your a narcissistic wanker. You'll have to excuse me but I have to go pop my pimples now..

12:48:42 May 2nd 08 - Lord Seloc:


13:15:46 May 2nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I say we burn them all!

14:22:29 May 2nd 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Revenge goes to fetch wood

14:54:56 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

Damn this thread is full of fail, all I managed to get is some nobodies that nobody else cares about. I have to give it up to Architect for not biting THIS time, but don't worry the next flame thread in VU is always just around the corner.


14:56:36 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

So you are admitting that Architect is not a nobody and that you care about what he has to say?

15:01:15 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

No, I'm saying that I was baiting him and he didn't flame back. The rest of you nubtards aren't worth the effort to flame.

15:14:45 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Come to Midgard and we'll see who's a nubtard! xD
But seriously, this all stems from him rejecting you as a lover. Get over it! There are more fish in the pond, you just gotto keep looking untill you find the one that is right for you!

15:19:07 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

"Come to Midgard and we'll see who's a nubtard! xD"


15:20:23 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Water:


15:26:16 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Lets set up an account each on Latha then and go 1vs1. I know that you with your mightyness could probably buttsecks that entire map to death just by looking at them. But I guarantee you, when you come across me I will make you forget all about those nights you spent with Architect on Ibiza last summer, becouse you will be moaning and groaning and begging for me to stop.

15:29:44 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

You actually believe that don't you? ... sad really.

15:34:06 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Air:

ahh so romantic :)

15:37:16 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

I didnt. But now I do. Mr Big mouth is backing down! Too scared to take the nub up on his challenge.


15:43:21 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

OK this is going into the ridiculous, this thread's over.Bye!

15:48:32 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Hahahahahaha. PWND!

16:12:01 May 2nd 08 - Prince Sprout:

Carnage............   LOL      Do u guys have real lifes ?


16:19:30 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Spade:

cobra sucks! he can't even finish his own thread! HAHAHAHA!

16:29:51 May 2nd 08 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Wow....Epic Fail Cobrah...Epic Fail...

No one likes a sore winner, sure it's nice to have on your own team...but it get's old...and ussually people like you have no honor, I mean we know that you don't. I was saying ussually OTHER people like you don't have any either. Not to mention the hilariously ironic tidbit that OTHERS are immature, coming from you, almost kills me from all the laughing.

On a side note, Mr Plut....he would rape you 16 different ways. He is good at the game, very good. That can't be denied. He is ex-Legacy after all. But he does have 1 weakness which is fairly easy to spot. He holds a grudge :)

Not so hard to bait someone who holds a grudge. So, you know, just set a nice little trap for him, and all should be well :)

18:01:39 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

grudges make the game fun :)

19:00:01 May 2nd 08 - Dark Slow:

19:54:00 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Periannath:


20:05:31 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Duke Kathandarion:

"But hey, kudos to you for being so very good, perhaps you'll be so good next era that we might actually see you on the map without having to spend 5 minutes looking up in which kingdom you are in."

Great try at a flame, but you totally failed.

"My respect for Sheol dropped, but I guess that doesn't mean anything to you as we lost this era, and everyone that loses are worthless piece of sheit."

Actually no, but you did get half of it right. You are worthless pieces of  'sheit', but that has nothing to do with losing this era.

"Its always 'good' to see a negative post that degrades another kingdom or indiviual especially for no apparent reason. Usually the original poster is trying to make himself feel better about certain inadequacies that he or she possesses. In this case it could be an abnormally small penis or a severe lack of real life success. Either way it is still sad to see."

And it's also good to see trolls like you posting in forums trying to make themselves look mature when actually they are pimpled faced 14 year olds that still fap to Playboy.

"poor cobra.... lack of real life success? :("

Poor Spade ... who are you? Is there a reason every nubtard and their grandmother thinks they know me enough to try to flame me? Keep on trying guys, perhaps you'll get above the level of pond scum one of these days.

I dont know you and dont really give two *beep*s who you are.i personally think you should shut the *beep* come hear talking all this *beep*.what have you never lost an call people immature after you call them out like a little *beep*head proving your immatureness.i think you should just get off this game.just thinking about the *beep*ing stupidness of this post is making me sick.

20:08:29 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

20:32:34 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

20:48:05 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Periannath:






20:51:59 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Periannath:

20:59:14 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Imma Chargin Mah Lazer:

22:32:36 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Threehundredpoundlezzie:

"Mate, flogging over Playboy is human but flogging over your own reflection, which is probably what you do, means your a narcissistic wanker."

Ok this goes into my perma-collection of "you've just been told to *beep*" sentences.
Dalak - props :)

*chuckles off into the night*

23:00:57 May 2nd 08 - Mr. Bigjohnson:

So this Cobra guy...he is a real douche huh?

And Dalak FTW...that was nice!

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