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Havoc - Recruiting players!
22:02:02 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Whoop:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Havoc
Members: 27
Tag: HVC
Created: 3/29/2008 7:42:32 PM
Leader: Mr. Whoop


~ Currently we are accepting applications

~Send in your names you have used in the past
~Send in your kingdoms you have been with in the past
~Era experience


We are looking for some good players or players who are willing to learn ;) Surviver will be leader next era on Zetamania!

22:32:54 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Earth:

Lol, when I read it I figured it was about carnage =D

I was like, FTF they got 30 members, how many more they want?

22:35:33 Jul 5th 08 - Sir Stalin:

its more like how many more do they need. :p

22:35:39 Jul 5th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Havoc Carnage 23 Lord Marche 4255

Oh rly?

Wonder if any of the remaining 23 will goto this Havoc and how many will goto the newly reformed PKS

00:10:46 Jul 6th 08 - Sir Underdog:

Our brothers in Carnage know the door is always open in PKS. Just as theirs was to us.
BTW we had 36 members, of course not all were actually playing.

06:12:44 Jul 6th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

Wow, can't believe Carnage died in a matter of hours, yes hours. Most of Carnage's good players are already gone and are not in Havoc or PKS.

06:33:00 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Fords Biatch:

so Havoc = the new Carnage? haha

07:32:54 Jul 6th 08 - The Dark Knight:

     Honestly what did you guys all expect?  You all know that both of our founding members left us as well as a giant number of our veterans over the past 3-4 months.  You all know, or should have known that Storm, our leader and king for many eras left us roughly 3 months ago, and ever since then everyone has noticed a drastic fall in our performance.  There's been talk of something like this happening in the public forums for some time now and after all that can you really say you weren't expecting this to happen? 
     We lost our way and have suffered because of it.  Our leaders have either left or abandoned us by choice or otherwise, can you expect a kingdom to run after it's leaders are gone?  Carnage is down, but not dead.  We have hit hard times and I thank those of you, LGC and PKS mainly, who have stuck through it with us.  I thank those of you who have held your tongues from speaking against us and I thank many of you for the great fights we have had. 
     To Quietone, I'm sorry things are the way they are between you and I, I realize I've been an ass and I once again ask for your forgiveness, and hope that we can leave things better off then they are now. 
     To Spoon, again, I'm sorry for how things are between us, and I am sorry for my words against your kingdom.  They were spoken in a time of frustration and I have lived to regret them ever since, I ask that you would forgive me and that we could put it behind us and start anew.
     To PKS, thanks for standing there with us when no one else would, your actions speak loudly of your integrity, loyalty and trustworthiness.  Thanks for all the good time we have had together, and the bad as well.
     Thank you to everyone who has made this game enjoyable and quite simple, no thanks to those who have not.  I will see you all again eventually I'm sure, but for now these will be my parting words.

                   Vox Havoc quod permissum puter bellum canis!


~The Architect~

07:41:33 Jul 6th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

gee thanks Faf :P do you think i suck now and all little bro? Carnage has a few great warriors left, so i wouldn't count as out or think we will roll over or something.

08:50:15 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Fords Biatch:

what will happen to my beloved Carnage strippers? :(

12:43:14 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Whoop:

Mr. Earth


7/5/2008 10:32:54 PMLol, when I read it I figured it was about carnage =D

I was like, FTF they got 30 members, how many more they want?

You don't want to know how much inactive guys we have.. (and how much we will probably going to be kicked)

18:13:51 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Whoop:


Kingdom Banner

Name: Havoc
Members: 18
Tag: HVC
Created: 3/29/2008 7:42:32 PM
Leader: Mr. Whoop


~ Currently we are accepting applications

~Send in your names you have used in the past
~Send in your kingdoms you have been with in the past
~Era experience

19:11:06 Jul 7th 08 - Duke Camulus:

Duke Fafnir The Odd

7/6/2008 12:12:44 AMWow, can't believe Carnage died in a matter of hours, yes hours. Most of Carnage's good players are already gone and are not in Havoc or PKS.

That says it all Draven

00:52:32 Jul 8th 08 - Duchess Lessissora:

Havoc is a splinter off of Carnage, but it's not really the "new Carnage" or anything.  We meant to play in Mantrax, but one of our players restarted in the wrong world...

01:54:35 Jul 8th 08 - Mr. Naerey:

wow... didn't think that many people would leave after i left...

anyways, i'm back in business for a while :D

02:03:47 Jul 11th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

lol, that was the best betrayal i have vere done (the one on you guyz XD)
remmeber? burned alll those cities... lol, just joking around, no hard feelings?

20:14:42 Jul 11th 08 - The Architect:

Go die in a hole.

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