Forums / In game politics / Haywood A Badass NAP breaker

Haywood A Badass NAP breaker
08:19:09 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Mr. Jones [AoA] (12/23/2007 9:49:43 AM) GOOD BAD
I hope you aren't intending to attack me, because that would violate the terms of the NAP our 2 kds made this era...

Mr. Squiddy [Trio] (12/11/2007 12:53:16 PM) GOOD BAD
1. Era long nap.
2. No gate opening.
3. if break of nap punishment is dealt by both leaders, punishment is 3 colonies in return of taken colony and warning, one warning and then some causes kick from KD and eaten.
4. no building in each others core unless strictly discussed before.

08:19:38 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Mr. Jones [AoA] (12/23/2007 1:26:11 PM) GOOD BAD
You really shouldn't have attacked me. This will come back to haunt you because only *beep*s attack players they are NAPed with.
You (12/23/2007 3:01:37 PM)
our kingdom relations thread does not say we have a NAP with your kingdom. Dont blame me, blame the person who gave you the "NAP"

08:21:43 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Mr. Jones [AoA] (12/23/2007 3:06:57 PM) GOOD BAD
well in our forums, it says that we are NAPed with Trio, and we haven't been attacked by any other members from Trio. You could have waited for confirmation to attack because my city posed no threat to your army but you didn't, which suggests that you are a coward or a *beep*.
Mr. Jones [AoA] (12/23/2007 3:08:35 PM) GOOD BAD
If you have an issue within your kingdom, you should take it up with your leaders.
You (12/23/2007 3:11:43 PM)
i am not a coward, just a badass mother*beep*er

14:25:34 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

ooh so ur in trio haywood, wonder u sounded annyoing

14:29:37 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord of The Morning:

you reporting yourself for breaking a NAP?
that's a first...

15:15:46 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

You are right. I am very special... : P
Thank you for noticing  it!

15:20:57 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

no he means disabled people

15:23:26 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

No he means nice people... Donīt try to change this into an insult... ;(
(Btw, I know...)

15:47:02 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

lol be honest we all know wat u ment alah wont punish u for telling the truth

15:48:28 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

 There is no NAP between AoA and Trio that is posted in our forums.  Therefore we dont have a NAP.  And no fake messages can stop me from attacking.

15:50:49 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

sounds like haywood

16:12:08 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

I am haywood!

16:16:32 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

ye thats probably y

16:34:12 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Loser:

Mr. Haywood Jablowme


12/23/2007 3:48:28 PM
 There is no NAP between AoA and Trio that is posted in our forums.  Therefore we dont have a NAP.  And no fake messages can stop me from attacking.

If it is not on your forums BUT AoA can bring a message up agreeing to the NaP then there is a NaP AND there are some serious comunication problems in your kingdom. You are confused ehre Haywood. "There is no NAP between AoA and Trio that is posted in our forums.  Therefore we dont have a NAP. " its the other way around, if there is a NaP it will be posted, not that if its posted there is a NaP.
Face the fact that youre a bad ass NAP breaker ;)

16:40:10 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

"if there is a NaP it will be posted, not that if its posted there is a NaP."


16:47:37 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Jones:

Here's the whole PM from earlier.

You (12/23/2007 12:26:11 AM)
You really shouldn't have attacked me. This will come back to haunt you because only *beep*s attack players they are NAPed with.
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:01:37 AM) GOOD BAD
our kingdom relations thread does not say we have a NAP with your kingdom. Dont blame me, blame the person who gave you the "NAP"

You (12/23/2007 2:03:03 AM)
I gave you the message before you attacked me, with Squiddy's message attached, so you should have known.
You (12/23/2007 2:03:07 AM)
I gave you the message before you attacked me, with Squiddy's message attached, so you should have known.
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:04:10 AM) GOOD BAD
yes i know. And i posted that message in our forums. Squiddy did not reply or did not notice it.
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:06:04 AM) GOOD BAD
I have an idea. why dont you post a NAP breaking thread in the forums and say that I broke the NAP.
You (12/23/2007 2:06:57 AM)
well in our forums, it says that we are NAPed with Trio, and we haven't been attacked by any other members from Trio. You could have waited for confirmation to attack because my city posed no threat to your army but you didn't, which suggests that you are a coward or a *beep*.
You (12/23/2007 2:08:35 AM)
If you have an issue within your kingdom, you should take it up with your leaders.
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:11:43 AM) GOOD BAD
i am not a coward, just a badass mother*beep*er
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:14:09 AM) GOOD BAD
if you're NAP is official, then post in the politics thread that i broke it.
You (12/23/2007 2:16:06 AM)
no, it makes you coward to attack a defenseless city that is NAPed with your kingdom. Badasses pick on players their own size.
You (12/23/2007 2:17:12 AM)
Do you want Trio to war with AoA, or are you to cowardly to leave your kingdom and fight the kingdoms that are at peace with Trio?
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:21:02 AM) GOOD BAD
i posted a thread in the forums, go support it!

As of now, the so-called 'badass' is running from my armoury city with his tail between his legs, like the coward he is. I gave him the message that we got from Squiddy and he ignored it and didn't reply to it until after he took my first city. I was hoping that this matter would be dealt with internally but it seems that Trio's leadership are offline (Christmas shopping??) or don't care. Either way, Haywood should have waited for confirmation of a NAP, or set the record straight before he proceeded to attack me.

17:06:50 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Anonymous:

I wish for all this to stop here and now. There was a mis understanding between  diplomats, which has been worked out by both leaders.

New relations are in process, so both of you just chill.

17:15:08 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Dark Zenknight:

nap breaker make the game better :)

17:15:37 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Loser:

Mr. Haywood Jablowme


12/23/2007 4:40:10 PM
"if there is a NaP it will be posted, not that if its posted there is a NaP."


In other words Haywood, there are bad comunications within Trio cuz this NaP has been agreed BUT has not been posted. Thus a big mistake by squiddy or one of the other councilmembers.

17:19:52 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Santa just shut the hell up.

17:32:04 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Fox:

hanky, you'r the first to start if our KD has issues but if one of us makes a remark you jump down our throats....

seems rather odd doesnt it =)

Mr. Anonymous


12/23/2007 4:06:50 PM
I wish for all this to stop here and now. There was a mis understanding between  diplomats, which has been worked out by both leaders.

New relations are in process, so both of you just chill.

as for this, i agree even tho im not involved =D

It seems that everyone invloved has reated badly and it has been resolved =)

and thats just a comment i am making after reading the topic, not looking into the issue more deeply ;)

17:39:06 Dec 23rd 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Mr. Hanky Panky


12/24/2007 12:19:52 AM
Santa just shut the hell up.


The grinch! :o

17:40:15 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

i dont get what you mean fox ?

also i told santa to shut up because he has got it wrong any queries pm me

17:46:57 Dec 23rd 07 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Hanky Panky


12/23/2007 5:19:52 PMSanta just shut the hell up.

>No Christmas presents for you wanky Spanky

17:47:46 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Poor Hanky :(

17:49:05 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

*Hanky Panky pulls a sad face*
ile take it back...

17:51:03 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Umbar:

To late!

19:19:33 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Loser:

Way to late! Youll be spanked for Xmas now!

Mr. Hanky Panky


12/23/2007 5:40:15 PM
i dont get what you mean fox ?

also i told santa to shut up because he has got it wrong any queries pm me

Then tell us, how a NaP made by Squiddy did not get on your forum.

19:24:29 Dec 23rd 07 - Lord Argyle:

I think Haywood has a really strong point here, first of all, is it really said that squiddy is their relation manager? second of all if it isn't posted in the kingdom forum, it can not be known that it exist, that message that appears to be from squiddy could be fake, since ___I___ was the one inventing does exact terms, word by word.

19:45:03 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

Ok, youre right there, but then he shouldve stopped his armies and pmed squiddy or hanky panky for conformation. Not just keep on going.

21:35:59 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

after i took 1 city, i asked one of our leaders for confirmation whether we have a NAP or not.  Then i took another city.  Guess what his answer was.....

Santa you can change your name back to the loser

21:41:56 Dec 23rd 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

this is all i will say on this subject, and only because i am curious about it...does haywood really want the two kingdoms to come to war? 1)he should have waited to get confirmation since the person he planned on attacking was in a kingdom napped to his kingdom...2)he really seems determined to be known as a nap breaker...idk...just something doesnt feel right about it...

Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:06:04 AM) GOOD BAD
I have an idea. why dont you post a NAP breaking thread in the forums and say that I broke the NAP.
You (12/23/2007 2:06:57 AM)
well in our forums, it says that we are NAPed with Trio, and we haven't been attacked by any other members from Trio. You could have waited for confirmation to attack because my city posed no threat to your army but you didn't, which suggests that you are a coward or a *beep*.
You (12/23/2007 2:08:35 AM)
If you have an issue within your kingdom, you should take it up with your leaders.
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:11:43 AM) GOOD BAD
i am not a coward, just a badass mother*beep*er
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:14:09 AM) GOOD BAD
if you're NAP is official, then post in the politics thread that i broke it.
You (12/23/2007 2:16:06 AM)
no, it makes you coward to attack a defenseless city that is NAPed with your kingdom. Badasses pick on players their own size.
You (12/23/2007 2:17:12 AM)
Do you want Trio to war with AoA, or are you to cowardly to leave your kingdom and fight the kingdoms that are at peace with Trio?
Mr. Haywood Jablowme [Trio] (12/23/2007 2:21:02 AM) GOOD BAD
i posted a thread in the forums, go support it!

22:40:23 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

Maybe hes just in need of attention, its weird :S

22:42:02 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Umbar:

Santa your not a loser anymore i only just notic :o
what happend?

22:52:36 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Isn't it obvious? He died.

23:04:50 Dec 23rd 07 - Sir Santa The Elite:

I went to fighting school, they turned me from a loser in battle to an Elite, in a 1 vs 1 fight only my own teacher can defeat me, and no one else :)

23:05:42 Dec 23rd 07 - Mr. Umbar:

oh...amd when you where figting with you teacher...
i undertand...

00:02:16 Dec 24th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Lady Rhiannia


12/24/2007 4:41:56 AM

this is all i will say on this subject, and only because i am curious about it...does haywood really want the two kingdoms to come to war? 1)he should have waited to get confirmation since the person he planned on attacking was in a kingdom napped to his kingdom...2)he really seems determined to be known as a nap breaker...idk...just something doesnt feel right about it...


You should idle in the in the IRC sometimes. It's pretty much normal with him. :P

00:10:10 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Strongbow:

Typical Haywood Drama !

02:19:51 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

has the issue been solved about if Trio did have a NAP with AoA?
im confused. all of haywoods crying is doing my head in :S

02:59:47 Dec 24th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

NAP breakers are total badasses, especially if they have a sexy hand to back it up ;)

19:56:50 Dec 24th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi


12/23/2007 7:59:47 PM
NAP breakers are total badasses, especially if they have a sexy hand to back it up ;)


Sexy hand @ me :P

08:04:33 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

ok thats just strange ; )

10:59:01 Dec 30th 07 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

but honestly

without ppl like haywood this game would suck

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