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Hellbunnies Recruitment Center
17:21:27 Jan 31st 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

Hellbunnies anyone?

So... we were thinking about bringing Hellbunnies back.

Hellbunnies was a one era only thing, led by myself and Chancellor Ademo, in the Era of Dvsmasta, (Era 40 that is). We came in 3rd as a kingdom, with Fate having 125% of our strength and MAD having 102%. Number 4 was Revelation with 88% of our strength. I believe we did pretty good for a first era kingdom, with mostly first era players.

Now... us starting up Hellbunnies again next era isn't a definite by any means, and not sure we WILL do this even in a later era.... but if we do... would anyone be interested in joining?

Just putting it out there to think about. :)

17:23:28 Jan 31st 10 - Mental Midazolam The Unrelenting:

Oh yeah baby!!!

17:27:05 Jan 31st 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:


17:37:12 Jan 31st 10 - Mental Midazolam The Unrelenting:

Best fun I ever had in VU was Hellbunnies era 40 :)

17:38:02 Jan 31st 10 - Mental Midazolam The Unrelenting:

Last era was awesome too but the peeps make the KD.

17:41:40 Jan 31st 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

Yes and yes... and I loved winning last

I wanna slaughter things!!!!!!!!!!

17:42:47 Jan 31st 10 - Mental Midazolam The Unrelenting:

Yuh fun!!  Bring the fun back!!!

17:45:24 Jan 31st 10 - General Maximus Decimus Meridius:

best of luck if you go for it!


17:47:48 Jan 31st 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

thanx maxi :D

20:12:02 Jan 31st 10 - Mental Midazolam The Unrelenting:

bump lolz rawrrrr!

06:30:29 Feb 1st 10 - Mr. Liu Bei:

I'll do Hellbunnnies again.  Where's Anika at these days?  If she joined too that would be killa.

07:10:17 Feb 1st 10 - Mr. Canucks:

Don't know what to do join AOA,HELLBUNNIES or stay in

08:39:06 Feb 1st 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Are you guys going to train noobs again ? Anyways Good luck Carina. Im sure it will be great.

08:59:13 Feb 1st 10 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

Cool :)

Deno... no... as I said in the first place: We're not sure we will do Gellbunnies again, but we wanna know if there is any reason to even think about doing it, so we're checking interest here... we won't be recruiting any noobs from other games this time around tho, if we go Hellbunnies... it's sooooo much easier when people know what to do already, eventho our noobs sure were a blood thirsty bunch :)

09:24:06 Feb 1st 10 - Mr. Path:

On the other hand, bringing more people in improves the game considerably

09:41:42 Feb 1st 10 - Mr. Gauntlet:

Hellbunnies were a great alliance, if I wasn't in HIV, I would put in my application.

09:42:02 Feb 1st 10 - Mr. Tammo:

i would join :p

10:08:31 Feb 1st 10 - Sir Medusa of The Red Hairs Lover:

good luck Carnia.  Do it and bring Ryan back.  tee hee.  The game isn't the same without him mouthing off.

12:22:23 Feb 1st 10 - Lord Deno Pan:

Lol yeah. I miss Ryan to :-) 

Oh and btw, if it wasnt for hellbunnies i wouldnt have played the game, and neither would 1/3 of HIV. And i wasnt even a member lol. 

01:26:19 Feb 2nd 10 - Sir Aussie:

Good luck guys :)

02:18:02 Feb 2nd 10 - Mr. Radioactive:

Goood Luck Carina :D

14:47:58 Feb 2nd 10 - Duke Random:


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