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Help the poor
21:13:10 Dec 18th 23 - Mr. Cyjean:

Hello rulers!

Is there one good kingdom ruler in Fantasia?
I wonder why two different kingdoms attack me! There is no chalenge!
Too easy for them!

Need assistance! It may be too late, but, i try, 


23:24:21 Dec 18th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Garrosh The Shieldwall):

Fantasia unfortunately is a very cutthroat place and many kingdoms will take advantage of your easy spoils unless you specifically work something out with them. If you wish to learn and find a group to play with, next era on Val my KD will be looking for a few new members. We're friendly and willing to teach you anything you need to know.

00:39:13 Dec 19th 23 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

Bala is Solo, in a Kingdom by himself; and you attacked me. 

00:43:48 Dec 19th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Garrosh The Shieldwall):

OOOOhhhhhh, the tea, Cyjean, response?

01:06:42 Dec 19th 23 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

01:15:36 Dec 19th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Garrosh The Shieldwall):

*insert surprised Chris Pratt meme*

01:58:18 Dec 19th 23 - Mr. Bala:

You casted on me first

We have not attacked them and they have attacked us.

This ruler owns a bit more land than we do.


Owner:Mr. CyjeanKingdom Banner
Size:3860 building(s).
Kingdom:*No Kingdom*

08:38:45 Dec 19th 23 - Mr. Cyjean:

Good Morning!

I think there is a bug, i didn't attak you first "Mad and dangerous". I take care not to agress your scoot just on the door of my city placed here to spy. We could consider this position as an agession isn't it?
Just send an "eye on the sky" on Bala, was in direction just near my city...
Does this spell is considered as an attack? 
When two other armies are preparing on your cities, you feel a little bit stressed for other hyena.

But i see you feel free to agress without really reason. 

But have fun, that's the game!

12:44:31 Dec 19th 23 - Sable (Arkanist Garrosh The Shieldwall):

Eye in the Sky is indeed an offensive spell that counts as an attack. 

17:08:21 Dec 19th 23 - Mr. Cyjean:

Ok, i didn't know! This is a king agression!

But i don't know what i have do to agress Mad and truc! I wonder, could say it?

03:48:13 Jan 12th 24 - Revolution (Sir Dux Draconis):

Well you're learning. If you ever have any questions feel free to ask. If you have a discord, there is also a VU server. 

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