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Hes Back
23:27:11 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Gennady Mikhailov:

Gennady Mikhailov is back...after a long vacation to the crimea, where there is not wi-fi.

RDR will be back this December. 

I'm gonna join military for now.  Their leader is hot ;];]

23:36:37 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Military:

Glad to have you aboard....I think?


23:41:31 Aug 27th 08 - Mr. Athens:

I have no comment, I am male. Also, welcome to military, I'm joining soon too.

03:55:27 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Basch:

You know, everyones gonna wanna kill you guys (including me ;p) because of rl

08:50:36 Aug 28th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I have like... no idea who you are/were....

09:04:31 Aug 28th 08 - Sir Chucky:

didnt you have like 40 members once?

19:50:10 Aug 28th 08 - Mr. Basch:

The way of the russian conscripts. No idea what their doing, yet they can overpower their enemies with sheer numbers.

03:27:24 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. The Gladiator:

I remember that russian kd, it had moderate success

06:01:02 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Kilroy:

Naum Eitingon?

06:10:01 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Military:

Basch, im sorry to hear that.

07:51:46 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Elendur:

Mr. Athens [] (8/28/2008 12:21:15 AM) GOOD BAD
Hey. I see your already in a kingdom. But since I know your not a very experienced player, I want to give you an offer. I am one of the oldest players on the game, from era's of Beta through to 27 before I had to leave the game for personal reasons. However, I have returned and in just several days I am already as strong as some of the top 10. So, why not join me next era on Zeta in my kingdom? The kingdom I am joining next era is called military, so if you ask Mr. Military if you can join next era you can be with me on Zeta and Ill teach you a few tricks on the game to make you successful.

asking people to betray... How low...

08:14:49 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Military:

Well I did not ask him to send that message but I will try to clear things up. The way I see it, he wasn't asking you to betray your kingdom and hurt your members. He just simply wasn't sure if you had plans to stay in Faith Next era at the time of sending you that message. He was just trying to provide a better playing experience and offer tips and hints. Perhaps you were growing weary of Faith and wanted a change? He wasn’t sure of your plans for next era so please forgive him on that matter.

Now if he asked you to provide information that would hurt Faith in any way, that would be considered betraying. Perhaps he got a tad over-zealous with recruiting but he was simply trying to help you.

I apologize on his behalf if this offended you, it was not intended to be taken that way. It was simply an offer that was not appreciated.

09:06:48 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Elendur:

No problem.

Perhaps you were growing weary of Faith and wanted a change? He wasn’t sure of your plans for next era so please forgive him on that matter.

By the way, I'm the leader of Faith... So why should I grow weary? and wanted a chance, this is our first era!!!

09:10:18 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Phoenix:

hi genady =-)   no offensive or anything but... >_> i never realized you were gone 0_o,

11:10:45 Aug 29th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIII:

ooh ur that nuub i killed era's ago but im guessing ur alot better now

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