Forums / In game politics / HighLands Honour

HighLands Honour
18:12:59 Feb 4th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

HighLands Honour

Kingdom Banner

Name: HighLands Honour
Members: 9
Tag: HH
Created: 1/30/2008 7:58:59 PM
Leader: Lady Rhiannia


The Scottish Highlanders believed in honour and freedom even above glory....and so do we.

Lady Rhiannia

PhoenixFire and Lady Rhiannia are like minded in all things, so if there is anything that you need to discuss, you may come to either without hesitation and be assured of an immediate answer.




you can flame us, but we know the truth about ourselves, so your words do not bother us...and those who know us know the truth about your words will not bother them...

this thread will be for legitimate problems so that we may solve them as they arise.

06:49:47 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:


08:44:52 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Right I know all that is true because I'm part of that KD... but WTF is bump supposed to mean (and yes I no, I'm a *beep*, no need to rub it in)

09:26:46 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Omc The Zeonic Crusader:

id like to point out to ppl that they shouldnt join this kingdom, after all, it is ruled by a woman, and we all know that a woman isnt fit to rule, not when she must go throu her monthly cycles or menopause, all of which makes her ride the emotional roller coaster, you just cant predict what a woman will feel from one second to the next..

so as long as Rhiannia rules this kd it just isnt good enough, k guys?

09:34:03 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

oh for petes sakes...i was talking about in real life and ruling over real people and making decisions that affect their real lives...this is just a game....pffffft!!!!!!!

09:34:34 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

wtf ???? are u saying women arent good leaders ??

what about ppl like joan of arc ??

also Elizabeth I

there has been alot of good female leaders

(lol srry)

09:35:06 Feb 8th 08 - Lord Loren Soth:

I think Lady Rhiannia was being somewhat facetious with that statement.. in fact she is a dedicated and honorable leader and any who join her kingdom will not regret it.

09:35:34 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

and bump means ur are writing a word in here to "bump" it back into the limelight so it don get forgot or fall off the list or front page, so ppl write the word BUMP

09:39:33 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Omc The Zeonic Crusader:

Sir Darkmarsbar


2/8/2008 9:34:34 AM

wtf ???? are u saying women arent good leaders ??

what about ppl like joan of arc ??

also Elizabeth I

there has been alot of good female leaders

Holy *beep* man ur right!, now i have to change my point of view

09:52:59 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

LOL...OK , OK...i will admit it, there have been some good female leaders, i personally think had princess diana lived and had the chance she would have been the greatest and most loved queen ever. then you have those who prove my bloody mary, who made even the male tyrants cringe at her bloody ways. i have read and re read the stories of the great queens. there was a few that proved my point. so i think that those women who do manage to become powerful leaders are the exception to the rule rather than the rule itself.

and i thank you for the support Lord Loren was rather unexpected, but gratefully accepted.

10:38:15 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Lol im from scotland, the highlands to be precise. So that makes me a Scottish highlander. For a start they never beleived in glory lol, read a history book. The only true point their is freedom lol.

13:34:49 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol he is right

14:28:22 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Mbeidas Prince of Faithfuls:

good luck my friend

15:30:02 Feb 8th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

women can't lead?

would you like to prove that by any means?

15:40:48 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Revengicus:


19:35:54 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

Mr. Mbeidas Prince of Faithfuls


2/8/2008 6:28:22 AM
good luck my friend


thank you...and to you as well...perhaps someday we can join forces.

19:39:10 Feb 8th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

England > Scotland

19:42:18 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Good luck Rhiannia!
Scotland forever!

19:44:05 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

Glory:  Praise, honor, admiration, or distinction, accorded by
      common consent to a person or thing; high reputation;
      honorable fame; renown.

mr. cannot tell me that the proud scotsman did not believe in glory. i am an american born bu i have enough scots blood in me to know the that fierce feeling of clan pride and honor that makes one want to claim that their clan is the best, the strongest, the most honourable, the most worthy, the most fierce...the best at everything...but i know to that a true highlander would give up that glory in the name of honour. that too is in his blood.

20:02:38 Feb 8th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

Dark Lord Osiris


2/8/2008 6:39:10 PM
England > Scotland

ah i was wondering when this would come up .....NUT everyone knows scotland iz best :P all tha other countries go for the haggis over tha rose :)

p.s. lol at zeonic crusader, its almost not noticable how retarded your "point of view" is

20:16:06 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Omc The Zeonic Crusader:

Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito


2/8/2008 8:02:38 PM
Dark Lord Osiris


2/8/2008 6:39:10 PM
England > Scotland

ah i was wondering when this would come up .....NUT everyone knows scotland iz best :P all tha other countries go for the haggis over tha rose :)

p.s. lol at zeonic crusader, its almost not noticable how retarded your "point of view" is


you do know i was only quoting rhiannia? i havent said anything myself really..

il give a update to those who didnt read the other post

Lady Rhiannia


2/8/2008 2:11:29 AMwhile i dont agree with ur rather screwy thought processes...i do agree whole heartedly about not voting for hillary for president...or for any woman for that matter...a woman simply is not fit for that type of leadership. not when she must go throu her monthly cycles or menopause, all of which makes her ride the emotional roller coaster, you just cant predict what a woman will feel from one second to the next...that is why that should be a mans office only.

20:48:50 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

Sir Erunion Telcontar


2/8/2008 11:42:18 AM
Good luck Rhiannia!
Scotland forever!


thank you...and i agree.

23:04:26 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Lady Rhiannia


2/8/2008 10:48:50 PM
Sir Erunion Telcontar


2/8/2008 11:42:18 AM
Good luck Rhiannia!
Scotland forever!


thank you...and i agree.


Omg i agree with scotland rules!!!

23:13:54 Feb 8th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Please, as if Rhiannia is female.

23:15:05 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

you know something...i just re read the definition of glory and my words of the scotsmen,,,and if you think about it, honour and glory kind of go hand in hand. i said that the scotsman would give up that glory for honour, but in doing so, he only gains more honour...

23:20:54 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

Lord Protector Nimic


2/8/2008 3:13:54 PM
Please, as if Rhiannia is female


lol...and what do you think i am....genius

23:22:53 Feb 8th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

how many times do we need to pwn the scots before they stop talking about glory :D

23:25:36 Feb 8th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

thats just the point...u english will never "own" us...because u will never understand us, our glory, our spirit, our freedom...u only think u "own" us

23:43:06 Feb 8th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

we do own you :) we beat your asses our queen is your queen :)

23:49:11 Feb 8th 08 - Mr. Omc The Zeonic Crusader:

Dark Lord Osiris


2/8/2008 11:43:06 PM

we do own you :) we beat your asses our queen is your queen :)

ahh rhiannia that must hurt ;) ive actually already given up just couldnt leave this one :D

00:41:52 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Brutal:

Actually Great Britain has had (in one form or another)Celtic,Danish,English,Welsh,Scottish,French,German & Dutch rulers.

No one "tribal" group can say they have dominated the British Isles though the English monarchs have had a damn good go at it all the time,though never admitting that they are a watered down unpure mix of lots of different cultures and nationalities.

The world is too small a place now to "lord" over other countries... and that goes for the Scots or Welsh or even the Irish trying to get back at the English for slights that happen hundreds of years ago and that are not even relevant in this day and age!

Lets take the fight onto the digital battlefields my friends and keep off the dodgy ground and breast beating of who's race is better than who's and settle this in the month to come.

Should Rhianna's "clan" prevail and live out the era then by all means she then has every right to claim....... FREEDOM !!!! lol !



02:01:19 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

lol im not Scottish yet im the vice =-)

doesnt change the fact scotland is awesome place though =-) id go there before england any day better looking

03:20:30 Feb 9th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

The world is too small a place now to "lord" over other countries... and that goes for the Scots or Welsh or even the Irish trying to get back at the English for slights that happen hundreds of years ago and that are not even relevant in this day and age!

i must a point

i believe that those people who have been mistreated by others, such as the native americans, by the emglish, when they invaded america, was a most savage and barbaric act one could look at and it they had the nerve to call the native savages and uncivilized.

but that was generations ago, and for the most part those people now born in america sympathize with what happened to the natives, they feel that what happened was wrong. they have and still do try to make up to the natives for what was done to them. but there are still cases where natives despise the "english" and the "english"despise the "savages"

where the scots and the english are concerned, edward "longshanks" did not inspire much love from the scots when he caused it to be law that newly wedded scots maidens must spend their first night, not with their husband, but with the english lord who ruled the land. that and many other hard to swallow atrocities and betrayals in a proud is no wonder the scots find it hard to bury the hatchet against the english...and when you have english like osiris, who mock and taunt only feeds fuel to the fire.

04:20:06 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Cuzza Crip:

@Mr. Omc The Zeonic Crusader

Im sorry for the late post but i just read this and what you said was pretty d/amn amusing.Lmao


@Sir Darkmarsbar

You say they were female rulers but think about it hypethetically,they could have been transvestites..(No offense to those from scotland or England)


PS. You forgot Cleopatra.Not the single precise one but every Cleopatra that ruled over Egypt.Or Athena the FEMALE Greek god who is not a leader but if was born on earth would have been worshipped and praised and would have lead many cities into historically promising ones (not saying she insnt already)



Again i just read this thread im sorry if anyone finds me late.

04:21:12 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

aaahhh... Lady R., don't let them get to you, they aren't worth the sweat ;)  Haven't had a chance to wish you the Best of Luck this era so I shall now (guess I just did  :)   ).  Hope to see you on chat soon.... Kevdwayne

04:28:47 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Engel Van Dood:

i want to be greek forget the scots the greeks had the spartans!!!!

06:05:59 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Cuzza Crip:

Yes yes Sir Engel Van Dood, knowledge of the Greek history can alter ones thoughts about life and the belief in polytheism.

06:16:00 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

I'm an honest to goodness Scot and I'll tell you: Glory is good, but we forever beleived in freedom, and honour and fairness ALWAYS come first. That's why the Glencoe Massacre happened: the Scots weren't prepared. Murdering your hosts in their beds: that's something a Scot simply doesn't do.

06:33:19 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Meowman:

Osiris, you know you're retarded? You beat us because of supreme technology, which only came through better money supplys (and don't even try to say it was because the english had better scientists, Scots invented the TV, telephone and we improved the steam train), and through numbers, with your capital city having more people then the whole of our country. But still we fought on, our corage imortal, long after you feeble people would have surrendered and ran away. We held back the Romans long after you had succumed to them: any way you look at it we are better, in mind, body or, most importantly, honour. You had the bigger cities, you had more technologies, but we were still civilized long before you were. Why? Because we were honourable humans, while you were savage and ruthless animals. In fact only recently has the english government gained the intelligence to rightfully restore the Scottish their homeland and their own choices, and we stay now as part of the UK out of our own parliment's will, which, as far as I'm concerned, is one of the few major mistakes ever made by a Scot. The english beleive that because they have more people then us they are higher then us in every way, but they are wrong. Still, we control our anger with much more self-control then you, Osiris, could ever manage, but the english who call us savages and beasts, even as they whipped their unjustly captured slaves, they taunt and they strike, they attack and they lunge, simply fueling the fire, and although these ages are long gone, bastards like Osiris come up and they feed our anger, untill it breaks loose, and then they call us animals again, even when they are the beasts who cause it. We put down our weapons, but the english whip us untill we pick them up again. They massacre us, and then they call us savages. They are simply defining themselves. This is not to all English people, only those of old and the retards like Osiris. These are the sinners, these are the demons. These are the ones who don't deserve life, but death is too small a punishment for them. That is all I have to say.

06:47:36 Feb 9th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

and osiris i will ask you to stay out of my forum. if you can do no better than to stir up such deep felt anger as just shown and this is a real life situation here, not a game situation, and these feelings being expressed are real and deeply felt. i will not have you being a trouble maker simply for your amusement. this is going way to far. it is also going way off topic and we will most likely get my thread locked, which i have no desire to have happen. so if you cannot control yourself...stay out of this topic.

07:56:57 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Holypaladin:

so to be on topic and a change of "topic" hows the HH going? with recruitment

08:54:22 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

England with the help of Scotland,Wales and Irland created the largest empire this erath has every seen,but they would have never been able to do so if the werent united (or if england hadnt conquered them first and made them fight for us)

09:11:03 Feb 9th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

darkmarsbar...lets drop it please.


and my great pleasure, HH is doing very well, and even though i am not publicly recruiting, i do accept those who come to me, and there have been quite a few of them...more than i expected actually. all in all, i am pleased with my "clan".

09:21:28 Feb 9th 08 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

lol im srry


09:22:28 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

So is Scotland mainly populated by orcs.. or perhaps dwarves?
This is kind of a nationalistic kingdom, like LDK. You are trying to honor your  country or something.

Personally I find nationalism the dullest thing in the world. Just like spirituality it has caused a *beep*load of wars in real life. "I R BETTUR! HU R U? BETTUR!".
I am for globalization. World peace yeehaw. 

09:46:25 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Brutal:

Agreed Jar Jar......but in this game its unfortunately more "we come in peace,shoot to kill!"

HH is on my doorstep.....hmmmmmmm !!

LOL !!!

09:50:13 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Jar Jar Banks:

But they're involving real life so much I just had to say something about that ^^

09:56:14 Feb 9th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Of course, we all know Scotland REALLY belongs to Norway.

10:23:57 Feb 9th 08 - Mr. Durza The Multihaxor:

Dark Lord Osiris


2/9/2008 1:22:53 AM

how many times do we need to pwn the scots before they stop talking about glory :D


Well actually ifthe jacobite's hadnt been such sp@ms, we would rule england, bet they dont teach you that down their....

10:35:22 Feb 9th 08 - Lady Rhiannia:

i said drop it. talk about this game talk about how u love england or how u love scotland or what ever country u love...

but do not talk about how ur country is btter than, rules, pwns...or any other superioity speeches in here.

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