Forums / In game politics / Highlands Honor Recruiting I

Highlands Honor Recruiting I
18:15:06 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

HH is now in nirvana in order to recruit and train those recruits. anyone is welcome to join us merely send an app telling us the digree of exp you have so that we know who it is we need to help out most. =-D

05:58:54 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Justin:

so how is teh recruiting going Phoenix?

01:06:23 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

very well we are now 16  players in total =-D

alot are new so we dont have as much of a lead as we should considering our numbers but there are guides posted in the forum and im trying to keep contact with those who ask for help.

04:24:11 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

remember phoenix ur goign against fantasia kingdom for the #1 lead on that world

06:18:03 Mar 30th 08 - Duchess Jenine The Nobeard:

Carnage is not on Nirvana!

Well... most of them aren't :P

06:23:26 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Look on the full kingdom list, Carnage is on Nirvana.

07:39:14 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Don Cherry:

Carnage is still on Fantasia... they only show up on Nirvana because their leader still hasn't spawned yet.

00:32:18 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

i know they arent here i have a bro in carnage =-D

00:36:13 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

HH i was the strongest but phoneix felt threatened by me and in 1 instant he kicked me and sent the entire kingdom after me


his goals were to take all my production which was about 5-6 times his , 150k gold and 25k wood , 30k food




Phoneix is unexperainced and the only reason he is where he is now is do to betrayal and lieing

00:49:04 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

i posted all messages in nirvana thread because it is politics about nirvana not about recruiting so if you wish to see the correspondants look in nirvana thread and to cross check message authenticity by all means ask my vices as i always share those type of messages witht them. should you need more references merely ask and i will provide more evidence of lack of tampering.

01:19:29 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

phoneix being quiet , your already labeled a traitor

being a suck up wont make people beleive you did it for any other reason other then you wanting my production since you cant manage your own

01:40:31 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

not sucking up. giving evidence and ability to cross reference the evidence. and im not labeled traitor by any other person besides you. ive never expressed interest in taking your production cities when we killed blood rose i gave you the mine for crying out loud. and please keep it to one topic nirvana as this has nothing to do with HH recruiting.

20:54:26 Apr 3rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

burninlegion quit crying b/c u didnt get a vice position like u demanded. Phoenix is a great leader and has done the right thing by kicking u from the kingdom. But everyone dont take burninglegions cry babyness to heart, HH is a great kingdom adn if ur on Nirvana us hould join up with them, they will teach u alot, also honour which is one thing burninglegion doesnt have along with patientce.

00:32:32 Apr 4th 08 - Duchess Jenine The Nobeard:

Can I join?  :D

01:04:13 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:


join in the argument or the kingdom XD you are a vice in havoc right not though which complicates things =-D

and thanks justin =-)

03:25:12 Apr 4th 08 - Duchess Jenine The Nobeard:

I will join HH under the following conditions:

1) You promote me to vice
2) You send me a thousand hot female virgins
3) You give me a lot of gold
4) You promote me to king
5) You allow me to periodically kick members and feed off their cities
6) You send me another thousand hot female virgins

I don't think my demands are all that unreasonable.  So what do you say?

03:33:32 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Phoenix Highlander:

sounds reasonable accept .... i dont share my virgins not even with my vices... well once but never again!

04:59:26 Apr 4th 08 - Mr. Justin:

NP phoenix, even though i left i will still defend u guys

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