Forums / In game politics / Hiv declares war on RVL

Hiv declares war on RVL
15:58:31 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

We might as well get it overwith and get it declared. Everyone knows it is comming anyways. War on, and remember to have fun everyone :-P

16:03:32 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Raddan:

mauhahhah Warrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

16:07:56 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

nooooooooooo i wanted to declare war first

16:08:49 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Binh The General:

lol qassim. Should've said so first then :P

16:10:42 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

you never told me we were going to go to war with Rvl  -.-

16:12:48 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

im declaring to war anyone that wants to loose a 1x1

16:21:42 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

that means you cant declare war on any1 in vu... no one will lose in a 1x1 to you :D and go away this is a rvl hiv thread

16:24:29 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Penguin The Filipino:

1x1? wanna bet? come here you big dick`o ;) will rub you :)

16:30:04 Nov 10th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

this thread was a fail from the start. no pretty colours or interesting pictures

16:30:29 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

once im done with rvl sure :D

16:56:40 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Dom:

HIV... you don't know what your getting yourselves into.

get ready for a WORLD of hurt!

18:38:37 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Well RVL did declare on us, but we created the thread about it so muahahaha!

Unfortunately, we haven't farmed since era start :'(

18:43:43 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Dom:

whoever declared it doesn't matter, only the victor will be remembered.

as to farming... you're technically 102% of our power so I don't think you're allowed to make excuses. by the way... why ARE you making excuses already? a little antsy perhaps? :p

18:48:41 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Rijstwafel:

Good luck Hiv \o/

18:59:33 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

I aren't making excuses, quite to opposite Dom, I'm saying it'll be more fun due to not farming!

I'm not sure who you are Dom but don't talk down to me like that or you'll be in for a nasty suprise, involving Ez, a large cucumber and spermicidal lube.

19:05:21 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Felic:

Mr. Dom


18:43:43 Nov 10th 09 whoever declared it doesn't matter, only the victor will be remembered.

as to farming... you're technically 102% of our power so I don't think you're allowed to make excuses. by the way... why ARE you making excuses already? a little antsy perhaps? :p

> Exactly proof that we aren't farming? :). We have more members

19:30:09 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Arch Shade:

It would be good for all players to keep an eye on this war.  You will learn a lot from the outcome as long as it does not have a monkey wrench thrown into it.

Revelation had no enemies to fight on Mantrax, so it is not their fault for farming.
HIV was at war non-stop oop, and did the right thing by waring all the kingdoms rather than napping a few.

Depending the outcome, we will find out if it is more productive to farm the earlier part of the era or to be at war OOP.

Hot Inactive VeteransRevelation

Battles won: 129
Battles lost: 66

Battles won: 3
Battles lost: 1

19:40:52 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Dom:

hey, I hate farming AND napping, this is actually the first era I'd say that I have "farmed" at all. and I didn't mean to talk down to you, I'm truly sorry you took it in such a defensive manner.

as to why you haven't heard of me, I go inactive a lot, change my name a lot, and until recently spent most of my time in the underground figuring out the game.

all I know is I'm looking forward to a great fight that'll hopefully make up for the wasted 200 days of this era so far.

19:49:57 Nov 10th 09 - Lady Kittie Sherezade:

ummh.. revelations had Phi? and im pretty sure others fell down there too
to fight.?

19:54:19 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Qassim:

hey, I hate farming AND napping, this is actually the first era I'd say that I have "farmed" at all

so you weren't in Rvl last era?

20:04:52 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Dom:

i was but I didn't farm. prepared the whole era for an invasion of fant as soon as it opened, went on an early strike, did some damage but got left behind with my lesser income. this time around... I farmed :)
hopefully I'll do a little better this time.

ummh.. revelations had Phi? and im pretty sure others fell down there too
to fight.?

whoever our distinguished leaders decide to fight or not fight on mant. is up to them only and up to no discussion by lowly soldiers like me.

20:11:38 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Yes Twamao:

This thread is becoming unsexy.  Less Flame More Battles!   

20:16:28 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Dom:

sirs, I would like to, with what grace I am still allowed, back out of this topic and leave the rest of my words to be spoken by my actions on the battlefield.

20:27:10 Nov 10th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

what a fantastic little(or perhaps big) war you guys will have...rad,deno,lady kittie, binh and qassim are all very competant fighters...vs mr kool,jade,moonshine etc etal..

almost jealous i aint in the middle lol

this should keep you both entertained for most of the era...i certainly cant pick a winner..

*grabs some popcorn.

22:49:37 Nov 10th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

fucking phi and rvl dirty napping whores! >:)

23:19:28 Nov 10th 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

Hey Palp. you totally forget about our secret weapon, Mr. Doomhammer :-P

03:17:38 Nov 11th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Duchess Mama Bear


13:49:37 Nov 10th 09
fucking phi and rvl dirty napping whores! >:)

dont open ma mouth random ;)


04:00:09 Nov 11th 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

I look forward to seeing my friends in hiv on the battle field, will just feel bad for whooping them :)

04:24:02 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Dargoth:


05:07:01 Nov 11th 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

here is to a great and fun war good luck to all

05:10:47 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

RVL to win :) <me win £5
HIV to win :) < me win £5
ME to win :) < me win era :P
o.j i thnk it will be a great war :D!!

05:36:16 Nov 11th 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:

you already have a t-shirt!

05:47:47 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

XD hahahaaa yesss!!
best t-shirt in whole world :P
love you kongdust <3
oh and btw was you ever called monkeydust :S?

05:54:34 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

RVL ftw. :P Actually I don't really care.

05:56:06 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

you kno wht you rly care about is my t-shirt!!
you want 1 admit it :P

06:57:51 Nov 11th 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

whoa you guys have my apprentice doomhammer?

think you will be tough to beat

but the real dilemna is who is sexier i mean you guys got lady kittie and they have jennaside....

i wouldnt want to be in the middle of that catfight!

13:14:32 Nov 17th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

gl to both sides :)

16:27:21 Nov 17th 09 - Mr. Stoned Polar Bear:

rvl seems to be winning this war on fant... DAMMIT!

20:37:02 Nov 17th 09 - Lady Jade:

well hurry up so you can get some too :P

20:41:49 Nov 17th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

He'd hurry, but he's a bit stoned, so give him time :)

Hmmm, didn't think about it...bears sleep during the winter, and it's starting to get cold outside, so are the bears going to hibernate? O.o

10:39:58 Nov 18th 09 - Mr. Felic:

yeah hurry, pick up the pieces and lose your balls ... as that is your kingdom's mission statement.


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