Forums / In game politics / Holy Recruitment

Holy Recruitment
01:16:05 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Heldeofol:

Holy is now accepting applications for next era.

Holy has recently undergone the construction of a new order to allow for more efficient organization. We are looking for both experienced and new players alike, but would prefer players to be active. All new players will be under the guidance of some very experienced players who will be designated to teach you. Holy welcomes suggestions from all of its members, so your voice will not go unheard. The leader and vices will work with each player’s style and find the best way to utilize it. We are currently undecided on what world we will play next era, but we will most likely end up on Mantrax.

Applications should include:
1) Name/Previous Names
2) Eras Played
3) Why you would like to be part of Holy
4) Your typical playing patterns (time spent playing - on times/off times)
Note: All previous Holy members are welcome to return.

For any more information please contact Heldeofol or Llyl.

Yes. We are a cult. :p (NO, really, it is.)

05:00:45 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Anubis:


this Thread was a Hit


but Holy is a great Kingdom Good Luck Next era

05:22:29 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Ranth:

The first rule of Holy is you don't talk about Holy...

05:22:41 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

hah yeah major hit

10:43:15 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Penguin:

go holy go holy :D yeah yeah i know u can do it :D

10:53:50 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

no they cant holy will die.....

10:54:20 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:

did i sound evil there?

10:57:11 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Penguin:

yes really :D justanius is big meany... like MIELO ;(

11:26:57 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

no way dude holy rules =D

03:45:30 Mar 24th 08 - Lord Loren Soth:

Would any current vice of Holy please accept the application I sent. I would like to get organized as quickly as possible. Thank you.

04:57:22 Mar 24th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Hey there my old kingdom.
Im wondering if you guys could take in a RL friend of mine.
He already knew the basics from my lessons in the new player X world but I will keep on teaching him the tricks and tweaks of VU.
He is a nice guy and usually get really good on the games he play.

If you guys think you can take him on I will tell him to send his application.

05:02:58 Mar 24th 08 - Mr. Valandil:

Loren Soth, its Ghengas here. You hav ebeen accepted. I am trying to get us an early start as fas as objectives go. check out the private forum.

03:33:37 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Heldeofol:

Holy has disbanded for the era but will regroup with our core players next era, see you all then.

03:35:58 Mar 27th 08 - Mr. Whipping:

i look forward to it

03:39:15 Mar 27th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Penguin


3/21/2008 10:57:11 AMyes really :D justanius is big meany... like MIELO ;(

DON'T Make me whip you again!

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