Forums / In game politics / I Declare War On...

I Declare War On...
01:25:57 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

Wolflord Karac, for attacking a friendly KD (me), then being cowardly enough to sign a NAP treaty only minutes actions against him have nothing to do with Abydos, so Karac, don't you go crying at Osi's place that the big bad demon attacked knew this would happen if you attacked me even after I joined's called...common sense...I refrained myself from annihilating your puny presence since Abydonian relations had you put down as begone from my sight, you Infidel!

01:31:18 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Wow, genius again.

I attacked you before you joined aby. Then you came and tried to attack me. I took your next city, and Finwe wrote me asking for peace, I NEVER WROTE FOR PEACE you ignorant *beep*.

And then Sci wrote asking if I would be willing to return the city, I agreed. I have never hidden behind anything, so please, PISS OFF. Learn your facts before you go making accusations. Pathetic.

01:46:13 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

O.K. everyone back to your corners...prepare for round 2!

01:51:34 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Round 1 goes to?

01:53:31 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

Me,as will the next rounds...cuz I'm Über

and sheer genius indeed, since non of my next moves will be a NAP break of any kind...if only you had been so smart not to attack me any further when my KD merged into Abydos...who had indeed stated BoW to be friendly towards them, hence not to be you kinda messed it up about Facts eh?!

01:54:38 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Smooth:

goes ti Karac

02:03:44 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

Round two and three just went to me as well =)


Even if he gets my army, I still win, ruined more cities than my 20k ponies are worth. =P

02:05:09 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

lol doubt it since they have not even been my own cities...ooooooohhhhh...I got more plunder then you managed to destroy buildings lmfao...

02:07:20 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

you got no plunder. spent all my gold on wreckaging, im not stupid.

i hope you enjoyed that 10k stone. pathetic.

02:08:46 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

lol you missed about 15k buildings...guess you used fools gold to pay for the wrecking?

02:08:53 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

omg get the fu(k over it, its a damn GAME!!!

02:11:23 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

go play patience if you don't like it, Justin

02:13:28 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Grow up Charley. Your the one crying like a little girl cuz your getting your ass handed to you even when you ran to a kd to save your ass.

02:26:04 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

lol go play Pokemon, Justin oh and do get yer facts straight I joined Abydos cuz Osi asked me, and why would I run when my armies are bigger and better then my enemies?! and I am fighting 3 KD's so :P

02:29:01 Mar 10th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Wolflord is winning the series 3-0 ---- <3 Karac

Round 4 is about to start, 3....2....1....FIGHT!

02:33:25 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Wow 3 kds so much fun. Im fighting BoW, Angels, Project Mayhem, Preds and Warriors league.

EDIT: Forgot to add MAD to the list.

03:30:31 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Go Karac! And Go Heaven! hahaha

Lets see the kinda fight foundation can put up =D

I think Retribution is coming down for a peace of heaven pie as well xD

03:46:00 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

DQ-Justin for being a douche...

Rd 1 goes to Karac 10-9

Rd 2 goes to Berkeley 10-8 (cause Karac didn't respond)

So for those who can't count, Berkeley is up by points 19-18..

RD 3 underway..This is a flame off fellas...SO....Let's get ready to RUUUUMMMBLLLEEE!

03:47:58 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

leave this thread alone, all it days is make the guy happy, he want you to respond so he can vent out anger on you, so dont respond, oh and if you flame me, I'll love you if you flame me down!

04:18:24 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny:

Demonic William Berkeley


3/9/2009 5:26:04 PMlol go play Pokemon, Justin oh and do get yer facts straight I joined Abydos cuz Osi asked me, and why would I run when my armies are bigger and better then my enemies?! and I am fighting 3 KD's so :P

Berkeley, i got a corps running around in your cities, wheres yours?

04:30:12 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

it's around, you'll see it soon enough :)


also...Orcs dont need a big sized army to actually be able to do damage... ;)

04:39:51 Mar 10th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Mr. Justin


3/9/2009 9:13:28 PM
Grow up Charley. Your the one crying like a little girl cuz your getting your ass handed to you even when you ran to a kd to save your ass.
Your first sentence failed....period.

@Skinny Vinny - How many of your "blockers" did I take and burn? Oh wait...

11:04:55 Mar 10th 09 - Demonic William Berkeley:

Mr. Skinny Vinny

Berkeley, i got a corps running around in your cities, wheres yours?

now what was that about that CORPSE of come again, next time I might even give you a cookie...I love it when puppies try to bite...

11:35:11 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Strange, in reading the title again, this reminds of me of "Go, Wolflord Karac! I CHOOSE YOU!"

13:55:57 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Death Proof:

..and skinny vinny got thrown a right cross for getting into a fight he wasn't a part of....



14:03:21 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

Karac.. is AWESOME!! so leave him alone :P

16:02:42 Mar 10th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

"..if only you had been so smart not to attack me any further when my KD merged into Abydos...who had indeed stated BoW to be friendly towards them, hence not to be you kinda messed it up about Facts eh?!"

Don't you people have the decency to inform and discuss taking in the enemies of those "put down as FRIENDLY" with those "put down as FRIENDLY"? I could expect such a thing from a low world new player kingdom but from the more experienced group of players I though I could expect at least the slightest bit of decency. Very saddening to be honest.

16:20:20 Mar 10th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Shezmu wins, because he's much sexier.

16:57:44 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Ignis The Evil One:

shezmu wins because he is better

17:00:41 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Testing:

AND THE WINNER OF THIS DEBATE IS, MR. FLYING CHEESE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17:07:01 Mar 10th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Wolves hunt in packs. Be careful. *sharpens teeth and claws*

17:10:02 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

i thought wolves were lactose intolerant : D

17:17:28 Mar 10th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Yup, but we eat milk drinking crying babies anyways. You war one wolf, you war us all.

17:19:38 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

yeah, of course helping us LW,/heaven in starta would be very helpful right now since ret has mega armies in the west

17:21:55 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

we are helping zyrike, in case you didnt notice our 4-5 500k armies, 10-12 100k armies, and tons of 50ks. we are holding off ret and fate in the southeast.


we cant protect the whole map.

17:25:16 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

we dont have scouts down there, and from i could see, well i couldnt really see what your guys were doing, just looks like its was only heaven in the east

17:28:21 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

and to us it looks like only us in the south. LOS is a *beep*. Please dont cast any remarks without knowing the entire situation.

We are also holding RET off on Nirvana so they do not sweep across our backside, are we doing enough for ya?

17:30:44 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Zyrike:

i hate LOS..., it makes you think things like i did :(

having fun with them?

17:37:48 Mar 10th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

not really, damn orcs.

20:15:09 Mar 10th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

I thought BoW was fighting Fant KDs and upper worlds, not nub worlds?

20:16:54 Mar 10th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

won't be holding us off for long ^^

Most Powerful Armies

Karac Blows
owned by Mr. Qassim

Pale Horse
owned by Mr. Dargoth

owned by Mr. Makedon

owned by Mr. Hunter

Starving Fish
owned by Mr. Sea

Zumps Fight
owned by Mr. Zump

20:44:15 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

lew thats jsut on nirvana you forgot starta

Most Powerful Armies

Glads Elite
owned by Mr. Gladiatorul

owned by Ms. Coxy Reborn

Nighten Gale
owned by Mr. Nemesis

owned by Mr. Hemelduiker


plus my hoh fant army which is on starta but still showing up on the fant hoh army lsit for some reason

20:57:02 Mar 10th 09 - The Architect:


*Tries to look impressed at everything posted preceding his arrival*


*Fails miserably at looking impressed..."


*In an attempt to pretend he likes what he sees, he raises his arm in the air and pathetically says*


*The Architect leaves the room"

21:31:25 Mar 10th 09 - Mr. Killstone:

oh haha it helps to read stuff before the post you reply to =P now i look like an *beep* haha you can ignore my last post =D

21:57:37 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

Demonic William Berkeley


3/10/2009 1:26:04 AMlol go play Pokemon, Justin oh and do get yer facts straight I joined Abydos cuz Osi asked me, and why would I run when my armies are bigger and better then my enemies?! and I am fighting 3 KD's so :P

I have a question. seeing as you think your relations with BoW should of carried on to abydos when you merged why didnt your relations with KoC??

22:24:19 Mar 10th 09 - Sir Deadpool:

Well maybe he doesn't want relations with the KoC anymore. :-p

22:42:25 Mar 10th 09 - Duke Random:

FFS. its not charleynub.... LOOK AT THE TITLE..... unless ofc ive been lied to by the nub, then ill cut his penor off.

22:48:28 Mar 10th 09 - General Ezatious:

Karac!!! watch him, hes a snake

23:34:20 Mar 10th 09 - Prince Pelagius Septim VII:

Too late Random, that crazy chef beat you to it.

*points at a chef with a severed penis in one hand and a bloody knife in the other*

"Wait a minute..."

*looks down, sees that his penis is gone*

"Give that back you bastard!"

*crazy chef runs away and Septim chases after him*

01:00:52 Mar 11th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

Enough Fellows! Clearly we should WORK COOPERATIVELY.

RET is soon to push in through the central portal to fantasia. Im gonna drop some scouts back to the west to settle some more towns.

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