Forums / In game politics / I asked for peace,

I asked for peace,
07:38:21 Dec 15th 07 - Ms. Yuki Nagato:

And they hit me?
Im new to this game, dont know much, so i learn by playing.
I see this Kingdom 'Trio' next to me so i know im in danger if i dont ask for peace.
I sent one of their members a message, asked for peace, he agreed. And now his teammate sends this message and takes over my cities.
I may be noob, but one day i will be strong. And then you will see.

To my neighbor,

I bid you farewell in this world. We are having a hard time trusting renegade rulers. I hope this does not develop a grudge in future era's. May you achieve glory in your new world.

Erica Incarnate

I trusted you, and you do this. :)
Beware the karma

08:00:35 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

who is this trio member that accepted your peace?

08:53:20 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Revenge:

He sent the message to me, I replied quite simply that we may not attack you, but we may, i never once said that no matter what we wouldnt attack, he took my message the wrong way obiously

08:57:35 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Because you gave him/her false hope!  You never EVER give anyone false hope.  The right thing to do would be to refer him to any vice or king/queen.  It's not right for you to say we MAY not attack him/her.

09:00:11 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Architect:

I always give people false hope, like when I told you your cat was just lost and that he'll come back home soon.  Thats what people do......

09:01:32 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Don't go stressy on me, I told him exacly how It was, He took it the wrong way

09:14:10 Dec 15th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

i agree with haywood on is not for those in non leader positions to make those decisions, the thing to have done was tell her you would give her request to the kingdom leaders, who would then make it know to not attack her until it is decided wether or not they will accept her request. to say i hope this doesnt bring grudges but i am going to kill u because ur a newb and i am stronger is like saying to a starving filled and hunger no more...then walk away without giving them any food to is nonsense because of course it will bring would u have felt had the roles been reversed? u would have been angry and knowing u revenge u would have sworn lifelong vengeance on the one who aronged you. think about this next time you wrong another.

10:02:00 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Soc:

Sir Revenge

12/15/2007 4:53:20 PM
He sent the message to me, I replied quite simply that we may not attack you, but we may, i never once said that no matter what we wouldnt attack, he took my message the wrong way obiously


please post ur PMs, u know u kept them

10:45:09 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

wata  coisidence a nuub asking another nuub for peace

12:32:47 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Evans:

dont worry FA will avenge you Ms. Yuki Nagato, we are a kingdom which stand for honourability and are currently at war with trio :P

12:39:24 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Never! I repeat - Never! Trust unofficial messages about peace.

13:12:39 Dec 15th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

I feel awful...

Im so evul... I dont deserve to be in trio. I will only taint their honorable name...  :(

If he/she would have asked me for peace, I could have protected him/her from everyone else. Then again I got this strange feeling that he/she is not a new player. His/Her cities are indeed close to perfect.

He/She never asked me for peace, I might have misunderstood since this is all she said.

Mr. Itsuki Koizumi [] (12/15/2007 3:38:43 AM) GOOD BAD
Peaceful intentions?
Or hostile?


13:30:35 Dec 15th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Mr. Itsuki Koizumi [] (12/15/2007 2:28:22 PM) GOOD BAD
You know, if you offered an alliance, i would join you.
Im new, im trying to learn, and before i can, some smart person decides to remove me from the world before i actually do something important.

You know what? Thanks for ruining my day.

Have a nice day :)

Why did that felt bad?... I couldn't bring myself to smart talk him. I usually get smart talked when I send that to someone who has done the same to me. Why do I feel remorse when so many have already did that to me?  And yes... I feel lifelong vengeance to those persons.

13:50:28 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Verll:

Well..This is a war game alright, so you should expect to lose some cities...

13:54:44 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

wow ... never heard that before! fighting and capturing cities? aren`t wars about 100 meters sprint, heavy weights lifting, and 500 m swiming? and ofc .. everyones favourite elves women thong contest ..

14:07:33 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

You feel bad because you did not fight a fair fight and your opponent was much weaker than you.

14:28:55 Dec 15th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Who are you Xiax?

Yes, he is far too weak for me. I gave, like a thousand sword and he fell.

Who are you to make assumptions to the way I feel?! 

14:38:28 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Ms Yuki, if you need somewhere to live, come join ASM.  Same for you, Mr Itsuki.  If you need to restart then put an application in and wait for acceptance before starting.  Tne*beep*uki has a certain ring to it, don't you think? :-)

14:42:32 Dec 15th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

He restarted and that's his new nick

14:46:04 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Tnega Htims:

Ahh well, another possible member lost.  No, wait, JOIN ANYWAY!!!! :-)

14:53:50 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

This is what happens when someone takes names from Haruhi, they get completely raped.

15:08:44 Dec 15th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Once again another screw up....Yuki why in the world did you message Revenge of all people in the kingdom.....

16:22:01 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Agent Clamps:


16:29:44 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Poor Yuki... he never stood a chance.

16:57:15 Dec 15th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

there's a lesson for you!
NEVER trust Mr. Revenge!

20:21:07 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

wait is yuki a he or she! Ms. Yuki Nagato

yes im being serious so many people act like girls when their guys!

wait and what did this Yuki change his/her name to so we can plan the downfall of Revenge!

P.S if revenge reads this post he will be hunted down Gagged, tied, and tossed into a dark closest with the one and only Swifty and any other people that want to ummmm well you know.

20:33:25 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Soc:

do u even know swifty?

20:34:17 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


20:53:50 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

nope dont care im still throwing revenge to him or carnage you pick

21:15:58 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Itsuki Koizumi:

I "was" Yuki Nagato.
Mr Xiax >> :D guess so. But i cant seem to stop spreading haruiism around the world :D

Ms. Erica Incarnate> Obviously i sent you that message about peaceful and hostile intentions because i saw your army of 1500 moving around the river across to me.

Sir Revenge>
I guess i was wrong to assume that peace is instantly given when someone says "we may not attack you". I even spoke to you in real-time chat and explained my situation. If i remember correctly, my parting statement was, " If in any way i am troubling you guys, please tell me" So naturally i assumed AFTER that chat that if you had any problems with me, you would tell me. Not backstab me and tell me to live a "glorious" life in the new world. Too bad for me im new i guess.

Sir Dead Oralive> And yes, im a guy LOL

And if you're having a hard time to trust new people, i wish you great luck in finding fresh blood for your kingdom when you need people.

All in all, Have a nice day :)

21:21:33 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:

i pick swifty hes much worse

21:23:32 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Itsuki Koizumi:

Ms. Erica Incarnate> And yes, thanks at least for that compliment. My cities are perfect apparently :)
You know, even a dumb guy can read the guides in this forum and do what i just did. Its all there, for everyone to see. Its just a choice of whether you want to follow it or not.

21:26:32 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Justainius Fontainius XI:

true carnage got small *beep*s...and guy with japanese name its over kill them already there nuuby as it is;)

21:45:49 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

<true carnage got small *beep*s...>


nice....a thread about mantrax and you still feel the need to flame a fant kingdom like this....<secretly hopes he is on Fant so we can come visit>

on topic, never assume anything, because you know what they say about assuming:P

23:25:35 Dec 15th 07 - Sir Dead Oralive:

no i dont what do they say?

23:51:21 Dec 15th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

You'd be surprised Itsuki, how many people choose to either ignore or not read the guides.

00:36:20 Dec 16th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Like me! I spent a whole era rainbowing, then I did some freaky thing with 35 cities and 12000 cities a piece for the next era.

04:55:55 Dec 16th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

erica...if i were in ur place, i would say i felt bad because the person i just did that to didnt verbally attack me...which helps me to feel angry and justified in what i just isnt fun to never have a chance to see what you can do cause ur new and ur finally out of that stupid tutorial and getting to play the real thing, u havent a clue that u shouldnt even be in mantrax, or even that there is another world maybe...and u see that your protected time is almost up and there are enemies me he contacted the nearest neighbor hoping to make peace...i was lucky...when i first started my nearest neighbor was gurath of darkriders...i was taken into the kingdom and never been happier...he was not so lucky...he trusted one who cannot be trusted....revenge...who probably never even shared his desire for peace with anyone else in the kingdom, so erica, you only did what most would have done, and itsuki, thinking his message had been relayed thought he was being betrayed...revenge i think is the only on to blame here.

06:34:09 Dec 16th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Yes! yes! I agree...

Let us tie revenge and burn him alive! or feed him to the ants!!!

07:07:11 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Trogdor:

OMG, the girls are teaming upon you revenge. Remember, keep yo pimp hand strong!

07:09:41 Dec 16th 07 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

Mr. Haywood Jablowme


12/15/2007 3:57:35 AM  Because you gave him/her false hope!  You never EVER give anyone false hope.  The right thing to do would be to refer him to any vice or king/queen.  It's not right for you to say we MAY not attack him/her.

plain and simple, I agree wholeheartedly, Twam :)

07:54:43 Dec 16th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Clone XXX


12/15/2007 9:45:49 PM

<true carnage got small *beep*s...>


nice....a thread about mantrax and you still feel the need to flame a fant kingdom like this....<secretly hopes he is on Fant so we can come visit>

on topic, never assume anything, because you know what they say about assuming:P

yes, he's on fantasia, even better, he's in abydos. So hush!

And on topic :

Yeah, burn Revenge!

08:14:50 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Don't burn me  :(

08:54:47 Dec 16th 07 - Lady Rhiannia:

yeah...with all the flame shooting around, i think revenge has probably been burned enough for now...just let this be something you take into your future games with u, and not repeat it, ok revenge...

10:50:52 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Revenge, why dont you just burn yourself, save everyone the trouble? Everyone wants to kill you now cause you is acting like a prick, please come to fant and make my day

13:55:47 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Gaius Aureliae:

Revenge on Fant would be real fun, I guess! All kingdoms vrs one man! : )

14:16:13 Dec 16th 07 - Sir Revenge:

Next era maybe guys  =)

It can be a late christmas present  ^.^

9 days people!!

15:47:27 Dec 16th 07 - Mr. Clone XXX:

<yes, he's on fantasia, even better, he's in abydos. So hush!>

Dont tell me to hush, i wasnt the one insulting other kingdoms.

15:01:05 Dec 17th 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Mr. Clone XXX


12/16/2007 10:47:27 PM

<yes, he's on fantasia, even better, he's in abydos. So hush!>

Dont tell me to hush, i wasnt the one insulting other kingdoms.


Hey! this is my hate post... Create your Pirate Lewatha hate club somwhere else!

13:19:49 Dec 31st 07 - Ms. Erica Incarnate:

Ms. Asahina Mikuru [Hell]


She's in hell now atoning for her evil deeds... :(

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