Forums / In game politics / I dont get it

I dont get it
21:38:31 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Garlic:

3.Mr. Ignis The Evil One of Rebirth
Total land: 3 MillionBatles won: 368Cities captured: 243
Total killed: 3.4 MillionScience lvls: 36Total troops: 1.1 Million
F: 0%M: 1%Z: 3%S: 0%N: 44%V: 0%A: 49%T: 0%M: 0%

Elf4.Mr. Bogdan of Revelation
Total land: 589548Batles won: 295Cities captured: 157
Total killed: 1.7 MillionScience lvls: 33Total troops: 318880
F: 55%M: 3%Z: 0%S: 1%N: 39%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Troll5.Mr. Turnip of Fruits and Vegetables
Total land: 2.9 MillionBatles won: 365Cities captured: 243
Total killed: 4.3 MillionScience lvls: 35Total troops: 6.6 Million
F: 48%M: 47%Z: 1%S: 0%N: 0%V: 1%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

21:39:54 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Luls:

I'm sure you don't.

21:40:20 May 22nd 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

that was one of the ones I was actually wonderin' about as well...I was a bit surprised with the %s and all else being essentially equal that 3 'n 5 weren't swapped

21:40:49 May 22nd 09 - Duke Playaaaa:

Neither do I... just one?

21:42:54 May 22nd 09 - Lord Primate Death:

I think half the battle with VU is understanding Zeta's scoring system.

21:43:54 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Lord Primate Death


21:42:54 May 22nd 09
I think half the battle with VU is understanding Zeta's scoring system.

For once I agree with you

21:44:40 May 22nd 09 - Endless Desire:

All you need is one city, or scout, or whatever on Fant :p

21:44:41 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Kob Salad:

Nr.5 has more in every catagorie then nr. 4 

21:44:43 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Ignis has 100k more land, 1 more sci lvl and 3 more battles won.
Turnip has 5.5mil more troops, 900k more killed and alot more on fantasia.

Could be the fact that Tunip haz -2billion cash :P. well had anyway xD

What really bugs me is that Turnip is better in everything than Bogdan apart from % on Fant. Zeta explainz?

21:48:18 May 22nd 09 - Endless Desire:

Bogdan F: 55%  Turnip F: 48%

Which I don't get, I didn't think Bogdan had that many cities on Fant

21:49:48 May 22nd 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

Ignis: 0%

That's the point ED :P

Either the %s DO matter then Turnip shoulda been ahead of Ignis, or they DON'T matter and then he shoulda been ahead of Bogdan unless I'm missin' somethin'..

21:50:23 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Seloc:

For all the whinning people did at the start of the era about orcs, I'm seeing plenty of high ranking orcs.

21:50:24 May 22nd 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

% is not just based on cities, I have no cities in Nirvana but 19% there, guessing it's also based on armies

21:53:41 May 22nd 09 - Endless Desire:

Ignis dropped a Market city on Fant, so he has property just below 1% hence the not showing... so all the kills and captures on the lower worlds are being counted. 


I don't get #4 and #5 because I seriously didn't think Bogdan had enough Fant real estate to be higher then Turnip.. has to be gold I think

21:55:17 May 22nd 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

Yes, but if having just the one city is enough and the rest of the % doesn't matter (ie, 1 building on Fant vs 200k building on Fant), then no matter what Bogdan's % was, Turnip should have been ahead of him...

21:55:57 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Banana:

This... just... makes... NO SENSE o.O

21:57:04 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Seloc:

I think that the ratio of troops you have to the kills you get boosts you. Turnip had a *beep* load of troops compaired to kills. Whereas Bog didn't have that many.

would explain this:

26.Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa of The Native People
Total land: 32091 Batles won: 122 Cities captured: 20
Total killed: 669631 Science lvls: 20 Total troops: 2
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 69% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

not saying shes bad or doesn't deserve it, just she started late and died.....

22:01:33 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Trendkill:

I think the list is wrong...

Edit: Obviously :D

167.Mr. Fruity Loops The
Total land: 0Batles won: 0Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 152Science lvls: 25Total troops: 0
F: 97%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 0%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

175.Mr. Trendkill of Revelation
Total land: 197932Batles won: 25Cities captured: 16
Total killed: 50612Science lvls: 16Total troops: 253272
F: 2%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 37%N: 0%V: 59%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

22:02:08 May 22nd 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Zeta Babes...hint hint...a percentage is based as one part of 100. Cant be only 97% of yourself??
Overlord Dvsmasta of JUICY

F: 32% M: 11% Z: 17% S: 0% N: 0% V: 16% A: 14% T: 7% M: 0% 97.00%
Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire

F: 2% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 21% N: 21% V: 38% A: 17% T: 0% M: 0% 99.00%
Mr. Ignis The Evil One of Rebirth

F: 0% M: 1% Z: 3% S: 0% N: 44% V: 0% A: 49% T: 0% M: 0% 97.00%
Mr. Bogdan of Revelation

F: 55% M: 3% Z: 0% S: 1% N: 39% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0% 98.00%
Mr. Turnip of Fruits and Vegetables

F: 48% M: 47% Z: 1% S: 0% N: 0% V: 1% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0% 97.00%
Mr. Arrow of Dorian Empire

F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 25% N: 14% V: 47% A: 11% T: 0% M: 0% 97.00%

22:02:10 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Tpknight:

Mr. Tpknight
Total land: 11977Batles won: 59Cities captured: 20
Total killed: 221243Science lvls: 15Total troops: 25891
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 71%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

me too i had 1 army one city left and wow...i came in 61th ahaha
scoring is bad lol..

maybe its the army left and killed ratio a big factor?

22:02:52 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Tpknight:

woah what up with my avatar?!?!
im not in a kingdom..

22:05:51 May 22nd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

i should be higher then you:S

22:08:14 May 22nd 09 - Duchess Illidan:

:S im lower then a guy who has nothing >.>

22:09:25 May 22nd 09 - Endless Desire:

Troll1.Overlord Dvsmasta of JUICY
Total land: 1.5 Million Batles won: 537 Cities captured: 379
Total killed: 4 Million Science lvls: 30 Total troops: 1.5 Million
F: 32% M: 11% Z: 17% S: 0% N: 0% V: 16% A: 14% T: 7% M: 0%
Orc2.Lord Primate Death of Dorian Empire
Total land: 2.3 Million Batles won: 623 Cities captured: 390
Total killed: 4.4 Million Science lvls: 34 Total troops: 780590
F: 2% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 21% N: 21% V: 38% A: 17% T: 0% M: 0%


Troops are higher for DVS and so is Fant %, is this the same or the reverse for Bogdan/Turnip? <yes I have forgotten that fast>

OK, everyone fess up.. how much gold were you all hoarding :D

22:13:09 May 22nd 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

also....who slipped Zeta a $20 to get a good score??? =P

22:14:35 May 22nd 09 - Endless Desire:

LOL!! <do you think that would work? I might consider it :p>


btw, why is this thread in politics... shouldn't it be in

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22:32:43 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Bongs:

this is so dumb...

this list is a bunch of bull *beep*...

For real go back to only one world and do it that way cause at least the list was frickin better....

22:34:25 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Desire, it could be the gold. But then Turnip got screwed by a bug and still deserves to be #3. Not that it matters much, we all know he should be there.

22:43:32 May 22nd 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:


Human58.Mr. Wiggins
Total land: 0 Batles won: 68 Cities captured: 44
Total killed: 139925 Science lvls: 23 Total troops: 0
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 1% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%


Troll67.Mr. Patas of Mad Against Drugs
Total land: 0 Batles won: 54 Cities captured: 22
Total killed: 259851 Science lvls: 20 Total troops: 0
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%


82.Lady Loud Tone of JUICY
Total land: 484827 Batles won: 49 Cities captured: 24
Total killed: 522515 Science lvls: 24 Total troops: 614853
F: 40% M: 20% Z: 4% S: 0% N: 0% V: 17% A: 0% T: 4% M: 0%
Elf83.Mr. Josef of Revelation
Total land: 386270 Batles won: 47 Cities captured: 40
Total killed: 151031 Science lvls: 21 Total troops: 246138
F: 29% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 33% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%



Orc19.Mr. Blackberry Bling of Sexy as Fcuk
Total land: 137810 Batles won: 95 Cities captured: 74
Total killed: 238716 Science lvls: 18 Total troops: 62427
F: 54% M: 17% Z: 24% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%


345.Mr. Moriarty
Total land: 0 Batles won: 5 Cities captured: 1
Total killed: 2281 Science lvls: 6 Total troops: 0
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 97%

349.Pirate Lewatha of Abydos
Total land: 53298 Batles won: 5 Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 332 Science lvls: 8 Total troops: 33746
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 95% M: 0%

22:51:00 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Bran:

:o lew is missing 5% of herself!

22:55:33 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Wolf Lord:

The 0 land and 0% across the board is crap. I was in merges most of the era and didn't get any credit for cities capped or troops killed. Does economy account for nothing?

137.Mr. Wolf Lord of Foundation
Total land: 146897 Batles won: 24 Cities captured: 6
Total killed: 90220 Science lvls: 29 Total troops: 253822
F: 43% M: 0% Z: 53% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Human138.Mr. Famous of The Native People
Total land: 0 Batles won: 27 Cities captured: 5
Total killed: 66486 Science lvls: 19 Total troops: 0
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 1% T: 0% M: 0%

23:32:12 May 22nd 09 - Sir Lychee:

Yeah wtf is bling doing so high up there????? That's unfair :'(

@ Bran: It's the stacked up recources that make up the rest of those percentages.

23:33:43 May 22nd 09 - Lord Sky:

Yeah, end of era highscores are absolute garbage. They make no sense... can we devise a system that works? So the dead people don't win?

23:34:04 May 22nd 09 - Commander Aligreat:

For those %s not adding to 100% i reckon its just that the % on worlds rated as 0% were less than 0.5% (thus roundd down)...altho Mr.Famouse having 1% over all is baffling.

As for people like trendkill ranking so low, i reckin that you had minimal score on fant compared to those with barely anything.

As for those up at the top at similar in all stats, you must remember those are just troop numbers, look at turnip. 6.6mil troops.

I highly doubt those are higher tier troops, Turnip care to post what those troops were? Im pretty sure that it is mostly low level *beep* which zeta obvz isnt rating so highly any more. But i could be wrong

23:38:53 May 22nd 09 - Prince Mielo:

Care to explain this, mr. 23?

115.Mr. Hiroshima Infected of Heaven
Total land: 0Batles won: 40Cities captured: 13
Total killed: 124285Science lvls: 17Total troops: 0
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 1%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Human116.Mr. Caocao
Total land: 4384Batles won: 1Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 1566Science lvls: 18Total troops: 0
F: 0%M: 0%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 95%A: 0%T: 0%M: 0%

Troll117.Prince Mielo of JUICY
Total land: 544213Batles won: 63Cities captured: 24
Total killed: 337704Science lvls: 34Total troops: 542950
F: 12%M: 33%Z: 0%S: 0%N: 0%V: 51%A: 3%T: 0%M: 0%

23:39:18 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Luls:

The reason it doesn't add to 100% is because part of the score is a global scoring, like sciences and gold in inventory, might be something like army experience etc etc.

23:39:35 May 22nd 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Here is an idea, he tilted the score system heavy in favor of attacking.  Score i bet is based on Total troops and total kills, number of battles it took to get those kills...   sci and other stuff also count, but is probably linear.  Who knows what weird algorithm zeta used for warring scores...

23:41:13 May 22nd 09 - Prince Mielo:

So it should be based on battles won and troops killed ...

So euhm ... :)

23:42:17 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Jade:

I'm curious as to how #116 ranked higher then I did.

23:42:49 May 22nd 09 - Endless Desire:

It sort of looks like that if you die ( 0 land ) and don't restart...
that you'll score higher then if you do restart (which resets your stats)
or at least retain whatever stats you had ... which may place you higher then if you restarted

23:45:20 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Jade:

Well that part makes sense

23:45:26 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Bran:

it seems he keeps changing it too heavily, before it was too much points for farming, now its too much points for fighting battles. can we just have a nice balance?

23:59:08 May 22nd 09 - Commander Aligreat:

it takes time bran, atleast he is trying rather than leaving it for farming

00:05:17 May 23rd 09 - Endless Desire:

Bran, I'm not sure that is what is happening. I didn't farm and I didn't fight a lot of battles.

I looked at my own score, and I was playing KD Mage until RVL *almost* made me restart.  Then I went into Stay Alive mode.

<YAY for the KD mates who saved my butt when all I had were MUs - and for the Vices in Fate who brokered some breathing space>

I maybe had 1 MIL gold when the era ended, some troops and some of my cities.

I think I have Elsin to thank for part of my killcount, his horde lead bounced the 500K merge I was leading from Starta back into Fant and gave me some kills with that. My count from ROF was low, was more of a freeze gal then anything :) Not sure but maybe I got some from being in the merges? (was that implemented?) I think I also have to thank Bogdan and Brashen for giving me the PITA opportunities of reclaiming Fate cities (my own and my KD mates).   Plus, my UBER scout killing efforts (RAWR fear me scouts no spawning while I'm around RAWR)...  ^_^

Anyhow.. I'm still trying to figure out the scoring

so far I have
city or troops on Fant places you higher
negative gold will screw you 
if you die and restart you may place lower then just dying

00:57:35 May 23rd 09 - Duke Insane VII:

scores dont matter anyway guys! its the fun of playing.

01:10:03 May 23rd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

Overlord Dvsmasta


22:39:35 May 22nd 09 Here is an idea, he tilted the score system heavy in favor of attacking.  Score i bet is based on Total troops and total kills, number of battles it took to get those kills...   sci and other stuff also count, but is probably linear.  Who knows what weird algorithm zeta used for warring scores...

its not true as people above me have less wins... less kills...less battles...less cities taken...less sciences....less land.... and are on worlds just one above me and still got higher :S:S

03:36:53 May 23rd 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

# of battles is not shown, how do you know? :)

03:40:43 May 23rd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

well as they have 0 troops and 0 cities they cant really battle can they ?

03:45:08 May 23rd 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

I feel bad... I even had to restart :)

62.Lord of The Underworld of Abydos
Total land: 115696 Batles won: 61 Cities captured: 40
Total killed: 156423 Science lvls: 13 Total troops: 39945
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 99% M: 0%

03:46:17 May 23rd 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

that just means they got killed, which means they could of fought a long time and been wiped out, but not restarted, thus preserving their score till era end.

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