Forums / In game politics / I quit VU

I quit VU
07:24:21 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Earth:

Because ZeTa is a hypocrit and one of the new mods is a joke who misuses his abilities.

07:35:09 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

although i never met you, i want to say goodbye. also, i hope u find something else to do.

07:37:18 Jul 22nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

You knew he was a multi... Even I knew.. He even told me he wanted to quit. It was only a mather of time before someone found out who'd go and tell it to Zeta..

That's the risk of multiing.

07:42:25 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Hmmmm, Mr Water has just died too....................

07:45:07 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

im confused. so he named his what-cha-ma-call-its after elements??? so what? does he have 4? or maybe bruce willis will show up and he can have 5

07:49:11 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Bullcrap Lewatha.

We saw the chat between Water and you. Osiris wanted Water deleted because he suspected Water was being fed. Osiris made a threat to Zeta that he will quit his moderator post if Water was not deleted.

A moderator is supposed to be IMPARTIAL and UNBIASED. Not use his powers to get a player he cannot keep up with deleted just because he is wrongfully suspicious or does not like him.

07:54:40 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justino:

what does "fed" mean?

07:55:19 Jul 22nd 08 - Duke Argyle:

Very interesting...only 1 account was deleted for too many accounts (deletions.txt) I sence corruption!!!

08:00:26 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Mr. Water


7/22/2008 5:25:49 AM
<Penguin> yey i got banned
<lewatha> he's pissed... what do you expect?
<Penguin> why should he be pissed?
<lewatha> he thinks the immense troop count elements currently have is being fed.
<lewatha> which I'm starting to think too.
<Penguin> lol
<Penguin> u saw yourself 8500
<Penguin> i hadnt any troops before
<Penguin> i farmed
<Penguin> saved money
<Penguin> 90M gold
<Penguin> 5M to raze buildings
<lewatha> 8500, sure, but that's 85mil as an orc you should have had, not including mages
<Penguin> i was saving for like 60 ticks
<Penguin> its so easy
<lewatha> he'll do everything to get you deleted... even said he'd quit his mod job is zeta doesn't delete multis.

08:04:21 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Interesting isn't it.... how politics is not only being played in the game proper itself.... but also with the game creator... tsk tsk tsk... how susceptible and easily influenced some people are.

08:09:21 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Gravity:

Sigh.. what a load of crap.


08:25:42 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Pirate Lewatha


7/22/2008 7:37:18 AM
You knew he was a multi... Even I knew.. He even told me he wanted to quit. It was only a mather of time before someone found out who'd go and tell it to Zeta..

That's the risk of multiing.

This could not be just Osi's fault you know..
I was talking to Water in PM about him being a multi
And now I only have a small part of it, perhaps Admin used these messages as Full Evidence :s
So, dont just blame Osi, Blame me
Heres all I have left of the convo

Water (dead) [] (7/20/2008 8:32:56 PM) GOOD BAD
what armories?

08:31:45 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Please, if people are going to use there modrator post to just attack players they dont like, i rather the fourms not be modrated constently period.


If what I mentioned above is happening then it's some Bull*beep*

08:33:33 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Sorra - You havent posted, multi alert.... Ment to post on Carbon huh ?

09:14:31 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Justin:

Sucks earth is leaving. Bye Earth!!!!

10:13:10 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Holy Paladin:

well there goes another multi...

10:24:51 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Fordius:

To be honest we all knew that elements had a few multi's.
but they were multi's on 2 worlds. I really dont have a problem with that.

also about the feeding if that's true than well it's a game merchanics that is being misused up to zeta to fix this ( he always said that that wasn't bug abuse ) else my slaves should have been replaced or something :P

anyways besides the point.
what Osi did here was totally a low blow and prolly had to do something with they losing or something.

Osi you knew they were multi's for ever why didn't you bother before ?
but just now and even using your mod abilities to force zeta into doing this is the most badass thing.

I would say kick him out of modship really.
a mod that is playing this game and only wants his way by treatening to leave mod ship to get his things done is totally wrong.

well that's my point of view on this matter

10:32:01 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

*Septim walks in wearing a false mustache.

"Yes! Mods should be taken out completely! No mods! Yes!"

10:36:27 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Water was not fed.

Hell, Water had a massive argument with some of us in our own forums... we couldn't believe he was able to build such a large army. He was able to show us the tactics and mathematics of it... and we were convinced. Heck... we were AMAZED at what he was capable of.

A clown like Osiris who easily jumps to conclusions and then abuses his mod power should himself be deleted for being a shame to the game.

10:49:55 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Valentine:


So should we remove Osi from being a mod now? :D We should do something about it and not argue about it.

10:50:12 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Hilario:

Mr. Carbon

7/22/2008 2:49:11 PM Bullcrap Lewatha.

We saw the chat between Water and you. Osiris wanted Water deleted because he suspected Water was being fed. Osiris made a threat to Zeta that he will quit his moderator post if Water was not deleted.

A moderator is supposed to be IMPARTIAL and UNBIASED. Not use his powers to get a player he cannot keep up with deleted just because he is wrongfully suspicious or does not like him.


Moderators should not abuse his status just to demand someone to be deleted, even if that someone deserved to be deleted.

I think moderators should not behave like that. the game will svck if this is true for Zeta's new mod.

11:11:50 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Helium:

Osiris made a threat to Zeta that he will quit his moderator post if Water was not deleted.

So Osiris must leave moderator post, because Water wasn't fed. And even if he were a multi - his other account where in another world (because in Elements there are all known players for me). So how the *beep* he could feed being in another world???
Osiris retire!

11:23:06 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:

maybe he teleported his food gold and slaves from the "other" world to Mantrax...ever thought of that...maybe he is a really all powerful mage...ever thought of that... there is no one worthy left of fighting me...gonna have to farm now..will miss you...

11:25:10 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Waldorfius Septim II:

If he DID threaten ZeTa, he should be unmodded. Nobody threatens ZeTa! That's the most evil, maniacal, and wrong thing you could do! Though I havn't seen absolute concrete proof yet...

11:44:13 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

its funny :) osi knewd i was in elements long time ago and im suprised that only water got deleted... he is huge pussy ;) he could have told to zeta long time ago but he only told now as i trained 10k nazzies by myself with no ones help ;) osi is an *beep* ;) lol

12:23:15 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Earth:

a) I dont multi.

b) ZeTa told one of our KD members litterly that it was ok to multi in 2 different worlds.

12:27:25 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

c) earth sucks my shlong

13:27:40 Jul 22nd 08 - Prince Insomaniak:

d) no matter what ZeTa tells ya, multi-accounts aren't allowed as stated and at signup to this game

13:31:05 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Earth:

He told our member (not water) that multiing on fanta/mantrax is ok as long as you dont do it on the same world. He needs more members.

13:31:21 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

e) why only water got deleted as in vu is atleast 100 multis , and this acc was left ?

13:35:40 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

lol, carbon says that osiris wanted water deleted cuz he was being fed... then the post of a conversation he shows with lew, she says that he didn't want multies... dude different things and multies should be all wiped out and that was done

13:36:26 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

yes everyone not only me ! if delete so delete everyone

13:48:01 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Warlord:

no. There will only be 10 of us left to play the game.

13:57:07 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo:


Predators has less enemies left to fight.
Elements is a bit weaker now :) WAHAYYY!

13:59:34 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Osiris Personal Ass Licker:

that is for zeta to do, not osiris, and you guys are acusing him of something he didnt do! he reported a multi and made zeta do it, now zeta just needs to continue the work

just noticed that my name this era really fits what i'm doing now, lololololololol

14:07:42 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

In my opinion it does matter if you have multies on the same world or in different. Multies should be banned - all of their account.

Why? Partly because that gives them an (huge?) advantage - they can use the socalled lower world as training platforms, something that we - who follow the rules - can't. We have to learn from our fault - age per age (presuming you stay alive that is).

And partly - well I just agree with the latest poster here in "Suggestions and Improvements"-->"Make Legal 1 account per world":

Mr. Felix Tha Housecat


7/14/2008 6:06:41 AM
Mr. Naerey


7/11/2008 7:08:27 AM
This is a petition to make legal 1 account per world from same IP adress.

Why? Well, why not? It doesn't harm anyone really
It's still fair since there can't be spying/feeding since the worlds are not connected in any way!
So sign here and save a lot of brothers and sisters!!!!
1. Naerey

Btw, if you're against it, say why and I'll give you a few reasons why not ;)
Mr. Gilth


7/11/2008 7:17:18 AM
1. Naerey
2. Gilth

Just because you forced me too :P

Well to be honest, people already do this. Now you understand why lower worlds are so *beep*ed up, eh? ;) People already said it. Vets make new accounts and every world becomes Fantasia. Play one account, play honorablyand fairly, that's what VU is about.

14:18:30 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Evans:

Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo


7/22/2008 12:57:07 PM

Predators has less enemies left to fight.
Elements is a bit weaker now :) WAHAYYY!

still got me to fight yet xD

14:24:45 Jul 22nd 08 - Lord Scientist:

People who have multiple accounts and then get caught doing so (by any means) deserve to be are breaking the terms of playing this game by creating more than one account, be it on another world or not..........
It just seems to be this time zeta was feeling generous and left Penguins original account alone so he could carry on playing..........we all know that in the past he's deleted all accounts.........
Penguin knew the risk of multying.......he got caught and punished.........simple as that........
This should be an example to all of you who will get caught eventually...........

14:49:10 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

I'm not sure what to say. Sorry peng, i really liked you. Will hate to see you go.

15:56:39 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

were to go? as$hole

16:03:59 Jul 22nd 08 - Lord Oya:

awww did the multi kingdom get told off :P

16:21:30 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

?? im the only one multi there was... as$hole :)))

17:03:33 Jul 22nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Osiris did the right thing to have him deleted... It was a risk of penguin to multi. The most probable reason that Water didn't get deleted before was because he wasn't a mod than. I used to multi too , before I got my title etc, and I knew I had the risk of being deleted... It's the risk you take when you want to have some fun owning nubs in lower worlds.

<lewatha> he'll do everything to get you deleted... even said he'd quit his mod job is zeta doesn't delete multis.


doesn't this make him a good moderator? He shouldn't resign... He did what stood in the rules and reported it to zeta, who decided Osi was right and deleted water.

17:16:32 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Mr. Penguin


7/22/2008 4:21:30 PM
?? im the only one multi there was... as$hole :)))

Lie more :P ?

17:19:23 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo:

evans. what did preds do to u or are u just having fun like we all are :)

17:21:36 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Carbon:

Awwww.... look at Lewatha and Ass Licker trying to defend Osiris :) Aren't they both good little lap dogs :) Heck... check out their reasoning... Water should be deleted because he was a multi...

Who the heck is arguing with that? Heck, if Water was really deleted for being a multi, then it is a fair deletion.

But guess what actually happened.....

Zeta was forced to turn his attention to Water and delete him because Osiris was pissed that Water was having bigger armies then he (Osiris) was able to field (probably due to inferior skill levels) and threatened Zeta to quit his moderator post. That forced Zeta's hands. We don't care if Water got deleted fair and square... however, we give a hell of a god damn if a moderator abuses his position to get someone deleted because he does not like him.

Was Water being fed Lewatha? No. Did Osiris force Zeta to delete Water because Osiris thought Water was being fed? Yes.

Osiris should be removed as moderator IMMEDIATELY for abuse of power and breach of trust. The mistrust against him is now too strong and no one can believe he will be a fair and unbiased moderator anymore.

17:26:19 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Evans:

Mr. Peacemakerofdoomwowowowowowowo


7/22/2008 4:19:23 PM
evans. what did preds do to u or are u just having fun like we all are :)


just having fun of course , you havent done anything to offend me, your just there

17:27:58 Jul 22nd 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

It was a good conclusion to think water would be feeding, certainly after last era. You know what happened than, didn't you? or are you a new element? Well, I'll refresh your memory than: Frumentarii was using feeding techniques and beating elements. So Elements decided to feed themselves so that they could beat frumentarii. Don't give me the crap about it not being possible that Water was fed his 10K naz.

17:28:50 Jul 22nd 08 - Sir Gonzo The Great:

Carbon - For a long time Penguin has been multi'ing, for.. This being the third era if he was there when it began which by my brain he was :P

ZeTa the almighty has spared his main through sheer goodness of his gracefull heart
I suggest you shut up also before the other multies in your kingdom get banned
You know who you are

Osi wasnt breaching his power at all, just reporting a multi
He has always disliked them, and when he found out, he reported
It just happened to be at the time of him gaining Moderator status

Not his fault, if you dont like it
Gtfo VU  :)

17:41:50 Jul 22nd 08 - Mr. Penguin:

revenge GTFO of this thread. u are a nub u dont know anything so shush

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