Forums / In game politics / I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye
19:25:15 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

something beginning with a T...

Hey monkey, hope I'm not interrupting the townswapping am I? How low can one sink, I thought you were the brilliant strategist, oh how the mighty have fallen. Nothing but a cesspool of *beep*ty play with *beep*ty players. Disgusting!

I'd like to ask Veggie, just how many towns are they planning on building, are you going to make an entire circle of cities to take and retake?

And people wonder why this game is dying, with players like those in veggies and monkey here, it's not a surprise. Truly a display of mediocrity by mediocre players, it's nice to see you accepting your limitations and knowing that to beat them you'll have to cheat.

Nothing but weak minded fools are left in this game.

19:29:36 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

DE and veggies of lameness... <.<

19:32:31 May 20th 09 - Prince Mielo:

So Ody, what were you saying about feeding? Aaaah right ...

19:40:23 May 20th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Just before anyone else say something I would like to point out that it is NOT a member of F&V doing it with him.

19:43:38 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Oh you mean the guy that just left Veggies so that he could swap easily? Would you like to explain the 2 small cities still under Veggie banner, on the direction monkey is heading as we speak?

Nice to see Augh down in the dump, hard to believe I actually once considered you one of the best players in VU, alas I was young and naive.

EDIT: Or perhaps you'd like to explain the scouts called City constructor 1 and 2 from the loser? I'm sure that's a mere fluke.

19:49:34 May 20th 09 - Prince Mielo:

check the anti juicy names :) ... Finally our point is proven ...

19:56:51 May 20th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

shame on you veggies. i knew primate was a nub, veggies going to his level now too....

20:07:44 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

What happened? No more smart comments Augh? No more pseudo-witty comebacks from the master strategist Monkey himself? Say it ain't so, lil ol' me set loudmouth monkey on speechless.

20:13:01 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:


City Info
Owner: Lord Primate DeathKingdom Banner
Size: 1 building(s).
Kingdom: Dorian Empire
Gates: no gates

What happened? I thought Veggies didn't swap, only the evil guy that left Veggies does it... wait... Augh lied? Say it ain't so.

A new theory has emerged on why it seems nobody has any comment from Vag and monkey, they're to busy townswapping at full speed to actually post.

20:26:20 May 20th 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

i am sickened...  =(

20:33:57 May 20th 09 - Mr. Overcome:


20:36:48 May 20th 09 - Chancellor Ademo:

Gee, what a shock.

20:41:11 May 20th 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

I honestly didn't think that he would stoop to something like that.

20:42:40 May 20th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Wow what a *beep*ing scrub move


This is just sickening to see, I go inactive as era is ending, and I come back tonight to see my KD swapping Towns
Wow, *beep*ing disgraceful

We had already had alot of Stick this era, and past eras
And Veggie continues

Fking Sickening

20:47:41 May 20th 09 - Ms. Mzzery:

Impressive. Not.

20:51:31 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

"Mr. Garlic
04:32:43 May 20th 09     How can anyone vote for Cobra for the best flames? He is loosing his touch! It should go to wilber, tbl, primate or ez. or even better TO ME!!!!!111"

Talk about karma.

21:04:58 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Well I for one am not surprised at all, there's been similar things all era long from Cucumber (TBL) in his attempts to stop Juicy-- Firstly building blockers to try and stall our armies then blocker swapping with Fate to try and keep us out.  Then there was his opening of blockers to help Primate Death (Ody) make a failed attempt to attack us and now..

now he's feeding towns and helping Primate townswap in some lame attempt to try to score an era win all the while both of them throwing accusations and flames as if they have no shame...clearly they dont.   Should be a well seen lesson to any kingdom involving themselves with either of these two... I cant hardly blame the kingdom of Veggies as a whole...but they are allowing it to happen in fact they seem to be supporting it.  

21:13:42 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

stooping to such a level, how saddening.

veggies are supposed to be NAPed to juicy, but all you've done so far is trying to ruin all their work.

It's funny how no veggie or DE member has commented yet.

21:15:58 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

They been doing it all week. If it works for them, and they happy doing it, so am I

21:17:19 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Oh monkey, decided to make a showing? I'm sure you have pictures of said facts ... wait, you don't? So sad. I have to give you props for flat out lying, I mean, nobody actually believes you don't get me wrong, but it takes balls to try it all the same.

EDIT: Oh sorry, a second theory poped saying you are talking about Vag and how happy they are to feed you, just because Vag has the morals of a slug doesn't make it right. You're still a crap players and will forever be known as such.

21:18:52 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

How long did you prep the town for Loud Tone before the hero scout came along to assist in taking over? 12 ticks...14 maybe. Not nice when someone else does it to you. I led by 30 clean victories. You stole that. So go take a hike.

21:21:31 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Notice how when I began prepping, there were troops in there.

But erm, your own allies are creating cities for you to take and you don't think thats bad?

Scum of society, even veggies members themselves are disguisted at it.

You sicken me.

21:21:42 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

21:22:46 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Since when has scout-lead merges been wrong? If so, sorry fant level KDs. Your active guys are useless now!

21:22:53 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

So merge leading is feeding now? Interesting, since when? Dvs did nothing special this era that every kingdom hasn't been doing since merges were implemented, you're just pulling at straws to cover you disgustingly raeped ass.

21:23:04 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

You prepped nforce for 12 ticks.
MCMax killed off Overmasta's merge scouts under my orders. You had to wait for him to bring new merge scouts up.

He has liberated none of his KD's cities, keeping them for score. Thats feeding.

21:23:27 May 20th 09 - Mr. Xerxez:

monkey boy what in the hell would you know about a clean victory? or even a clean battle?

21:24:56 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Scout led merges  happen in every kingdom on every map and you've been doing it all era Primate so to call it out as something it isnt especially since you yourself are doing it is pretty lame.  

You are townswapping and having another kingdom feed you towns its a far didnt picture that paints...but please keep on attempting to defend if you could.

You never have had a good grasp of this game...Back when you were hiding behind Highwayman and now you with Cucumber...funny how the scum of VU seem to find each other. 

21:25:42 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

so? atleast it's not townswap-feeding.

Feeding the two contestants for the era win towns by merging into his scout before taking the city has been around forever and everyone knows about it and compared to what you guys are doing, it's much less worse.

21:26:00 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

I led for most of the era, on clean battles, by as much as 30 citys. Ask Overmasta how he's averaging 3 new cities a tick, when non of the rest of his kd are gaining any. Whether I do it with an ally who has seen the feeding and hates it, or with my own kd, feeding is feeding. Fight fair and I will fight fair.

21:26:57 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Monkey wouldn't know a clean victory if it punched him in the face. Pic related.

21:28:58 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

They started the feed. Im carrying on with it.

21:29:24 May 20th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Wow Primate death you skanky money

Please gtfo

You really are too thick brained to realise that what your doing, and what DVS is doing are two different things
Merge Leading to take over cities has been around forever, but swapping towns back and forth like this is just pure Scum like

If your going to try and defend yourself, you need to do a hella lot better job of it kiddie


21:29:56 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

Attacking with a merge is not feeding, restating an obviously retarded idea doesn't make you more believable, it makes you hysterically funny and a very sad way.

21:31:45 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Merged armies

Owned by Lord Primate Death

Angels II
Owned by Ms. Angel Fire


21:31:53 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Current date: 5/9/2009 7:59:25 PM (VU Day 974, 306 days left)

  1. Lord Primate Death has won 335 battles, captured 199 cities and killed a total of 1373994 men and women.
  2. Overlord Dvsmasta has won 286 battles, captured 195 cities and killed a total of 1810048 men and women.
Current date: 5/9/2009 9:10:08 PM (VU Day 976, 305 days left)
  1. Lord Primate Death has won 335 battles, captured 199 cities and killed a total of 1373994 men and women.
  2. Overlord Dvsmasta has won 287 battles, captured 196 cities and killed a total of 1810048 men and women
Current date: 5/10/2009 6:49:44 AM (VU Day 985, 295 days left)
Overlord Dvsmasta has won 295 battles, captured 204 cities and killed a total of 1818884 men and women.

Overlord Dvsmasta has won 434 battles, captured 300 cities and killed a total of 3469752 men and women.... 8 cities in 1 ticks
(VU Day 1202, 79 days left)

Overlord Dvsmasta has won 434 battles, captured 300 cities and killed a total of 3469752 men and women.... 8 cities in 1 ticks
(VU Day 1202, 79 days left)
Overlord Dvsmasta has won 451 battles, captured 313 cities and killed a total of 3556823 men and women.
Current date: 5/19/2009 4:28:12 PM (VU Day 1211, 70 days left)
Overlord Dvsmasta has won 458 battles, captured 318 cities and killed a total of 3613694 men and women.
Current date: 5/19/2009 7:44:38 PM (VU Day 1214, 66 days left)

21:32:37 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

omg another!

new army & co (merged)

army info
commander:lord primate deathkingdom banner
kingdom:dorian empire
size:group of armies (around 500,000)

merged armies

new army
owned by lord primate death

owned by mr. dramborleg

owned by mr. xpumpx

nirvana labour
owned by mr. mcmax

owned by sir santa

owned by mr. arrow

owned by mr. reynolds

erzengel elites
owned by mr. dyrness

one iv
owned by lord primate death

owned by ms. angel fire

owned by mr. xpumpx

owned by mr. xpumpx

owned by mr. arrow

karahura riser beast
owned by mr. seloc

mini army
owned by sir santa

check ii
owned by mr. arrow

black crusade
owned by mr. dyrness

owned by sir santa

red dragon
owned by mr. xpumpx

owned by mr. xpumpx

arrow lifeguards
owned by mr. arrow

owned by mr. arrow

owned by mr. xpumpx

mini army ii
owned by sir santa

owned by mr. xpumpx

owned by mr. arrow

21:33:03 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:


and the city it took over was liberated to its former have all those i've attacked.

21:33:51 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

thats a merge you fool

21:34:32 May 20th 09 - Mr. Banana:

OMG. Seriously. After this sh1t throwing on us I want to feed him too now so Juictard can't win the era. We didn't start that feed, it is not our banner on that towns. We even have a topic in our forum seeing WTF bling is doing. But now I'd like to feed myself after juictards *beep*-throwing.

21:34:42 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

"thats a merge you fool"

Perfect! Now say that again 100 times out loud and than come back to VU.

"MG. Seriously. After this sh1t throwing on us I want to feed him too now so Juictard can't win the era. We didn't start that feed, it is not our banner on that towns. We even have a topic in our forum seeing WTF bling is doing. But now I'd like to feed myself after juictards *beep*-throwing."

Monkey want Banana I guess, sort of fits.

21:35:47 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Vinci Mine VIII

City Info
Owner: Lord Primate DeathKingdom Banner
Size: 1169 building(s).
Kingdom: Dorian Empire
Gates: no gates

Returned to its original owner? Nice to see.

21:36:03 May 20th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Banana seriously?  the first pic clearly shows the town owned by Veggies..then a new pic shows Primate owns it...

He just posted that Veggies is fine with the feeding so is he...

and you blame Juicy why?? 

21:36:27 May 20th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

what feed ody?
omfg you need a *beep*ing brain donor

21:37:03 May 20th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

Get overmasta to stop his scout mergers, and fight normal, and i will do the same.
Try liberate some towns too.

21:37:04 May 20th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Banana


21:34:32 May 20th 09
OMG. Seriously. After this sh1t throwing on us I want to feed him too now so Juictard can't win the era. We didn't start that feed, it is not our banner on that towns. We even have a topic in our forum seeing WTF bling is doing. But now I'd like to feed myself after juictards *beep*-throwing.

--> bull*beep*! read the whole thread!

21:37:29 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

I like the way you editted that Primate.

For all who didn't see it, he blamed Veggies for it.

21:38:57 May 20th 09 - Mr. Banana:

It's blings towns, not F&V. And bling left veggies like 1-3 weeks ago.

21:40:31 May 20th 09 - Mr. Luls:

I find it pretty *beep*ing hilarious Monkey is crying because Dvs is attacking, truly an unmatched low, in all my years in VU this is a first. It's a special event for me, I don't get many firsts these days.

21:40:58 May 20th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Banana, get your eyesight sorted out mate. Top pic, its under veggie banner and that pic was taken today, so shut up and sit down *beep*.

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