Forums / In game politics / I wish to be deleted

I wish to be deleted
04:48:59 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Imawhitehat:

I was banned for the rest of the era. My account is not yet deleted, thanks to Zeta. I heard multi accounts, bug abusers and inactives for life are the ones should be deleted. Im yet to be classified, maybe after I answered Zeta's cross-examination, I will be able to go back in the game and $crew again the HOH aspirants, especially the ones who are eager to get me deleted. But there's no guarantee.

I request all other active members of MAD to join PHI since they are open for kingdom merge proposal. Goodluck to all my friends in this game, especially Patas, Arzun and Senturu. I cant login, I cant disband the kingdom, I cant train or build, worst I cant defend my kingdom from Carnage attacks. Im done this era.

I cant play against players who have invisible hands that influence the game.
As I leave here, I found this game a little unfair.

--Aloysius, leader of MAD
Illuminati Empire, Viceroy
Blitzkrieg Buccaneers, member
*beep* Table, member

04:55:54 Dec 3rd 07 - Duke Epyon:

errr if you wanna be deleted, email Zeta I guess. as for the whole ban thing that sucks if you were legit about playing. there were a lot of rumors flying around about you and Mongi, but I guess you're the only one who really knows the truth, eh? =)

04:56:18 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Dam, sorry to hear. A lot of people been getting deleted for wierd things and others arnt even caught. Its ashame.

05:12:11 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Most people are being deleted now a days because of doing something
suspicous but it's getting to the point where if you do anything good
at all then it's considered cheating. I won't deny that I couldn't help
but wonder if you were cheating and I'd be lying if I said otherwise. I'd also bet that everyone else
couldn't help but think that maybe you had cheated. But considering the
fact that you were once part of Illuminati and that this thread seems
to be tinged with at least a little bit of truth then I'll give you the
benefit of the doubt.

05:12:42 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

aloy, im sry to hear this. hope the truth comes out and all turns well.

06:39:54 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Ridukuluz:

I think its unfair to ban players and not delete them.  If you ban someone then he must have done something really bad to get deleted also.  Banning and not deleting is unfair. 

06:57:38 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Titty Titty Bang Bang:

On yer way ya multi!

07:33:51 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Not really Ridukuluz. I was temp banned and then unbanned upon talking to Zeta. So I think it's better than an outright deletion in that it gives a chance to explain.

08:47:34 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Aloy, how did you pop up to the HoH anyways? :/

09:09:20 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

I cant play against players who have invisible hands that influence the game.

How true, my account was renamed this era due to reporting. And at the end, I was temporarily banned due to being reported again. Whether it's just a lot of immature players, or those with invisible influence I'll probably never know. At the end, I think that Zeta is not biased. But I will say I was very close to a ban until end of era...I think Zeta should put in some more account "observation" powers (but he may realize this).

Most people are being deleted now a days because of doing something
suspicous but it's getting to the point where if you do anything good
at all then it's considered cheating.

Yea, pretty much. There's no acknowledgement of skill anymore. Whether it be due to egos, or a different kind of game view I am not sure. To me VU seems as much of a macroeconomic game as one where you must micromanage your armies. The best players master both aspects.

13:18:43 Dec 3rd 07 - Duke Epyon:

I dont think Zeta would ban someone based off of suspicions, so obviously he found something that was amiss... :\

13:58:44 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

It'll be interesting to see what you've done.

Several of your members are already deleted for running multiple accounts (nothing new actually, your guys are deleted most rounds for it), and you yourself have suspiciously appeared high on the hoh out of nowhere within a matter of hours. Throw in the 500k cata armies that appeared out of nowhere (apparantly the deleted players are repeating it on the lower worlds, from what's been said), when at a time such power was inconceivable..and I guess ZeTa really has found you doing something shady.

14:17:13 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Red Back:

If you cheated, well, good bye and good riddance but if you didnt i'm sorry to see you punished in such a way... I guess time will tell..

14:31:48 Dec 3rd 07 - Lord Carnage:

People get reported because they somehow manage to get good without anyone being able to rationally say why. Especially when it's done fast.

Just like people that could do strange things in middle ages... Chemistry maybe or something else, and normal people can't explain how it's done, then it's witchcraft.

If you want a solution:
Just tell how you did it. You will get acknowledgments for your skill, you won't get banned/deleted, and will be loved by the community for sharing, and will also get better enemies (hey, it's no fun when you just have 400k catas and your enemy has some 100k catas total....).

So if you didn't cheat, tell us how you did it. It won't change much at this stage of era.

People are easy to make believe things. There's always some manipulator, this time it could be you ^^

Explain your sudden being on HoH rationally, and you'll be forgiven.

14:35:32 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Zeta saw some unusual things for me, so I could understand the temp ban.

Aloy, you should ask Zeta why you were temp can't assume any reason until you talk to him. I find it odd you'd come on the boards before you would try to sort it out.

15:01:19 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sun:

I also found it odd that you would come onto the board before sorting it out with zeta himself unless...

Best of luck in the future, and hope we can have a dota game sometimes on bnet once you and your friends buy some legit keys :)

15:42:56 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Well, it's interesting for Lenard to admit he thought MAD were fed to get their big armies, and now PHIs leaders are disregarding that and taking them in regardless.

16:05:07 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Killstone:

actually moe in this thread he ahs said quite the opposite

Yea, pretty much. There's no acknowledgement of skill anymore. Whether it be due to egos, or a different kind of game view I am not sure. To me VU seems as much of a macroeconomic game as one where you must micromanage your armies. The best players master both aspects.


16:09:35 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Actually Killstone, if you bothered to read the other threads before jumping down my throat with a typical rebuttal, you would of noticed that Lenard has admitted he thought that MAD were probably fed after MADs earlier catapult armies were exposed.


Mr. Lenard


11/23/2007 3:46:06 AM

Binh's was suspicious. Anyhow, it seems MAD was feeding, I'm not sure how. I'm guessing through the Spartans KD? Aren't Black Ice, Strawberry, Hilario all long time members of MAD? I seem to remember them all from many eras ago...can someone really get away with multying for many eras and the leadership of a KD not knowing?

Arespreditor is another name I recognize from Predators. Were there any others there? I didn't get to fight them so I'm not sure

From what people are reporting, MAD players are now repeating this on the lower worlds too, in addition to any remaining accounts on Fant. So I wouldn't be surprised that if Aloy is deleted, he'll go join them.

16:11:10 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sun:

Remember when lenard accused binh of feeding for 200k cata? Then mad's 900k cata between 2 players? Ring a bell yet?

16:12:14 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

you wanna be deleted?

*cyberman walks in*

'delete! delete!'

16:13:18 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Mr.Gracielo must be cheating from Mantrax unless hes ZeTa or some sort of god

how can you train 500k catas over night?

Beats me....

16:18:34 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:


Both revenges posted within 2 mins of each other.

Revenge how do u know he trained them overnight?

Is it not possible he had been training them, then when he reached 500K he marched it out. Unless you have an EITS on the city 24hrs before hand showing he had far less than 500k catas then your suspicions are unfounded.


17:28:08 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Lenard:

Um yea the 500k catapult person wasn't Aloysius though. Who was it...I don't recall as I was not online when that was going on. I said that in all likelyhood was done by feeding.

I'm not sure how active Ixo has been the last few days but for Aloysius to pass him gives me some indication that something suspicious was probably going on. That and the temp ban :P.

As for the other MAD armies going around I don't know. I haven't EITSed them as we are NAP with them. They haven't done much fighting so big armies are possible this late in the era.  Care to provide some evidence that the MAD players PHI has invited fed?

17:40:13 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

well you just took in Lionel Vincent, the guy with 400k+ catas (prolly more now, as I saw several 100-200k armies of his on the way up to merge into his Ambross army), and no we don't have evidence, but I would say suddenly jumping out with 400k catas and 700k mus(+ the added stuff) is suspicious in itself, wouldn't you?

And it doesn't really make it better that the 400k and 500k armies appeared at the same time, and then Aloy and Mongi's hoh jump barely a few days later. Something fishy is going on...

18:26:01 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Lenard, Lionels hoh army is similiar in strength to that of the other MAD armies that were deleted. Stronger in fact, I think, and that army, like all the other MAD million/500k mergers, appeared exactly at the same time the other MAD-fed armies did (Black Ice, Strawberry, etc) out of nowhere in a short space of time, before they were deleted.

It is as I said before, impossible for us to prove with hard facts they were fed. Only ZeTa has the definate answer, and given that he's actually temp banned Aloy, I have reason to believe Aloy was playing mischievously too. But when you tie in MADs earlier multi deletions, the massive previous armies from the deleted players, their massive increase % in KD power over a short amount of time, their sudden appearances high on the hoh from nowhere in a short amount of time and the charade earlier in the round where their players were kicked in order to take their towns well, then I think a pretty strong case can be made towards their wrong doing.

I think PHIs leaders have jumped the gun here by taking in the MAD players. If Aloy, and the rest of them get punished like their deleted kd mates were earlier in the round, it'll only bite PHI in the ass.

18:43:34 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Ixo The Storm Wizard:

"I'm not sure how active Ixo has been the last few days"

Well .. i was mediocre active the last time .. mostly farming due to politics which detains me right now to get to the spot i deserve ... numba one .. oh wait (what do you say ... thats another thread ?! .. oh OK !)

Back to farming then ... let this Era R.I.P

19:22:01 Dec 3rd 07 - General Ezatious:


19:48:55 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Patas:

to Mr Moe Lester

I think PHIs leaders have jumped the gun here by taking in the MAD players. If Aloy, and the rest of them get punished like their deleted kd mates were earlier in the round, it'll only bite PHI in the ass.

from few cases you value all the members. I was a Vice in MAD and I can say that there were honorable players, that trained armies and play this game by rules. But now you saying that all former MAD players are dishonorable and should be punished for mistakes, that they haven't done. You make labels without knowing true situation. This is low ...

20:55:22 Dec 3rd 07 - General Ezatious:

Your kds record is low...

21:49:32 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Rimtas:

legacy sucks :D Epyon sucks the most :D

nah.. :D epyon rocks :D and why Moe u are saying that all MAD players are cheaters? if just like 4 "was catched cheating" :D u cant speak about all players when u dont know them ;)ppppppp :D FAK NO :D:D:D:D

Respect for Patas :D sekmes tau ant vu :D pavaryk :D

21:51:42 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Sun:

are you guys from MAD all filipinos or something?

21:57:19 Dec 3rd 07 - Duke Epyon:

So pretty much suspicious arose and talk was going around the forums and such and now many players have been banned/deleted. I dont know about any of you but if I was being suspected of cheating and I knew that I wasnt cheating, I would defend myself. I havent really seen anyone defending themselves. Not even before they actually got deleted. That doesnt really make sense to me. I guess we just have to wait for Zeta to tell us whats up :P

22:35:08 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Zateb Kazim:

MAD sucked anyways. good riddance

22:38:01 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

"I would defend myself. I havent really seen anyone defending themselves."

Because it takes a lot more effort to make your 4? 5? 6? different "alter egos" defend themselves on the forum. Seems it was far easier just to go to one of the other worlds and feed catas there 0.o

22:49:07 Dec 3rd 07 - Duke Epyon:

thats my point Elsin :)

02:14:55 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Wolf Spider:

Has anyone considered that they simply casted ownage on the feeder kingdom's armies, rather than trying to capture their cities? It would make a lot of sense.... taking all their magically undefended armies, then taking the cities, would jump their rank tremendously.

It would also explain how they have such massive armies coming from single individuals in the middle of the era. A total of 500k Catas being pumped by 3 or more people, then ownaged by a single person. Its quite possible....

02:17:58 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Wow that would make sense.

02:26:25 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Possibly, Wolf Spider.

Although, I do remember that Black Ice, before he was deleted for multying, had a 480k cata army. And even though it had a relatively low amount of MU's in proportion to normal armies of that time, it was easily roffed by us. Now if he had the ownage spell, his magic level should of contributed to the MUs defence considerably, making RoF much more difficult.

Not saying your suggested method of feeding for them would of been impossible, but it wouldn't of made sense in Black Ice's case I think. Then again, it may tie in with their need for multi accounts. I don't know. Only they do, I guess.

02:28:43 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

They need to fix the ban system on this game. Like carnage said early, people get banned for being good at this game which undermines the entire game. Perhaps removing the good/bad thing on the messages or keeping it but not having that as a thing that influences it. Perhaps just make that a feature that makes it send Zeta a message and he can review it and decide. I mean people are talking about bugs and such but im pretty sure this game has had enough eras to have most if not all of those bugs fixed. If they weren't don't you think the best players in the game be banned because of it. Just accept that someone is better then you and can kill you. Its really simple.

02:47:54 Dec 4th 07 - Duke Epyon:

Mr. Wolf Spider


12/3/2007 9:14:55 PMHas anyone considered that they simply casted ownage on the feeder kingdom's armies, rather than trying to capture their cities? It would make a lot of sense.... taking all their magically undefended armies, then taking the cities, would jump their rank tremendously.

It would also explain how they have such massive armies coming from single individuals in the middle of the era. A total of 500k Catas being pumped by 3 or more people, then ownaged by a single person. Its quite possible....

thats an awfully elaborate idea... sounds like you had something to do with it!!! :O BURN HIM!!!


04:14:20 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sun:

zeta will probably let us know what happened :)

05:25:46 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Don't worry Trogor, Zeta has a history of doing nothing to people who are being good at this game even if they sometimes exploit game mechanics.

05:47:00 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

400-500k catapults is possible this late...I've heard of trolls getting a similar number of berserkers many eras. It's been a really stagnant era too. Unless you can post an EITS of Lionel, it's just guesswork.

12:15:17 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:

Through the eye we can see this information about The Ambross from Mr. Lionel Vincent[MAD]:
Ambross from Mr. Lionel Vincent

not very recent, some days old, but it still tells it tale...

14:33:36 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

At this stage, yes Lenard. But the eits as Sezy said, is very old, as old as the previous MAD armies (480k catas from Black Ice, before he was deleted).

15:04:13 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Banned:

simply put it this way, if an "elite" (as what they claim to be *which really sucks coz they are not really) member of the "sponsor kingdom" legacy cant make such an army then its a cheat moreover a bug abuse. the army can never be possible if not a single "sponsor kingdom" legacy elite player can produce such. when an "impossible" (according to their stone-aged-point-of-view) army rises, they come to the game creator's sympathy and make the necessary "out-of-game" measures banning people here and there deleting people here and there. mind you, the admin just ASSUMED that "black ice" and "strawberry" are multies coz they were deleted before and as requested by the "sponsors". havent you read in the past that players playing in the same workstation can log in as long as they keep the 1 hour interval? meaning black ice and stawberry can log in each others account as long as its 1 hour after so why delete them when they are following this rule? really ridiculous and very biased. and one last thing, did you know that one of my friend was deleted but only one of his account was on the deletions list (hes a real multi for your information)? isnt that really strange? how can you be deleted for multi account and yet only one of those accounts was deleted and the other one wasnt? isnt this proof that the "deletion committee" are just picking up whose to delete (by someones request or randomizing or whatever) and not really digging deeper into the case? whew i think this is long enough for an era summary.

15:15:03 Dec 4th 07 - Ms. Quietone:

I am so sick and tired of hearing people bash legacy because they talk publically about something that is clearly wrong in the game.   They arent in here whining because they are getting beat by these armies and none of you people even know what armies they have on their own that are comparable so the fact that you are even talking about something "legacy cant do" is really stupid.


I havent paid alot of attention to this mess because it personally just makes me sick that people go to this much length to cheat a game that we all enjoy playing so much and turn it into something less than desirable.  Whether you are a friend to MAD or not there is CLEARLY somthing wrong with a weak kingdom with a tiny income producing these numbers of troops repeatedly.   There is CLEARLY something wrong with the situation if Zeta is banning them.   Zeta isnt known for doing anything anyone asks so the fact that you even accuse him of deleting people unjustly is wrong.

All I have to say is wake up people open your eyes and stop spewing on Legacy everytime one of them's so old already jealous just knows no bounds i guess....

16:20:55 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Wolf Spider wrote: "Has anyone considered that they simply casted ownage on the feeder kingdom's armies, rather than trying to capture their cities?"

The problem is that there were only 3 people in this hugely rumored "feeder kingdom" and I spoke to one of them. He was a relatively junior player and had lost his only mine when we had to fall back from a Legacy attack. The mine had been just south of Strawberry in the area now occupied by the Stop Here line. He had next to no army left at the time.

I still genuinely believe that those three players had decided that they couldn't handle the stress on Fant and would be better served starting on a new server. Apart from the fact that MAD took their initial cities, as they were entitled to, I have not seen any signs of "feeding" going on.

Given that Legacy/DB had a spy in our kingdom and various halfling scouts wandering around, and therefore could see much of the map where MAD is, I would have expected some concrete evidence by now.

All I know about Lionel Vincent is that he was possibly getting free StG from others in the team, and just maybe market feeding as well, but that is not bug abuse. I've certainly seen signs in the early morning, my time, of less usual stone prices (the sell x stone for 1 gold message), but I've never been quick enough to catch who is doing it. Finally, following my would-be discussion with Sun on the question of marginal prices (posts censored and/or thread locked), I'd say that 500 cats is by no means implausible.

One needs more evidence than this. All we have so far is innuendo.

16:27:49 Dec 4th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Banned, your stupidity is cunning.

First of all, I'd like to state, Legacy isn't the only kingdom with players that sponsor the game.

Second of all, Zeta, would never delete or ban anyone. without having a decent reason for it.

Q pointed the rest out already.

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