Forums / In game politics / Impostor

01:09:49 Nov 28th 08 - Mr. Bartimaeus IV:

Alright I am the original Mystery that made Mystical on Nirvana 2 era's ago. Since then I have changed my name "Obviously" and as I was trying to restart the other day I was going to put my name as Mystery again, and it says its already taken. I want to know who is this FAKE Mystery is and where he is?

18:07:03 Dec 14th 08 - Mr. Imperator II:

Too bad, shouldnt have changed your name mate!

The guy is in "Guild Of The Fallen"

13:50:53 Dec 15th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

Bet you wish you stayed in Mystical :-)

19:38:08 Dec 15th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

or bet you wish you didnt abandon your kingdom so you could start as mystical for next era ;-)

06:34:55 Dec 16th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

huh?  I didn't abandon my kingdom.

ok I reread it, I think that wasn't directed at me :-)

09:50:09 Dec 16th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

no not at you holly =-) i know you wouldnt abandon a kingdom as we have played together before.

10:49:01 Dec 16th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Flame Lord Phoenix please check what you're saying. Holly left her KD and joined the enemy, and then attacked her KD while her friends were fighting the enemy on the other side of the map... When Mystical goes in battle with someone stronger then them, you can expect Holly to join the enemy and attack Mystical. She did that before, why not again?
I guess that might be one of the reasons original Mystery left them?

16:21:04 Dec 16th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

Actually, Jasmina you should check what YOU are saying. 

Happy farming little girl.

16:37:25 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

*Waves his finger at people*

"Dishonor dishonor multi hopper multi dishonor shame shame.  Hopper hopper feeding multi shame dishonor! It all makes sense now! Just read my explanation!"  :D

17:35:18 Dec 16th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

I never fed.  If anyone wants to know how I did such large armies and was so successful with just 14-16k buildings the entire era, feel free to message me.  It's actually quite simple.  Once you play the game long enough, you learn how EVEN mining cities hinder you.  There is no reason to even use resource buildings at all.  Sadly though, much of the fun in the game has been taken away.  I used to love gathering tons of cities and building them up.  But now everything I touch must burn.

17:41:22 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Yeah I burn everything.  People always throw crap because they think it is a dishonorable tactic...

17:42:38 Dec 16th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

I don't have a choice.  I would love to keep the cities.  But I like to keep my arch mage cost at 1300 at ALL times.

I just took a city with 60 million gold.  Raze it, the gold left over I can train about 40k arch mages. 

18:17:44 Dec 16th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Same...gotta keep the prices low...of course people don't seem to understand that point.  Then they go and say stuff like...

"Oh muh ma f*ckin god ya burnt muh ma f*ckin city. You iz dishonorable! you know das right!"

00:18:09 Dec 17th 08 - Sir Resistance:

Lady Jasmina


12/16/2008 1:49:01 AMFlame Lord Phoenix please check what you're saying. Holly left her KD and joined the enemy, and then attacked her KD while her friends were fighting the enemy on the other side of the map... When Mystical goes in battle with someone stronger then them, you can expect Holly to join the enemy and attack Mystical. She did that before, why not again?
I guess that might be one of the reasons original Mystery left them?


I have a few things to say. For one, Holly's stated MANY times why she left her previous kingdom, I don't see why she's getting these constant attacks all the time. We've faced many tough and stronger kingdoms and Holly has NEVER had intentions to leave. She's been loyal to me and Mystical for the times she's been here, and if she does leave, it will be because we have talked it over, not because were fighting a "stronger kingdom." Also, Mystery leaving has nothing to do with any of this. As the leader of ODC, I'd expect a lot more from you, instead of constant *beep*ing because you lost a war.

06:15:22 Dec 17th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

Thank you Resistance.  A leader who does not get the recognition he deserves.  He has faced a lot more than most could see up front....

06:23:20 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Ender Wiggin:

on a side note, I guess Jasmina is saying Mystical is better than ODC =)

Holly faught in Mystical against ODC
Jasmina said Holly would leave if Mystical was fighting a strong enemy
Holly did not leave to go to ODC...

Therefore... ODC is not a stronger enemy than Mystical? :) 

*hands trophy to Res* guess that gives you vindication on Mystical as a rising kingdom! :)

07:04:10 Dec 17th 08 - Sir Resistance:

Thank you, Ender. *Res takes his shiny new trophy* :)

07:16:11 Dec 17th 08 - The Architect:

Ender stole my name, I was ender a while back, just ask Penguin, he never seems to forget...

09:24:12 Dec 17th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

lol your title is the =-D

>_> sry off topic....

11:08:04 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

yesh ender was ender on era 27 in zeta as ender

Archi ^^

13:54:34 Dec 17th 08 - Mr. Ender Wiggin:

oh oh, send me $$ and I'll give the name back xD

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