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In The Next Era
13:32:56 Mar 22nd 09 - Mr. Leonidus:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Orcs and Trolls, and all others of any other race, welcome.  My name is Lord Leonidus.  As the end of one era nears, the start of the next era approaches.  I, Leonidus, plan to create a new kingdom during the start of the next era.  This new kingdom will be the Persian Empire.  I have chosen to call this Persia because I believe that the Persian Empire has been one of the greatest empires of the ancient world.  At its greatest, the Persian Empire extended from as far west as Libya, as far east as the borders of India, and north into Turkey.  At a time, the Persian Empire even expanded into Europe.

     So I now wish to recreate this Empire, with a few twists.  This empire will consist of multiple kingdoms.  The kingdoms are ruled by kings.  These kings are You.  Anyone that is a part of Persia will retain their kingship.  No king shall be considered greater than another.  I will not call myself an emperor, or more powerful king, or any other title other than the one we will all share: King.   The Kingdoms of this empire are each king's cities.

     Here in Persia, even when we are all equals, even equals need a form of government.  Laws shall be created by the council.  Everyone will be a part of the Council, and more distinguished players in the Council will find more opportunities for themselves.  I will be the head of that council, and to my right and left hands will be the vices.  I will choose two vices, one based on superior military strategy, the other based on superior political strategy.  This does not mean any of us three are any greater than any other king.  It just means that these people are more experienced in the political and military fields. 

     Everyone is welcome to join this new Empire.  Here, we work for the common goal of expanding to be the largest empire VU has ever witnessed.  All that is asked of members of this empire is to be active and to aid other kings in the empire.  We all want to achieve greatness, so we all need to help eachother out whenever possible.

     So join the Persian Empire in the next era.  Join the Empire in which everyone has a voice.  Not a single person will be unheard.  Join Persia now, and you shall achieve greatness beyond compare. 

     If you plan to join the Persian Empire, please post here.  I hope to have a decent amount of players with the intent of joining before the start of the next era.

     P.S.  Also, I have not yet decided on what continent Persia will be located on.  Any suggestions from people?  Also, I am open to making NAPs.  These NAPs will last for the first 150 ticks of the new era, or the first 150 ticks after they are made.  Once they expire, they are open to be renewed.



13:49:38 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Thomaas:

Where are you going next era? Fant?

14:00:29 Mar 22nd 09 - Mr. Griffith:


Make no sence

Your leonidus( the King of Sparta) making a KD called Persian Empire :S WTF

And its been done

14:09:08 Mar 22nd 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

  P.S.  Also, I have not yet decided on what continent Persia will be located on.  Any suggestions from people?  Also, I am open to making NAPs.  These NAPs will last for the first 150 ticks of the new era, or the first 150 ticks after they are made.  Once they expire, they are open to be renewed.


14:10:04 Mar 22nd 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Correct me if I am wrong, but was not Alexander Greek?  Making the Greek Empire the greatest in the world?

14:31:18 Mar 22nd 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Everyone is welcome to join this new Empire.  Here, we work for the common goal of expanding to be the largest empire VU has ever witnessed


in terms of member count or what?

14:50:18 Mar 22nd 09 - Sir Spoon:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Orcs and Trolls, and all others of any other race, welcome.

Do I spot racism here?

14:50:32 Mar 22nd 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Alexander was a Macedonian and many Greeks did not recognize them as true Greeks so it should then be the Macedonian Empire. However, Alexanders empire was never as big as the Persian Empire, it came close though ;)

It would make a little bit of historical sence if the Dorians would join them, but thats a no-go :D

15:00:00 Mar 22nd 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Greek Empire - 11.7 million kmē (under Emperor Alexander the Great)

Achaemenid Empire - 8.4 million kmē (under Emperor Darius the Great)


you were err saying?

15:34:18 Mar 22nd 09 - Mr. Jake:

My Empire - All the kmē

15:49:53 Mar 22nd 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

I especially like numbers 6 and 7 and remember to look further down to point 2 ;)
You were err saying?

You are right on the sizes though:

Alexander went a bit further further into India and ofcourse conquered the Greeks it seems.

21:52:47 Mar 22nd 09 - Mr. Leonidus:

Like I said, it was just ONE of the greatest empires.  it is true that Alexander's empire was larger, but it was also much shorter lived. 

Pirate Lewatha- i was basically asking people for their opinions on which continent it would be easiest to start a new kingdom on.  i then went on to say that if any current kingdoms would like to make a NAP with my kingdom, it would last 150 ticks.  once it expired, it could be renewed for at least another 150 ticks.

and sorry Sir Spoon, i did not mean any racism.  elves, humans, dwarves, and halflings are rather easy to tell the difference between, and as such, i classified them as "ladies and gentlemen."  however, being the mere human that i am, i find it hard to distinguish between male and female orcs and trolls, so that is why i said that.

22:59:35 Mar 22nd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

This sounds like a MASS NAP funfest...I say we all join and have peace!

02:20:20 Mar 23rd 09 - Mr. Leonidus:

lol, not quite demonslayer scientist.  150 ticks is sufficient time for some kds to get together  on a continent and to start building up.


now please only post here if you are serious about joining, or have some sort of actual suggestion.

03:48:03 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Struddle:

um you do realize you dont really get to choose where you start right?

10:15:05 Mar 23rd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

have you even played this game?

10:21:12 Mar 23rd 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Mr. Julius Caesar
Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heirs (Leonidus).

Mr. Leonidus
Lived in Era 38. Member of Gatekeepers

No known history.


All I can find :)  *runs off*

18:08:11 Mar 23rd 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

he might of played back when you get to chose then just come back now...

11:37:54 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Leonidus:

i personally didnt play awhile back.  however, a close friend of mine did *regrettably, he has quit the game*  and he taught me all he knew.  this was back when Armageddon was still a spell.  he quit, and i just decided to start playing this game recently.  and i might not get to choose right away what world i start on, but i can wait until some worlds fill up before i get on.  thats more of what i meant.

and if you guys dont want to join this then fine.  but quit hanging around here and let people that might actually want to join post here.  

17:25:29 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Theophilus VII:

It is a peculiar thought that I too had thought of. a tripple alliance of sorts, but without a Kaiser.

17:39:42 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

arma was still a spell til a few eras back

22:29:16 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Leonidus:

sumthin like that, theophilius.  idk if you wish to join the kingdom or not, but if you want, you can keep in touch with me via private messages and you can help out with it. 

09:25:13 Mar 25th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Well good luck ;)

11:49:14 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Overcome:

very good idea for those who like the game to be played all out in RP=)

" i then went on to say that if any current kingdoms would like to make a NAP with my kingdom, it would last 150 ticks.  once it expired, it could be renewed for at least another 150 ticks."

i really liked that one, makes things interessting. but again, its hard to make this work. i mean, people have lifes and stuff^^

its a cool idea. but i dont think you will find players equally devoted as you to this game.

but good luck=)

14:13:01 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Lady Santa The Green Eyed


3/22/2009 4:50:32 PM
Alexander was a Macedonian and many Greeks did not recognize them as true Greeks so it should then be the Macedonian Empire. However, Alexanders empire was never as big as the Persian Empire, it came close though ;)

It would make a little bit of historical sence if the Dorians would join them, but thats a no-go :D


Macedonians, Athenians, Lakedemonians etc was Greeks or Helllines. They have the same gods, the same history. They spoke and wrote the same language, I can read it after 2000 years. I know the meaning of their names. And also they fighting each other for 3000 years!

What makes Great Alexander was that with so few troops conquer the biggest empire in his time.

14:14:58 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Ah my name is Megas Nikos and in Greek Alexander the Great  is Megas Alexandros.

16:25:27 Mar 25th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Good luck...especially with the 150 tick NAP thing.

17:46:45 Mar 25th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Megas Nikos, I guess you didn't read the links I posted...? You should do so, it states very clearly that Macedonians did not consider themselves Greek nor did Greeks consider them Greek.

22:52:42 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Leonidus:

the 150 tick NAP is just mostly for a build up period.  it is also my set standard for NAPs as the era would go on.  I wouldn't make a NAP shorter than it, but for those that I am in good relations with, it could last much longer.

however, this thread isnt primarily for making NAPs.  its primary purpose is to inform people about this new kingdom.  for those of you that support my attempt, thank you.  for those that are here just to put me down as if you were the school bully, go find some other kid to push to the back of the line. 

07:37:18 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Lady Santa The Green Eyed


3/25/2009 7:46:45 PM
Megas Nikos, I guess you didn't read the links I posted...? You should do so, it states very clearly that Macedonians did not consider themselves Greek nor did Greeks consider them Greek.


I don't know where are you from but you have to read history first to said that. If you do just answer that simply questions:

And one more Alexandra Makedonska is a Slavic name of Alexander the Great or in Greek, Megas Alexandros. Slavics came to Macedonia area in 6th century! After 1000 years of the death of Alexandros. Every Greek name has a meanining, my name Nikos came from Nikolaos wich is written in my id and means the winning of the nation, is Nike said something to you :) means win so is the ancient godness. Alexandros means ''to protect the men'' alex-andros other words came from that words alex-ikerauno (lightning conductor) alex-isfero (flak jacket) andras (man) andro-logia (andrology) andro-ides (android).

08:20:16 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Makedon:

Well now that we all use the English language here using Nikos's logic then we are all English?

It really is not the place to get your propaganda here but as you started it one question to Nikos, why are all the names of places (toponyms) in Greek Macedonia all changed from Macedonian names to Greek names starting from 1913
as a year when Greece first time ever have any part of Macedonia under control?

Nikos I am sorry that you still have fear of Macedonians, but its the 21st century and we wont come to kick Greek butt anymore as Aleksandar Makedonski and his father did in history.

08:31:44 Mar 26th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

When did I ever say anything about their names? I was talking about how they saw themselves and eachother, not about how everybody is named and the origin of that name. Because if I would, I would've been the biggest dumbo of us all. I'm Dutch, from the Netherlands and we share names with the Germans to our east, but also with the Belgians. Now that we share names with Belgians is understandable since most of us originate from the tribe of the Belgae, but that is not the case with the Germans. They were different tribes, very different than ours and more importantly, no Belgae considered himself German, nor the other way around.

09:37:05 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

'Nikos I am sorry that you still have fear of Macedonians, but its the 21st century and we wont come to kick Greek butt anymore as Aleksandar Makedonski and his father did in history.'

he he he - unless playing VU & especially if TheGladiator's recommendation is implemented by Zeta (paying under contries' flags).

09:38:10 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

shame on me - full of mistakes - I am typing too quickly - anyone beating my over 50 caracters/min?

11:39:18 Mar 26th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

50 characters a minute, is that a lot? Thats not even 1 per second :S
And if the VU Olympics come trough, I vote for an independant Macedon!

11:43:42 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

by characters I meant words  - another mistake - I know; I was trying to find an excuse

11:50:41 Mar 26th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Ow I see, and no, I can't beat that :P

17:57:33 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Mr. Makedon


3/26/2009 10:20:16 AM

Well now that we all use the English language here using Nikos's logic then we are all English?

Really you believe that ancient Macedonians has and their own language except greek? Why there is no evidence about that? The winners, ''Macedonians'' wrote the history or the loosers ''Greeks''? 

It really is not the place to get your propaganda here but as you started it one question to Nikos, why are all the names of places (toponyms) in Greek Macedonia all changed from Macedonian names to Greek names starting from 1913
as a year when Greece first time ever have any part of Macedonia under control?

Why in Ottoman archives there was no nation called macedonians? When did they start to call himeselves macedonians? What language they spoke and what their relations whith Bulgars? Why Bulgars said that macedonians are Bulgars? Is it dangerous for a country with many Serbs to  have a territory near Bulgaria with many Bulgars? What Tito did in all that history? What is the place called Paaionia in all of the maps before 20th century and why was where today is ''Macedonia''. Why in ''Macedonia'' there are maps where the borders of that country includes Thessaloniki?  

Nikos I am sorry that you still have fear of Macedonians, but its the 21st century and we wont come to kick Greek butt anymore as Aleksandar Makedonski and his father did in history.

 Yes and they established Hellenistic times! Isn't it that weard? Personally i care only about the truth and the truth in our times is not very clear. Some people are Slavs and they call themseves Macedonians. Some people believe that Socrates was black. Some people believe that Homer was Turkish Some people believe that Holocaust didn't exist. Ahh and we didn't  went to moon!

18:10:35 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Lady Santa The Green Eyed


3/26/2009 10:31:44 AM
When did I ever say anything about their names? I was talking about how they saw themselves and eachother, not about how everybody is named and the origin of that name. Because if I would, I would've been the biggest dumbo of us all. I'm Dutch, from the Netherlands and we share names with the Germans to our east, but also with the Belgians. Now that we share names with Belgians is understandable since most of us originate from the tribe of the Belgae, but that is not the case with the Germans. They were different tribes, very different than ours and more importantly, no Belgae considered himself German, nor the other way around.


In Balcans things are a bit  more complicated. I know the Netherlands is where two Greek football teams located Ajax and Heracles...

19:03:22 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Makedon:

Sorry again Nikos, but that red hurts so I did not even try to read it and I will not read anything else you will wright.

19:58:11 Mar 26th 09 - Lady Santa The Green Eyed:

Nikos please rewrite your "red" post in proper English so I can fully comprehend your bs :)

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