Forums / In game politics / IoK heads to fant....Hopefully

IoK heads to fant....Hopefully
05:27:13 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Imperium of Knights

Kingdom Banner

Name: Imperium of Knights
Members: 13
Tag: IoK
Created: 9/28/2008 6:15:24 PM
Leader: Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer


In your application include:
- Experienced or New
- Eras played
- Race you wish to play
- Kingdoms Played in
- Reason for Joining

For any questions or concern contact our King Kathandarion the destroyer or head Vice Mr.Reddragon

We look forward to your surrender


Of course we will be recruiting to try get more memberes but yeah this is the base group.And with some luck and a swift prayer we will be heading to FANTASIA.YES YOU HEARD FANTASIA.feel free to flame as its the only reason i made this thread.Flame all you want now.get it outta your systems for next era.

07:33:31 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Fantasia? You sure? :P

Even we Superheroes, a Mantraxt level kingdom, are only forced to stay on Fantasia because our king is a fag :( :P

Good luck and all the best and welcome aboard the Fantasia Express :)

07:34:52 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

You got killed on Mant...

07:35:47 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

Good. More KDs in fantasia - better gameplay.

07:39:03 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Mr. Opportunity


10/16/2008 6:34:52 AMYou got killed on Mant...

lol name which of our members got killed???We Knew we were fighting a pointless battle after The members who you know of left so we burnt and restarted/

07:48:27 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Yay, lets go IoK, lets have The Era of Kathandarion The Destroyer, No one will take you serious untill you do well in Fant.

08:05:52 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Good thing I am taking an era off -_- I would laugh until I got a nosebleed...

08:08:47 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Spetznaz:

Charley - I suggest you shut up, Im no fan or player of IoK

But at least they have some balls to say

" Yer Fant is the most difficult place, but what the hell "

More kingdoms should try Fant instead of nub bashing on the lower worlds

08:09:03 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

good luck, you will need it!

08:13:16 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Random:

yay! good for you kath :)

ill see you there ^-^

08:16:50 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Mr. Spetznaz


10/16/2008 3:08:47 AM
Charley - I suggest you shut up, Im no fan or player of IoK

But at least they have some balls to say

" Yer Fant is the most difficult place, but what the hell "

More kingdoms should try Fant instead of nub bashing on the lower worlds
Yeah all four of us(RIP) are really going to go to Fant when we are inactive half the time...I have to take an era off because I am so busy so dont even group us as nub bashers....I would like to be on a higher world if it didnt require me having to be on VU 24/7(even between ticks)...and I have been on Fant and know it is the biggest challenge...I also know it was the worst time because of the time involved...jeez

08:17:26 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Hannibal II:

Good luck. I don't know if you'll do well. But it'll be fun anyway.

08:30:05 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Nazgul Tamer:


IoK on Fant?

You must be kidding!

Even when you try I think you will live there just 24-48 OOP.

As far as I know. Kath played as a *beep* from Mant till here in Valhalla.

10:09:05 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Iroh:

i wish you luck but Farming alone dosent win eras Kath

10:14:11 Oct 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

it will be a good training, so damn right you go to fant ...

10:44:42 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Random:

stop flaming someone who makes a conscious decision to try and take on the task of going up to fant.

13:44:11 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

Good luck, I'll meet ya there :P

14:27:07 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Szalor:

Wow I'm surprised I'm even posting on this forum. Well all I have to say is Iok will be on a lower world before era ends....100% garanteed. Bad spelling I know ftw :P

14:44:54 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Khalifa The Orc:

Good luck

15:37:57 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

i give props to this kingdom. balls and audacity, loves it!

17:47:20 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Mr. Nazgul Tamer


10/16/2008 7:30:05 AMLoL!

IoK on Fant?

You must be kidding!

Even when you try I think you will live there just 24-48 OOP.

As far as I know. Kath played as a *beep* from Mant till here in Valhalla.

This from the man who promised to fight alongside us to the end.....then dissappeared without doing *beep*.

and just go away.

17:55:00 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Piece Maker:

I must agree with Spetznaz

I really don't like IoK or even think you guys are good, but you've earned a nugget of respect in my books for going to Fantasia.  Anyone trying to discourage you should feck off!

18:16:03 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

It's ten times better to die in fantasia than in mantrax ;)

18:41:09 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

More kingdoms should try Fant instead of nub bashing on the lower worlds

They got pwnt on Valhalla. From 1st to whereve they are....tut tut. Never mind nub bashing.

18:53:34 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

whether your kingdom is of high quality or not, the best way to become a better player yourself and to make your kingdom stronger is to go to fantasia

18:55:27 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Wolven, hardly. You need to learn how to play and how to act (the most important one regarding Kath, since hes a loud mouth) before getting your *beep* handed to you by skilled + active players.

19:02:36 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Sir Inactive Killer


10/16/2008 5:41:09 PM

More kingdoms should try Fant instead of nub bashing on the lower worlds

They got pwnt on Valhalla. From 1st to whereve they are....tut tut. Never mind nub bashing.

we are 3rd.....6 % behind your KD lol.and we didnt get pawned we were betrayed.

19:03:55 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Sir Inactive Killer


10/16/2008 5:55:27 PMWolven, hardly. You need to learn how to play and how to act (the most important one regarding Kath, since hes a loud mouth) before getting your *beep* handed to you by skilled + active players.

and you are the most two faced person i ever saw.You joined IoK then once prosapia came along Jumped to Prosapia.....And you say i need to learn how to act??

19:05:24 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Wolven Warrior:

true Inactive, but if you are new the best way to learn is to join a high quality mantrax kingdom or a fantasia kingdom and get advice and training from the more experienced players in those kingdoms.

19:25:18 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

No Kath, thats called being loyal to your friends. In my app i told you straight, accept me or not I wasn't fussed. Then I found out MY FRIENDS where nearby. So I joined them, after posting on forum that I was leaving. Kthxbye

When you do something successful and stop being a loud-mouth twat of a nub, come back to me :)


Ah yes that is true Wolven, new or old you can learn alot from playing close to good players. Hell I daresay I learnt alot from Ali and some other people. To me though, Kath isn't an able leader, I'll wish him luck though and hope you prove me wrong.

20:21:43 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Archblade Normus:

Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer


10/17/2008 12:47:20 AMMr. Nazgul Tamer


10/16/2008 7:30:05 AMLoL!

IoK on Fant?

You must be kidding!

Even when you try I think you will live there just 24-48 OOP.

As far as I know. Kath played as a *beep* from Mant till here in Valhalla.

This from the man who promised to fight alongside us to the end.....then dissappeared without doing *beep*.

and just go away.



Ask Milk and Cereal what he was send me down here.

He just send me a total of 15k berserkers. Which I luckily repel. While Ein*beep*nd around 8k catas. Then tell me how could I repel those attack if my army weren't there.

21:46:58 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Milk And Cereal:

Exagurated, I had 10k zerks. Forgot what thingy had

21:51:06 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Nazgul Tamer:

Uhm, I included those I've killed. Maybe all in all yo have trained 20k zerks just to for me (KFK). Archblade and Me are Multis.

21:58:25 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Mr. Archblade Normus


10/16/2008 7:21:43 PMSir Kathandarion The Destroyer


10/17/2008 12:47:20 AMMr. Nazgul Tamer


10/16/2008 7:30:05 AMLoL!

IoK on Fant?

You must be kidding!

Even when you try I think you will live there just 24-48 OOP.

As far as I know. Kath played as a *beep* from Mant till here in Valhalla.

This from the man who promised to fight alongside us to the end.....then dissappeared without doing *beep*.

and just go away.



Ask Milk and Cereal what he was send me down here.

He just send me a total of 15k berserkers. Which I luckily repel. While Ein*beep*nd around 8k catas. Then tell me how could I repel those attack if my army weren't there.

....no1 mentioned you GO AWAY.and 15 zerks.....and you luckily repelled them...after farming near a whole era.....

22:17:35 Oct 16th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Hey you think Kath knows who you are? :p

22:49:04 Oct 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

he's falazar :o

22:53:42 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Rubyian:

Mr. Spetznaz


10/16/2008 2:08:47 AM
Charley - I suggest you shut up, Im no fan or player of IoK

But at least they have some balls to say

" Yer Fant is the most difficult place, but what the hell "

More kingdoms should try Fant instead of nub bashing on the lower worlds

They got *beep* bashed on Mantrax..... Sure they had traitors, but then they disbanded, ran away, and didn't even fight. Went to Valhalla instead. Now the traitor is a vice in IoK again XD You gotta be able to at least earn some respect and put up a good fight on Mantrax before you can go to Fantasia, in my opinion anyway.... Lots of kingdoms disband because they get beat so bad when they go to Fant. You need to be ready for that and have loyal members (which this era definitely proves you have some problems).

22:58:24 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Athens:

You are now 30% our power and we are a mant-zeta level kingdom, we had a late start plus we have new players in our ranks, how do you expect to survive on fant. Anyway, next era I'll keep an eye on the Armageddon HOH for you :)

23:27:27 Oct 16th 08 - Hentai Verll:

So fucking what if they got pawned or whatever. At least they got balls to try fant out. So lots of fucking props to this kingdom. And to you cynics who flame them for going to fant? stfu

23:34:33 Oct 16th 08 - Mr. Athens:

Maybe you just need to chill out? Forums = Flaming, not anger - there's a place called Anger Management Centre for that stuff.

23:48:16 Oct 16th 08 - Sir Jesus Left Eyebrow:

Anyone who is crazy enough to go to Fant deserves some respect, shame about Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer, Who lost my respect in a different forum...

00:01:45 Oct 17th 08 - Hentai Verll:

Oh buu huu Athens,  cry more. =(

I'll drink a coke just to dwell my anger down, promise. And take a chill pill like Ez told me to. Promise.

00:30:25 Oct 17th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Fine then...good luck to IoK...but I hope Kath gets traumatized even if his KD doesn't  :p

00:35:10 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Athens:

I agree, IoK is good, the leadership is not of which I made a point of in private mails.

02:20:01 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Szalor:

All this talk about having balls and such is really annoying, just having to read it makes me mad. Most of the peeps who know me, know full well I'd go to fant if I wanted, but going to fant and dieing is just plain stupid. That's like saying "hey wanna go jump in some lava?" "Sure some other guys got serious burns and the rest died but wth lets try it and become a part of the death toll" get my point. I feel stupid to bring that back up but it got on my nerves. Going to fant isn't about having balls, it should be about becoming better and actually surviving. I'm ashamed of the better players of vu in fant for saying such becuase to me it seems they just wanna make Iok another troops production booster. I know some of you didn't mean bad but still if I where a fant player and I knew a kd of Iok's stature couldn't make it I'd have told them not to come, rather than give them props for dieing and making it such a big deal like dieing taught them something.

Thank you for your time,
A tired man.

06:54:22 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Bananaman:

I'm for the one world idea!
Peace man! Everyone in one world - fanta.

*lets get high*

07:07:18 Oct 17th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer:

Mr. Szalor


10/17/2008 1:20:01 AMAll this talk about having balls and such is really annoying, just having to read it makes me mad. Most of the peeps who know me, know full well I'd go to fant if I wanted, but going to fant and dieing is just plain stupid. That's like saying "hey wanna go jump in some lava?" "Sure some other guys got serious burns and the rest died but wth lets try it and become a part of the death toll" get my point. I feel stupid to bring that back up but it got on my nerves. Going to fant isn't about having balls, it should be about becoming better and actually surviving. I'm ashamed of the better players of vu in fant for saying such becuase to me it seems they just wanna make Iok another troops production booster. I know some of you didn't mean bad but still if I where a fant player and I knew a kd of Iok's stature couldn't make it I'd have told them not to come, rather than give them props for dieing and making it such a big deal like dieing taught them something.

Thank you for your time,
A tired man.

Well the other KD's have a right to talk as they defeated IoK.Although fuzzy was helped by the traitor inderictly....but you szalor.a man who we killed 3 times in one era..........And then he surrendered to us the 4th time i would not of expected this from.

07:20:03 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Foo Fighter The Foolish:

The hardest part for kingdoms coming up to Fant is getting an established Fant kingdoms to NAP them and without NAP's you wont last too long. This is due to the uncertainty about the skill level etc of lower world kingdoms and if they will make useful allies. I dont mean that they inherently lack skill or anything like that. Its just that Fant kingdoms usually dont know much about them and havent seen first hand what they might be capable of. This means it is usually easier to see these new kingdoms as 'food' rather than a potential ally.

Thats why its great you guys are giving it a go because win, lose or draw you will be getting good experience and showing Fant what you have to offer. Prove that you are NAP worthy and you will do well. You could also consider coming to Fant with another lower world kingdom and working together but of course that can put a target on both your 'heads' because your twice the threat to the established Fant kingdoms.

Goodluck to you and dont forget to tell all your mates to play on Fant. The more the merrier.

10:33:54 Oct 17th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Sir Kathandarion The Destroyer


10/16/2008 7:02:36 PMSir Inactive Killer


10/16/2008 5:41:09 PM

More kingdoms should try Fant instead of nub bashing on the lower worlds

They got pwnt on Valhalla. From 1st to whereve they are....tut tut. Never mind nub bashing.

we are 3rd.....6 % behind your KD lol.and we didnt get pawned we were betrayed.

In one day you dropped 30% from us ... and betrayed by who?

11:29:14 Oct 17th 08 - Mr. Vapor:

slade who else

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