Forums / In game politics / Is this unfair

Is this unfair
22:00:53 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

id like to know if this is fair someone (chaos legion a vice) tells us to post our account details and i admit i didnt say no very nice (but i did not swear) and so he posts me this and i repliy and so this is it:


Mr. Chaoslegion [BC] (9/25/2008 10:54:31 PM) GOOD BAD
you little dirt bag you are never to disrespect me again

another word and your out
You (9/26/2008 8:03:51 PM)
i see you didnt say that in the forums at least i have the guts to say stuff in the forms and if im that bad then... go
Mr. Chaoslegion [BC] (9/26/2008 8:09:41 PM) GOOD BAD
uh huh? samual your the worst player we have here

and normally i dont mind someone whos not very good but ur just trying to piss me off now and im not dealing with you
You (9/26/2008 8:11:38 PM)
me you cant handle me so you kick me out

22:01:52 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

but notice the insult and why can he speak to me like that

and also no body else complained!!!!!

22:05:01 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Ping:

he told you to psot your account details?

22:09:03 Sep 26th 08 - Duke Arzun:

He's not fit to be a vice in any Kingdom Samual. You're better off just going to find some other Kingdom and contacting ZeTa.

22:18:59 Sep 26th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

ey, Samual. Do not give ur account details eh ;)

Chaos..I've played with u for a very very short time, and I liked u. But as a leader u NEVER ask someone for their account details. NEVER, n'either do you insult your own members if u cannot controle them.

22:21:41 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

yes i swear down he asked everyone but said upper lvls get special priviallages to post in a difrent tread or somin, and he sent me that kicked me out and ive joined a diffrent kd

22:21:45 Sep 26th 08 - Sir Wolven Warrior:

You did the right thing Samual, NEVER post your acc details on a forum, you never know how people might use em :P if you like the kingdom post the details then change your password immeditely afterwards, but yeah you did the right thing and you are better off not being in a kingdom with vices like that.

As for the insults...He is asking for an inner kingdom rebellion xD

22:25:05 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

exactly, why is he askin for that ive made the mistake once to many in a life time

22:27:42 Sep 26th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Disregard Wolven Warrior's post

22:35:15 Sep 26th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Just to get things straight.. he meant account details such as password, etc?  x_X

22:43:08 Sep 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

sorry i may be missing something but in your post he doesnt ask for any details

22:52:01 Sep 26th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

It was probably a forum topic...too bad he cannot get that now >_>

22:52:09 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

I think he means posted on their kd forums...the games about fun...not cheating and verbally abusing your own that for when you fight Os...then go nuts ;)

22:52:14 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Lord Incognito


9/26/2008 9:35:15 PM
Just to get things straight.. he meant account details such as password, etc?  x_X



22:53:17 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Dark Lord Osiris


9/26/2008 9:43:08 PM

sorry i may be missing something but in your post he doesnt ask for any details


it was in the forums ill ask someone else from the kd to get it 4 me if u want

22:54:04 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/26/2008 9:52:01 PM
It was probably a forum topic...too bad he cannot get that now >_>


yes it is in the forums

22:54:12 Sep 26th 08 - Hentai Verll:

Mr. Chaoslegion [BC] (9/25/2008 10:54:31 PM) GOOD BAD
you little dirt bag you are never to disrespect me again

another word and your out

How old is this guy? 11?

22:54:20 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

username: Dak
password: Dakarius

22:55:40 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Pimp


9/26/2008 9:52:09 PM
I think he means posted on their kd forums...the games about fun...not cheating and verbally abusing your own that for when you fight Os...then go nuts ;)


haha ; )

22:56:18 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Hentai Verll


9/26/2008 9:54:12 PM
Mr. Chaoslegion [BC] (9/25/2008 10:54:31 PM) GOOD BAD
you little dirt bag you are never to disrespect me again

another word and your out

How old is this guy? 11?


yes its rather childish

22:56:30 Sep 26th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Should be banned for that sort of behaviour.

22:56:38 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Dakarius why post that??

22:57:15 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Ms. Pong


9/26/2008 9:56:30 PM
Should be banned for that sort of behaviour.


yes im goin to report it more than likley

22:59:34 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

exept i dont know how

23:02:27 Sep 26th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

doesnt matter how hard you attack me i cant lose unless i let you win ;) samual send msgs to VUadmin

23:04:42 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

i tried to send messages to VU Admin

23:05:08 Sep 26th 08 - Ms. Pong:

Send to admin, vu is his title..

23:06:31 Sep 26th 08 - Mr. Samual:

ok thanks

03:22:14 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Gah! Stop making like 5 posts in a row >< you can put everything into a single post to answer 3 questions

12:55:04 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Well, Chaoslegion has always been a little girl with no brain. And I'll bet anything he deleted the post now...

21:29:59 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Samual:

more than likley but i have it here

03:39:24 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Frank Castle:

was chaoslegion once burninglegion?? if so, yes he is a disgrace to the game.

04:46:38 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Ghost:

Yep that would be him Frank

07:26:27 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

frank you back stabbing fool yes its me .. and im going back to burninglegion next era



and for all who read this forum ? samuals little editing process was wonderful


he has insulted me on several occasions .. and i tried to help him in several ways not only did he preform terrible with our help he acually was a kingdom rat

informing other kingdoms of forum discussions ....traitor


i told all members to post account details yes , because when a vital move is needed to be made we have someone make it if that person is away or such


everyone in our kingdom trusts eachother .. did sam tell you that not a single person gave him pity , most were happy for his leave


say what you want now sam , this is the honest truth

09:02:12 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Incognito:

The plot thickens........

.......... but the antagonist remains a fool

09:16:28 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

isnt account sharing not allowed? Although it is nice he tells us the truth...still kinda wrong right?

19:42:29 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Roshnak Hobbit Chewer:

Yes Chaos did request acc details and Samual's story has one giant flaw in it. Jehosiphits also refused to give account details and he was not kicked. Samual you were nt kicked because of that you were kicked because you disrespected, talked down to, and betrayed our Kingdom. that is why you're a backstabbing worm

19:44:06 Oct 5th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

your kd should be deleted for even asking for peoples account details..

21:03:54 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Scientist:

If you allow others to log onto your account then you run the risk of your account being deleted. The actions that this kingdom is undertaking (using other members account details) is against the game rules.
It is against the game rules to use more than one account (As shown here).
DO NOT give out your account details to anybody!
If someone asks for your account details, say NO.

21:09:53 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Lord Incognito


10/5/2008 9:02:12 AM
The plot thickens........

.......... but the antagonist remains a fool


Sci and osinub are smart guys, deep down. NEVER IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES POST DETAILS. 

21:22:32 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Samual:

yes we worked that out, why bring this back

21:24:49 Oct 5th 08 - Mr. Roshnak Hobbit Chewer:

I'm aware it was wrong which is why i myself did not post details. All I was saying is that Samual did not get kicked because he wouldn't post account details

23:33:48 Oct 5th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Mr. Samual


10/5/2008 9:22:32 PM

yes we worked that out, why bring this back

Bring this back? Your officially a class 1 *beep*, incase you haven't realised. Everyones been posting after burninglegion made his defence. WHICH WAS TODAY

23:58:42 Oct 5th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:


Comon Will calm down...I think he doesn't want the truth discovered >_>

00:16:28 Oct 6th 08 - The Farchitect:

So, not only are you a kingdom full of grossly dis-respectful and under handed players, but you are also account sharing and thus cheating fools.  Therefore you should all be deleted/banned.

No King, Vice or any member of any kingdom has the right to treat anyone in this game like that, but especially not anyone in their own kingdom.  Then you're also giving him crap for "talking down" to you and "disrespecting" you, however how can you expect anything else from him when that's all you do to him?  You think he's going to treat you well if you don't return the favor?  ....Common Courtesy... Get some.

00:51:19 Oct 6th 08 - Mr. Roshnak Hobbit Chewer:

Chaos didnt talk down to anyone who disobeyed orders without a even a minuscule reason Samual never sent any troops anywhere he was active yet didnt do anything eh farmed while we were at war with like 2 kd's he was kicked because he's an *beep* that doesnt know hwo to play VU

02:29:39 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Burninglegion:

thank you roshnak ,


if its ok with all of you , i would like it if this forum is disbanded , the issue is over

11:58:53 Oct 7th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

oh i think it will stay as a reminder of what NOT to do when your a kd leader

12:02:34 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Samual:

Mr. Roshnak Hob*beep*ewer


10/5/2008 11:51:19 PM
Chaos didnt talk down to anyone who disobeyed orders without a even a minuscule reason Samual never sent any troops anywhere he was active yet didnt do anything eh farmed while we were at war with like 2 kd's he was kicked because he's an *beep* that doesnt know hwo to play VU


firstly i do know how to play

Mr. Burninglegion


10/7/2008 1:29:39 AM

thank you roshnak ,


if its ok with all of you , i would like it if this forum is disbanded , the issue is over

Secondly for once i agree this topic is old stop bringing it back

Dark Lord Osiris


10/7/2008 10:58:53 AM
oh i think it will stay as a reminder of what NOT to do when your a kd leader

and yes you should not ask for account details

22:40:50 Oct 7th 08 - Sir Inactive Killer:

Samual, pass + id? I need it to erm, check if my account works.

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