Forums / In game politics / Jester! yay baby, recruiting!

Jester! yay baby, recruiting!
17:08:19 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

Hello all you great VUers, just wanted to make the anual (erally?)  announcement the Jester is recruiting yet again (is there ever a time we dont?)

Jester is a kingdom that doesnt forget that VU is just a game. losing, winning, its all good as long as ur having fun! so, meet some amazing people and see how fun VU can really be!!!!!

I will be leading again (cant we find a consistent leader? guess we just like to copy abydos ;))    and will be eager to accept some new members.

please PM me BEFORE applying so i can get to know u. see you all around next era.

oh ya, we will be on fantasia again. and, we will accept newbies as well as vets, we have a good training program: VU 101 if ur interested!

good luck to all, HAHA!

17:52:49 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Timmiev:

i have 1 question soccer. why are you recruiting for you kd while u want to join us? maybe you wanna come with friends from jester or what? your all welcome..

18:49:22 Aug 5th 07 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

Soccer, I don't think he caught your sarcasm in his post.

19:24:34 Aug 5th 07 - Wolflord Karac:

I agree, tho the sarcasm was definately palpable...

21:38:56 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

so, since all three of u posted, i will be expecting an application once the era ends ;)    

especially you, karac!

21:45:41 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Twamao:

can i join?

21:50:15 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

twamao>offcourse you can join. tomorrow(monday) your welcome!

21:59:59 Aug 5th 07 - Wolflord Karac:


22:34:44 Aug 5th 07 - Mr. Timmiev:

......youre the funniest at home right?

09:52:54 Aug 7th 07 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:

well socc looks like the intrest is over welming lol.


iv been in a few kd's maybe not as many as others but a few and there leaders were teribal, socc was the leader in my first era in jester and was brill he suported me loads helping me understand the best combos of troops and homes to mines etc etc socc will lead this next era altogh i wont be joining jesters this era i may re-join the era after, jesters is a kind and fun kingdom that always seems to have a crazy idear and some how pulls it off.

if you want to get the most from the game join jesters and learn whilst haveing fun.

peace out


02:10:29 Aug 8th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

thanks peace

02:16:44 Aug 8th 07 - Lady Mifune:

Let me second that.  I will be stepping down and leaving Jester next era.  Soc will be a great leader.  I encourage all to join.  Jester is a great kingdom full of fun people.

04:38:17 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

*bump*   hehe...................

05:00:28 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Jester....Who'd want to join that *beep* kingdom?

05:46:53 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

yeah bad name !jk  lol

15:23:48 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

i would !!! ;-))

01:51:20 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Deadly Doughnut:

Geez...i leave for a bit and look what happens.  My kd falls apart. people are all worthless...

Well i'll have to wish the Jester Empire good luck next era.  We all know yall are going to need it.  Specially now you lost all the jester vets.  It's going to be lonely for you socko, being the only original Jester left.  I'm sure you will get by though!

11:42:05 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

good luck jester

12:45:12 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Shumino:

I have to agree with DD. The best times of Jester were prolly its first 2 or 3 eras. I wont be in Jester any longer. I may be quiting VU all together or not. Even if I dont quit VU I wont be joining Jest again. I will prolly start my own kd again or joining an old one (I liked Mirror even though i was there 1 era and unfotuanetly rl kept me away for a bit). I should wish Jester the best of luck.

19:02:27 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

hahhahaha that was funny

04:28:57 Aug 15th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

i think our best era was the most recent lol................. first time in top 5. and we still have many more eras to come!

04:37:05 Aug 15th 07 - Sir Falazar:

This was the best era, we just missed holding the blockers, and not all the vets are gone by any means :}

07:07:12 Aug 15th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

lol soccer u r funny one.

18:03:31 Aug 15th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

i guess thats why im a jester :)

21:24:46 Aug 15th 07 - Mr. Peace War And Suffering:

haha best of luck jester hope evything works out for you.


21:44:07 Aug 15th 07 - Mr. Anatoliy Grushkov:

can i join? =]

23:58:24 Aug 15th 07 - Duke Drakos The Indomitable:

Good luck Soccer and Jesters. You know I always hope you guys do well. Except last era, I was happily hitting you while I was in PHI. ;)

01:10:31 Aug 16th 07 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Our team was too afraid of Carnage to send more troops south....even though we had enough troops in the north to stop the freakin million man march...........REDICULOUS!!!

04:55:59 Aug 16th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

Can I join?

05:25:25 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

ah, clever persephone! well done, u r one up on me yet! too bad i have a trick up my sleeve, i hope ur a vice in carnage :)

05:35:26 Aug 16th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

<begins to get all excited with anticipation for Soccer's big surprise>

05:37:59 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

it has been done! (wow, we are sad. a week till the era starts and we are both still on this late at night! yay for VU!)

05:59:24 Aug 16th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

I bow to the master:)



Name Reason
Mr. Soccer can i join? (there persephone!) Throw this application away. / accept

06:23:18 Aug 16th 07 - Mr. Soccer:

now! back on topic! jester has been recreated, and is now ready to hit "accept" on all those thousands of apps! so, start sending them in! woo hoo! time for some fun!

16:34:04 Aug 16th 07 - Sir Echion:

  • 05:26:18: We have received a kingdom application from Mr. Soccer.
  • 05:58:31: Soccer has deleted the application to join your kingdom.

00:11:22 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Thersander:

Can I join? I know Falazar

23:01:50 Aug 20th 07 - Mr. Soccerrocker:

send in an app if u have not restarted yet! we are still open!

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