Forums / In game politics / Jester?

02:51:51 Apr 27th 09 - Lady Friend of:

shall it reappear next era?

My activity is increasing.....

03:01:26 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

who cares ?

03:02:54 Apr 27th 09 - Lord Lord of The Flies:

well apparently not you ;)

03:05:43 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

ofcourse not I only care about girls :)

and coke :)

05:25:33 Apr 27th 09 - Sir Sorra:

Yes Jester Come Back

06:29:22 Apr 27th 09 - Lady Friend of:

Fordi is simply scared of the all powerful Jester ;)

bad experience with them huh?

I think he died...... might have been from our jokes tho :)

loves u fordi!

wait, u only care about girls? wanna cyb?

10:06:19 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Im far from scared about em ;)

like I said I just carea bout girls & coke :P
if your a girl with a nice ass :P

Im willing to cyber or you have to admit your a boy :P
than I can fist ya

11:04:15 Apr 27th 09 - Mr. Bran:

your misses wouldnt be pleased ford, if you was cheating on her with someone on vu :/

11:05:34 Apr 27th 09 - Ms. Hirragi Tsukasa:

You only wanna cyb if she's a boy? :S

11:26:43 Apr 27th 09 - Prince Mielo:

Lady Friend of


4/27/2009 6:29:22 AMFordi is simply scared of the all powerful Jester ;)

bad experience with them huh?

I think he died...... might have been from our jokes tho :)

> lol at that! I remember a different scenario :)

18:08:16 Apr 27th 09 - Lady Friend of:

u would mielo baby! its ok, we know u arent buttsore just from that era..... has EZ had his way with u again? :)

fordi, ill never admit what isnt true..... sex improvements can happen in real life too doll! u can still fist me, the doc gave me a loose goose!

02:35:47 May 2nd 09 - Lady Friend of:

I decided. I will bring back this kingdom. Mielo has finally persuaded me that he is not complete with out Jester.

Fordius has also agreed to join. That was the main selling point.

04:23:29 May 2nd 09 - Mr. Spud:

Jester... By far my favorite KD of all time. That single era with them was enouph to fall in love with.

02:01:26 May 3rd 09 - Lady Friend of:

Spud! missed u bud!




16:54:41 May 4th 09 - Lord Howard Moon:

I would definitely like to see Jester come back.

18:20:40 May 4th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Lady friend of?? Im sorry, I dont know you by that name...

But I missed you too whoever you are!!!


18:48:27 May 4th 09 - Lady Friend of:

We will be back.

18:52:45 May 4th 09 - Mr. Lazarus:

Lady friend.... ahh jester, the good old days... such fun

18:58:36 May 4th 09 - Mr. Bran:

you was a jester?

03:30:54 May 5th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Lady Friend of = Soc

03:50:10 May 5th 09 - Mr. Spud:

Yes! I found that out. A little birdie told me.

19:03:45 May 6th 09 - Lady Friend of:

Penguin? or an even littler birdie?

00:46:38 May 7th 09 - Duchess Illidan:


03:51:30 May 7th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

lol ajax is here for jester

04:43:02 May 7th 09 - Mr. Siberius Phenom II:

buddyyyyy :)

06:55:18 May 7th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I think I was in Jester for an era way back... didnt IE merge into Jesters for an era?

14:17:42 May 7th 09 - Mr. Bran:

yeah you made a great wall in phi core for no reason and pissed them off :D

good times!

14:56:11 May 7th 09 - Mr. Arkantos:

so offically is Jester comin back or what?

15:24:54 May 7th 09 - Mr. Mavich:

..but we like great walls =(

21:53:44 May 7th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Mr. Bran


5/7/2009 5:17:42 AM
yeah you made a great wall in phi core for no reason and pissed them off :D

good times!

Oh yeah good times, I also frequently build walls in random areas to get the starter city across rivers and such. What kd are you in now?

18:30:15 May 10th 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

so what will happen to rvl if fordius is joining jester?

18:46:02 May 10th 09 - Prince Mielo:

lol ... priceless!

19:19:25 May 10th 09 - Mr. Bran:

barney im chocolate

19:22:53 May 10th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Corollin, When Fordiass joins jester next era RVL will disband and all its players will be looking for new kingdoms.

19:44:07 May 10th 09 - Lady Friend of:

half of which are also joining Jester..... in fact, Jester will = RVL..... which = LGC.


so Jester = LGC

17:38:16 May 12th 09 - Lord Howard Moon:

03:18:30 May 13th 09 - Lady Friend of:


19:07:01 May 13th 09 - Lord Howard Moon:

Well color me intrigued sir. ;-)

12:36:25 May 16th 09 - Lord of The Underworld:

everytime I see that damn Owl I die laughin...O RLY...luls

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