Forums / In game politics / Joining a KD

Joining a KD
14:27:07 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

Please be aware I am not active 24/7, and need to unrust and almost re-learn the game, since ZeTa has proberly turned it upside down

Prefer to join a good KD, so no trash plz
If you don't know who I am, then do not even message me

p.s Im serious

14:56:39 Nov 28th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

Rev we have all just had a VU gathering and a meeting about you, we all came to this should leave the game nobody wants you rev sorry :P

But you could always go solo :P
<3 REV

15:28:10 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Pure The Nub:

Rev I think if you change your attitude most kds would like you in their kd. But your attitude about things let you down. Unless you have changed since like 5 eras ago.

17:19:47 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

Sup guys,

Pure the Nub

Not sure you are so Im just gona ask you to stfu.
Besides anyone that knew me knew I didnt even have an attitude

17:53:54 Nov 28th 10 - Pirate Lewatha:

caution, lies above.

17:57:08 Nov 28th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

why dont you join abydos? were accepting nubs

19:26:56 Nov 28th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

hahaa lol branzigan.
Rev doesnt have an attitude where would anybody get that idea from :/

19:36:41 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

Oh snap

Lew and Braniganzzzzzzzzzzz <3

19:37:51 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

I have applied to Abydos, I expect to be accepted.

19:41:44 Nov 28th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:


20:12:19 Nov 28th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

Abydos doesnt have a leader or any vices to accept you . thats some cruel fate :(

21:09:40 Nov 28th 10 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i wanna join abtardos :D

21:26:49 Nov 28th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:


21:36:35 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

Guys, why am I not accepted.

I have some things I need to sort out.

1. Talk to Bran about Take-That etc
2. Talk to Osi about Arsenal being bad
3. Talk to Lew Lew about being a sexy minx, and get some more n00ds and try and get Kristine's number

Yes gentlemen, I remember

21:49:42 Nov 28th 10 - General Who:

You try to hard, thats your problem ;)

21:54:46 Nov 28th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

ask osi or wilber theyre in charge

22:20:40 Nov 28th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

finwe is osi :O

22:50:40 Nov 28th 10 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Rev... Man I'm almost not annoyed that you returned, it's a little funny reading your posts.

Btw he doesn't really have an attitude, he just pretends to so he can feel special XD

02:12:11 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Pure The Inactive:

Everyone knows what I mean by attitude tho. right?

03:17:14 Nov 29th 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

NO he has no attitude :/

04:31:52 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Hi Revenge, welcome back.

Please leave me your cities.

07:01:11 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Frostborn:

Heyo revenge, its Chee Cat, not sure if you rememer though but w.e, But ya like the rest of the abydos members Finwe (osi) is your man. If you have skype you can attempt to contact him and some others on there. (if i recall they have skype though im not sure).

16:53:42 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

You all wish you were cool like me

16:58:30 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Friendly Forum User:

VU should require parental permission in order to play.

That way we'd be rid of Rev forever, seeing as his parents are dead.

19:45:40 Nov 29th 10 - Mr. Revenge:

Friendly Forum User

1. Swifty
2. Cockbra

Either one

19:53:10 Nov 29th 10 - Ms. Branniganz:

he talks a bit more like kath

02:36:46 Dec 13th 10 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

Why would you even join Abydos?

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