Forums / In game politics / Juicy Stuff

Juicy Stuff
18:07:50 May 18th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

[16:56] <&Brannigans-Law> juicy are a smug bunch of *beep*s arent they
[16:56] <&Brannigans-Law> im getting sick of these PMs about how much better they are than us
[16:56] <&Ez> lol
[16:57] <&Ez> show
[16:57] <&Stirlin> name and shame!
[16:57] <&Brannigans-Law> im not showing you them..
[16:57] <&Stirlin> why not?
[16:57] <&Brannigans-Law> theyre terrible nap partners tho
[16:57] <&Brannigans-Law> theyve been calling us unhonourable all era
[16:57] <&Brannigans-Law> for letting rvl thru our blockers
[16:57] <&Stirlin> perhaps show us end of era then :)
[16:58] <&Brannigans-Law> but the *beep*ing blocker doesnt block lol
[16:58] <&Ez> lol
[16:58] <&Brannigans-Law> hows that our fault
[16:58] <&Ez> i know which u mean =p

[16:58] <&Brannigans-Law> quiet constantly barrages me with PMs saying im unhonourable
[16:58] <&Ez> no one likes juicy as a nap
[16:58] <&Brannigans-Law> cos of that bloody blocker
[16:58] <&Ez> i still dont understand why anyone stays with em
[16:59] <&Brannigans-Law> i only did it cos i had to relocate
[16:59] <&Brannigans-Law> and they was next to me
[16:59] <&Brannigans-Law> and big and scary :o
[16:59] <&Brannigans-Law> is loud tone penguin?
[16:59] <&Brannigans-Law> or wilber
[16:59] <&Ez> end it :)
[16:59] <&Stirlin> loud tone = wilber
[16:59] <&Ez> we shall assist
[16:59] <&Brannigans-Law> oh
[17:00] <&Brannigans-Law> well wilber is being a tard also
[17:00] <&Stirlin> wilber and his skinny body :)
[17:00] <&Ez> <3
[17:00] <&Brannigans-Law> Lady Loud Tone [JUICY] (5/18/2009 11:25:13 AM)     GOOD     BAD
[17:00] <&Brannigans-Law> You better *beep*ing hold DE off or I'll get dvs to take all your core cities. Cos you'd cost us the era!
[17:00] <&Brannigans-Law> You (5/18/2009 4:54:46 PM)
[17:00] <&Brannigans-Law> shut up, i hope your joking
[17:00] <&Ez> lmao
[17:00] <&Ez> them proper bum dvs. hes their only hope =p is funny
[17:00] <&Brannigans-Law> call ME a bad nap partner?

So its the case that just because you have a NAP they have to fight your battles for you? LOLLLOOOLL

18:08:43 May 18th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

So theres this and then theres your strange relations with fruit n veg. Really wtf

18:11:32 May 18th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Pfft obviously Bran has no sense of humour.

I assume he didn't show the, "For every city you lose, I shall take two off you" part also. How would that get Dvs the era win? It wouldn't, you should really hear the whole message before you start trying to bait us Ez.

Choc are fighting DE themselves I just said you better kill it!

Bran, go grow a thing we like to call... A sense of humour.

20:00:32 May 18th 09 - Prince Mielo:

A nice example of the maturity of ez ... So what are you trying to reach with this low-blow?

20:05:40 May 18th 09 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

Some kind of attention probably.

Ez u make me sick.



20:19:36 May 18th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Its his hard on for our KDs.

Wherever we go he has to stalk us, especially Q.

Quite sad really.

20:22:18 May 18th 09 - Mr. Bran:

pfft not as sad as making up stuff about my kd to make us sound 'unhonourable'

20:25:48 May 18th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

lol nice attempt. Anyway, this is a serious issue. The way you guys treat your supposed allies. Im just bringing it to the publics attention. Ya know this is actually kingdom politics not like the other thread that you refused to remove/move Mielo ;) so plz

20:27:43 May 18th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

I wonder whether I belong in this thread... :)

20:30:47 May 18th 09 - Lady Loud Tone:

Ez, isn't it time you stop stalking Q? Its been over 2 years..

20:33:17 May 18th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

TBL, you don't.


Ez, we're not going to break a era long NAP over some flame on a forum or other nuisances. Becouse we are just as guilty.
Doesnt matter if its Juicy or some other kd, we're not breaking our agreements. If there are some small issues I prefer to see if they can be worked out before hastily declaring war. Not that I don't like war, just that an honorable reputation is more important than some end of era fun.

20:37:40 May 18th 09 - Sir Twelve Inch Cucumber:

Lady Loud Tone


21:51:25 May 15th 09
Ok, explain how we're suddenly the bad guys please?


This thread. Nuff said.

20:48:46 May 18th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Bran, do we go round making threads calling you unhonorable?

All we did was ask you to close a blocker, which you stalled and made excuses for, which is fine, if thats how you treat you relations thats your choice, and its up to every kd to develop its own opinion of a KD.

Unlike Ez who seems hellbent on trying to make us look bad to the entirety of VU, why does he concern himself so much with us ill never know, maybe he wants to join us so he can be next to wilber, i dunno...they are lovers afterall.

Regardless other kds know how we treat our relations and thats why we get offered those relations, we do our best to avoid the underhanded tactics used by some....of course there are slip ups at times, but we are a lazy leadership, we cant be here 24/7 to police our members and tell them to avoid being drawn into petty behavoiur *cough* wilber *cough* lol.

21:00:53 May 18th 09 - Mr. Pineapple:

Juicy is just a crap failed re-make of DB
Just like Prosapia
You know it, everyone knows it

21:26:43 May 18th 09 - Mr. Bran:

ali thats not how it is, ive had messages from quietone regularly moaning about the blocker, and calling us unhonourable. and no we didnt stall or try and help rvl at all, the blocker simply didnt block they was walking around it lol....

or is there another blocker i havent noticed? im talking about playboy mansion...

21:32:44 May 18th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

No bran..they were talking bout "Wrong Way".. And they have also bombarded me with PM's regarding closing that blocker....At one point i just got annoyed and ignored them lol....cause I dont see how closing the gates of a "blocker" that doesnt block in the first place can help at all??

21:38:16 May 18th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

We meant both of the blockers, true one didnt block but we still asked for it to close to delay them.

Next time i logged on the 2nd blocker was open, even if you didnt close the other, the 2nd blocker shud never have been opened.

Or did RVL crush wall you guys?

21:46:46 May 18th 09 - Lady Quiet Tone:

i have a penis

21:51:32 May 18th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

Mr. Pineapple

20:00:53 May 18th 09

Juicy is just a crap failed re-make of DB
Just like Prosapia
You know it, everyone knows it


And your a crap failed attempt at being Cobra.

You know it, everyone knows it.

22:06:47 May 18th 09 - Mr. Bran:

so does wrong way block? stewie said it doesnt block, and playboy mansion doesnt block... so whats the deal? are you annoyed cos our blockers dont block??

22:51:37 May 18th 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

I've watched blockers that do block from all kinds of supposed naps be opened and closed or traded.   I am rather sick of it.  

22:55:02 May 18th 09 - Mr. Bran:

from choco? lets not confuse veggie with choco now...

23:00:47 May 18th 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

I think Overlord was speaking in general...if you scroll through the worlds you can find a lot of blockers amongst various KDs that should be closed that are not

23:04:42 May 18th 09 - Mr. Bran:

yes but this is a thread about choco blockers, lets not get muddled up here. choco hasnt done anything wrong

23:05:47 May 18th 09 - Overlord Dvsmasta:

Yes,  i mean no kd in general, some open and close quickly thinking we won't notice, then blame they don't block.  While that is sometimes true, sometimes it is not.

23:47:34 May 18th 09 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:


23:47:52 May 18th 09 - Lady Quietone:


one would question, why the need to open a blocker that doesnt even block...



23:59:19 May 18th 09 - Mr. Bran:

it was CWd by either a rvl member or a DE member..
should really ask first before jumping to conclusions?

00:05:18 May 19th 09 - Lady Quietone:

Wrong Way
City Info
Owner: Lord Stewie Griffin
Size: 7775 building(s).
Kingdom: Chocolate
Gates: open

Lord Stewie Griffin


13:32:44 May 18th 09
No bran..they were talking bout "Wrong Way".. And they have also bombarded me with PM's regarding closing that blocker....At one point i just got annoyed and ignored them lol....cause I dont see how closing the gates of a "blocker" that doesnt block in the first place can help at all??

o rly? which time??

02:39:19 May 19th 09 - Mr. Garlic:

Lord Stewie Griffin


13:32:44 May 18th 09
No bran..they were talking bout "Wrong Way".. And they have also bombarded me with PM's regarding closing that blocker....At one point i just got annoyed and ignored them lol....cause I dont see how closing the gates of a "blocker" that doesnt block in the first place can help at all??

I'm not taking sides here, just wanted to answer your question with another obvious question: does it hurt?

03:34:59 May 19th 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

@ Mr. Garlic: No it doesnt hurt at all..and thats y I closed the gates these Juicy tards would just $tfu....but i guess it didnt help whatsoever...

04:45:55 May 19th 09 - Lord of The Underworld:


I agree that it should be closed, but it should be easy to see that the armies are going around the city, right? Even when Juicy/DB was my enemy I never thought of them as unhonorable...chocolate either. mistakes get made, learn and move on :)

kilroy said it best

07:28:42 May 19th 09 - Mr. Jet:

'Please Choc save us from the evul RV :*('

It's common sense to not trust anyone from another kingdom to maintain a blocker for you. It'd be like Australia not spending any money on defence because we know that America will save us from the North Koreans.

08:14:44 May 19th 09 - Duchess Illidan:

Aussies <3

07:31:58 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Jade:

FYI Wrong Way doesn't block. Many of the Choc blockers didn't

07:36:18 May 22nd 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

really jade? xD

07:37:56 May 22nd 09 - Lord Primate Death:

And a nazzie scout bypasses all blockers.

22:43:22 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Jade:

No Stewie it did not. I got passed a few blockers that were closed without any problem

22:52:17 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Bran:

where were you when i had quietone moaning at me? (in a bad way)

23:02:18 May 22nd 09 - Ms. Jade:

lol I avoid the forums

23:59:35 May 22nd 09 - Lady Quietone:

I guess neither one of us will have to worry over that now eh Bran?


00:01:05 May 23rd 09 - Ms. Jade:

Bran teach your guys how to build blockers ;)

00:01:51 May 23rd 09 - Lady Quietone:

there's no need they open them anyway =)

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