Forums / In game politics / KD Next Era

KD Next Era
03:55:30 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Random:

I am looking for a small number of players to go to a lesser world next era and sit in a corner and farm!

anyone who is considering a less stressful or active KD then this is for you!

this is an actual serious thing coz i won't have too much time for VU next era.

Note: This KD will be superior to Haywoods, because we will allow our members to train troops as well as farming.


03:58:53 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

do not lie!

In your first sentence you said you will sit in one corner and farm.  In your last sentence you said you will also train troops.  which is which? 

this kd is bad for you since it started with a lie.

04:04:04 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Random:

well i said we will farm, but we shall permit our members to, if they choose train troops.

But in essence we shall economically own a lesser world.

So im not contradicting myself. I am saying that we will farm, but if we must troops will be trained.

04:05:48 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

All KD's are BAD!  Resign from your KD and experience a VU life of joy, free from the oppression of the KD man!!  Tune In, Turn On and Drop Out!!! (a special thanks to Timothy Leary)

04:25:14 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Random:

so um... wanna join then?

04:36:24 Jan 26th 08 - Mr. Bayushi Clamps:

He meant train cave masters, random lol.

02:12:37 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

whats even the point of farming anyway?

i would rather go around attacking every bastard near me

you farmers suck

02:29:26 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Random:

ok maybe now would be a good time to say.....

I have decided not to go through with the farming KD idea.

I an joining Apollo with Revenge and Seloc.


03:25:41 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Uhhhmmm.... won't that be the same as farming?   :p

03:29:33 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Chimaira:

if you wanna farm play harvest moon not VU

03:42:23 Jan 29th 08 - Duke Epyon The Weirdgrivi:

harvest moon is awesome =)

03:48:51 Jan 29th 08 - Mr. Random:

hmm yes, yes it is.
i havent playd it for years.
i think i will :)
get the my farming tendancies out of my system =P

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