Forums / In game politics / Kaths at it again

Kaths at it again
06:16:25 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

After agreeing to a CF he attacked me.. no more then 2 hours later

You (12/11/2009 6:14:52 PM)
Grettings Old friend,

In thepast both sides have played part in each others down fall, but now we have a greater enemy, and i say we unite... i Duchess Darkmoore of the Elven Warlords will withdraw all troops and start no hostal actions against the Storm Knights as we of the Elven Warlords have our eyes set on the evil Empire of Heaveny Persusions.

So i say to you old friend unite and counqure along side me

Yours Truly,
Duchess Darkmoore
High Mage of the Elven Warlords
Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth (12/11/2009 7:43:39 PM) GOOD BAD
Greetings Duchess Darkmoore

I am happy that you consider my kingdom , although we are new of birth , we have the wisdom of old. It would be a dearest wish of mine , For my knights to ride , alongside your archmages , an unstoppable and unseen force , destroying all before us.

But my kingdom is beseeched by a war in the west. As a king it is my job to see to the defences and offensive plans of my kingdom.

However i promise you , i give you my word and a heroit of 10 000 gold Amrothian coins , as a sign of prolonged peace between us. Prolonged until the end of my time as king.

Sir Elldorian Of Dol Aoth
Humble Lord of the Storm Knights Corps

22:08:13 Tower Amroth Guards lead by Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth attacked and took over Darkmoore Block. We lost 0 Ghosts, 0 Archers, 0 Riders, 0 Spellweavers and 0 Archmages and 48900 peasants in the battle.

and bam he attacks

06:20:39 Dec 12th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Prolonged until the end of my time as king.

Maybe he changed leadership for a few ticks?


06:20:56 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol, ofc...

06:29:00 Dec 12th 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

maybe he went democratic, he is no longer the "king" he is now the President, it's not his fault no one else was on the ballot??

07:49:48 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Did he give you the 10,000 gold coins?

07:58:37 Dec 12th 09 - General Zondervan:

he could have stepped down, you be attacked them promoted.

you didnt say he couldnt do that. be careful. he words it like that for a reason :)

08:01:19 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Confidential:

You trusted Kath... Now you're trying to say that this is someone's fault but your own?

10:26:22 Dec 12th 09 - Lord Reddragon Ghost IV:

lol, how many times this happened before?. I know there were a lot of them.

10:57:51 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

its simple slade you have broken NAP's with me 4 times :) my turn ,, i dont really care what others say.

and also this whole thing happened because SLADE sent out his men whilst we were nap'd , alongisde 4 Hybrid wolves armies to sit on our blocker. he can claim it was accidental but i doubt it. The fact hybrid wolves are now coming to help him , and that he opened blockers for them earlier but wouldnt for us despite us having the same NAP agreement , shows us something

12:52:02 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

:| i didnt sent shit at you

13:05:44 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

it would be better if it was a song:

Oops Kath did it again
went back on a Nap
got lost in the game

oh Kath

Oops Kath did it again
you played with our hearts

I'm not that innocent

13:51:25 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Unban Dropkick:

lol, slade u had an army camped on our blocker :O

14:49:40 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

oooh thats right my army "Fallen" correct?

15:30:47 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

lols you attack a nap without warning because of a camping army.... without msg'ing... niiiice :P

17:00:21 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

duchess , this is the 3rd army he has sent , and yes when he sends an army along with a invasion from a KD we know his allied to , i dont see what is wrong with us attacking back , all we done was take a blocker that leads into our core ...

17:05:40 Dec 12th 09 - Master of Death:

Kath dude. What is going on? Why are you being accused of things over and over?

17:06:07 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

Yes i sent a army at you my stupid mistake.. but that was 24 hours BEFORE!!! that message was sent you tool.... so you accept an CF after i did somthing stupid then you attacked two hours later?

17:09:35 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

no , we killed that army about 8 ticks before it was sent to you , and a term of us accepting the CF was that we would go through your cities to lone hybrid wolves , you said i had to drop you to 10 K cities for each one of your cities i had to take to get through to them. please dont try make yourself look like some innocent guy. darkmoore trees was the city that is actually blocking me so why would you think i wouldnt take it?

17:29:21 Dec 12th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth


10:57:51 Dec 12th 09 its simple slade you have broken NAP's with me 4 times :) my turn ,, i dont really care what others say.

You admitted already here, but now you're saying it's Slade's fault?

17:42:16 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

lew why dont you read the rest of that post?

Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth

10:57:51 Dec 12th 09 its simple slade you have broken NAP's with me 4 times :) my turn ,, i dont really care what others say.

and also this whole thing happened because SLADE sent out his men whilst we were nap'd , alongisde 4 Hybrid wolves armies to sit on our blocker. he can claim it was accidental but i doubt it. The fact hybrid wolves are now coming to help him , and that he opened blockers for them earlier but wouldnt for us despite us having the same NAP agreement , shows us something

seems a bit like your being selective.

17:52:56 Dec 12th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

You broke a NAP, live with it

some may say it was a "solid" reason to break it, some may say its not...

but, I would say that its not.

18:22:21 Dec 12th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

The last part of the post is not relevant as you already admitted guilt to NAP breaking in the first part.

18:59:27 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

i closed all gates after agreeing to a nap, and i DIDNT! mean to prep on you... why i did i dont know.. you should of sent me a message, but before you say i allowed you to take my citys, think about it, i WOULDNT for one as Bones and Bart or my friends... and secondly IF i did agree why did Koss attack me and then send me this message

Mr. Koss (12/12/2009 5:09:46 AM) GOOD BAD
sorry i didnt want to attack you but im under orders

so before you say your innocent... try to come up with a story that doesnt fuck its self over

19:00:24 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

Suqah i know you wont admit it as he is in your kingdom , but your an intelligent person.

I said youve broken NAp's with me 4 times , now its my turn was refering to him breaking this one 4 times. so he broke it first....

19:01:17 Dec 12th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

Kath, you are fucked

19:02:27 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

as opposed to his state... before all this?

19:03:28 Dec 12th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

yes i have broken naps with you... after you have attacked and army or a city.. so once again dont try and look like the innocent party

19:05:30 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

Duchess Darkmoore


18:59:27 Dec 12th 09 i closed all gates after agreeing to a nap, and i DIDNT! mean to prep on you... why i did i dont know.. you should of sent me a message, but before you say i allowed you to take my citys, think about it, i WOULDNT for one as Bones and Bart or my friends... and secondly IF i did agree why did Koss attack me and then send me this message

Mr. Koss (12/12/2009 5:09:46 AM) GOOD BAD
sorry i didnt want to attack you but im under orders

so before you say your innocent... try to come up with a story that doesnt fuck its self over

thats after you tried atacking us for me taking that city , look at which attack took place first. i ordered them to attack you after you attacked us again....clown

20:23:28 Dec 12th 09 - General Zondervan:

go kath!!!!!

20:54:11 Dec 12th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

Hmmmmm from what I can see on the Map Darkmoore didn't attack them. If Darkmoore did than show the proof the time of the attack and then the time you attacked. That will easily settle this. All I gotta say is I can almost see the whole map and I saw no Darkmoore army attack SK I log on not even 10 ticks later and I see 4 SK armies in Darkmoores core. So I mean unless Darkmoore attacked within those 10 ticks and SOME HOW 4 SK armies ALL over 10-20k in Darkmoores core than thats some fast movement. ESPECIALLY since Kath is over 15 ticks away, so I cant possibly see how 2 of Kaths armies got up there that fast. But if this is what happened than like i said post your news posting proving Darkmoore attacked before you did.

21:25:15 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

barti , slade admitted to prepping on our blocker. we said he prepped our blocker not attacked.

and as you know your core is on the other side of his core , as you know we are at war with you and have just repelled the 5 armies sent at us (which suspicously arrived with slades army , who we know is friends with you and good friends with bones and The Avenger , who both betrayed my kingdom early this era to join yours) our only logical move is to invade your lands. which  why are armies are closer then 15 ticks ,

21:28:58 Dec 12th 09 - Mr. William And His Pink Rhino:

good luck... many tried invading bart's lands... and even more failed before they got there ^^

23:17:21 Dec 12th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

"lols you attack a nap without warning because of a camping army.... without msg'ing... niiiice :P"

whats funny is that a player from a kingdom known as No Honour is weighing in on breaking ones word. thats some funny stuff.

just post a timeline because otherwise this just turns into who is buddies with who as to what happened.

23:59:13 Dec 12th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

Okay , slade NAP's us .

Slade attacks us , we repel him

slade attacks us again , we convince him to stop and the CF is put in place

slade attacks a passing army

we put the NAP back in place as shown above , slade said he doesnt want wolves to think he is betraying them , so instead of opening his blocker gates he said we should take his two cities blocking our way to wolves ( who we are at war with ) and build him 2 10 K mines in compensation.

We took two of the cities , he prepped on one of them , so i told my kingdom to start attacking him , the agreement was we held the cities for 24 hours and he prepped after 2 ticks.

Koss took his magic city .

he came here and bitched.

00:05:16 Dec 13th 09 - Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid:

So he wanted it to look as if you were at war with eachother by him prepping 2 ticks later?

00:07:21 Dec 13th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

it wasnt agreed by us , and i doubt it would need that many men simply to make it look like we were at war , but im not sure , didnt occur to me then thats all.

06:24:49 Dec 13th 09 - Mr. Justin:

he came here and bitched.

Sounds like you all the time actually. Dont like it when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine?

08:59:52 Dec 13th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Ok from what you just said its obvious that slade is a douche, he was trying to play both sides by appearing to be at war and giving you blockers so you could hit his buddies. seems pretty cut and dried, now cue the rants by slades buddies justify this.

12:35:50 Dec 13th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

Lord Thomaas


19:01:17 Dec 12th 09 Kath, you are fucked

lol Slade is basically dead now , he has 2 citise which he built quite far from us so we have to travel to , and one army left.

13:04:36 Dec 13th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

yeah and? who said that I meant that you are dead ingame?

17:28:59 Dec 13th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

lol ryan no honour and all that shiz, its a shame your own KD offered me a spot next era eh?

03:58:33 Dec 14th 09 - Duchess Darkmoore:

lol Kath you are such a fucking lair we napped... i prepped(for what reason i still cant remember).. you KILLED! my army then continued to attack.... we put a CF up then YOU attacked two ticks later.. stop making up shit

and i many only have 2 citys left.. but my AM armys pwn your lvl 1 spam :P

06:26:19 Dec 14th 09 - Sir Elldorian of Dol Aoth:

slade all you have accomplish is bouncing one of my armies. and yet it had level ones , because whilst you was farming all era , we were just oop :P and we still pwned you LOOL

07:26:25 Dec 14th 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

LOL My kingdom is Dark and I can assure you we wouldnt take you if you were the last player in VU, as for Ravage I have nothing to do with them, they showed their colours this era so you would fit right in.

09:20:49 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Wilover:

Serves you right Slade!

09:31:18 Dec 14th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Don't be making decisions for us Ryan. We can make our own decisions. And it was not RR that made the offer to him.

14:30:40 Dec 14th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau (12/9/2009 1:57:01 AM) GOOD BAD
join dark
You (12/9/2009 3:02:53 PM)
I'm not sure that would be a good idea.... with the history with ryan and all.... Who are you again?
Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau (12/9/2009 4:57:36 PM) GOOD BAD
ryan is a big teddy bear. he is a good guy if you get to know him. I'm landros


14:41:56 Dec 14th 09 - Mr. Mike Smith From Calif:

hey it worked on was ryan's enemy for over 2 years....

07:18:42 Dec 15th 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

I thought slade was alright.   I offered like 6 days ago so I have no idea what he has been up to since then.  He is welcome to join CRAZY.  Ryan doesn't make our decisions either.  hahahahahahaha.  poor ravage.  can you confirm that I don't make your decisions either...   lol 

09:50:13 Dec 15th 09 - Pirate Suqah:

Slade acts on his own behalf Kath, he's the only one of my kingdom in that world.

Slade is right because you ADMITTED to breaking the NAP. I don't see how this could be interpreted any other way.

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