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Kingdom Question
19:02:47 May 27th 08 - Mr. Lazarus:

I have been playing VU for a few eras now and im thinking of making a Kd.

My question is really just asking for opinions on what type of Kd and leaders you prefer. Just to satisfy my curiosity.

If possible I just want to know your opinions of the following kds ive heard about and the leaders.

Carnage – Marche

Dark Blood – Quietone

Legacy – Roxbury

Trio – squiddy

Music – Elmo

Sheolic – Diomedes

Abydos –  Finwe

PHI – not sure of the name.

Zeon – messiah.

If you want to go on and describe the type of kd you like best It would be helpful. I just want to know from the experience I don’t have whats most popular.



19:11:16 May 27th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

Single ruler if you are experienced enough and active enough, if not than oligarchy. Anything else is bound to fail.

19:15:50 May 27th 08 - Mr. Sin:

What do you mean type of KD? There is no categories.
- Big Whale over 30 members  [sux]
- Big Whale over 30 memebrs in Mantrax [sux even more, but rles the Mantrax]
- Small Crazy Pro KD of 6 players such as 'Power Puff Girls' that makes history change. [fun to look, but needs 6 non-lifers]
- Normal KD that doesn't do anything interesting.
- Legacy.
- Small KD that dies until the era ends.
- One member KD that always merge with 30 player KD.
- Zeon.

19:17:35 May 27th 08 - Duke Epymon:

Legacy – Roxbury

Sheolic – Diomedes

19:19:39 May 27th 08 - Mr. Pedro Al Bear:

Oh I thought you were asking what kingdom type is best, if that isn't what you were asking ignore my previous post.

19:23:35 May 27th 08 - Mr. Lazarus:

yes i wanted to know what type was best and what you think of those rulers.

19:24:51 May 27th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Legacy – Roxbury

Everything about this guy and kd sux :(

almost forgot to add, Squiddy and Elmo sux too!

19:44:57 May 27th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

DB the best with q :D
and music was good when spoon or kobu was in the leader pos ;D seloc sucks ass

20:09:50 May 27th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Roxbury? More like Coxbury

20:10:51 May 27th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Mavich/Marcjen was PHI's ruler. In my opinion all that a Kingdom needs is friendship and communication :)

20:25:39 May 27th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

and no "more inactive then you"

20:33:42 May 27th 08 - The Dark Knight:

Just to clarify for you a bit Lazarus.

While Marche is our named king, he is only that because we must have one to create a kingdom and because we voted him in.  Carnage while being massive, 37 memebers, likes to make sure that each voice is heard and we view ourselves as being run by 37 individual rulers working towards 1 common goal, not a king and some vices ruling over our vassals.  When we make a decision it is supported by the entire kingdom because everyone got to vote, and it is accepted that the popular vote wins without question and everyone pours all their energy into that idea until we move onto a new one.

So, the reason I am even saying this is this.  When you look at Carnage, you are not seeing the leading actions/styles of a king and some vices, you are seeing a kingdom who is being led by 37 equal share players, and I believe it makes for a better kingdom atmosphere all around.

20:41:12 May 27th 08 - Mr. Niko Bellic:

Thats crap, no wonder you don't win any battles mate. You need direction otherwise its 37 blokes/sheilas pulling in a different direction.

21:16:25 May 27th 08 - Mr. Sound:

Well you'd have to ask the players that have played with me. When not in a "small crazy pro kd" as Sin put it, I usually led with a small to medium sized core, with a focus on training over most other things.

The playing field is a lot more even now, with few major improvements and mostly nerfs in the last 15 eras. So it's much harder to create a super KD anymore. My definition of a super KD is one that can very easily win against any existing KD of equal size. I would only classify Legacy (and its progenitors) pre era-16 and V in era 24 as true super KDs, although there have been many other very good KDs in VU's history.

Of course this is evaluating KDs purely on achievements. What KDs people enjoy playing most in (not the same as public perception), that's the hard one to tell..

21:37:58 May 27th 08 - The Dark Knight:

I don't know Niko, we have been around longer than all the other kingdoms, with only Legacy to be the exception.  We are currently topping the charts, and we have had only 1 really bad era, last era...  Seems to me like we are managing just fine.  Other kingdoms have come and gone with the whole King, vices, peasants way of thinking, and inevitably they die out because it become 1 person bossing everyone around.  While it may work in the short run, people get tired of that quickly.  Us being here today is reason enough to believe our methods work.

And you should really read what I read.  We have direction, maybe you should read it all again until you can understand that.  Check out the last few sentences of the 1st paragraph.

21:41:17 May 27th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yeah your method works if long term medioctiry is the goal. Carnage have been average every era. your top? yeah so what ofc your top in total % when you have nearly double the kd members of anyone else and yet you still cant win any wars.

21:46:11 May 27th 08 - Mr. Spoon:

- Small KD that dies until the era ends.

I prefer that one, 10 - 15 members. Basically the core of a kingdom, which Sound was talking about, but no further members. Just work with a few members, and see how far you get. Personally I loved Music's first era on Fantasia, when we got banged by Mirror/Carnage. I had very good contacts with each member, and knew where to find about every army. Ofcourse I ruled as the one and only!!1

21:58:48 May 27th 08 - Lord Tudelu:

Oh and Finwe sucks btw, really really sucks.

22:01:28 May 27th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

the lamest kd ever was abydos... osiris sucks to much aligreats ass

22:11:11 May 27th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:

No offence, but Carnage are only top because they feasted on that Hamish guy and his small KD OP
Lovey thing to do, its war at the end of the day, but you cant go bosting too much about that, plus as many have pointed out, Carnage with 37 members?
Cmon Arch, thats pretty extreme
However when you look at the laughing stock, WoL with 31 members sitting somewhere in the Briggy...

Acrtic Devil - Shut up dude, your making a fool of yourself

22:23:06 May 27th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:

Carnage – Marche -   Big KD

Dark Blood – Quietone - Pulled together very strong last few eras, LGC ex players who left { As far as I know..} with more people added

Legacy – Roxbury - Always been here, bunch of Sweds  :P , one of most highlighted kingdoms in VU history

Trio – Squiddy - Only came to Fant last era, been around for 5 eras, looking good, Squiddy taking over from Hanky's reins as hes leaving </3

Music – Elmo - Mostly known run by Spoony, back to Fant new leader Seloc

Sheolic – Diomedes - Last era before disbanding after 2 eras.. internal probs, leave it there shall we

Abydos –  Finwe - Not around at this moment, graced by the likes of Sloth and others, hope they are back soon

PHI – Not sure of the name. - Who? :P , been recruiting I believe on lower worlds..

Zeon – messiah. - Fell apart, everyone left apart from Mess

23:00:37 May 27th 08 - Duke Fafnir The Odd:

From what I heard from a few people Carnage is becoming an aristocracy with the Vices deciding everything. At least that is what I heard, can I have a non-vice from Carnage verify this?

Also new (mostly newb) KDs don't survive democratically, but if you had a lot of experienced players it adds a twist to the game and they can survive well enough.

23:32:38 May 27th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

Apple Pie wrote : "PHI – Not sure of the name. - Who? :P , been recruiting I believe on lower worlds."

Umm ok so you're razzing us, hence the " :P "?

PHI was a very decent Fant kd for any number of eras under Mavich, especially Era 29 (Asystole) when it won. (Admittedly it had numerous members from Abydos along for that era). I enjoyed my time in PHI. :)

23:49:35 May 27th 08 - Duke Elmo The Opmonkey:

Music – Elmo
(Had to fit that in somwhere)

Zeon – messiah. - Fell apart, everyone left apart from Mess
should be
Zeon - Messiah. - Messiah became a recluse and people dwindled off....

There are many types of leader, the trick to being a successful one is to either be:
A very respectable and admired player,
In charge of mindless yes men,
Backed by a very respectable and admired player,
In charge of a really big kingdom that overpowers everything,
Being a lifeless loser who's online 24/7 AND can talk forever on nothing until you get your point across,
Liked by every single person in this game, yes that includes Cobra,
Really really reallly lucky,
Watched by a guardian angel.

23:59:59 May 27th 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Liked by every single person in this game, yes that includes Cobra,


03:37:08 May 28th 08 - Duke Loren Soth:

Has (or does) Zeta play? You know.. as God.

03:49:00 May 28th 08 - The Dark Knight:

Yes, we suck, you win, you guys are better, blah blah blah, I've heard it.  FAct is we are still here, nuff said.

06:42:19 May 28th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:

Gothrim - Just having a joke, I dont really mind PHI at all, It would be nice too see them back on Fant as we are lacking kingdoms  :(

07:36:56 May 28th 08 - Mr. Sin:

- Small KD that dies until the era ends.

I prefer that one, 10 - 15 members. Basically the core of a kingdom, which Sound was talking about, but no further members. Just work with a few members, and see how far you get. Personally I loved Music's first era on Fantasia, when we got banged by Mirror/Carnage. I had very good contacts with each member, and knew where to find about every army. Ofcourse I ruled as the one and only!!1

I meant small KD of less than 10... This is normal KD.

08:32:33 May 28th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

Faf, what you heard is incorrect, Carnage actions are still controlled by the vote ;) and no i'm not a vice nor do i want to be. i still have the same power as the vices or the king. ;)

08:48:11 May 28th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

Osi mate, i know you don't like "big" kingdoms, and that's up to you, and yes you do have the experience to say whether you like it or not, but last time and somewhat again this time you seem to say that anyone in a big kingdom can't play. maybe i read this wrong, or i am just misunderstanding all together, are you saying that i am not a good player?  i know you are a good player and you seem to know who does play the game well. i also know i would give you more then a run for your money if we fought and you should know that also.because we have fought in the past to some lousy stalemates.

09:40:43 May 28th 08 - Mr. Recluse:

Zeon – messiah. - Fell apart, everyone left apart from Mess

Get your story straight. Nobody wanted to leave but I kicked them all out becouse I'm taking a break. I only restarted on Zeta or wherever so my account wouldnt be deleted for me being dead. I've not built any cities yet but sometimes I log in an move my army around and look at the battles from the sideline.

The reason Zeon can't go on without me is becouse none of the co-creators wanted to bear the mantle atm.

And about leadership etc. Zeon is and has always been a Theocracy. This means, ultimatly, Zeta rules our kingdom - but via representatives.
This means that the current reincarnation of the Messiah has absolute mandate from Zeta to rule the kingdom of Zeta. But it is also a measure on a good ruler that he looks to everyone's best. While ruling absolute a Messiah is governed by the peoples love and as he bears the mantle of Zeta he must be good to his own and all other believers.

And since all everyday decisions can't always be made by the enlightened entity that is Zeta's son on earth, prophets are raised to the status of viceroys to handle things all from diplomacy to war organization.

Anyway, if I feel like it Zeon will be back in an era soon to be. I have people bugging me every day on MSN asking when we are coming back.

09:47:21 May 28th 08 - Mr. Recluse:

Fawk. I get like 2-5 new apps every time I log in. And as many msgs asking me to join their kds.... I*M NOT PLAYING

10:50:37 May 28th 08 - Mr. Gothrim:

"While ruling absolute a Messiah is governed by the peoples love"

Haven't we heard that before somewhere...

j/k ;) Hope to see you back some day. :)

14:55:48 May 28th 08 - Mr. Sound:

Lol I can't believe Osiris got more flaming than me. Well I would rank Abydos above Carnage, seeing as how Abydos was roughly even in warring strength while having 60% the members.

17:51:18 May 28th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I like abydos most, followed by Dark Blood.

as far as kingdom strength goes, if you ask me :

Legacy > Abydos > Dark Blood > Carnage > the other people which vary a load.

18:27:09 May 28th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XIV:

and also trio has showed them selves as a real good kd but i agree fully with lew on the kingdom strenghths

19:56:32 May 28th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Death Lord Draven. i didnt say carnage members all sucked. just the way carnage is run and the way carnage fights. Sound you would get flamed more if people recognised you ;) and as for Abydos we beat down Carnage with half your numbers one era after beating lgc. when carnage can beat any good kds let alone one of the top and on the verge of another win then i might reconsider your position as bottom of the pile.

20:04:12 May 28th 08 - Ms. Argon:

Wasn't elements the bottom of the pile? ^.^

20:21:05 May 28th 08 - Mr. Apple Pie:


20:22:41 May 28th 08 - Mr. More Inactive Than You:

Such an elegant way to start a flame war, Lazarus <3

03:37:26 May 29th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

well all i can say is that is a matter of opinion and leave it at that. i dont want to flame some really good kingdoms and or players whom i consider mates. i liked Abydos as a kingdom and wish you brought it back. i considered it a good kingdom just not in the area you put it. era wins mean nothing anymore, farm your butt off and win the era? that doesn't take skill. and yes i know you weren't referring to that. as for Carnage not being a good kingdom? i don't agree with that at all.

05:03:38 May 29th 08 - Sir Kevdwayne:

A good KD is one (and this is just my opinion) which can work as a team, overlook the minor differences and overcome adversity.  If it isn't fun to be there, then it just isn't a good KD, again just my opinion.  Draven is right, there are KD's winning eras on all the worlds just farming, but never working together and accomplishing anything as a group/ team and what fun is that?  Boring if you ask me, might as well play a farming game instead of VU.

04:57:51 May 30th 08 - Sir Kevdwayne:

what?  no one has a flame or something to add?

07:00:37 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Opportunity:

The Dark Knight


5/27/2008 1:37:58 PM
I don't know Niko, we have been around longer than all the other kingdoms, with only Legacy to be the exception.  We are currently topping the charts, and we have had only 1 really bad era, last era...  Seems to me like we are managing just fine.  Other kingdoms have come and gone with the whole King, vices, peasants way of thinking, and inevitably they die out because it become 1 person bossing everyone around.  While it may work in the short run, people get tired of that quickly.  Us being here today is reason enough to believe our methods work.

And you should really read what I read.  We have direction, maybe you should read it all again until you can understand that.  Check out the last few sentences of the 1st paragraph.
PKS has been around a long time... or are you talking about KD's that have been winning for a long time?

19:30:12 Jun 4th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

if he was then carnage wouldnt be in the same breath as lgc, it would indeed be at the level on PKS with a 0?

19:43:55 Jun 4th 08 - Mr. Arctic Devil:

osi posi

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