Forums / In game politics / Knights of the Black and White

Knights of the Black and White
23:30:50 Feb 3rd 09 - Duke Hugues of Sion:

The Knights of the Black and WhiteKingdom Banner

Name: The Knights of the Black and White
Members: 5
Tag: KBW
Created: 2/2/2009 3:08:31 AM
Leader: Duke Hugues of Sion


The Prieuré de Sion, a secret order hiding a secret treasure below the depth of Jerusalem, even below the depths of the human soul.

We pledge to hide these inevitable truths in order to try and keep peace and repel anarchy around the known world. I am Hugues de Payens, the father of the Priory of Sion and i call you to the pledge today. The secret is still out there somewhere and it is our job to find it and protect it again as we once did many years ago.

Hugues of Sion


Peace be with thee,

00:19:09 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Weston:


00:44:36 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Hugues of Sion:


00:45:34 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Weston:

Thought so, hey there =)
GL mate

00:49:23 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Hugues of Sion:


i am confused

00:57:44 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Weston:

Good luck, sorry =P

01:01:29 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Hugues of Sion:

thanks, i will try my hardest

01:46:03 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Bartimaeus V:

lmao uther tell me you were kidding and knew what GL meant

04:14:56 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Hugues of Sion:

i thought that he was hinting towards who he was for some reason...

: P

02:32:51 Feb 19th 09 - Duke Hugues of Sion:

OK we are now on Valhalla and we are pushing on having more members than ever.

If we wish to become a strong kingdom then we will need numbers.
Once we have those numbers we will learn to specialize.

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