Forums / In game politics / LGC finally on top of things

LGC finally on top of things
05:06:42 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

[Havoc] Carnage
With Mr. Stormcrow as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[Abydos] Abydos
With Dark Lord Osiris as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Lord Oya as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Drakos as leader.

[Zeon] Zeon
With Mr. Messiah as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Diomedes as leader.

[LDK] The Great Duchy of Lithuania
With Mr. Overcome as leader.

[AAA] Against All Authority
With Lord Zucox II as leader.

Mr. White Widow
Member of: Legacy.

Sir Yarlin
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Protector Nimic
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Isaac
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Sezymon
Member of: Legacy.

Sir Feanor
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Digger
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Roxbury
Member of: Legacy.

Prince Marduk Back
Member of: Carnage.

06:33:58 Mar 21st 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

You in Legacy or just a random ass-kisser? Or maybe sarcasm? If so ... my bad :p

06:42:01 Mar 21st 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well he is not in Legacy.

I think he just wanted to point out that we got back in top b4 the era was over.

Because lets face it the expectations on us are always high so if we are not in the top we will be flamed for not being there.
And if we are in top we will be flamed however we ended there.

So this is basically just a post to show that we are were we are expected to be and a invitation to flame us and set the whole of VU against us once more for winning.

08:06:56 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

nah im an ass-kisser =D

10:05:59 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:


11:18:59 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:


13:19:30 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

Hey chocolate lips. :)

15:28:21 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

Well he is not in Legacy.

I think he just wanted to point out that we got back in top b4 the era was over.

Because lets face it the expectations on us are always high so if we are not in the top we will be flamed for not being there.
And if we are in top we will be flamed however we ended there.

So this is basically just a post to show that we are were we are expected to be and a invitation to flame us and set the whole of VU against us once more for winning.

The only reason you are on top Swedish Chef Brashen is because all yall did was farm and didnt fight at all this era. If you call fighting LDK a war than thats pethetic. Dont try and say ur on top of things when other good Kds are being teamed up against while you sit bak and relax to see who will win. Maybe you should have done the greater good and helped out a KD thats being ganged banged and maybe i would have more respect for LGC but instead you just watched them roll right over us. So next time I dont want to hear *beep* about LGC being ganged banged and whining about it because i will just sit bak and laugh.

15:30:37 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Firestorm:

Damn trust you to take the screenshot when i was not on it. Damn you!

15:32:25 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

Soulofdoom, I don't think anybody -- not even our haters, will say Devi (and the rest of them tbh) won through farming this round.

I think Devi's going to be posting his prod at the end of the round. Needless to say, I think he's captured well over 100 towns this round or something ridiculous. From day one OOP, he was on the HoH (he and Cobra took A LOT of PHI cities, who had several players on the hoh themselves (Zero, Rose, etc)), and ever since then he's managed to keep the feat up by feeding off Zeon, LDK, etc. So to accuse him or even us of farming is a misdirection of your petty loathing. Those were war-gains from towns.

Well done tubster on the win.

15:35:33 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Digger:

Soulofdoom: your kd?

15:43:32 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

Im in DB but still ok maybe not truly farming but gaining towns from LDK and Zeon to get great income is another thing. Still the point is they didnt fght any of the top Kds. LDk had points yes but that was from farming alot. Zeon was trying to recover from a war against us. So still why couldnt LGC fight some1 like Carnage and PKS for trying to gang bang us this era? So i dont want to hear crap from LGC when they get gang banged on another era.

15:52:02 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Firestorm:

"Maybe you should have done the greater good and helped out a KD thats being ganged banged"

Wtf so now that you guys slagged us off all era YOU think WE should have HELPED YOU!

15:54:07 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Ftw:

If Devi gets the win, it will be one of the least ridiculous era wins in a long time. He fought, maybe not as much as any DB or Abydos player, but he certainly fought more and with more skill than any carnage players. Because of this Ill congratulate him if he gets it.

15:57:52 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Lgc didnt farm, they crushed *beep* and crap or already dead kds. its not farming soul its just avoiding a serious war. as you guys did to an extent last era :)

16:02:14 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

There was something wrong with last era's winner?

16:09:44 Mar 21st 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

@ Sloth =The only wrong there could ever be on a era winner is that he win because he farms, but I dont even remember what happened last era so I cant remember how the win came so ill not say anything good or bad about that special winner.

@ Smurfdoom thanks for proving me right I told you that this thread was a invitation to flame us and you started right away.

16:11:39 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

Thanks Osi. For once there's a reasonable comment from you.

Soul, maybe you're new to DB, I don't know. But last round we were gangbanged by BoW/Aby/PHI, while DB were right next to us and were only fighting PKS. Now, by all means complain we didn't "help you vs the gangbang" this round (we had *beep*ligation to help you anyway), but don't do it when you didn't make any effort to help us last round with armies vs Aby, etc, as that's a tad hypocritical.

Anyway, there's absolutely no need for flaming, so please don't start now. I think for once we've got a era winner from a genuine warrior. Cheers Devi.

16:14:29 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

Ok Firestorm ur stupid. Everyone on fant has crap to say about each of the KDs in Fant. If your going to take the crap personally then u and LGC do that. But just bru*beep* off and ignore it. Ppl get pissed in the forums and vent in the politics forum so u shouldnt take things so personally and seriously.

Osiris I was aware that it wasnt farming after spermstorm's message. But still Carnage and Pks had time to build up. DB faught all era against Zeon first, then your kd, then Carnage, and now Pks. We have had no time to rest. Osiris ur KD faught us and then faught LDK after that PKS stepped in and helped out LDK and then came carnage. So its pretty messed up that both of our KDS had no rest to build up. So if Aby and DB were to fight Carnage and PKS to begin with then this era probably wouldnt have ended up like this.

16:14:29 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

Ok Firestorm ur stupid. Everyone on fant has crap to say about each of the KDs in Fant. If your going to take the crap personally then u and LGC do that. But just bru*beep* off and ignore it. Ppl get pissed in the forums and vent in the politics forum so u shouldnt take things so personally and seriously.

Osiris I was aware that it wasnt farming after spermstorm's message. But still Carnage and Pks had time to build up. DB faught all era against Zeon first, then your kd, then Carnage, and now Pks. We have had no time to rest. Osiris ur KD faught us and then faught LDK after that PKS stepped in and helped out LDK and then came carnage. So its pretty messed up that both of our KDS had no rest to build up. So if Aby and DB were to fight Carnage and PKS to begin with then this era probably wouldnt have ended up like this.

16:18:58 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

no if we warred carnage from the start we would have crushed them :) and if they didnt turn up we would have beaten you guys too ;) some eras the warrior kds win other eras the farmers win such is life. but as for last era i would hardly call it a ganbgang when only 2 from phi attacked lgc ;) it was more like Abydos vs Lgc 2phi Vs lgc Bow vs Lgc Aby vs LB etc. the kds you warred were not allies but niether were lgc the only kd we warred <3

16:20:42 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Thomas VII:

as swedish said flaming is coming on how they ended on top :P

16:27:49 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Digger:

Ok warred Zeon? Then you've been warring carnage/pks in like the last couple of weeks? Oh noes :o Zeon aren't even dead yet! Get back in your box mate, you haven't done anything this era. I guarantee that Devi has taken more towns than any DB player. You are quarter LGC's size ffs, with more members.

16:28:54 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

Spermstorm yes i am new to DB and wasnt told everything that happened last era. I have nothing to say about last era so i wont go that far as FTW or Shyers and other DB members can go. So if thats how u want to get bak at DB for not helping out next era then thats fine.

Swedish the name u gave me was pretty lame so I wont hold you to that. But dont say crap that ur expectations are high just cause ur in LGC. Even if someother kd was to win, then every KD in Fant will be flaming them, so its not just ur kd. So just cause you might have won this era doesnt mean ur better then every kd in fant. I have nothing against Drunken and White Widow and some other LGC members but if ur kd wants to get revenge by just letting us get gang banged this era then so be it. If I was in DB last era I would have asked Quietone to help you out because its not cool to fight gangbangs. So whatever happened last era and this era should be dropped for the the next era cause we are even now.

16:32:44 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

Digger we warred Zeon in the beginning. Then we made a cf and they were in the process of rebuilding.

16:36:48 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Digger:

furry muff. Whatcha been doing in the mean time?

16:36:49 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

soul DB wouldnt have helped because 1 Lgc wasnt getting gangbanged at all and 2 it took you all era to beat pks you couldnt have helped if you wanted ;) 

16:39:34 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

Soul, I wasn't saying that we didn't help to "get back at DB". There isn't any obligation for us to help DB, regardless, meaning you could get in any number of fights and we still would not have any need to interfere. My other point was we received no armies to help fight off Aby and co, and so I said I don't think you should of expected any from us then, either, but that doesn't mean we didn't help to "get back at you".

Osi, I'm not going to get into an argument over this, but it wasn't "2 PHI people". We put 1/3 of our entire KD defences on the PHI front, they had 5, 6, 7 or more people there. 2 PHI players could not, and did not break through 1/3 of our KDs defence. If you want to imagine it was 2 people to make you feel better, then by all means do, but as somebody who was on the front and saw it with his own 2 eyes, there were several times more players from PHI there than you're describing.

Now, can we end this? No need for flaming. We should be congratulating Devi, and that should be the end of it.

16:48:21 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Slightlyhornieroldbastard:

Devi should indeed be congrat'd without any reservation. A nice win for an active era. Gratz mate.

16:49:17 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

ok Spermstorm i know where your coming from. I wasnt on fant last era so I dont know all the details. So im sry for the flaming i did on this thread and congrats Devi.

Digger DB has been at war all era so i dont remember exact times and how long we faught Zeon, Aby, Eternity, Carnage, Pks

16:50:10 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

ill congratulate you when you kill a kd of note in an era you won :) i have congratulated Lgc on many of there era wins but this one i dont see anything to congratulate you about.

16:57:11 Mar 21st 08 - Duke of Dark Blood:

Im not reading the flame stuff, and the stuff I did read I am ignoring, I dont like to flame LGC, it just doesn't seem fun, I like most of them, even if they don't like me >_<

Congrats on a very well fought win Devi, Ive seen your armies comming down very very far away from your home since era start : )

16:59:06 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Digger:

KD of note? There are no KDS of note besides legacy.

17:01:26 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

if you say so :) you know if you were the only kd of note all our era plans would revolve around lgc but heh they dont ;)

17:10:50 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Slightlyhornieroldbastard:

Mr. Digger
3/21/2008 4:59:06 PM
KD of note? There are no KDS of note besides legacy.

Oi Troglo! I thought they've made you shut up as you bring shame to the tag with your drivel.

19:41:06 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Soccerrogue:

y must everyone whine so much?  serious question.................

19:58:15 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

soccerrogue is bringing bak the flame.

20:54:58 Mar 21st 08 - Duke of Dark Blood:

Just like Arzun's bringing back the sexy ^^

20:55:16 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Draven:

Abydos crush Carnage lmao Osi, Aby couldn't crush Carnage even if we ourselves helped you

20:59:06 Mar 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[AP] Apollo
With Lord Seloc as leader.

[Havoc] Carnage
With Mr. Stormcrow as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[Abydos] Abydos
With Dark Lord Osiris as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Lord Oya as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Drakos as leader.

[Zeon] Zeon
With Mr. Messiah as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Diomedes as leader.

[LDK] The Great Duchy of Lithuania
With Mr. Overcome as leader.

[AAA] Against All Authority
With Lord Zucox II as leader.

Lord Seloc
Member of: Apollo.

Sir Yarlin
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Protector Nimic
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Isaac
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Sezymon
Member of: Legacy.

Sir Feanor
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Digger
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Roxbury
Member of: Legacy.

Prince Marduk Back
Member of: Carnage.

Don't worry I've solved your problem!

21:10:17 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Mr. Draven


3/21/2008 2:55:16 PM
Abydos crush Carnage lmao Osi, Aby couldn't crush Carnage even if we ourselves helped you


you clearly wernt playing when we beat back then broke Carnages core after beating lgc a few eras ago eh? oh yeah you had 40 members that time too

21:10:38 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[AP] Apollo
With Sir Revenge as leader.

[Havoc] Carnage
With Mr. Stormcrow as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Sir Grim Darkhammer as leader.

[Abydos] Abydos
With Dark Lord Osiris as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Lord Oya as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Drakos as leader.

[Zeon] Zeon
With Mr. Messiah as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Diomedes as leader.

[LDK] The Great Duchy of Lithuania
With Mr. Overcome as leader.

[AAA] Against All Authority
With Lord Zucox II as leader.

Sir Revenge
Leader of Apollo.

Lord Seloc 
Co-Leader of Apollo.

Mr. Elsin
Member of: Legacy.

Lord Protector Nimic
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Isaac
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Sezymon
Member of: Legacy.

Sir Feanor
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Digger
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Roxbury
Member of: Legacy.

Prince Marduk Back
Member of: Carnage.

Much better now  =]

21:16:14 Mar 21st 08 - Lord Seloc:

Who was the one that abandoned Apollo to join aby agian?

21:18:12 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

*Revenge turns round looking for someone

" Beats me ..."


21:36:05 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

So y did aby disband?

21:37:02 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Osi and Sloth etc
Are on leave for a while

They will come back { They said ='[ }


21:47:22 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

oh ok. Well that will leave only 4 major kds in Fant now.........

21:49:35 Mar 21st 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

4? you mean 3 right

21:54:21 Mar 21st 08 - Sir Revenge:

Nice one Osi   xD

21:55:10 Mar 21st 08 - Mr. Roxbury:

Congrats Devi =)

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