Forums / In game politics / LGC sucks

LGC sucks
03:21:25 Mar 13th 08 - Sir Shyers From The Black Laggon:

thats right, i said it, i saw them yesterday and they had a coke from Mc Donalds and they were...SUCKing on the straw, and the day before that i saw one of them blow (up a balloon) too!

but seriously, how bout changing your banner? i saw Sezy sitting on my town and since i'm color blind i almost smacked his sexy ass in a not fun way, like i usually do. i thought he was part of carnage! if i had not pulled out my periscope and looked, i could have made a bad bad error, the last thing i need is Elsin making me sleep on the couch cuz i hurt his friend, and i like spooning!....not spoon thou, not that i hate him, but you know what i mean.
in short, Roxy i demand you put your artistic skills to the max and produce a banner worthy of your sticky keyboard and sloppy mouse!

03:34:49 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:


04:17:37 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:


06:15:15 Mar 13th 08 - The Architect:


Rolling On Laughing Floor?

Dude, you should get off that floor A.S.A.P.

I wouldn't trust a laughing floor for a second...

07:42:13 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Digger:

Shyers how about you f*ck off and stop clogging up these forums with irrelevant and unfunny bull*beep*.

07:48:19 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Razorfire:

Digger must be having his periods.

08:10:19 Mar 13th 08 - Prince Mielo:


08:18:46 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Anubis:


A$$ my Laughing Off??????

08:48:10 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:


*shock* THE Architect *shock*

13:43:59 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


14:15:26 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

the problem with our banner changing discussions is, everytime it crops up, ez's favourite gets thrown into the mix of contenders.

and with the high percentage of homosexuals that are in our kingdom, ez's favourite banner always racks up a lot of votes. so to avoid having such an awful banner, we avoid all banner discussions like a plague.

15:10:04 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

.ad ahw esaht at gninihw fa doetsni ,sevlesruay emog eht yolp at nroel at yrt dluahs uay ebyoM .uay fa tal eht ,sbaan ydaalB .sualoej tsuj ero uaY

15:11:36 Mar 13th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Dutch ?

15:49:59 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Memory:

translation :
You are just jealous. Bloody noobs, the lot of you. Maybe you should try to learn to play the game yourselves, instead of whining to those who do.


15:51:49 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

You are just jealous. Bloody noobs, the lot of you. Maybe you should try to learn to play the game ... , instead of whining ... ... ... ... .

EDIT : Thanks Memory ^_^

15:57:38 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Memory:

you're welcome :)

and Revenge: not dutch :)

16:05:54 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


16:11:47 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

..uay at saduK !ti daatsrednu enaemas ,gma

16:13:20 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

OMG, someone understood it! Kudos to you..

16:13:50 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Kudos to who?

16:16:34 Mar 13th 08 - Sir Binh The Assassin:

I'm impress that you have the time to type things backward Nimic. lol, is there a program that do this? :P

16:41:02 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Orcinus Orca:


17:26:23 Mar 13th 08 - Sir Revenge:

sualoej tsuj ero uaY   = You are just jealous

How the hell is that backwards?

17:33:08 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

a swapped with o you fool!

17:35:20 Mar 13th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Oh right.....

17:36:33 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Seloc:

.ooe srteetl paws nac I !esiwe a rof sihe yrT

17:44:17 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. William:

no you canīt

18:59:22 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Try this for a twist! I can swap letters too.

19:05:13 Mar 13th 08 - General Ptang Bang Kipperbang:

:O banner change!!! yes it is about time isnt it :)))) Now where is that beautiful looking banner...

19:48:15 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Spermstorm:

dont you dare batman

19:51:49 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i told you go for the pink one...

19:58:09 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

"I'm impress that you have the time to type things backward Nimic. lol, is there a program that do this? :P"

Nah, I just do it myself, when I have nothing better to do. Which is most of the day. It's not really hard, just write like you usually do, but go back one step for every letter ^^

20:59:51 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Shumino:

Int it pig latin or something? thought there was something where you switch letters and put it backwards

21:09:19 Mar 13th 08 - Mr. Vladimir Koslovenko:

fol shqipe, osht mir.

23:07:17 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

!read this if you caN

23:28:07 Mar 13th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Wtf Weird, stop ruining the thread.

04:39:14 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Shyers From The Black Laggon:

whatever, wtf, you all have  no reason to be here...well expect the few LGC's and the  few shyers admires.... any why did suddenly my  glorious thread of highly usefully information turn into some weird language thing, come on guys, if you want to talk to me, you got to do it slowly, i'm hard of thinking.
since you LGC's like to steal banners so much, ex: carnages, why don't you just steal DB's since i hear you are in love with them..

oh, and digger, dont hate on me just cuz we are not the same race! make love not flames. your beginning to sound like your part of Aby

20:26:51 Mar 14th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

:( Nimic :(

21:13:54 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Shyers is my hero!

21:35:28 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

silly legacy took all my best cities, the poop heads

23:30:06 Mar 14th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

Poop heads, funny thing, coming from a guy who's nick is Scottology.

23:41:03 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Scottology:

what do you mean?

23:45:34 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

lgc are poo eaters

02:14:43 Mar 15th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Couldn't disagree with Penguin. Well maybe except Nimic. He is lovely :)

A farmer but still lovely <3 <3 <3

Marry me etc.

11:27:26 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Justanius The Revengful:


11:52:52 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

  • 14:19:52: Lgc Sucks Poo lost a battle against Wolf V from The Juchi. The army escaped to Super Sly. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 9766 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 20:22:14: Lgc Are Poo Eaters lost a battle against Frasiersdead from Lord Verll. We lost 1 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 22051 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • SH1T i cant believe they almost killed "lgc sucks poo" but Verll ;( i hate him :D

    14:49:35 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

    "No albi, they didn't chase you hear becuase of your racism. They chased me here too when i became more disfigured like this. They just dont like you and i... becuase... well... becuase were different to them..."

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