Forums / In game politics / LGC

17:22:56 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

erm yeah, i was just wondering why they were having a bad era? i can see them owning the HoH list and causing mayhem like usuall!!

I mean come on! im the 6th most powerfull ruler (soon to change i think :[ ) WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS!! make it interesting!! kill something.

17:33:49 Jul 9th 07 - Judge Renoir:

Next time, just entitle your post: "Yay I'm on the hoh: my shameless plug" and be done with it.

17:38:30 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

*rolles eyes*

another guy who wants to start to flame.

for people that no me (such members of Phi and ex-bow) i dont play for HoH lists. end of.

and my point still stands, where the hell are LGC?....

17:46:28 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

LGC is getting beat up by Abydos.......and DB is getting spanked by PHI.

17:47:59 Jul 9th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

Well the people that were complaining about a supernap last era, did it themselves this era. So lgc people ain't in hoh cause of the pot and kettle syndrom ;)

17:49:25 Jul 9th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Well the people that were complaining about a supernap last era, did it themselves this era. So lgc people ain't in hoh cause of the pot and kettle syndrom ;) .... The Abydos Zeon alliance do you mean? because thier hasnt been any naps on the scale of last era.

17:53:37 Jul 9th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

so abydos is not napped to phi?

17:54:09 Jul 9th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

and phi ain't napped to mad, jester, abydos and zeon?

17:55:06 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. William Iii:

i played one era next to you... do i know you now? XD

18:03:11 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

who are you? and do you mean me?

18:09:44 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

To my knowledge Abydos is only NAPed to Jesters and Music(now gone) and their MAPed to ZEON and Jesters is NAPed to ZEON, Abydos, Red Hand, and Falcons. Also PHI is NAPed to MAD, and there is a possibility that Abydos will NAP PHI is they havn't done so already. So all in all there is an close to 7 KDs who are internapped and so forth. To add unto that Abydos wanted Carnage to NAP them so they can beat on LGC.

18:10:57 Jul 9th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Drent Abydos didnt nap phi untill long after your defeat was assured. it was a simple choice we were warring lgc and carnage were attacking us. now do you propose we war phi carnage and lgc with our 19 players?

Lgc is losing for simple reasons not some uber alliance

1. They started next to hostile kds we started next to our allies (zeon) and the only other kd we ever really nap (Jesters)
2. They warred from oop while we did a little nub bashing and had our dwarves explore for war with lgc.
3. Lgcs allies (Db) afaik started split in half and next to phi meaning you were pretty screwed.
4. Lgc players on the whole seem to be a little inactive and a little dis interested
 dont even think about flaming us for naps when we were prepared to accept a CF from DB. The reasons lgc are not winning pretty much all boil down to poor luck.

18:11:28 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Orly:

Abydos and PHI are NAPed and have been for a while now.

EDIT: Nice summary, pretty accurate.

18:12:23 Jul 9th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

To add unto that Abydos wanted Carnage to NAP them so they can beat on LGC.  <--- that is a lie where the hell did you hear that?

18:15:26 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Ah no you can't say 19 core MAPed to ZEON and that puts ZEON and Abydos like one KD and that one KD has 44 players, and to add Jesters to the mix it puts you guys at 77 players while LGC, Carnage, and Phi combined make up 75 players. So I would say it would of been rather even ;-)

Where did I hear that Abydos wanted to NAP Carnage? LOL, becuase I was there when Abydos said if you NAP us we can arrange ZEON to NAP you and so now don't lie, you don't have to be ashamed =P

Jesters arn't NAPed to Falcons, but there's a CF and Jesters wanted Falcons and RH to attack Carnage.

18:15:54 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

'Jesters is NAPed to ZEON, Abydos, Red Hand, and Falcons'

just to let you all no, Jesters arnt NAP'd to Falcons.

18:16:34 Jul 9th 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

lol theres alot of people who have very crappy information, well done people pat yourselves on the back

18:17:25 Jul 9th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Ah no you can't say 19 core MAPed to ZEON and that puts ZEON and Abydos like one KD and that one KD has 44 players, and to add Jesters to the mix it puts you guys at 77 players while LGC, Carnage, and Phi combined make up 75 players. So I would say it would of been rather even ;-)


WTF are you on? seriously

18:18:27 Jul 9th 07 - Sir Kira:

4. Lgc players on the whole seem to be a little inactive and a little dis interested << Well, it IS summer time after all. Lots of stuff to do IRL and girls to check out on the lake. ;-)

18:21:05 Jul 9th 07 - Ms. Salmon:

We love Legacy!

18:35:46 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. MY God Farts:

i think none of you guys can stand the fact that abydos beat legacy with almost no help just a little distration from mad who ended up falling at the start

and phi beat darkblood with almost no help either just a slight distraction from abydos and jester

18:46:54 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Bananahallow:

Yes we do!

19:12:05 Jul 9th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

<shakes head with frustration>


When will some learn that this kind of thread will only lead to flaming and insulting? When will we all learn VU rumours and scuttlebutt is like a 2-dollar whore, its been everywhere....

I have heard everything this era, from a megaalliance in the center of the map to legacy disbanding to some legacy/db war that was supposed to take place to carnage disbanding....information gets scrambled or exaggerated and then passed along which gets even more scrambled and exaggerated...i have found that 95% of all stuff i hear from others is highly inaccurate and just ignore it...

19:13:51 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Devi:

Actually  Zeon is beating up on LGC with lots of help from Abydos, I know I am there, lol. Even though there roles have reversed now.

Dark Lord Finwe hit the nail on the head a few times.

I think my god farts needs to find some of that RL stuff.

/me grabs the cooler, jumps in the boat and drives off to find Fiz and the chicks at the Wet Bar.

20:19:13 Jul 9th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Someone said before me that much of what is seen here is inaccurate and ends up farther from the truth than anything else. Very much true.

Like the post that said PHI and Abydos were NAPd for a while now. We just recently NAPd but I'd like to raise my glass in honour of this event, who would have thought two eras ago that such a thing would be possible again?

And I must say (and I expect some flaming and 100 posts telling me that I'm BSing) that I'm indeed happy to see this happening. IMO, the NAP was not majoritary forced by the circumstances.

And about Legacy, their results that were not as satisfying as last era's, have probably been caused by facing tougher opponents (as I don't doubt Abydos and Zeon are) and by their very explainable fatigue (same outnumbered fights all era, era after era -- if you exclude last one -- can get you bored). IMO at least... It wasn't the members going inactive. Every Kingdom had that and Legacy has had that a lot of times and still got past it afaik.

One thing is sure... When fighting Legacy (which PHI didn't quite do this era yet) it's not over till it's over (or till the fat lady sings, if you prefer this version).

IMO, if I exclude the flame wars and the braincell damage inflicted by the angryness of seeing river jumping and bought BTs used against my Kingdom (and no, this isn't another flame -- just explaining what ruined this era a bit for me), I could say that this era was one of the nicest I've had, far better then last one.

Nice game to everybody here and especially to the Jesters who seem to have finally found their rightful deserved HoH spot, hehe, joke :P

21:47:31 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Were not NAPPed with Falcons.


21:51:02 Jul 9th 07 - Guildmaster Shizzlemynizzletillifizzle:

how many times do u need to repeat your nonsense?

22:09:10 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

lets not forget music who practicly gave all their cities away to the allieance they had farmed a good score to even be considered one of the top KD's..
the cities they gave you is a very big advantage to consider.

22:09:12 Jul 9th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

ha ha

ha ha

ha ha

yeah...PHI (with it's massive BTs) beat down DB, Abydos and Jesters split our already split armies even more, sucks to be hit from three directions, LGC was busy with MAD and Aby with it's muilt allances had only one choice where to move...LGC. So...kinda looks like last era dont it :) except reversed

I'm not complaining or flaming, just telling the truth. This is what has happened. It's nothing to get upset about, it's a game and this is how it rolls. Mulit allances make for a boring game. Truly you only need 1-2 allies and they need to all be together with no one else, to be NAPed with KD A that is Naped with KD B all but makes you NAPed with KD B as well.

I don't understand why you all are upset....and the funny thing is....your complaining, not

22:21:51 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

Lol Shyers, your kingdom rejected our NAP offer early era and got it up the bum, now shut up =)

22:23:49 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

thnx to the alliance im doing the closest thing to defending than i did in many ages..
sharpens the rusty old skills.

22:33:09 Jul 9th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

haha CR....:p

what the hell would we want to NAP you for? we rejected more NAPs than you guys. I told you i wasn't complaining, i was just stateing the facts. Geez, you guys need to grow up! I just get done saying that alot of NAPs suck and you try to say we shoulda NAPed? did you even read what i said or did you just see my name and start vomitting out words?

22:33:09 Jul 9th 07 - Ms. Salmon:

lets not forget music who practicly gave all their cities away to the allieance they had farmed a good score to even be considered one of the top KD's..
the cities they gave you is a very big advantage to consider.

OK! Take that back.
Music DID NOT FARM AT ALL. We have had war with Pks, Carnage, Red Hand, Mirror and The Falcons.
We had no time to farm. We were behind economically, but on the same military level.
Take back, Music did NOT farm.

22:36:23 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Breadlord:

they had a high score .....
good amounts of dwarves
and armies i dont know i dint have to fight them sinse i was farming atm :P

22:36:35 Jul 9th 07 - Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You:

ok, i'll take it back that Music did not farm.....kinda contradictory but hey, it's your life.

22:37:00 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Sexyman:

Shhh, just take it up the bum =)

22:44:22 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Swofty:

And to add to Salmons post.

Red Hand took a lot of cities in our 'second core'. Actually they took all of them once we decided to retreat from fantasia. (not saying they couldn't have taken them if we stayed. Also not saying they would've taken them)

Mirror and Carnage took some cities we had on our starting position. Definately not all of them went to ZEON. (though I don't know the situation right now)

So basically ZEON doesn't really benefit from the cities because

  1. Only about half of them are taken by them (about 50/50 armoury/mining).
  2. Carnage(/Mirror) easily entered the area our cities were which is very close to ZEONs core.
Abydos and Jesters weren't even close enough to take any of the cities we had.

22:51:34 Jul 9th 07 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Sir IM Shyers Who The Hell Are You
people complain because you keep spewing bs :P Abydos didnt attack db untill you took a wall leading to our core. then we accepted your CF which you withdrew so whos fault is it you split your forces?

23:08:19 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

OMFG another flmae tread of people stating that they are just posting facts.

Blar blar blar blar blar.

Carolus - shoo away from my thread, only i take it up the bum!

Shyers - noone needs to grow up! growing up is silly and spoils all the fun of life.

I say if you grow up you should be shot in the face!!




*i joke*

Growing up is this shiz.

Obviously :P

23:20:14 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Dark Orion:

Lol Shyers

"yeah...PHI (with it's massive BTs) beat down DB, Abydos and Jesters split our already split armies even more, sucks to be hit from three directions, LGC was busy with MAD and Aby with it's muilt allances had only one choice where to move...LGC. So...kinda looks like last era dont it :) except reversed"

Lgc fought only Abydos and MAD..PHI didnt fought too much Lgc..if they foght at all..only one DB guy who turned to Lgc after DB was falling or so

 And the "Great Alliance" of Abydos with Zeon and teh Nap with Jesters was made to fight Lgc+DB+Mirror(+that later Carnage intervened too) tell me who would've bet his 2 cents in teh begining of teh era on this Great Alliance who ppl say it's way overpowered comparred to Lgc one ..lolz

Prolly the situation would've been more equilibrated if PHI wouldnt have stopped DB and laters defeat them but the other 2 kds(Zeon and Jesters) had to fight against Mirror,red Hand and Abydos was left to fight against Lgc and Carnage in some places latly ...So where is this overpowered alliance?

And  Shyers u dare compare this war with the one from last era when Abydos fought alone against PHI+LGC+DE+Carnage+another 3-4 other lil kds??U should be really a dumbass to make such comparations..


23:30:23 Jul 9th 07 - Lord Sanosuke Sagara:

everything that has happened this era, has happened before in a previous era...........what i dont get is why you are all so surprised by this, if a tactic works then its going to be used....just because LGC isnt the one using doesnt mean people should start....then again saying that even if LGC did do it then people would flame regardless....funny old world.

You all suck btw....

*douses himself in oil and waits to be burrrrned*

23:31:15 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Cros:


23:39:29 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Einskaldir:

of course a lot depends on how good a start you get and fortunes can change a lot extremely fast. everyone has bad eras sometimes

23:53:26 Jul 9th 07 - Mr. Messiah:

In respect to NAPing/MAPing alot of kingdoms.
I have said this before and I will say it again. There is a big difference between doing something becouse you can(LGC last era) and doing something becouse you must(ZEON this era).

We ended up in the middle of the map. Since LGC already at oop where building armouries at our perimeters we decided to NAP Music and Jester. Meaning our south and west where safe(for the moment atleast).
This means we had 3 NAPS/MAPS.
Now Music is no more, but at the same time we NAPPED Phi(pretty much only becouse we are alliance with Abydos and they NAPPED Phi.), not that it matters, we dont share any borders. This means we still have 3 NAPS/MAPS and those where ONLY(xcept for Phi) signed for one reason: if we hadnt, we would be dead(by LGC hand most likely, or Carnage).

I know ya'll think I'm just mudslining, but I really would like for you to understand how I am thinking.

On the Music matter. We gained close to nothing from them leaving, what we DID gain was couple of players who wished to keep fighting. Our guys hardly got anything, perhaps 25k land max all in all. On top of that we got couple of 50k Carnage and Mirror armies and a score of smaller ones - right inside our core area! We didnt have any time to prepare, one moment, ppl where beginning to leave Music, and we got couple of applications. The other there was no blocker any more.

00:06:14 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Yeah it was a nightmare for Jester to, we saw the Carnage/Mirror joint attack and sent in tons of troops.

00:23:38 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

And about NAPs. Depends your point of view. Until now, you might as well consider PHI has no NAPs. The only Kingdom we've intersected with and that we have NAPd was MAD and our interest zones only collided after they got pretty much screwed by Legacy.

Afaik, Phi has always had a more restrictive NAP policy then Legacy :) We are too lazy to make more NAPs than absolutely necessary.

Max naps was last era when Legacy asked us a NAP from the start then we were forced to NAP DB (and I wish to underline that it was against my wishes) cause Draiken attacked us while we were fighting Carnage and BACCUS and GoD, a war too equilibrated to allow any other interferences and then we NAPd our Mirror friends cause they were also close to us and we were really having a nice ending with a 1vs1 against Carnage :)

I count 3 NAPs. Not that many considering it was the most we ever achieved as far as I can remember :)

That much for the NAP thing. Also, I would like to state that I find this post as far away as possible from a flame so please don't any of you start one :)

And yes, we haven't fought Legacy this era yet :)

00:39:02 Jul 10th 07 - Ms. Persephone:

@Weirdgrivi: Come on man, dont let the fire die down, i brought some marshmallows and hershey bars for everyone:(

01:08:52 Jul 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

:) Then come to my tent :)

01:54:16 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Enyalius:

Sigheart Jesters sent maybe 4 armies max to that "joint attack".

Messiah don't over exagurate. There was only 1 50k army from Mirror.....and 3 5k armies from Carnage. It's kinda funny what only 3 5k armies can do.

Also why is everyone crying? All this topic was about was why LGC had a bad era.......and LGC answered. Also LGC/DB isn't crying but I see plenty of others whining.

02:12:00 Jul 10th 07 - Mr. Sean Elderson:

Win some... Lose some... But hopefully learn some... And grow... It is just a game...

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