Forums / In game politics / LH Nap Breaker Scum

LH Nap Breaker Scum
13:03:44 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Why did you break the NaP with us?
Is it because you got a NaP with Rebirth?

Just another kingdom in the alliance vs Domination

Feel proud guys!

13:09:27 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

Mr. Kat (11/4/2009 5:08:59 AM) GOOD BAD
Greetings Domination!
I would like to propose a NAP between our two great kingdoms! You may ask yourself what do we have to offer and for one we are not part of any other allience and we heard All the top kd are gonna war you guys. We can help you with the war we are a small yet powerful kingdom that is rapidly growing in power.

You (11/4/2009 8:50:42 AM)
alright, we want it.

~ General Terms ~
1. This NAP has the duration of the entire era. MAP does not override NAP.
1.1 Any violators will be kicked out of the kingdom and killed if he/she does not comply to the punishment agreed on by both kings.
1.2 Neither kingdom is liable for the damage done to NAP violators during their NAP violation. (since you will not be able to answer messages asap, to avoid further damage)
1.3 All ''important'' messages are to be replied within a 24 hour period.

~ Blocker Terms ~
2. All blockers are to be closed
2.1 Blockers shall not be opened to any enemy of the NAP-partner.
2.2 Blockers won''t be opened to third party kingdoms unless agreed by both kingdoms.
2.3 Unprotected or Abandonned blockers that cause enemies to pass are considered to be

Etc etc...


Mr. Kat (11/4/2009 1:19:24 PM)  GOOD  BAD
allright i'll let my members review it and get back at you in a few hours.
Mr. Kat (11/4/2009 10:00:59 PM)  GOOD  BAD
 We accept welcome new friend =)

Then all of a sudden they decide, no we are gona break it!

General Zondervan (11/7/2009 5:16:05 AM) GOOD BAD

I know LH has agreed to an era long NAP. BUt since it has not been agreed long, i am taking it back and going to act as if we are nuetral.

So here i cancel the NAP and leave us nuetral.



13:15:39 Nov 7th 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Maybe you called Z names or something

13:17:37 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Brown Bear:

well there u go nap break!.. just teached ppl who to not trust but right now....there aint no other way then fighting to go rev

13:17:51 Nov 7th 09 - Lord Thomaas:

lol, no he didn't

No idea why he broke it...

13:21:44 Nov 7th 09 - Sir Brown Bear:

OMG U GUYS CALLED HIM NAMES!....why now that makes him want to break a pact that he signed :( ...the unhonourable ones are those throwing around insults!

15:47:06 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

this has got to be the most ret@rded era i have played and seen the weirdest things happen.

- NAP breaks, (maybe it is an inexperience leader, dunno)
- kingdom swapping, like i meant there are few members in nirvana that have change like 4 kingdms already (nibiru, then ATM, then wormwoods... then now joining BoW)
- sprout with this 3 - 5 accounts LOL

the Era just started

the only think good that happened this era, is seeing an entire map 3-5 kgdms, teaming up to war us, makes us feel so special. I mean that is a victory right there. LOL

FYI, i have so much respect for rebirth, the rest i dont know much about.
hopefully we can have fun and have a great war with no more surprises

15:58:24 Nov 7th 09 - General Zondervan:

if you all would read in nirvana forum..there would be no need for this new topic...

16:33:41 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Teirdel:

Yes we look forward to having a fun war with you too dom. :) Also yes having all of us team against you is a great achievement itself :)

17:04:13 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

also theres no map, only a general nap between all these kds bunched up, wich will increase our chances of survival a lot.

18:14:30 Nov 7th 09 - Mr. Path:

I played with Kat in age 33, Era of Dark Blood or something like that.  We were in the kingdom Angels together and then halfway through the round he leaves the kingdom and has his entire army in the middle of our core, destroying most of our mines.  When asked why he did it he said "Well my friends started on a new map, so I want to quit.  This way you guys help kill me and I have a little bit of fun."  Now, prior to this there was absolutely no arguments or any possible justification.  I am confident it is the same person because those people in LH were some of the names of the friends he had.

In obviously can't trust him.  For that matter, I wouldn't trust his friends, by association....unless I knew them *really* well.

18:26:59 Nov 7th 09 - General Zondervan:

want to know something? kat (edd) told me to NOT cancel the nap. shut it. it was my choice and mine alone. dont bring my kd members into this. and personally. this is between kds on nirvana... so shut it

00:05:28 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

well uh if i'm right i'm pretty sure every one in this thread has been in a kd that breaks a nap so that makes all of us nap breaking scum so shut the hell up and take what you got and go with it

03:51:43 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Offensivename:

Amen Jackdaniels Amen

04:04:43 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Mr. Path


09:14:30 Nov 7th 09
I played with Kat in age 33, Era of Dark Blood or something like that.  We were in the kingdom Angels together and then halfway through the round he leaves the kingdom and has his entire army in the middle of our core, destroying most of our mines.  When asked why he did it he said "Well my friends started on a new map, so I want to quit.  This way you guys help kill me and I have a little bit of fun."  Now, prior to this there was absolutely no arguments or any possible justification.  I am confident it is the same person because those people in LH were some of the names of the friends he had.

In obviously can't trust him.  For that matter, I wouldn't trust his friends, by association....unless I knew them *really* well.

And yet you trusted his friends Path while you were in Angels and when we left. Sabbath, Brutii, Destroyer, etc all of us and we didnt do anything to you at all. So saying you cant trust Kats friends is a bunch of bullsh1t

04:15:39 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Offensivename:

at least theres more then one annoying person on forums

04:25:16 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Cuddly Bear:


04:54:15 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Path:


No, can't really trust you either.  Considering with two weeks left in the middle of the age, you guys left the kingdom as well.  You made your own kingdom, and the result of which was our core resembled a mosaic of three kingdoms.  The blockers got all screwed up and we recieved another dose of our mines getting burnt by some outside players.  Regardless of the fact that you didnt immediately backstab us intentionally, your action caused us even more trouble.  2 weeks left in the age and you cant wait to make your own kingdom?

I was done playing in that kingdom anyhow.  It was my first age, but I realized playing with a bunch of 15-16 year old emotionally handicapped kids would lead to problems.  Regardless, my earlier statement still stands.  Feel free to slander me all you wish but I am only speaking the truth.

06:05:51 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Justin:

With Stalin leading no we didnt wanna wait. His orders were and are always rediculous. When he did nothing but farm while we held off  Elements at the blockers. You guys played as his b1tches and we opened our eyes and said fu(k him and amde our own kd that was more successful in those 2 weeks then his entire era of leading. We continued to fight along side you against  Elements and still had an extremely successful war against Dacii. Farm all you guys want but our kd was a war kd not a sit back and farm one. We never took any of your cities, we had no control of any blockers at all so i dont see your complaint on that one except the fact that you like to point fingers.

07:14:11 Nov 8th 09 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

lol that was a great era i remember some one from angels took one of my cities and preds freaked out about it and we had one massive group of armies at your guys doorstep the next day man were those the good days when preds fought elements like 3 eras in a row and won every time it was great even after elements assimilated cease and most of spqr we still beat them and they were on top of our core ah were those good days

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