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Last Day income!
00:12:08 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Zenknight:

post ya income and resource here and let compare with me first!

armageddon 5th most powerful ruler and 8th of the most fearsome and i'm the leader of the army of darkness.

total: +913,839 -18,067 +429,010 +11,425 111,812

army upkeep: -117,218

building upkeep: -75,684

total income: +720,937


00:14:43 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Bran:

total: +17,913,839 -18,067 +1,429,010 +11,425 500,812

army upkeep: -1,117,218

building upkeep: -75,684

total income: +15,720,937

00:15:15 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Confused:

total: +7,352,713 +684,603 +3,253,224 +696,554 857,226
army upkeep: -780,776
building upkeep: -669,165
total income: +5,902,772


starta 4th nd i didnt farm

00:53:09 Dec 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Total: +1,220,109 +2,038 +500,882 +13,752 135,330

Army Upkeep: -214,588

Building Upkeep: -92,835

Total Income: +912,686

00:53:40 Dec 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

all i have been doing is pumping troops which are currently in most of my cities.

00:54:29 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Landric:

Total: +5,121,623 +9,333 +2,245,525 +45,834 396,382

Army Upkeep: -426,545

Building Upkeep: -293,159

Total Income: +4,401,919

00:57:13 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Landric:



00:59:46 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Zenknight:

not bad but i wanna see ya income lol

01:41:09 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Barney:

Rockss 68% 78% 100% 53% +1,385 +1,405 -346 +468 +0 477 Nothing

Total: +2,596,782 -167,072 +1,081,075 +109,830 340,499

Army Upkeep: -589

Building Upkeep: -249,164

Total Income: +2,347,029

This has been my income for the last 15ish real life days. Really economically stagnant this era on Nirvanna due to poorly built cities and all the razing I've been doing. This is my income with over 72 cities.

01:42:24 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Zenknight:

intersting... ur ratio of building and income is bad

01:54:37 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Zenknight:

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Your name is Zenknight. Click here to write a story about your character.

Current date: 12/17/2008 6:54:20 PM (VU Day 1237, 0 days left)

People in Rootvile are running short on food!
People in Muera are running short on food!
People in Dragon are running short on food!
People in Phantoms Dusk are running short on food!
People in More Riches are running short on food!
People in Graveyard are running short on food!
People in Dhaork are running short on food!
People in Dope Rocks are running short on food!
People in Fiasco are running short on food!
People in Ziggurat are running short on food!
People in Yerit are running short on food!
People in Genocide Dynast are running short on food!
People in Zerker Lab are running short on food!
People in Elversult are running short on food!
People in Settle Down are running short on food!

07:47:55 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Plz Dont Kill Mee:

total: +1,345,112 -25,457 +632,790 +4,050 163,587

army upkeep: -228,327

building upkeep: -113,719

total income: +1,003,066
era ended

I only farmed at the start cuz i couldn't find anyone and at the end for a 40k for hoh ^_^

10:46:35 Dec 18th 08 - Sir Wilber:

Around 4mill for me, cba to c+p it.

10:55:17 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Killmeeee:

700k income at the end (on arma) cant C+P cause got online too late :P

14:27:42 Dec 18th 08 - Duke Random:

bleedyn = nub.

go to task bar find the one that says index_4 or summin.


15:27:52 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Total: 0 0 0 0 0

Army upkeep: -1

Building upkeep: 0

Total income: -1

Beat that! How I didn't manage to get the lowest score on Fant I don't know, I had a single farmer in a scout.

15:49:55 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Sinthoras:

Bleedyn, go to
Thats the "play"link, you can still check everything ;)

16:13:56 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Cronus:

still cant see the production page, just the KD page, message page and news page. This is bleddyn, deleted old acc to join  RET asap :P

17:15:48 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

hers my end of era income
Total: +1,186,444 +315,881 +399,760 +160,398 165,202

Army Upkeep: -958,467

Building Upkeep: -114,921

Total Income: +113,056

22:39:34 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Total: +5,019,657 +8,151 +2,326,420 +173,310 531,026

Army Upkeep: -4,977,215

Building Upkeep: -400,862

Total Income: -358,420

22:40:43 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

its just me or bran is lieng about his income?
Sir Bran


12/18/2008 1:14:43 AM
total: +17,913,839 -18,067 +1,429,010 +11,425 500,812

army upkeep: -1,117,218

building upkeep: -75,684

total income: +15,720,937

22:45:48 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Bakedlegion:

Punny monsta you are very dumb ,


that is not his income , look at the very first post and now compare it to the second


look closely , there the same income summarys just Sir bran added 15 million and large numbers infront of them


jesus people dont you look at these things

22:49:23 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

dear Bakedlegion you are a tard. thanks and goodbye ;) people just dont care about things i just saw how much land he has and how much stone and its a fake and enough. so what i didnt see the first one i dont look like a freak to monitor and dont compare i have better things like now to reply to you lol ...
what a tard you are ;)

22:53:14 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

why people are such a tards and in first msgs start talking rude and mean ? wtf is with these people forgive me you dweebs ;)

23:35:51 Dec 18th 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

total: +69 -3,361 +0 +0 8,000
army upkeep: -697,214
building upkeep: -4,502
total income: -701,647

era ended

16. commander yevitcani prosapia human 779342

24. mr. adrastos brotherhood of the wolf dwarf 449387

quality > quantity

23:40:49 Dec 18th 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

the negative cash and 43 mill in the bank throws me off a littleYevitcani

23:45:47 Dec 18th 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

never heard of STG?

23:47:58 Dec 18th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

total: +6,984,839 -50,067 +3,429,010 +0 358,818

army upkeep: -518,258

building upkeep: -576,485

total income:


orc armies ftw

05:10:39 Dec 19th 08 - Mr. Oziiach:

Those damned orc armies are what killed all my troops >:-( I love being a dwarf but I keep getting the urge to switch to Orc :-(

Total: +179,601 +250 +74,574 +0 26,466

Army Upkeep: -4

Building Upkeep: -16,196

Total Income: +163,401

05:44:52 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Duca:

total: +1,959,797 +12,168 +857,845 +100,050 190,301
army upkeep: -71,977
building upkeep: -133,697
total income: +1,754,123

Did some plunder and even walked using bt

almost 181kk of gold and 16kk of stone.

06:52:18 Dec 19th 08 - Mr. Brimestone:

Total: +2,979,614 +182,586 +1,212,694 +70,379 349,104

Army Upkeep: -311,623

Building Upkeep: -255,907

Total Income: +2,412,084

08:05:32 Dec 19th 08 - Ms. Bia:

total: +7,913,839 -18,067 +1,429,010 +11,425 300,812

army upkeep: -617,218

building upkeep: -75,684

total income: +5,220,937
Orcs own

09:09:42 Dec 19th 08 - Mr. Nordmann:

Total: +3,421,628 -109,956 +1,401,197 +37,496 344,764

Army Upkeep: -247,361

Building Upkeep: -252,505

Total Income: +2,921,762

11:47:15 Dec 19th 08 - Sir Wilber:

era ended

total: +4,564,922 -277,236 +2,261,302 +91,418 399,119

army upkeep: -844,989

building upkeep: -295,325

total income: +3,424,608

19:39:22 Dec 20th 08 - Mr. Mafia:

Sir Bran


12/17/2008 11:14:43 PM
total: +17,913,839 -18,067 +1,429,010 +11,425 500,812

army upkeep: -1,117,218

building upkeep: -75,684

total income: +15,720,937

u tok more *beep* outa ya mouth than ya ass -75k buildings? i can slap u wit ma deck (change the E into an I)

21:48:32 Dec 20th 08 - Sir Bran:

mafia i didnt catch a word of that.... i always have that problam when talking to chavs!

23:09:42 Dec 20th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

what did he say? comparing vytautas grammar and his, lol vytautas win

00:27:05 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Brimestone:

Think Mafia was saying 'wow you got that income with only -75k building upkeep, please teach me how to do that '... or something like that ...LOL

00:27:23 Dec 21st 08 - Sir Thomaas Trying:

I think he asked how Bran could have 15 mil income with only 75k building upkeep

00:30:17 Dec 21st 08 - Duke Arzun:

Mr. Punny Monsta


12/20/2008 6:09:42 PMwhat did he say? comparing vytautas grammar and his, lol vytautas win

Thats harsh :P

00:31:04 Dec 21st 08 - Sir Thomaas Trying:

damnit Brimestone :P posted right before me :P

02:07:02 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:

litteral translation

u tok more *beep* outa ya mouth than ya ass -75k buildings? i can slap u wit ma deck (change the E into an I)

you took more sh!t out of your mouth than ass -75k building upkeep? i can slap you with my d!ck

its a good thing im fluent in retard... sadly its taken an impact on my punctuation and capitilization and typos on non important stuff XD

02:08:03 Dec 21st 08 - Lord Wraith:

1 mistake...

tok = talk

02:14:36 Dec 21st 08 - Sir Bran:

'can slap u wit ma deck'

*no comment*

02:30:41 Dec 21st 08 - Duke Arzun:

You can swing a deck?!

02:31:14 Dec 21st 08 - Sir Corollin II of Acre:

Mr. Killstone


12/21/2008 1:07:02 AM

litteral translation

u tok more *beep* outa ya mouth than ya ass -75k buildings? i can slap u wit ma deck (change the E into an I)

you took more sh!t out of your mouth than ass -75k building upkeep? i can slap you with my d!ck

its a good thing im fluent in retard... sadly its taken an impact on my punctuation and capitilization and typos on non important stuff XD



I believe you are wrong.He meant.

u tok more *beep* outa ya mouth than ya ass -75k buildings? i can slap u wit ma deck (change the E into an I)

You talk more Crap out of your mouth than your *beep*.(this is funny as no one can translate the crap he write) - 75K Building upkeep? i SHOULD slap you with ma deck (change the e into an i in the word Deck.)


Note:the black is my

03:03:43 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Killstone:

i translated it perfectly otehr than the took talk thing and he said can not should it was a literal translation still might not make sense but thats probobly what he meant

05:47:45 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

Oh come on Ali, I was a Dwarf! and if it wasn't for some dam bug, or some miscalculation on my part I would of ended up 3rd in Mant........despite starting 2.5 weeks late.

Ah well, coulda, shoulda, woulda =P

09:47:21 Dec 21st 08 - Commander Yevitcani:

miscalculation and lack of knowledge of the nazgul affect was your downfall.

Nearly though.

14:18:28 Dec 21st 08 - Prince Mielo:

ah well Adrastos ...

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