Forums / In game politics / Last day income

Last day income
16:30:11 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

well since the era end let brag about how much resource we have since we dont bother to spend it :)


16:34:10 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Phantom Liano:

i made sure i spent mine lolz

16:37:35 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

406,710,906 - gold
170,533,078 - stone
1,586,540 - food
279,317 - wood

ive tried to spend i just got no pezzies or room :(

16:45:20 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

holy crap...taht too much !!! you should buy slave rofl!!and free them

17:35:42 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:


18:13:11 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

Sorry UC I could not get to my PC to log on for our last fight. But how many % chance did you have of wining?

05:15:59 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Hemmer:

Total: +2422751 +56878 +1079124 +315482 294597

Army Upkeep: -52555

Building Upkeep: -213401

Total Income: +2156795
Era ended

Started training 80k Archmages 5 ticks before era ended or so.. =o

06:07:35 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Eternal Oblivion:

On fighting the whole city was 0% chance.

06:59:22 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Falazar Multis:

lol my income was 3.7 mil before lgc got me and if i didn't die at all throughout the era i would probly have 8 or more mil income

14:32:34 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

Era ended
Total: +1665261 -26215 +699914 +5340 231126
Army Upkeep: -63712
Building Upkeep: -164604
Total Income: +1436945

15:38:40 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Production & Resources

Haywoods 100% 95% 100% +58000 +284677 -17500 +196517 +0 14400 9086 men
Stronghold 89% 100% 100% +285600 +1524606 -87500 +1089004 +0 78400 64400 men & 2205 wall
Smurfburg 100% 100% 100% +62500 +242427 -15625 +134682 +0 16697 Nothing
Swiftwolf Farms 100% 100% 100% +100000 +0 +283000 +0 +0 24001 Nothing & 19 wall
North River 100% 100% 100% +362900 +1930628 -108875 +1379020 +0 90000 72580 men + one army & 2362 wall
Smftwo 100% 100% 100% +27502 +0 -8542 +0 +0 7876 6667 men + one army
Vilnius 97% 100% 100% +231936 +870220 -60000 +516482 +0 57600 8064 men + one army & 256 wall
Mediena 100% 91% 100% +59030 +0 +9611 +0 +27510 14400 Nothing
Biesina 100% 87% 100% +103980 +217322 +38351 +155230 +0 25600 One army & 343 wall
Stif Masteris 100% 89% 100% +104570 +355936 -28475 +197742 +0 25600 Nothing & 127 wall
Jonava 100% 94% 100% +105500 +0 +296800 +0 +0 25600 One army & 1260 wall
Mina 100% 94% 100% +105485 +360742 -28144 +200412 +0 25600 Nothing & 1260 wall
More Cities Mor 100% 100% 100% +19547 +0 -12500 +0 +0 14001 30453 men + one army
Death Mine 100% 51% 100% +35005 +0 -17072 +0 +0 10001 Nothing & 659 wall
Armorius 100% 20% 100% +10005 +0 -12500 +0 +0 4001 One army & 423 wall
Eighth Level 100% 95% 100% +360000 +1915200 -112500 +1368000 +0 90000 72000 men & 100 wall
Police 100% 48% 100% +6005 +0 -3125 +0 +0 1701 Nothing
Cirith Gorgor 100% 100% 100% +57600 +0 -14400 +0 +0 14400 Nothing & 945 wall
Northeast Block 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 389 Nothing & 64 wall
Cerberus Head T 100% 4% 100% +500 +0 -3125 +0 +0 600 Nothing & 8 wall
Cerberus Head O 100% 37% 100% +5500 +2850 +1150 +1710 +0 1700 Nothing & 8 wall
Cerberus Head M 100% 100% 100% +166650 +0 +378296 +0 +0 39996 Nothing & 8 wall
Basilan 38% 100% 100% +42724 +79200 -10681 +15840 +0 30769 Nothing & 656 wall
Balzamon Omg 48% 100% 100% +175740 +732359 -51425 +467587 +0 90000 29961 men + one army
Def Pump 100% 40% 100% +10005 +0 -6250 +0 +0 3001 12 men
Ldk Sucks 100% 100% 100% +362900 +1930628 -108875 +1379020 +0 90000 72580 men
Chasing Hoh 100% 100% 100% +362900 +1930628 -108875 +1379020 +0 90000 72580 men
Balzamon Wtf 67% 100% 100% +247107 +1257921 -78524 +888344 +0 90000 66987 men + one army
Fourteen Millio 66% 100% 100% +12698 +60928 -3174 +43520 +0 9382 One army

Total: +17178161 +109521 +9412130 +27510 985715

Army Upkeep: -471575

Building Upkeep: -777025

Total Income: +15929561

16:21:58 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

lol, i had 200k AMs built after arma.

16:25:57 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

you still can check your income. VU is allowing us 50 bonous turns to try the update to the game

20:04:15 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. High Lord Moses:

Era ended


Production & Resources

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
Naujokas 45% 100% 102% +15021 +3973 +65671 +2648 +0 31006 Nothing
Moses 100% 84% 102% +19615 +18217 -5593 +6072 +150 4857 Nothing
Durengalia 100% 100% 102% +67375 +160352 -16844 +114538 +0 18667 2 armies. & 545 wall
Necro Town 100% 100% 102% +91825 +2550 +142044 +850 +560 23064 One army & 10 wall
Gariland 65% 100% 102% +36194 +371589 -9048 +265421 +0 57600 Nothing
Lol II 100% 100% 102% +32700 +0 +57225 +0 +0 11259 Nothing
Agraforge 100% 100% 103% +57700 +117286 -5430 +83776 +0 14400 Nothing
Sethanon 100% 100% 103% +10317 +0 -2041 +0 +0 6240 5660 men
Ningen 100% 69% 103% +22305 +0 -3964 +0 +1590 5756 Nothing
Mosesii 100% 100% 102% +28800 +0 -7200 +0 +28800 7941 Nothing & 112 wall
Uola 96% 100% 102% +189821 +440304 -42504 +314503 +0 47979 10810 men + 4 armies. & 1549 wall
Rukla 100% 100% 102% +2175 +0 -544 +0 +0 3055 Nothing
Isngard 96% 100% 103% +3423 +143074 +26024 +102196 +24000 40000 Nothing & 385 wall
City of Believe 51% 100% 102% +29430 +4006 -325 +1335 +19765 14400 Nothing
Procyon 100% 100% 102% +334 +0 +71416 +0 +0 12365 One army & 1260 wall
Zasys 100% 100% 102% +4933 +0 -1233 +0 +0 14828 Nothing
Tartarus 48% 100% 104% +15628 +24086 +4886 +8029 +12809 25574 Nothing & 1260 wall
Leet Theory 100% 100% 102% +438 +13685 -110 +2737 +0 6658 Nothing
Arruolonia 100% 100% 102% +1327 +0 -332 +0 +0 12000 Nothing
Smftown 73% 100% 102% +14183 +93385 -3546 +66704 +4562 14400 Nothing & 79 wall
Relativity Theo 76% 100% 102% +20303 +197583 +40868 +109768 +0 38082 Nothing & 500 wall
Infinity Theory 39% 100% 102% +31319 +137336 +14641 +98097 +2194 57600 Nothing & 500 wall
Sulu 91% 100% 104% +6937 +306306 -1734 +170170 +0 28195 Nothing & 889 wall
Teh Chaos Theor 92% 100% 102% +8924 +325184 +55630 +180658 +0 45738 Nothing
Mithil Stonedow 43% 100% 102% +16685 +170053 -4171 +121467 +0 40000 Nothing
Arrakis II 45% 100% 102% +13562 +107100 -3390 +76500 +0 25000 Nothing & 1223 wall
Coerci 99% 100% 95% +713 +0 +293569 +0 +0 32975 One army
Mount Thunder 100% 100% 102% +3229 +182463 -807 +130330 +30000 25600 Nothing
Abusayaff South 100% 100% 102% +38470 +0 -9618 +0 +0 27001 Nothing & 2 wall
Plains of RA 34% 100% 102% +19888 +130811 -4972 +93437 +0 38649 Nothing
Calnorak 60% 100% 102% +8489 +38078 -2122 +27198 +0 6400 Nothing
New Millenium 51% 100% 102% +19746 +397410 -4936 +283864 +0 90000 Nothing
Mormowned 34% 100% 102% +10305 +2003 +26196 +1335 +0 14400 Nothing
Greatness 100% 100% 102% +13328 +0 -3332 +0 +0 5657 Nothing
Boy Retreat 100% 0% 92% +0 +519911 +0 +371365 +0 57600 One army
Elder Way 53% 100% 102% +20946 +0 -5236 +0 +48453 26087 Nothing & 1 wall
Razapple 100% 58% 102% +26630 +72420 -11962 +45262 +0 7240 2000 men
MY Hideout 100% 100% 102% +56750 +0 -14188 +0 +56750 13621 One army & 506 wall
Survivors 100% 100% 103% +18750 +0 -2888 +0 +0 9160 Nothing & 8 wall
Total: +4957683 +630100 +2678260 +229633 961054
Army Upkeep: -81115
Building Upkeep: -756243
Total Income: +4120325


21:45:38 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Durza:

Production & Resources

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
Chaos Solaris 100% 100% 102% +26374 +0 -6880 +0 +0 11001 3545 men
Foodtime 83% 100% 102% +24275 +747934 -5517 +415519 +0 80101 Nothing & 104 wall
Parkhead Mine 72% 100% 102% +29403 +241686 -6682 +172633 +0 39180 Nothing & 1568 wall
Durzas House of 100% 100% 102% +5239 +510 +136907 +306 +0 12566 Nothing
Wulfhaven 100% 100% 102% +5550 +115500 -1261 +82500 +0 14801 Nothing & 194 wall
Cavesuvo 72% 100% 107% +24053 +56700 -5466 +37800 +0 12343 Nothing
Chaos Miner 87% 100% 96% +1817 +300267 -413 +214477 +0 39441 Nothing
Feraan Mine VI 54% 100% 102% +31877 +111209 -7245 +61783 +0 18307 Nothing
Remember The Al 70% 100% 107% +1054 +2888 +1776 +578 +385 4235 Nothing & 448 wall
Welp IM New 93% 100% 102% +161245 +305928 -36409 +218520 +0 38055 49 men
Goldminer 51% 100% 103% +34238 +59537 -7781 +42526 +0 13918 Nothing
Yet Another Far 100% 92% 102% +41316 +0 +70931 +0 +0 9142 Nothing
Hardner 100% 0% 93% +0 +2826 +294 +942 +0 1183 One army
Total: +2331426 +132254 +1247584 +385 294273
Army Upkeep: -44453
Building Upkeep: -213149
Total Income: +2073824

22:20:35 Jun 25th 07 - Duke Mielo:


22:48:12 Jun 25th 07 - Mr. Spud:

This is what I ended with after the 50 test bonus turns were used...LOL. It was fun.

Production & Resources

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
A New Hope 100% 100% 100% +31984 +228323 -5454 +126846 +0 25600 4518 men & 1253 wall
I Kill Emos 100% 100% 100% +54068 +571057 +44738 +407898 +18744 74676 11812 men & 1240 wall
Forbidden City 89% 100% 33% +1417 +9612 +11794 +3204 +8678 8450 Nothing & 100 wall
Secret Passage 100% 100% 100% +27500 +59400 -6875 +39600 +0 6601 Nothing
Cairhen 100% 100% 100% +125000 +225000 -31250 +90000 +0 30000 Nothing & 1275 wall
Athena 91% 100% 95% +3990 +7371 +10468 +2457 +8190 7310 Nothing & 100 wall
Hells City 100% 74% 100% +1505 +540 +332 +180 +120 401 Nothing
Solid Stand 100% 100% 100% +4984 +3812 +6410 +1271 +682 2032 Nothing & 67 wall
Triad 98% 0% 90% +0 +0 -42813 +0 +0 6169 171253 men
Jerusalem 18% 100% 100% +30638 +56700 +27980 +40500 +16200 87986 Nothing & 2000 wall
Supreme Sunrays 72% 100% 28% +2702 +84633 +61042 +60452 +36370 38940 Nothing & 1806 wall
Kirusan 100% 100% 100% +16324 +15548 +119 +11106 +19944 7159 Nothing
MY Army of Doom 75% 100% 100% +25843 +42922 +34179 +14307 +9850 23100 Nothing & 1188 wall
Bom Jardim 100% 0% 90% +0 +1260 -5490 +900 +36 330 25321 men
Jibbly Home 100% 94% 100% +162595 +417542 -45000 +359037 +0 39719 7390 men & 10 wall
Possofor 100% 56% 100% +3505 +1620 +527 +540 +180 1301 Nothing
Jibbly Food 100% 90% 100% +74585 +0 +140281 +0 +0 18247 Nothing & 8 wall
Spud Helm 100% 100% 100% +326600 +1058184 -81650 +587880 +0 78400 Nothing & 320 wall
U Will NO Pass 100% 100% 84% +754 +238 +249 +79 +0 350 Nothing & 1 wall
ON The Way UP 100% 100% 42% +283 +216 +47 +72 +16 109 Nothing
The Greatness M 100% 100% 80% +28889 +91125 -3341 +54675 +0 14545 Nothing & 171 wall
Spud Gauntlet 100% 68% 100% +127505 +0 +121425 +0 +76500 33001 Nothing & 100 wall
Wesrlant 100% 100% 100% +39919 +211167 +33004 +117315 +0 21028 Nothing & 7 wall
Gods New Home 100% 100% 100% +18428 +25628 +11589 +18306 +2369 8120 Nothing
GO Getta 100% 100% 100% +15155 +61416 -3789 +38385 +0 5666 Nothing
The Lions Gate 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 200 Nothing & 130 wall
Grannies Home 49% 100% 37% +1930 +12811 +4874 +2562 +1555 8893 Nothing & 683 wall
Unforseen Fortu 100% 100% 91% +53263 +81988 +5824 +45549 +0 21460 Nothing & 974 wall
Spud Sheild 100% 63% 100% +83590 +0 -33169 +0 +0 22025 Nothing & 600 wall
Caught UP 100% 100% 100% +49440 +0 -12500 +0 +0 12001 560 men
Back Glorsh 100% 5% 100% +120 +0 -625 +0 +0 124 One army & 22 wall
The Wall 100% 100% 78% +1289 +497 +518 +166 +0 400 Nothing & 157 wall
Hah 100% 40% 100% +1010 +0 -625 +0 +0 302 One army & 157 wall
The Place 100% 40% 100% +1010 +0 -625 +0 +0 302 Nothing & 157 wall
U Will Not Pass 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing & 1 wall
Fort Nowhere 100% 100% 100% +13504 +51970 +11078 +28872 +0 6400 Nothing
Uwillnotgetme 100% 28% 100% +55 +0 -50 +0 +0 31 Nothing & 1 wall
For The One 100% 100% 100% +22368 +153819 +7608 +85455 +0 13796 Nothing & 63 wall
The Golden Gate 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 100 Nothing & 79 wall
I Hate Emos 50% 100% 100% +25581 +182480 +6284 +130342 +2277 34553 Nothing
Arc 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing & 1 wall
Remembrance 100% 100% 100% +26653 +0 +41368 +0 +0 12060 Nothing & 576 wall
Glorb 100% 58% 100% +333255 +344925 +24325 +246375 +10800 89951 11209 men & 2323 wall
Spud Wall II 100% 60% 100% +1500 +0 -625 +0 +0 400 Nothing & 157 wall
Spud Wall I 100% 60% 100% +1500 +0 -625 +0 +0 400 Nothing & 157 wall
Spud Wall Iii 100% 60% 100% +1500 +0 -625 +0 +0 400 Nothing & 157 wall
Mbeidass City 100% 60% 95% +305 +108 +41 +36 +24 101 Nothing
Tha Blocker 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing & 1 wall
Troguro 81% 100% 57% +1093 +5056 +2571 +1685 +883 2437 Nothing & 95 wall
Mbeidas Barrack 100% 74% 85% +315 +108 +62 +36 +24 103 Nothing
Fresh Start 63% 100% 9% +0 +34125 +160 +24375 +0 6400 Nothing
Back Door 100% 1% 100% +5 +0 -234 +0 +0 101 Nothing & 1 wall
Minin Stuff 68% 0% 90% +0 +1846 -1669 +923 +0 480 6675 men
Armourie 100% 100% 10% +0 +0 -41 +0 +0 25075 Nothing & 922 wall
Secret 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing & 1 wall
Spuds Guard 100% 1% 100% +5 +0 -234 +0 +0 101 Nothing & 1 wall
River Wacth 100% 56% 78% +515 +0 -230 +0 +0 193 Nothing & 44 wall
Total: +5787026 +331358 +2541386 +213442 798033
Army Upkeep: -0
Building Upkeep: -619846
Total Income: +5167180

11:36:39 Jun 26th 07 - Duchess Samus:

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
Total: 0 + + 0
Army Upkeep: -67
Building Upkeep: -0
Total Income: -67
How you like my pre-tick income!

11:48:51 Jun 26th 07 - Mr. Smuff:

WOW its almost as good as mine!

Name Prod. Empl. Morale Tax Gold Food Stone Tree Land Defence
Total: 0 + + 0
Army Upkeep: -67
Building Upkeep: -0
Total Income: -67

check that hard core shiz out :P

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