Forums / In game politics / Latha era 40

Latha era 40
10:23:24 Jun 20th 09 - Ms. Astoria:


11:23:00 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

i am gonna own it astoria, i got owned in talents, now i take my revenge in latha, personally. (no kd's, only like 10 players lol)

11:28:14 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Each mine produce around 33 gold per day and around 22 stone per day.

this is usual, right? or did i miss something?

11:32:36 Jun 20th 09 - Ms. Astoria:

its right new update to help late start players catch up, it will go down though once you have more buildings

20:24:27 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Latha shall belong to me.

20:34:53 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

well see, well see... : )

21:08:38 Jun 20th 09 - Sir Santa:

Latha is the new Fant! Whoever wins there, get the erawin! Go Valour!!!

21:59:08 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

I kind of want to commit suicide just to go there and pwn all the people who are trying to usurp the throne. >=P

22:01:54 Jun 20th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

gawaine.... i came up with that first, and i'm almost OOP already :o

04:39:53 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Gawaine:

=) maybe we should make the first KD there to get a small alliance going to pwn everyone that's alone. XD

06:48:45 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

feel free to, just don't forget to invite me :o

08:46:56 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Barny:

So, where the *beep* is this new world; Latha?

09:11:09 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

it is not connected with the other worlds. it is a random 2-dimensional piece of land floating in space :P

09:37:59 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Spawn:

Emperor Spawn, Ruler over Latha, has arrived. Now bring me my dinner slaves, and I might spare your family.

10:10:49 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

spawn, ur daydreaming again :)

10:15:54 Jun 21st 09 - Sir Santa:

It would be awesome if this was a no-Kd world :O

10:33:45 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

currently it is, since no one i asked has been so stupid to answer me so far, and i don't want to be in a KD with spawn :o

10:45:55 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Spawn:

To try and make a KD in this world shows your weak.

10:58:32 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

no it shows i'm curious to see how my ex kd's doing, which i had to leave to get here, oh and it shows ur not friendless :o

11:02:12 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Spawn:

This will be an ironic era for you. Oh well, you will understand soon enough.

11:10:21 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

i hope, since i haven't seen anything except for 3 cities near me and a scout passing my scout, what KD are you from anyway?

12:30:21 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

ok, i didn't mean anything i said ;

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes2Mr. Sandoran100

We are going to own Latha, whether you like it or not! :)

12:51:41 Jun 21st 09 - Prince Mielo:

how could you say such thing!

19:59:41 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

SKYDARKSKY2Ms. Darksky134965

wtf? never heard of him?1350x our power? then to think he's under me in most powerful rulers, only has a starter army and has no cities with troops in it? and his 2nd member isn't on any list? is anybody going to explain...? it's like 11% of juicy, :o

20:21:30 Jun 21st 09 - Sir Santa:

The second member, Skyer, is one of our members who will soon be leaving on a holiday. So he has been kicked and we are now farming his cities. Soon you will see that % go down ;)

20:28:40 Jun 21st 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

oh skyer i remember him, but why in that KD?

21:25:35 Jun 21st 09 - Sir Thomaas:

didn't he said so? he is leaving for holiday so he is prob just relaxing in that kd til he gets back? :P

15:10:18 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

im new ere n im guna kil all peopul i see

15:15:44 Jun 22nd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

I'm new too, perhaps we could kill them together :)

15:19:48 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

gl getting here random, die.. restart... get owned.... the people here are WAY too good for you, except for the explorer guy, and i'll kill him so fast, he won't even be able to see me Ö

15:25:19 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

i dnt play wit pokemon, i stoped liking tht a year ago

15:32:33 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

well, you just came up with it, without someone noticing it, means you DO think about it :)

15:35:54 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

FWSTTWDe Vliegende Steentjes3Mr. Sandoran100


fohFiters of honur2Mr. Explorer0

ok, this guy is either: REALLY new and sucks with english ; or some vets who like a joke, anyway, i declare you war :o gl x) (have you even made a city yet? since foundation has 135000 times our power, and you have 0 of ours? xD

15:48:38 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

y u gta be mean? y dnt we hav peas?

15:55:16 Jun 22nd 09 - Duke Pikachu:

fine then my ass raping armies will come through the latha portal and kill you Explorer... don't think you didn't have it coming....

15:56:49 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

y wat i do 2 u? :'(

16:01:53 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

some people eat halfers, some halfers eat people..... :)

16:02:20 Jun 22nd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

hu is a halfer?

01:51:30 Jun 23rd 09 - Ms. Astoria:

I think I like Mr. Explorer he makes me laugh

02:11:23 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

u a girl?

02:56:48 Jun 23rd 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

yes she is a girl...

Ms. Astoria


19:51:30 Jun 22nd 09
I think I like Mr. Explorer he makes me laugh

u dont <3 anymore?

10:58:01 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

o ok, u dnt kno wit the internet girls nowadays

16:04:05 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Astoria, you really shouldn't just send everyone who appears in the HoH an invite, you've got like 6/7 members in here, and i know that atleast Fordyce is a farmer, and for the rest only Orc Killer has some skill.....
This is going to be Rawr style, except for no core attacking in the back, we're gonna OWN shadows, with only 3 members :O

@Explorer, wut country/land u from?
oeh bet he understands that :O

16:09:24 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

im from england

16:38:55 Jun 23rd 09 - Sir Pesterd:

I wish everyone luck until the end of the era. Its going to solely Latha fighting against each other because it isnt connected with any of the worlds.

So good luck.

16:46:14 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

Latha is only KDless people, 3 ppl in De Vliegende Steentjes, and the rest is getting recruited by Shadows :o

18:15:03 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

wer is evrybody on the map?

18:34:25 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

yea right, like i'm gonna tell you :o we're marking everyone with a KD lol x)

20:17:38 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Explorer:

i jst wnt 2 play :(

20:19:00 Jun 23rd 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

declare war against Shadows and you can play :)

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